the reason youre reluctant to consider a part egyptian "white" when it wouldnt bother you if a russian or finn has a little Lap or other mixture… because the whole concept White is cultural as much as racial. Peoples from outside traditional european christendom seem more foreign to you. A Greek and a Turkish DNA isnt so far apart… much of north africa, middle east and Persia is minimally admixed with Arabs… Ethnic groups have full right to self-determination, but in real life the thing that makes you think a Sicilian or Spaniard is "white" and a Turk isnt is much more the long Cultural divisions during Europe's formative period when Rome and the Germanic tribes formed Western christendom, and Russia stayed orthodox… Just mix with people you're attracted to and worry about a Western political imperium that crushes active cutural reistance to the future State. Don't obses over an esentially phantom racial purity that was pseudo science. Once you start down the purity-fetish path, you end up with no logical ending-point. Hitler found it necessary to rein in the race fetihists in Germany because their hobby-horse was damaging the unity of identity within the state as dopey pseudoscientists were trying to create some inbred magical race based on arbitrary criteria of some look the individual fetishists fancied. The requirements for the SS were simply strong health, good height, character, etc. Europe is made up of tons of elements hammered together by Statesmen and the early Church into a single identity and cultural idea, and history's big conflicts are cultural. Within cultures, the big conflicts tend to be between different conceptions of the State, especially since a unified Church was shattered after the Protestant revolutions…
If some particular look is valued by the regime or by the culture, its art and idealizations will reflect that: therefore, those with the most resources in society will seek women with that look and have the most kids. That's how all specific 'looks' in times and places have come about, following the ideal of the society. This might only last centuries in specific cities before changing with time. Just look at the dif ideals of beauty since the beginning of film and movies, its always changing. Race as conceived by some of the less sophisticated theorists you'll find along your journey of awakening and studying the racialist period of the 1920s is often oversimplified and plain wrong.
For those running into confusion here you should definitely read Francis Parker Yockey, Imperium. It's a more realist alternative to the racial fetishism that ignores the essential state of impermanence and flux in all phenotype ("look) expressions in civilization… and the fundamental transience of all high cultures and civilizations.
As nationalists of your civilization (Western), you should range yourself as men who fulfill the destiny that is unfolding of your particular culture, and be imprinted with its unique stamp. But you should know full well it will come to its end eventually, it is a moment on the world stage, and having grand ideas about your identity/relationship with "racial groups" through thousands of years is almost, if not completely, nonsense.
It was an empire that came out of nowhere, the Roman, that created "Europe" out of lots of disparate ethnicities, some of which were light, some darker, some hunter gatherer descended, some descended from pastoralists, some marrying their cousins, others with more monogamous and exogamous cultures. Imprinting all those people, via force and a common symbol and single-language world, and opening up wide breeding zones with singlular ideals of masculinity and femininity (in look and character), is what created a "race" in Europe with multiple castes during the preist/warrior formative period under the Catholic church and the German kings.
The nations gradually formed and spearated into language zones that were isolated from each other, and the capitalist class rose up on the back of usury, broke up the church and its prohibitions on the worst abuses of capitalism, and the state, allied with the capitalist class, became ubiquitous in European individual states….
Their competition with each other for capital, gold, markets, caused them to ally with the rising Jewish intra-national financial power and continue to war against the influence of the Church which was always up until Vatican II the premier opponent to Jewish power and the focal point of European unity/identity.