Comics people are pissed that they can't put "New York Times Best Seller" on their shit comics anymore.



The New York Times actually doing something right for once.

not surprised.
Sales and quality have been lacking lately

I'm glad they can more or less admit there are no "best sellers" at this point.

Can you feel it, Holla Forums? The time is coming. The end is nigh.

duh maybe comics suddenly became a SJW shitfest

TBH it's been a while since we had a Watchmen or a Maus.

Have we started the fire?

That's it, Stan Lee can fucking kill himself. That's the LAST fucking straw.

2/3 of those weren't particularly valuable. Probably 3/3 because there's no way that copy of Action Comics #1 was an original copy

That, and paper shredders are ass and would jam like a motherfucker on more than 3 pages together.

Chances are it's printed out pages to look like comics.

Comics was a mistake
- Stan Lee

Here's the best one

They're more angry that they lost a potential source of advertising to casuals.

When the best selling comics are always shit like The Walking Dead, that's not a sign of a healthy market.

these do look like comics. of course it would jam if you tried to shred a manga or real book but 16 pages of guys flying in a latex suit is a no biggie for an average shredder

They can always abuse the best-seller system on Amazon to get that sweet, sweet meaningless accolade.

It's not the specific comics in particular he shredded, it's the message he's sending out. His smug arrogance and anti-DC bias has reached an unforgivable new height, and he needs to be fucking lynched for it.

Let's do the ghost of Jack Kirby proud, everyone.

I wasn't aware making a bunch of comics about animals getting high and showing each other their shit made one a "luminary." Imageboards have taken Pepe away from him and actually made him funny (even if he's only funny to really sick minds).

Last I heard they were folding in with the regular ficiton section, so it "elevates" comics and graphic novels to "art" status by being included with the regular fiction instead of having its own catagory.