Who wins?
Conan vs Frodo
Frodo isn't really known for being a fighter. He's known for being resistant to the Ring of Power. Conan would crush him in a fight, but the Ring would almost instantly corrupt him if it were his job to hold the thing. It's a bit like saying who 'wins' between a quarterback and a defensive lineman. They have different jobs.
I have better taste than to read fantasy shit but presumably the one with at will invisibility should easily win by sniping outside of author fiat.
Corrupted Conan would probably destroy Sauron
Conan always wins
Literally Reddit: The Late-Night Talkshow Host
With the ring Frodo could probably shank Conan before he knew what happened.
that's John Oliver, m80
john oliver is a serious journalist not a talk show host
Who says Plebbit has to have just one late night talk show host?
Colbert is /r/politics
Conan is /r/funny
Ellen is /r/TwoXChromosomes
Oliver is /r/SRS
And I guess Stewart can be /r/news
>knowing any Reddit boards
Literally Reddit: The Poster. GTFO
Hello, newfag.
Fukken checked
But he's not. He completely succumbs to its power by the end and is corrupted for most of the third book.
Hermione wins
he's more resistant to it than anybody else
gandalf himself refuses to take the ring because he knows it would easily corrupt him
Bilbo held it off longer.
Sam wasn't affected in the least, even while in Mordor, right at the height of Sauron's power. He's the only person who's given up the ring without having to put up the least resistance.
This. Sam has near bombadil levels of resistance. Sam is best hero
Robert E. Howard was a better writer than Tolkien.
bilbo held it off in a time when sauron wasn't awake
otherwise pic was the effect of the ring on him
sam held it for a very little time, frodo also didn't have any problem offering the ring to gandalf when he just came in its possession
anyway, the point is, hobbits are by themselves more resistant to the power of the ring, because they love simplicity and peacefullness, which makes it hard for the ring to corrupt them
someone like conan, on the other hand, wouldn't even put a fight with the power of the ring
Sam showed a brief moment of reluctance to hand over the ring actually.
if he was so great, why did he kill himself?
He knew when to quit.