Marvel and Square Enix made a deal

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Oh boy. Hope you all love staps, armor, and LINES.

It's being made by the same studio that made the new Tomb Raider and Deus Ex.

Well in that caseā€¦. get ready for feminism and stonk womyns!

There goes all my anticipation, it'll have the trademark AAA blandness. Tomb raider looked nice but I don't think I've ever gotten so bored playing a game, the first deus ex was decent but mankind divided was a complete shitshow.

2bh for the ironman one the only think i don't like is the colo scheme

You had any to begin with? They're two washed up companies

FF15 definitely proved that they haven't nothing left in them. Hell the Lightning games proved that way before. But they spent over a decade on a game that was still incomplete in the end. Square is a mess and Marvel's even worse. No hope for this project.

So, who's bringing the munchies while we watch this trainwreck happen?

I call Avengers meet Kingdom Hearts.

Final Avengers: 5/1.5 Wakemeup

Too late!

We want the Injustice Audience


I'd argue that they've learned their lessons for the most part after FF14 1.0 bombed. They couldn't exactly revamp the other games they were working on at the time that much so you wouldn't see much in the way of changes in them, but revamping FF14 I think taught many of them to focus more on how to develop their gameplay elements.

SE is probably going to continue doing pretty well especially since they've got yet another expansion coming along for FF14 which is now considered a bit MMO where before we pretty much only had WoW being considered the big time subscription based MMO.



that's not what confirmation looks like

What would they make?
Dissidia Marvel?
Budget wise I could at best see a Final Fantasy XV where nobody is really flying or moving great distances.
If they're using Eidos-Montreal than I'm imagining the game will be about superheroes being rounded up and put into ghettos inexplicably as they wave around banners with

Kingdom Hearts Marvel worlds, Marvel action games, really just name it.

Eh, it cant be any worse than the last xmen game.

I really want a Marvel Warriors game. Just a full on Muso game. Throw in heroism mini objectives as the shtick for that franchise where you get random requests for help and fulfilling them gives you a per level bonus and effects level flow. Start with the MCU and must have characters with a DLC framework to put out lesser known characters in level/character DLC packs.

Toss in some inter-mission progression like equipment you can upgrade and you have one hell of a game.

I'd like this.
Hell I'd love a cuhrayzee game where I can play a speedster or Gorgon

/toy/ soldier here

Square Enix are shit tier figures


Thought so. Sorry bout the dead board.

I always wanted a cuhraazy Ghost Rider game with rubust vehicular combat system, set in Las Vegas.

Why bother?

I figured. Whatever interest I had in this just disappeared.

The article doesn't even fucking say that. What kind of bullshit headline is that?
Fake news

Square really should die so that Enix can live on without their stench.

If they learned from their lesson, they wouldn't have had every recent mainline FF fucked the same way of years in development causing constant changes in the people making them.

It only taught them that idiots will pay money for a WoW reskin if they fuck up majorly with another MMO.

That just makes me think of drugs that help in the genital area.

MCU doesn't work with Musou gameplay; they try to keep it too dragged down by reality.

At least with Koei you won't have half the game under DLC like you'd get out of Square and Marvel.


It will be just movie shit faggots. Forget about Mutans, F4 and anything that doesn't promote movie shit. There will be some filler characters but that's it.

Wasn't there all ready a Ghost Rider game? But it was pretty much a "God of War" clone?

Yep. Also had fucking metal racetrack sequences.

Yet another way that the comic books themselves will become irrelevant. Who needs them when you have movies and video games?

Until they get infected too.

hopefully, there's a good chance of them pulling in pozzed "fan favorite" characters from the comics that nobody actually likes. For instance, they are making a Miles Morales film.