What are some movies that had all the right ingredients to be good, but for some reason just weren't
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What are some movies that had all the right ingredients to be good, but for some reason just weren't
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Van Helsing was kino you bitch!
Ray Stevenson played the part extremely well but the writing was so fucking dumb it didn't matter.
This. Ray Stevenson was very good. The problem was too much focus on Jigsaw. There's some great moments in this, like when he hits the 'free runners' with a rocket.
Thomas Jane will always be the greatest Punisher
That director is our girl for sure
Dumb bitch deserves justice…. no… not justice… PUNISHMENT
That short will always be dogshit
It's not terribly easy to smash glass bottles. They're designed to survive impact.
Whiskey bottles are pretty solid. I've seen ones take a fall from shoulder height and bounce off of the floor.
If you want to be autistic about something, whiskey does not react like gasoline to a match.
What did she mean by this?
All this shit
And by that she specifically means one particular span of time - Nazi Germany. I doubt she's suggesting to study the Soviet Union or Zimbabwe or Cambodia or China or Uganda or Cuba or the DPRK or current year South Africa or….no, just the Nazis, they were the only nightmare ever endured by mankind! These Dunning-Kruger shitstains really get under my skin.
Thomas Jane had the best movie, Ray Stevenson was the best Punisher and that dude from Netflix is the one the looks the most like the character
Ha ha ha, no…..
His head is too big and his hair isn't even greasy
You can be sure she's never studied history. What she's heard about second-hand is a Marxist bastardized history which views everything as a history of social revolutions.
Then she should know that SA was a response against communist violence.
History does like repeating itself.
The whole thing was pointless because they could have just made a better spiderman 4 that fixed what went wrong in 3. Instead they had to reboot it and then have a cliffhanger that went nowhere when they rebooted it again.
Yes, the plot was shit. And making The Punisher out to look stupid, only to actually make a plot up. And they basically stole the plot from the Batman movie with the joker anyway.
shut up idiots
why do people act like it's controversial to like Watchmen?
It's a carbon copy of the comic with minor alterations