I need an advice from woman

I need an advice from woman.
Here is my question :
I need a girlfriend? How can I find one?
How to get girlfriend I don't have one.
I am male.
How to get woman as a friend? I am 18 yrs old don't have any friends
I am stalking woman on FB. I don't have any friends.
I love to stalk every woman from 18-26 on Internet. I am doing this from 2014 and I was 14 age. I do alone secertly
It is my favourite hobby. No ones knows it even my parents because if they find out they won't be happy :)
I stalked woman on FB from 18-26 age in my another account and threatened them for not adding me has a friend.

I need gf especially from 18 age and wanna touch young woman in public also sleep with them.
I wanna f*** young woman with their consent anyway

How to get a gf on internet? I am single 18 years old don't have any friends.

I am sexually frustrated and need gf from 18 also I wanna sleep with her. I wanna touch woman.

I hate marriage and it is b* to me.

I hate arrange marriage. I hate all marriage.

I wanna to sleep with woman and I prefer to have more woman friend mostly from that shares same age I have. 
I am not against to have male friend but I prefer woman friend that shares same age I have. You fool.
I like hot sexy good woman.

I kiss my smartphone screen when I see beautiful woman sexy pics especially when I see pictures of beautiful woman in FB.

Most Indian Gym don't allow opposite sex interaction.

Most Indian don't allow to rent their room if the roommate is unmarried opposite sex. Only some Indian do rent their room with unmarried opposite sex which is rear.

I want to stalk woman in real life? How to do that without getting caught.
How to masturbate beautiful woman on public without getting caught?
How to have premarital sex? I wanna lose my virginity.
You have a gf for males or bf for females? Both of you should beat each other.

Fat woman are so ugly even beautiful fat woman are ugly too.

You should beat yourself.

I do masturbate in 3 times a day.

How to get a gf.

Do you f*** yourself everyday?

I don't like prostitute.
I am not against prostitute but won't sleep with prostitute.
I don't f*** prostitute.
I am not in college still in home schooling Grade/Class 12.
Homeschool exam in India thug to pass.

Aah! I think I'm beginning to see a pattern that leads to your confusion, OP!

Are you male or female? Just remember you cannot trap me. In the past lot of people tried to trap me but failed. Fuck you

Are you male and female? Just remember you can trap me.

Well, that's not very polite, is it?
There's a reason why you are alone.

Stop impersonating me.
Now answer this question? Are you male or female?


girl here and not a guy
you have to rape a girl you like in order to get a girlfriend

Know this is b8, but for any incel anons lurking

Why? What are you lonely, or are you thinking that having a partner will "fix" the problems in your life?
Either way, a girlfriend isn't a magic bullet that makes you happy.
Sort your life out, do things you enjoy, and when you're happy you'll probably find that getting a girlfriend happens organically and without some love quest that you seemingly have in mind now.

Same way you get anyone as a friend, do things you enjoy, and you'll meet others who also enjoy those things, chances are some of them will get on with you. Then you're friends.
Don't "look" for friends, it's creepy and super obvious. Let it happen organically as a result of living your life and doing your hobbies and interests.

Don't, get off facebook, don't stalk anyone and never jack off while looking at / thinking about anyone you know in real life. It fucks your head up big time.

Get a grip (not a masturbation joke). Everyone has biological urges, sex isn't a big deal. When you eventually have sex you'll probably think "what is all the fuss about".
If you think fucking someone is a going to change your life you're wrong. It means nothing.
Sure, it feels nice, and having a relationship where you're with someone where you can do that is a positive thing. But it shouldn't be the focus of your life. It's not good for your mental state to have your hopes and happiness be dependent on the actions or approval of other people. And when you do have sex, you'll quickly realize it wasn't what you thought it would be and that will mess you up even more.










Fuck you

I will fuck woman with her consent. You are a fake female. Bastard

I am lonely you son of a bitch. I need gf

psssh, says the girl that doesnt have the balls to rape someone

I am not a girl.
I am male..
Fuck you

I hope you're doing a character, but on the off-chance you aren't I'll spell it out for you, listen carefully. Even by the standards of Indians on the internet, you come off as mentally challenged. Women don't fuck mentally challenged guys.

On top of that, desperation is the single least attractive thing to a girl. The fact that you want it so bad is why they will never, ever give it to you. As long as you're making threads like this and asking to get laid, you never will.

I am not mentally challenged. I need gf and i want to have one..
I am not against to have male friend but I prefer woman friend that shares same age I have. You fool.
So fuck you


I do poo in my toilet. Not on street.
Also I do poo daily in every morning. Fuck you and your family.


I look beautiful and I don't look nothing like him
I am 18 years old.
Fuck you
