Alt-right vs BLM coming this summer to a theater and city street near you!
Alt-right vs BLM coming this summer to a theater and city street near you!
Alt-Right have no street troops they are just on the Internet.
They need to get organised and trained military maybe hook-up with some national social militias or something. I doubt the latter would agree.
based anti-racist, racemixing le stickman xD
praise kekistan
libruls are the real homophobic racists
Try again.
i know richard spencer is a faggot, still doesn't change that he's a figurehead of the alt-right and he got punched like a pussy. twice.
He never declared himself alt-right, internet people from kekistan just try to take advantage from the actions of individuals. Without a centralised movement with clear leaders they won't do shit.
they still managed to beat the shit out of antifa at berkeley though
But were they alt-right or just nationalists? Without doctrinal clarity everyone can claim that x is part of the movement once he has achieved something meaningful but to me the alt-right is just an umbrella word, I see nobody willing to sacrifice his life for this.
Even BLM is more organised and they have legion of apes who will give unwillingly their life for chimping-out. American Renaissance didn't even capitalise on the publicity around the Alt-Right and its leader is a bourgeois cuck that will never appeal to the masses.
jewish money
The term "alt-right" is annoying as fuck tbh.
There doesn't seem to be a concrete definition for it, and it's basically just a boogieman buzzword used by faggots.
bit of both
How does getting suckerpunched make you the pussy?
Oblivious, yeah, but only the most basic of bitches clocks someone and then runs.
Gangsters are pretty smart and organized despite the shit that people give them. In my opinion, they're more capable of a successful government revolt than law-abiding second amendment whites. They know how to manufacture explosives since they're involved in the drug trade, have a vetting system, enforce a code of conduct, have "legals", and trade weaponry illegally. The fact that William Pierce based his white characters on non-white criminals says it all.
If the alt-right was a legitimate threat, then the government would repeatedly target them.
italian and jewish gangsters maybe
niggers? lol
He based them off black and Hispanic gangsters. They're not dumb despite being trashy, they're smart and passionate.
Not all gangs are cartels though.
Most gangs are incompetent fuckwits from ghettos that shoot at each other with their guns held sideways in one hand, with their dick and balls clenched in the other, and their only real chain of command consists of the singular smart guy that knows how to avoid being arrested, his dumb circle of close friends that may or may not be capable of avoiding imprisonment for stupid shit, and their gaggles of retards that are stupid enough to rob a liqour store and then walk in the next week and act buddy buddy with the clerk while spouting drivel that makes ebonics sound coherent and intelligent.
I guess it's not unusual for them to do petty crime like that. I read Peter Mass' "Underboss" and the Italian mafia performed hits based on rumors and engaged in bank robbery as a vetting system.
I'll let you laugh, but there's a good reason why Antifa hires former criminals to enact violence. Criminals are more pragmatic and community-driven than white right-wing weebs on twitter.
The fucking mafia is on the same level as cartels, they're not comparable to your average street gang and most likely wouldn't get involved with retarded antifa spats unless it benefited them greatly.
Do you seriously believe that criminals are out to build a community?
These people only have their own well being in mind, and the fact that being a violent asshole happens to benefit a bunch of limp wristed communists doesn't matter to them at all.
If they thought beating the shit out of antifa would benefit them in any way great or small they'd turn on them real quick.
Street troops too many times get infiltrated. And unlike antifa, anything with "white supremacist" tones would more likely be looked at as a terrorist organization, so it would be bound to have feds posing as members like you see with the KKK.
If the alt-right was a legitimate threat, then the government would repeatedly target them.
Implying Holla Forums isn't regularly infiltrated by LEAs who post false flag shit or try to bait users to commit violence. (Not that Holla Forums is alt-right but they're definitely on the watch list. Shit they probably already bought and paid for the site and love to do data mining).
No, white nationalists/natsocs/altright are more powerful being anonymous. Though at one point, if the numbers are right, a physical presence is a must.
So what were that guy's charges again?
He is guilty of being /leftypol
Seriously though, I remember him having firearm charges, but I'm not finding much information about that.
According to Berkeleyside, Clanton's charged with "four counts of assault with a deadly weapon, a felony, with the special allegation of causing great bodily injury to Sean Stiles. Additionally, the charges include the misdemeanor offense of wearing a mask to evade identification."
I think the firearm charge was misinformation based on police codes, or on a misunderstood charge of assault with a weapon other than a firearm.
Really wish they stopped pushing this shit meme
Makes sense.
When in doubt, don't try something new, double down instead.
Ok guys, where is our doom fortress located? Quit holding out on me, I got dubs in the trump election thread and everything.
They really like doubling down yea, they even managed to fool some retards into using that label for themselves.
What are the odds of him going away?
The plan is to kill as many people as possible before you die when the collapse happens, there is no fortress.
The retards that use that label for themselves are usually the kind of fag that sits colon deep on a fence post and spout libertarian bullshit.
I have no idea. Those are serious charges and they have good evidence against him, but the Berkeley police took their sweet time arresting him, and I have even less confidence in the Alameda County prosecutor's office. Of course, if he doesn't get serious time, I wouldn't be surprised if some upstanding citizens decided to give him some political reeducation.
I hope it's a good movie tbh
who gives a shit about the movie, go back to reddit
The (((MSM))) would NEVER ever dare compare this movie to Alt-Right vs BLM.
To do so would be to admit that niggers are apes.
Hey, cool effect.
The left is trying to meme victory for BLM with this movie.
Yeah cause whites never chimp out either.
I think you mean shitflick like every other one in this series coming again
Fucking shit is Guardians of the galaxy, split, get out, logan, wonder woman, ghost in the shell, kong skull island, john wick 2 reddit tier
Dicky deserved it.
what movie is the second image?
The first two images are from the new Planet of the Apes movie that comes out in a few weeks.
we talk about movies here, sir.
we talk about bbc and politics here, sir.
Stop comparing chimpanzees to niggers.
we talk about BBC ONLY here, sir.
Just got back from seeing the latest Transformers garbage; they showed previews for Battle of the Planet of the Apes and Detroit back to back. I had to bite my tongue.
The urge to go down on the nearest bull was almost overwhelming wasn't it?
Comparing niggers to apes is insulting to apes. Fuck you. Also, reminder that Harambe got shot over a nigglet, and justice will be measured in nigger blood over that poor gorilla's death.
Holy shit, you're retarded. The majority of nig nog street gangs are literally just chimpanzee tribes with guns. The majority of criminals are fucking dumb.