Interpreted language free-for-all

Nine languages go in.
One comes out.

Select your combatant and tear the others apart.

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Out of these, Python, Lua and Forth are the only ones worth using. Others are trash.

LISP is not a language, it's a family.
And what the fuck does Pascal do in that picture.
Also there's no such thing as an interpreted language, dumbass. It's a property of an implementation. Python can also be JIT and AOT compiled just fine, for example.

ruby master race

Eveyone who actually uses Lisp knows it stands for Common Lisp and nothing else, pajeet.

Scheme is LISP.

(not true, by the way)

u mad?



Lua, because it has inline C

I didn't even see Forth, pardon me.

FORTH is the best language. Full stop.

It's either Lua or Python. All the rest is pure meme.

I prefer JavaScript since I already know Java, and it's the same thing just faster.

This is bait.

you don't know neither of them, obviously

You're just mad since you don't know Java and can't make as much as I will some day.

The only winning move is not to play, so we've already figured out which are the bottom six.

Python has the greatest utility out of all those languages. I doubt anyone would pick PHP, but it can get you a job easily. You don't even have to be good at it.

I mean JavaScript is one of the easiest to learn out of all of these except pyhton, and the easiest to get a job with


It's true, faggot. Scheme is a minimalist implementation of Lisp.


I'd choose Perl. You can make useful things quickly.

Second choice would be python because there are libraries for everything, even though it has garbage whitespace syntax and it's overly verbose.

Javascript is hot garbage as a language, but Node is really easy to use, so that's fine too.


You sir win a internets.

Go back to reddit faggot.

Since when was Pascal an interpreted language?

if it's not C or C++ it's interpreted.

Player Nim has entered the game.
Nim killed Javascript with speed.
Nim killed Ruby with speed.
Nim killed Lua with low_level.
Nim killed PHP with everything.
Nim killed Lisp with metaprogramming.
Nim killed Forth with unknown.
Nim killed Python with speed. (crit)
Nim killed Perl with syntax.
Nim killed Pascal with new_features.
Round end, player Nim wins.
10 points to Nim for Round Win
[SM] This is the last round!!

You sir win two internets.

I bet you moors don't even Plankalkül.

I guess Crystal stops your kill-strike,

Sorry Nate that's not how it works


Crystal has too many problems to use in any serious product yet

Crystal looks interesting. And the benchmarks put it way ahead of Elixir for both speed and memory which makes sense since the erlang vm is bloat. Maybe I'll check it out.

JavaScript wins by default because Java has a built in interpreter (jjs) so you can have your poo and flush it too.

Is it true that Pascal, Forth, and Lisp do not belong in this chart of commonly used beginner languages?
If so, why?

It looks like the Java logo is wrong in this picture.
Which one is the designated shitting language: Java or Javascript?

JavaScript is the poo, Java is the enterprise grade loo. Often times, JavaScript is used without Java, leading to a poo-out-of-the-loo type scenario.

I guess technically Assembly is interpreted by the CPUs microcode.

they're for two completely different problems. Stop trying to force a square peg into a round hole like some dumbfuck PHP dev
PASCAL did the JVM decades before.

i guess you've never used lisp

also, what's going on with the intrusion of AOT competitors?

One VM decades later does not make a language designed to be compiled into a language designed to be interpreted.
Unrelated fun fact, I went to UCSD in the mid '90s and they didn't teach a single class in Pascal. UCSD p-code was purely the excrement coming out of the grad program they were dumping on you and keeping clear of themselves. UCLA's undergrad was in Pascal and we used to bully them for it.

uh huh right

Holy C

Ada already won (military spec reliance)
but they idiots in the industry and government just had to license everything out and make everything complicated again

The military has to replace all their Ada code with Rust. Ada isn't mathematically proven to be secure. By 2020 all major military systems will be rewritten in Rust.

Well, they should start by making compiler that would not take decades to compile multi million LOC software.

The fact that Ada is not mathematically proven to be secure is not irrelevant. All they need to prove is that any system implemented with Ada is mathematically secure.

What does "mathematically secure" mean?

That's a non-standard user-created module, and requires a working C compiler with lua's development files installed.
You can do the same with literally any language. See here, posix shell:
returncode=222 # TRIPS XDDDDmyceeprogram="$(mktemp)"trap 'rm -f $myceeprogram' EXITcat 1 ? argv[1] : "DICKS"); return $returncode; // LOL EVEN BASH VARIABLES WORK LMFAODSC}EOF"$myceeprogram" CEEEecho "$?"

Now do it in AWK


if want "mathematically secure" environment(what the fuck does it really mean, sounds like you made it up), you probably can use locked down version of Ada called SPARK

ansi C or gtfo

Means nothing, since mathematical "proofs" are often found faulty.


It's fine not to know awk. All that shit was replaced by perl which was replaced by python.


python was replaced by perl6

linux is also a meme tbh. it is just better than everything else.

perl6 didn't even replace perl5.

sure it did

ok but it's not LISP. it's like saying C++ is C.

C++ == C

No, it's like saying, "common lisp is lisp." They, and all the other tribes people don't care about, are all lisp.