Killing sprees in the future

I wonder when we will see the first terrorist attack with robots

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There will be robots that can do anime shit like karate chop people in half. Psychos will definitely hack them to go ballistic.

When will we see robot wives?

I'm sure the Nips are already on it

I wonder why this haven't happened already. Making a drone bomb is relatively simple.

Really? That sounds really interesting! Could you tell me more about that? I'm at 225-5324 if you want to talk about it. It would be the highest kek, my dude.


I'm too pessimistic to think we'll get to proper robots before the civilization gets bombed to stone age by the actual terrorists. It feels like this is going to be our last generation before a new dark age.

What, not being stupid is a crime now?

Don't get it the wrong way but i'll side with robots.
Hell i'd even side with aliens at this point, i'd sell humanity for a cookie

It has been for quite a while.

I would rather assume that the new "dark age" is rather due to a shift in behaviourism along with the rise of ideologies that promote this, due to the influx of mass immigration, split in morality (hypermorality of certain groups) and the opposite of that.
But at least we get to kill some of the rats in the process.


Why share it with us then? We're all you're enemies, and it's never a good idea to broadcast yourself to the enemy right?




















as long as they can suck my dick, they can kill all the people they want

Kek. They should do the whole movie as OVR.







That is mesmerizing. Too bad it's not better resolution, any idea of original sauce?



That is a really pretty energetic feminal.


Probably as soon as they will manage to get one going

Butlerian Jihad when?

I was intrigued enough to track down the sauce. It's even better tbh.

But you get the idea, don't you?

Are you refering to judith butler, her philosophy is flat, it is like picking up some true concepts and pushing them to it axominal extremes.
What i also would point out is the social context and the social pressure from a modern society and basic tribalism.
So in that sense it is like throwing a boomerang or a frisbe, they have distinct characteristics and repetition doesnt change that, but you can influence the flight patterns.

I would assume she secretly masturbates to tatooed brutish artistically inclined males.

I assume I do, yes. I find it humorous that it's the (((university commie))) groups fearmongering over this when they have demonstrated time and time again that they are the ones who first resort to violence to attempt to silence their opponents in the public marketplace of ideas. No surprise really, their masters are the same ones controlling another big golem of theirs, the (((MSM))).

One of the more popcorn-inducing aspects of this is that they hold on to the ideology of political correctness so dearly that, even when this thing goes hot, they will still insist on inclusiveness and keep their pet purple-hair ambulocetus', niggertransLGBXYZ freaks, poo in loos, and other mental no-starters on their tech dev teams until it's far too late for them to change strategies.

Heh, let the games begin.


Personally i think that these people, given the tech shit and all that seeps into their retarded minds suffer from bubble bias too such an extend given their highly insular profession that the only way to manage them is to treat them like children, in a way.

I ve always wondered why this frog is so smug, i think a different RL environment makes the frogs not so smug. Guess that empty "highground" doesnt work on the half of the game.

Here have a boobanimal.

You might want to adjust either you're medication or dosage level bro.

I wonder if that nice feminal does that winkey thing while the boobs jiggle along.

They're only water balloons bro, only water balloons.

I would milkduct a study of gynamics, means the study of tit jiggling.

This should clearly be a competition in the Summer Olympics.

The sad part is that female athletes have so little titmeat.

Have you no shame? Have you no principles? At least spoiler that shit bro before someone gets traumatized and needs psychological treatments.

heh, thanks user.

any idea what species that is? it's simply amazing to watch.

your kind is not welcome here

Lots of birds can form masses like that when migrating, but it's likely blackbirds. Fuckers will strip the grain out of acres of grain sorghum and shit over everything.

That is a pretty nigress with huge tits.
Presumably all that edgy white national leaders have some sort of fetish for ethnic girls in way. For various reasons.

Well it actually fits into judith butler butlerian jihad, men fears what isnt bound to mens motivation.

I see. These guys didn't look like they were migrating really (at least to me) but remaining in the same area – nor did they appear to be eating. It's almost like they were just frolicking. Group mating?

But there are no pretty niggers user.

They're easier to disable than people realize.

Explain how please. We may need to know how before long.