I had a thousand calories of rice this morning, with 300 calories of butter. It was my meal for the day...

I had a thousand calories of rice this morning, with 300 calories of butter. It was my meal for the day. Can you feel my feel?

fat fuck. Would you like some fuckin rice with your butter?

Was it literally just steamed white rice with butter? You didn't have anything else to make a simple pilaf?

Brown rice. I added some onion powder, salt, and black pepper. I have some vegetables, but I'm saving them for when I'm even hungrier.

it's not fucking hard user
a fuckton of vegies, some rice, and hot sauce if you want flavor

Okay. So will you buy me veggies?

can you afford some peanut butter and ramen noodles next time user? rice is good but mixing things up will help. splurge on some cheap tuna fish occassionally if you can.

Go spread your goat religion somewhere else

That's actually a helpful thought. Thank you.

you're welcome, I know what it's like tbh. i know it's not exactly 'food', but i would recommend you invest in some cheap multivitamins when you can. you're body needs micronutrients to function properly and they are a good source of it. even the dollar tree has them.