Doctor Who

Well that episode was pretty good, I wasn't expecting to see the Master and the original cybermen. I hope they don't fuck up the second part.


Doctor who is pozzed, we get it. Why do you keep making threads about it?

What does HIV have to do with this show?

They're not even trying to hide it anymore… maybe it's a sign that the end is near.

I think I'm an episode behind, but


Not a bad episode though, tbf.

To be fair, a race of shapeshifters would probably either have super strict rules about gender roles(for the sake of ensuring steady procreation) or hardly any at all.

And since the current canon seems to be that timelords are chosen and "upgraded" from baseline "commoner" galifrians, there's no real need for timelords to have any rules in place to ensure their own reproduction, so they'd probably lend towards the no gender roles side.

Now the big question would what sort of rules do the commoners have regarding gender.

I suppose it's only fair they rip off the old Necrons backstory for the cybermen, since Game Workshop stole so much from Doctor who to begin with.



>I wasn't expecting to see you know who… and a bunch of seriously now, take a wild guess. 😑

Every time I here the Doctor say the word "gender" it just sounds so wrong. He's supposed to be a man of science, right? Like I'm trying to imagine the previous Doctors saying these lines and it sounds just as awkward.

I wish I remembered the exact quote. It's pretty cringeworthy.

I'm fine with The Master being a women though, since Timelords can change into anybody they want which doesn't make it too implausible. It's not like making Hermione Granger black. Plus I actually kind of liked Missy in the past.

I thought Timelords were all born in vats, after the Timelords and other technologists deposed their psychic tyrant and she cursed them with sterility.

Good to see Sam Tyler back.

Could you tell me more about this, please?


The whole point is this gender garbage wouldn't even be showing up in the show without all of the gender bullshit popping up in universities and modern media. It's completely irrelevant, but at least the cancer is finally being honest with itself and admitting that the tumor is indeed no longer benign.

Getting real tired of this gender progressive propaganda.


cringe as fuck

Nice digits.


I think you mean

The last scene of the season finale was pretty good. David Bradley is a lucky actor.

I like it when liberals cringe. 😉

Holy shit fucking based! Cis drumpfkins utterly btfo!

>>>Holla Forums

I agree. Too bad that 90% of the episode was pure bollocks

Just one question, for the sake of narrative: You have 5 main characters (The Doctor, Bill, Nardole, The Master, Missy). Then you add this nanny-woman, who is in charge of this "kindergarten", so now you have 6 main characters. Why the fuck do you need a 7th now? I'm talking about the black girl. She did basically nothing, her role was unimportant, and they put her in every scene. I know why, but from a narrative perspective, this is a big mistake - taking away time from the other figures. There was this 1 hour, where basically all of them had to get their stories ended in ways they deserve, why waste time with unimportant shit?

This shows how utter garbage BBC is now. I was disgusted by this episode, it had so many irritating nuances (homo Master, muh lesbianism, muh plot device puddle girl, the only gun that doesn't shoot atomic bombs is the one that the nanny uses on Bill, etc.).

Is it possible that now, after the Christmas special, they will reboot everything, and throw out this utter nonsense?

The little girl? Yeah I don't know why she was in every big scene.

The Christmas special will be Moffat's last episode. There's been a push this year from the BBC for more [current year] shit and I think it's going to get worse once Chibnall is the showrunner seat.
Capaldi was a great Doc, I wish he had competent writers to give him enough shit to do and not just running around with teenagers as companions.

More than this? How the fuck is that possible?

There are jobs at the BBC that white people couldn't apply, they did this last year. They want more (((diversity))). Also notice the millenial-speak during this season (muh gender, the male privilege, etc.).


Prepare for another 60+ years of Dr. Nigger and his lesbano grand-daughter! whoopy!

Some people have a tendancy to pin all of this on Moffat. I don't think that's the case at all. Not to say he's perfect. He clearly can't help jamming his powerful woman fettish into everything. But what did he do when he was handed the reins of the show? He hired a white man and a young attractive woman. and, with the pressure on him to diversify building, he hired an older white man and a young attractive woman. What I'm saying is, don't expect it all to get better when Moffat leaves. Seems to me he was one of the people trying to hold all of this back and just make good TV (he may have failed more often than not).

That's what I think too, even though he turned Sherlock into a fanfiction from Tumblr.

So putting all those black people in the series everywhere was not his fault? His first ever episode, Blink, features a black dude hitting very hard on a white girl. Even when he is about to die.

Moffat's first episode was The Empty Child/ The Doctor Dances. Of course, he does introduce Captain Faggot in that one, so I guess the point still stands.

I could tolerate Cpatain Jack way more, because his bisexuality and handsomeness were sources of jokes. Those traits had function related to the story, even in that episode you've mentioned, he tries to seduce the guard guy to allow The Doctor and Rose to get in the bomb site. It had importance!

But Bill being a black lesbo had 0 relation to the plot, it was just there to cramp in shit like muh slavery and muh gay pride.

RTD was showrunner. He got to decide things like characterisation for recurring characters, and being a gay he loves to insert that shit everywhere.

Yeah, RTD is the one who turned Captain Jack (he was pansexual when Moffat created the character) into a faggot once he made Torchwood.

He's not in charge of casting one-off roles and as for this season he didn't write any of the episodes featuring anachronistic black people.

I've recalled reading somewhere that Russel 'the gays are more clever then the straights' Davies was practically tyrannical about inserting his ideas into the other writers' episode whereas Moffat was much more lax in that regard.

Maybe this is a stupid question, but why is the Doctor regenerating now? Did I sleep through a scene where he bumped his head or something? I didn't bother watching that black Romans episode, because I knew it would only piss me off.

He exploeded with a compelte level of a spaceship and thousands of Cybermen. Though it basically left him and his clothing unharmed. ALso the Cybermen shot him at least 3 times. And The Master and Missy beat him up too.

He was regenerating before that though.

He started because of the torture and the beating by the 2 Masters.


So the Master showed up for some reason. Not sure why.
"Like sewage, smart phones and donald trump, some things are inevitable."

Urgh, glad I started skipping this season.

There was this documentary they did for the 50th anniversary I think where they got this guy to act as the First Doctor. Wasn't bad either.
But having the current one meet the first? Yep, that's bad tier writing.


They better fucking do this

Oh of course, it will get worse. Moffat is more a symptom than a cause. But crediting him with holding it back is being too generous imo. Even RTD who was a homo casted Christopher Eccleston who was best Doctor post 2005 imo.

The Weeping Angles are great but Bink is overrated as fuck, and that episode pissed me off for the black guy hitting on Sally
But Doctor Who has had interracial shit jammed in ever since 2005 tbf

Jack was actually a likeable character who wasn't solely 'the homo' or whatever, he had importance as well. That's why he works.

That was good I think, been a while since I saw it. They didn't technically meet, it was supposed to be some look into the future or something, that I can forgive.

The male Master (John Simm) is back, along with the current female Master/Mistress (Michelle Gomez)

He is called David Bradley and he was awesome in that anniversary special movie. I'm glad he is back. Hope they won't give him SJW-speeches

But now Bradley is playing The Doctor, not William Hartnell. user was referring to their meeting in the upcoming Christmas Special

Ah right. I've not been watching it, gave up after Series 8. Yeah that is some shitty writing, there's no reason to have a special, and William Hartnell is dead, they shouldn't constantly revive his character like this, it's disrespectful.

and he was the reason Eccleston quit

It's far too late for that

True, RTD was a double edged sword
I can forgive once, but they keep on doing it

I have a horrible feeling the first Doctor is going to lecture the current Doctor on how he needs to learn to accept change, and it'll all be building up to him regenerating into a woman or a darkie.

The current canon is already fucked, they'll have to reboot it to repair the damage. So don't worry whatever they do it's already fucked