How do you respond?
You hear a loud knock on your door at two in the morning in your picturesque white upper middle class suburb that...
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my first response would be excitement since i've woken up in a nice house instead of the shithole i live in now
I'd ask them why the fucking fuck are they not putting those families in the fucking techy bourgie yuppie "luxury apartment """"""homes"""""" that remain 70% vacant, but are permitted to inflate rents in the area and drive non-bourgies out. Go take over that shit, good riddance.
I'd be commisar cletus though
All good responses
I live in a Mexican neighborhood with really small houses, really close together. People already live like that.
So have fun packing more people when like 3 (maybe 4) people already live in my 2 bed/1 bath house I don't even own and am only living in because of family, you presumptuous fuck.
Probably contact Commisar Detrayius to talk about options for moving into a smaller residence without children in it.
Maybe i could find a small apartment or motel room or something to live in, presumably the sorts of places these displaced people are leaving.
Also is it really a good idea for all these people to live in the one house? The children wouldn't have much space for themselves. It would make a lot more sense to take either a bigger building or divide them amongst a larger number of middle class houses.
how'd this happen? in what sense have comrades been displaced from their homes?
anyway, i comply if it's possible for me to do so. i would hope that comrade betsy sue, shaniqua, and luane minerva will be laboring so i don't have to support all of the new roomies. i would hope that the mothers can support their children. if they couldn't, i probably wouldn't comply, because it wouldn't be reasonable to expect me to feed that large a group off of my labor.
There is no real scarcity of housing. There are more vacant houses and living spaces than there are homeless people
Cool. I'm looking to relocate as well. This place is a dump. Where do I go to request new housing like them?
By smashing commissar Jamal and the state.
I wonder why the children aren't living in designated worker controlled nursery's
Probably all the drone strikes the US government unleashed destroyed people's homes.
I'd ask why they need to cram even more people into my tiny apartment when there are literally millions of vacant homes that are far nicer than where I live ;^)
Get off my doorstep nigger.
I would be commissar Detrayius.
Dang, you really posted a pic of yourself on Holla Forums? Cute, tho.
Just to balance the post above me:
Bullshit! No imageboard dweller can be that cute!
I hope you're not that Black Nationalist user from like a year ago who autismed all over this board. I still kek at those memories.
What do Holla Forums?
I don't live in one
Holla Forumsyps are so fucking stupid.
Just like my Taiwanese Cartoons!
Pretend that I'm an owner of the house, say "Of course, comrade!", and then skidaddle with plunder before I get shot for marauding.
Also, how the fuck did petite bourgeoisie become "a perfect environment to foment revolutionary ideals"?
Assuming it is Civil War Russia OP is making parallels with, we are talking about war refugees.
Something like a simultaneous Canado-Sino-Mexican invasion with a Civil War 2.0 inside the US should produce enough homeless refugees an overabundance of empty houses might not be enough to house.
Well, either that or a nuclear war with a subsequent radioactive contamination of East Coast.
i rape him
I'd be commissar Cletus.
Non-american here, can I get some help with the stereotypical naming?
I get that Jamal is the standard black ghetto name and Cletus is the standard redneck name but how do Jim Bob and Detrayius fit?
That's also a black name and Jim Bob is just a sterotypical redneck name as well.
Another stereotypical redneck naming convention is two names, like Peggy Sue or Jim Bob. It's also stereotypical for Black names to be weird and end with "iqua" or "ius" or "vontae".
I've noticed that the stereotype holds true more with black names, but tbh it's fairly uncommon in both cases. I'm from a hibernian hic family and most were named after saints or common names. My ex was half black and half mexican and her black side were named like "John" and "Elisa".
This rentlaks burned the empty apartments rather than let them be appropriated for use by the commissariat.
Every time.
I don't think my trailer sandwiched inbetween two farms counts as an upper middle class house in a suburb.
I would BE Commissar Jamal.
Ahhh the joys of living in a mud house built during monarchy
mommy and daddy, maybe divorced, hoo, that was the biggest shake of your life, the hardest probly thing you've ever faced, other than that, life mustve been a piece of frikkin cake, maybe got bullied a bit
that's where the intellectuals that made the revolution happen, live now.
half of them destroyed in the revolution
b-but Bernie Sanders said..
this old meme
Then we build commieblocks to make up the shortfall, retard.
Comrade Jamal you should not be doing drugs while on duty. This is our barracks and we're in the middle of a war.
So I no longer live with my parrents and sister, cause ain't nobody god enough money and stability to get his own house?
And I now get to live suburban and not in a vilage, 20 klm from the nearest city???
AND I get to live with comrades and kids and have a community?
If it's 1984, you are not allowed to have pleasure out of sex. Read the book again.
If this is added I'll never take it off.
learn to greentext then post this again
thank you
Maybe one day.
The world's not that small. If anything I'd guess that was a well-versed troll. I do know what you're talking about though.
By the way, a socialist revolution would mostly be a civil war with some outside funding from NATO countries and maybe Mexico, India, China and probably even Russia would be happy to watch us fuck ourselves and might even fund our side. Our main enemy is the US military and the best way to deal with them is troll for sympathy through nonviolence since you can't outdo the fucking US military on their home turf even if it's also yours (or at least not in the sense of taking up arms, we can be assertive and occupy buildings and such)
I would respond with
"Clearly none of you have read Marx because this house is personal property and not a means of production. Also, there are many empty houses that no one under capitalism could afford. Go fills thoes up first.
Fuck off."
what is the symbol at the top left from?
Not who you're responding to but I've had guns drawn at me like 4 times in my life.
Pink, lace ribbon, in many cultures associated with innocence and children.
please post it on the suggestions thread… .. I'd wear it too, if I hadn't settled for my shitposting flag.
Go ahead.
Ya blew it. Yet another commie that hasn't even read the communist manifesto.
The ironing.
"We have seen above, that the first step in the revolution by the working class is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class to win the battle of democracy.
The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralise all instruments of production in the hands of the State, i.e., of the proletariat organised as the ruling class; and to increase the total productive forces as rapidly as possible.
Of course, in the beginning, this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property, and on the conditions of bourgeois production; by means of measures, therefore, which appear economically insufficient and untenable, but which, in the course of the movement, outstrip themselves, necessitate further inroads upon the old social order, and are unavoidable as a means of entirely revolutionising the mode of production.
These measures will, of course, be different in different countries.
Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable."
I knew pollyps didn't like to "read" because its too hard and >reading the cellulose Jew, but lmao.
"Abolition of property in land" sounds pretty clear cut to me.
This fucking board.
Marx isn't some kind of prophet. Das Kapital is generally his most useful writing.
For revolutionary purposes Lenin is best.
Property is a dodgy phenomena, the concept of personal property is useful for stuff like your toothbrush or family artifacts that could be produced in plenty for those who actually need them and for personal things no one would want anyway, that in some degree applies to housing as well, of course mansions would be seized but there's very little reason to expropriate your average home since there's so much land available.
When the fuck have I ever lived in a god damn picturesque white upper middle class suburb, I fucking went to public school as one of only 20 white kids in the entire damn school for fuck's sake.
75% of the population was displaced? We're fucked either way. In the more likely scenario that the number of people displaced by this theoretical war is a few percent of the population, yeah there would be refugees for a time but not four families per house. Also this is a problem encountered by all insurrections, not sure how it's related to communism.
You don't understand what "rents" are. You don't even need to read Marx. Read Smith, Wealth of Nations, page 153.
a page number only helps if you give the edition you're using as well