Read this shit. This is the newspaper they hand out to people going on the sky train. The article is about some native american artist who is starting a campaign to re name British Columbia; his main beef with it is the 'British' part of BC (hint: it's too racist).
I thought at first it might just be some nobody, that this would amount to nothing but then I heard it on the radio as well.
I know shit's cucked but god damn.
Anything white or western is now racist and they want to re name BC and get eternal gibs for native Americans
They want to re-name British Columbia
Other urls found in this thread:
You are all immigrants. Native Americans are the original inhabitants of this land. They should have say over their own land.
I thought everyone came from africa? How can there be native americans if that is true?
Are the Indians in Canada this damned entitled like this fuck?
If all Americans and Canadians left the continent for Europe, how soon would those "artists" be begging for them to come back like the king nigger in Zimbabwe?
The worst part about shit like this is that the bulk of the people opposing it will be conservatives, who have largely accepted the idea that racism is bad, and therefore can't mount any kind of real opposition.
I mean fucking hell, the capital city was renamed to some Injun word. Fucking Canada.
Indians in Canada are way more uppity than the ones in the US.
candians will surely cuck all the way.
People need to turn off their retarded zero sum game theory brains. Just because something is named/celebrated doesn't make it racist. You have no end point to when this type of shit can end, the only things that we can do to aid the natives are practical. To destroy our identity is not practical, if we destroy our heritage: how will you ever be able to trust us?
P.S giving money to corrupt band-leaders is not practical either
Regards: Anglo British Columbian
Or you know what, just follow the Patrice O Neal school of thought and just name the province: Vancouver. Or whatever, hongcouver because the guy that actually fucking helped "discover" (read: establish a city-based infastructure) the West Coast is "racist" because your ancestors couldn't adapt to the infrastructure and disease quick enough.
If you look into European history, Euro tribes were fucked in the ass by ancient imperialism, do you see the French begging Italy for reparations? The infastructure and environment has a bigger influence than race.
Why are most "artists" so completely pozzed? I thought it was because they work for kikes or are kikes themselves, but often you see complete indies without any actual yid blood and they STILL are walking pozloads
The medium is the message. I think Natives should be able to SPEAK what they want to call the province, and we can WRITE and READ our version of what we call the province. We discovered the visual space of north america: we charted and graphed it. We could plot things they couldn't, they only discovered Canada tactically.
Why not have a native name for all of this? But writing is our form of knowledge, so we MUST keep anglo names. Because their language is oral. We call it "Van City" but its still named after George Vancouver.
Maybe the offended injun needs relocated to Nunavut ;^)
Provincial elections don't even have a prominent Cuckservative party.
Just Clark's Neolibs ("freer" market advocates/privitization junkies), crypto-socialists who don't give a fuck about the working class (just their pet minorities) and Greens.
Fuck I hate natives. I was born 200 years too late.
They're worse than niggers in some parts.
They are worse than niggers, period. At least niggers technically pay taxes.
There are no good non-whites.
I find it interesting how aboriginals in general have taken to gas huffing. Obviously there are economic factors: young kids without access to alcohol, but its interesting how the culture shock hit these peoples a specific way: deciding this is a good idea.
Sadly BC is about as British as London is nowadays.
The word Canada itself has Injun influence. There were far better names proposed, 100% European ones.
doesn't sound too cozy tbh
Fuck this abo-bitch. Leaffags need to rename it something really racist, just to drive the point home.
I'm partial to Injun-ction, myself.
Brexit is "inherently racist" anyway.
"British Whiteland"
"China 2"
They scour the woods with AKs and rape and murder anyone they come across, all but a few tribes do nothing all day but drink themselves to death and speak in an atrocious accent, the Chiefs are absolute scum but the reds blame the White Man anyways, and because of Canadian Law Plains Nigger Loan Sharks chan and do charge 1000%+ interest rates.
Fuck em'.
So this Laurence Paul Yuxweluptun will be giving up his "colonial, ugly, creepy, racist" name then? Calling himself something more 'authentic'?
Does he really want to play this game with fucking Anglos of all people?
We need another one of those to starve a billion people or so.
Not until the border are secured
British Columbian here,
Gooks are hardly the issue. if you look at the kindergartens, low ranking manual labour, fast food/Tim Hortons employees, or really any low ranking grunt work, you'll see that hindus are the real problem. And it's a real shame because B.C. is really beautiful.
Barring the complete lockdown of property buying from the chinese of course
opinion discarded
I agree.
Need's to be "Aryan Columbia" :^)
I'm pretty much sure that is the only things indians do, other than drink. I'm not bullshitting either; I live in a 10% indian population province, and that is their modus operandi.
wew.. that's spooky.
Any more Reich Ernie?
I'm not happy at the moment with the cucked state of mapleniggers tbh fam, but this is spitting in our faces. I will fight any efforts that may come of this to change the name, violently, if necessary. This injin is due for a scalping.
Wtf, why don't you move? I almost got stabbed in Newton when I was a kid
Do you want to start a fuckin' race war with me son?
fucking newfags. At least there's proof it does end.
Does this come in higher resolutions to use as desktop background?
Lets just say the highest suicide/murder rates in Canada are all Indians.
your daily reminder
is that from that old manitoba show about preparing for the golden age of nuclear holocaust? what was that called?
That seems to be the norm here. My sisters witnessed multiple stabbings take place in broad daylight at Newton Exchange. At least they've made some efforts to clean the place up a bit recently, but now they're dumping the refugees here so I'm expecting more stabbings, and maybe some rapes as well.
I'm still living with my folks unfortunately, but we do plan on moving out of this shit hole eventually.
Newton is shitsville filled with shitskins and a few redpilled heroin addicts. I have family in panorama ridge and they say the pajeets just built two monster homes (mcmansions for our burger friends) and are moving in 6 families of surrey jacks each. Mom's getting hassled by them to sell out.
I love the arguement
Yeah, look how well that turned out
My city is 55% asian. The upside is that there are hardly any spics and niggers.
Vancouver Island here, can we be our own province now?
Also, what should I suggest to muh PR repetitiveness to change BC too? I was thinking "We Sold Our Soul To China" aka Wsostc, that sounds pretty Indian to me.
Fucking shoot me
I moved to the interior, and I have to say best choice I ever made. 95% white, Beautiful weather in the summer, great skiing in the winter, everyone votes conservative if that even means anything in Canada. They're almost as bad as american green party and best of all traditional women.
I heard from some former oil workers that moved there that Trudeau is forcing their former employers to lay all the whites off in order to hire only syrian fugees, and that he did that after the fucking fire in Fort Mcmurray.
By the way, there are anons around Newton and Guildford, I'm one and there are others around. Watch out for deadeyed cops at the exchange though, they always side with niggers.
I've run out of ideas
With Turdeau in charge these gas huffing Chugs will probably get what they want. We should have wiped them out when we had the chance like Newfoundland did.
Justin Trudeau's name fills me with a searing rage. If I met the guy I would knock him on his ass so hard that he'd wake up a conservative.
https ://
cant embed, it already exists
I'm amazed these injuns are so uppity,
I live in Utah and all the tribes here do is try and guilt whitey for more gibs me dat. We give them FREE college at the University of Utah and they still complain.
Hopefully if the state falls for what ever reason, all anons can go and finish off these dirty injun scum.
Turd nugget is just a face lift, there is no fucking difference between Conservatives and Liberals. Canada is the UN's Communist Country Toilet. Just so you local boys know, there are over 10 different ways to own fully automatics, explosives, and many places to buy land away from fuck all. It is the Great White North. Prepare for Winter my fellow Old White Canadians, War is coming.
This comes after they renamed the Juan de Fuca straight the "salish sea"
fuck this shit
That davie street faggot used to frequent celebrities and visit F212 for slutting purposes, I know because my former degenerate buddies at Organix used to party with his gogo boy ass, complete with shit cocaine and pure MDMA (Emma). I wish I had that vid of him sucking cock my kike stoner buddies showed me once.
I got out of that scene once all the faggots got into meth and ketamine, that was too far.
They keep asking for more gibs and our gay liberal government keeps giving it to them and it's always the same bullshit excuse.. "whitey's fault" and "more gibs so we can start the healing process".
Should have given them more small pox blankets.
And how do they want to name it?
Faggody McFagville?
Please tell me, is there anyplace in BC where a fucking h'white male can get a decent part time job cheap rent and guns? I want to work but even paper routes are out of reach if you're not brown as fresh shit.
I feel like something like that would have been released by now. I knew he was a pooftie but holey smokes, I didn't know he was a full blown fag.
I've been some what content with letting these savages continoue living because there exist bigger ethnographic problems such as the mexicans to the south.
But hearing that these butt hurt injuns have nothing better to do but campaign to get more free and try to change the local names of everything to 'native' names that were non existent until white people came over and started naming everything.
Part of me wants to summon the soul of Andrew Jackson and finish cleansing the land of these savages.
Albertans need to standup against Trucuck already before it's too late. I spent 8 months over there last year for school and the place is just as much of a multicultural/feminist hellhole as BC. It's going to become as pozzed as the other provinces soon enough.
Also it's good to know there's other surrey Holla Forumslacks around here.
Anywhere here:
The worst part is only a fag with more than 500 miles of dick smoked and poked into him as the hub in the richard salad would ever be accepted by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (Drag-nuns and Lezzies) AND the entire fetish community. I think there are a few unreleased shots of him with those dogplay freaks, but since the pupmoshes are private events and permission has to be granted…they can't be published.
Damn, Tulameen and Princeton are cucked. I had massive fun summering there, lake weed fights and the Daze are fond shitskinless memories.
Kwakwaka'wakw Sea
Move out of any major city.
Oh Gaynada.
I used to live in Alberta and we see this shit every day.
Video related, it's from Winnipeg though.
Quesnel master race. Kids ride ATVs to school
Let me fix that for yeah, eh.
Vancouver is in this thread. Anybody else in this? I'm white
its funny growing up in America because your essentially shamed because of how your ancestors genocided the nobel savages who use every part of the body unlike us wasteful white men.
Then you see injuns IRL and they are basically cholo tier alcoholics; it makes me want to give a couple tribes some 'totally not poisoned' kegs.
I dont get the Xs
White, pissed off and tired of dealing with cucks. The clown hair brigade is fucking recruiting highschoolers from all the kids on the 321 with purple and teal hair.
island, all hwite here
fucking Metro news again
worlds largest free paper and their headquarters is in Sweden
Use iodide blue dye to fuck with the kegs of grain alcohol. When they ask whys it blue answer them "so you can put it into mouthwash bottles". Iodide blue dyes your piss blue.
Not all hwite here in Vic but the red skins normally keep to themselves on the rez.
Same guy. Who else was surprised as f*ck about those Grenades being found in that car? I swear I can't tell what is worst. The immigrant Chinese or Surrey trash. Literally Vancouver has become so degenerate ever since the olympics.
I was happy to see Soldiers Of Odin doing patrols, but I wish the cops would do something about all the rampant drugs. Seriously Downtown is weird, with like 10 people living in one cramped apartment and all the illegals it's getting ridiculous.
not a bad idea. I'll tell them:
"I am giving you these Kegs as a small reperation for all my ancestors have done against your people, it is the least I could do"
Thanks man, you can join us anytime you want. Do you want a Odin shirt or?
Half white and half Asians are white mans greatest temptations, rise above it bro.
Victoria is just liberal fucking marxist faggot central, you don't even need the inguns, chinks and mudshits to make that place even more shitty. Last time I was there I had to kick the shit out of a group of 5 dudes trying to pick up my sister and her friend.
We can only hope that Trump will one day bring to justice the infamous terrorist Sahim al-Haidani.
Property law at its foundation is based on right of conquest, the state owns all land that isn't private because it stems from British common law, where the crown owns eveything that isn't private by the implied conquest of King in dominion. It's the fundamental basis for all property law in the west. If the conquered got a say, legally speaking you'd no longer have a right to your possessions.
The weak lost, fuck Natives. The lesson is not to get cucked by outsiders
Newton user here. I'd like to help out with my intimate knowledge of the local left's mindset. Did you know the local Black Block are all a bunch of spectacle loving cowards in the employ of the Rcmp? On Charles Street and Commercial there is a circular burn mark left from their fucking bonfire on 1st May 2012. I was there.
We have to former RCMP officers and one active in our ranks. We are well aware of what they are capable and up too. As for the Black Block, we are dealing with it as well.
two former**
What one are you user?
Thanks for the hard work
How do I know about their connections and corruption? There's a local blog written by a purplepilled cuck that has huge amounts of digging into their activities and leaders. Great site for execution list making.
You are absolutely right about Vic. I honestly hate the people here with a passion. At least I'm on the outskirts so I don't have to see them every day.
I'd take them over the somali and leb trash that infest my city/neighborhood.
Still prarie niggers still manage to be worse than all of them. Fuck my coworker described how he wanted a racewar without using the the term "racewar" I'm telling you the cucking is coming to an end soon
Edmontonfag too I see
Canadians cuckholdry addicts will change whatever the POC masters ask to be changed
When the forests are on fire and the Russians offer to bring down the water of 100 lakes with high tech hydroplanes Canadians will answer: "NO thanks, Homophobes!
Bring the uppity Zulus instead!"
I oppose strongly renaming bc but if we can't stop it I suggest we hijack it somehow during the name choice process and rename British Columbia after our lord and saviour Kek or his son Pepe.
That or something equally hilarious or double meaning.
So Amerindians are Azns crossed with Vikings Basques that elfed out in the woods of America.
Which is why it's such a stupid argument. They're actually making their opponent's point.
Stand up against Trucuck? Did you not see who we elected in our last provincial election?
AB needs to exit Canada but good luck with that… it's gone nowhere in decades so far.
Sorry forgot to mention I live in BC so just saying you guys have my stamp of approval to cast the biggest fucking magical meme spell and claim the territory in the name of our lord.
Just don't fucking name us poopoo peepee or some shit like that or I'll fucking come for you guys and give you a high five right before smacking you in the teeth you nigger
This makes me feel terrible. Born in BC, and I've lived here all my life, and now these savages want to take it away.
First instinct is to oppose this. But there's probably nothing that can be done if the the (((media))) gets behind it.
Here's the thing though. Canada is already cucked beyond repair. The only way out of this mess is SHTF. The only way out is to destroy Canada. A wave of secession. It's obvious the left just wants to rename it, but the danger for them is that it creates a far more potent fracture point. Just read OP's article, the injun doesn't just want a rename of the province, he wants to turn BC into it's own independent republic.
So, give the drunkards and savages what they want. Accelerate it beyond just a change of name. Secede.
The indians think they'll be in control, and maybe if it was just them and us cucked Whites, that might be the case at first. But the problem is they'll have to contend with all of the asians and shitskins here. The different racial groups will vie for power until it gets to the point where civil war breaks out. Cucks won't be able to survive in this environment and their brainwashing will either be broken, or they'll get shoved into the ground where they belong.
There's a few things you'll want to know, like the links between The BB group The Circle of Protection , The ((Council of Canadians)) and the No One Is Illegal movement (
Please do me a favor and if you get a chance to strike a blow on these commies, you put one in for Ben as well. Please.
by the way, there's an interactive chart detailing the connections between Vancouver politicians, political parties and the Downtown Eastside poverty industry here:(
Sorry about not archiving it, the chart won't load in an archive.
By the way, ask your former officers about David Eby. He's an MP and a sack of shit that used to run the local copwatch
Kek Mit Uns
Forgot the proof in last post
You'd just have to get rid of the cucks in the five biggest cities and Canada is fine. Remember, Canada does not even have the population of California.
New name Shitskin Chinkadia.
Why not just have America swallow up Canada after Trump gets elected. We can call the new supercountry the USPA (United States and Provinces of America)
These type of free rags are in every major city in north america. All just as cucked as say
Go through any park near Vancouver/Surrey and look closely at the kids. The seeds are sown.
The new name for British Columbia is 温哥华省, say it with me guailo: wēn gē huá xǐng.
this thread if full of cuck faggots why are you calling them "natives" dont call them names jews gave them that sound like they were first. They are Siberian Settlers nothing more. Their haplo group is around 10k years old. They are a new race. But they are the key to uncucking canada if used by the new right that hopefully one day forms in canada.
how's that user?
because you learned the fake history of the noble savage. they wasted like crazy destroyed anything in their path, fucked their children and were cannibals thats your indian
because they can be hijacked to do your bidding if you have ever spent anytime in jail with them you will see how they have the minds of small children. If you had enough indians wanting to put jews in camps in canada it would happen. Also if you wanted to tank the industry built around them you could fight for the indian to have individual property rights away from the reservation system under the guise of helping them or anti racism or some other faggotry
>if you have ever spent anytime in jail with them you will see how they have the minds of small children.
I've never been to jail because I'm a nigger who can't control his emotions.
*because I'm NOT a nigger
((( )))
"Native Americans" are asian immigrants.
Free journals here in France are just like real journals but it's free.
Funny thing is that those journals only report facts and don't big names "editorialists" to put their shitty opinions everywhere.
Funny that to defeat the jews they just had to make it free.
What's the fastest way from India to China?
Crossing the Fraser River
Funny vid, but don't forget: if we're unsuccessful removing kebab, curry, and dreidel, the videos in 100 years time will be of a handful of whites crawling around on all fours.
The natives were weak and they lost to superior firepower and tactics, but we're not at our strongest mentally right now, and we're being undermined from within. Take the chugs as a warning for what can quite easily happen to us.
Eastern end of the valley here.
Rename it cannabis.
user, call your buddies.
Bonus: it was David Pratt.
Oh these are just filler articles.
I actually know some of these folks. Some are degenerates but most are cancer patients. Some dispensaries are just veneers for established players (mostly Tongs).
A woman I care about works in the industry and is surrounded by good, if degenerate people. Her choice.
Hi Renouf.
Nope, sorry. Renouf is a cuck and a bluepill, I'm full 1488 gas the kikes helium war now.
I always knew this was coming. Not much British about the cities in this province anymore. I love this place so much but I feel it's becoming bizarre to see all the English street names pertaining to historic British colonists filled with gooks and curry niggers. It was always going to break. Pisses me off when whites here complain about "Asian signage" in Richmond. What the fuck did you expect would happen after deciding to flood your city with Asians you dumb marxist normies.
Hey cuz, can I interest you in a jade sculpture of a half crow half person?
Where on the island?
Campbell River here
Only if Trump establishes a monarchy and becomes King Donald I, we'll not have disgusting republicanism on our soil.
I fucking KNEW it!
The only problem is that the country's so fucking pozzed right now, he'd just say "Yeah, so I'm bisexual" on CBC, CTV, and Global and ride it into another fucking term.
Tell you what…why don't we form the Western Canada Separation movement? We've got the farmland and the oil and the fish and the wine…We grab BC, Alberta, Sascratchybum, and Manituba and we just let the Easterners choose between starving to death and eating their politicians.
fellow burger here i grew up next to a rez filled with ojibwe, they are all faggots who drink and shoot fetenal until they die at 31
Fucking commie scum
Can you also take southern ontario, then you'll have all the poz instead of just most of it and the glorious 95% white maritimes can go on without your chink-filled shithole provinces.
Canada will probably do it to.
A few decades from now British Columbia will look a whole lot more like Hong Kong. Hey I want to help you Canada out as much as the Swedes but you need to ask yourself are you worth it?
Will you cuck up any great society we make in the future? What are you doing now which is making you weak, who can you help?
this to be honest, we'll go back to traditional lifestyles and you faggots out west can be happy.
They sound like a bunch of abos.
Or they just call out their own republic on Canadian soil.
I know the perfect way to fight the patriarchy, let me take an amazing picture of me with perfectly good nug on a bunch of dirty ass soil. This will really show those men!
t. woman
women are good at garden but I am from Australia so I don't know. Weed is easiest plant to take care of it so what the heck are they thinking? They must be pretty dumb or whoring themselves for attentions. Attention whores tend to have daddy issues so maybe that is why?
Fuck off back to the kitchen
Right of conquest bitch, its not there land
way to miss the joke, idiot.
Thread still alive?
Half flip here, how?
Yeah it has gotten cleaner recently but I've noticed a lot of cocky, cunty nigger and arab refugees.
Fuck… the cops are shit, I usually just ignore them and they ignore me.
It's funny because I have seen white people bullied and looked at funny for trying to be friendly or help someone who is lost or a host of other things.
Most immigrants with their massive entitlement will look at whites in Surrey like they're shit and that they're the ones who don't belong.
It's funny that the government is still dumping money into Newton trying to make it not shit.
You guys had some leddit cuck infiltrate you recently yeah? Funny enough I'm related to the Soldiers of Odin BC founder, his grandmother is my grandmothers sister kek. You guys spook me tbh, I just want my Eurasian Cascadia.
traditional camp life
canoes and a radio station
yup really traditional. surprised they don't ask for fire water.
South surrey here. I used to live in north delta. It's nice having other white people around
Everyone in this thread aught to get involved with the Daily Stormer bookclubs if you haven't already
Means they're cucked as fuck, they have kids and are forced to go along with multiculti bullshit because if they don't it means their children will suffer privation and their mortgage won't be paid. The eyes are dead inside asking for release from this suffering, but are forced to participate against it's release.
Bottom line, these are unwilling enemies.
stopped reading right there. Canada has ceased to be a nation the moment they became a fucking leaf
They should just name rename it to Airstrip One and be done with it.
Sounds like:
Supposedly I have 1/16 native blood, so I spent some time around these shits. Turns out they have everything that we Holla Forumsacks would hope for: freedom from American laws, control over certain sovereign lands, ways to make money that are denied to most Americans, etc. It could be fucking paradise. But no, they sit around in tents and trailers whining and bitching about 'ebil whitey', stealing the modest government gibs from each other or from their tribe, and stealing from the white man when they can. I was excited to have the level of freedom that I did, and I worked my ass off every day from sunrise to sunset improving buildings, landscaping, all sorts of shit. So they kicked me out for not fitting in.
Fucking shitbag natives. Seriously, we should have finished the job on these ungrateful bastards.