Police Killings

Leftypol we need to talk for a moment. I'm probably going to make some anarchkiddies butthurt by proposing this but hear me out.

Now, when dealing with the bourgeois, most of us normally remember that we hate capitalism, not the capitalists, right? We see that they are a product of their own material conditions and will act in their own self interest. To show that I'm not just making this up now, see pic related.

Granted, some leftists need reminding on this sometimes, as it's very easy to get caught up in hating the bourgeois for simply being bourgeois, but of course they cant help bring born rich.

I want to ask, why does the same not apply to policemen? All across leftypol I am seeing celebrations that policemen are being killed in America, and that it's the best thing in the fucking world.

I want to make something clear quickly.

YES, the police force is state apparatus used to oppress the proletariat.

YES, the majority of policemen especially in the US are both racists and almost all are reactionaries.

However, this does NOT mean that we should wish death upon them. They're human fucking beings. The only time killing is necessary is when they stand in the way of REAL, organised revolution, not some random outburst rioting. Even then, pleasure should not be taken in doing so. Like the bourgeois, policemen are products of their material conditions. This does not excuse them from their actions, but we must understand and remember why they make thoes actions.

Just grow up a little.

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off bourgeois sympathizer

An anarchist made that infograph.

You are posting on a chan.

I wish an end to the cops, not the people who are filling the uniform. But you can't destroy one without the other.

yes it does


"Material conditions" or not, modern police are created to serve and protect anti-leftist interests. They're a direct obstacle to any revolutionary activity. I'm not going to feel any pangs in my heart for a couple of jackboots and Rambo-wannabes biting the dirt.

I'm sorry, but who exactly do you think the revolution will be against?

Will it be the Boy Scouts? The United Way? Will the local Lions Club take a break from selling fruit cakes and helping blind people to protect the property rights of the bourgeois?

No, it will be the fucking cops. Their job description is literally, "the enemy of the Left and foot soldiers in the capitalist occupation."

You understand that to wage a war, you have to propagandize and portray the enemy as less than human, right? That's extremely necessary to get your soldiers to kill them. Human beings have an extreme aversion to killing.

You guys are missing my point and seem to have ignored a part of my post.

Of course we will need to use violence against cops come the revolution. Even then though, we use violence because we have to, not because we want to. That's how it should be at least.

Also for some reason my Lenin hat wasnt on in the OP. Probably cus I just cleared cookies.

They have no compassion for us and they will show us no mercy. We have no compassion for them and when our time comes we will not show them mercy.


You guys do realize by killing cops in a non-revolutionary situation you pretty much alienate almost all of the proletariat?

Examples: All so called "urban guerrillas" in western countries post 1945. You know why people hate the radical left in Germany? Because of the fucking RAF, and they weren't even targeting cops.

If you just wanna be violent join the Antifa, get drunk, and go start a pub fight with whatever you think is fascist.

Killing cops without class consciousness is fucking bad.

I love how the Dallas shootings are just bringing all the crypto-fascists out of the woodwork.

I'm sure there is at least one anarchist out there capable of constructing a single post without sperging out over Leninism, the USSR, or state-capitalism. Though thus far I have yet to spot him.

At any rate he has something of a point. Killing cops is not really desirable but I won't lose any sleep over it either if it's for a revolutionary cause. Though shooting a few guys just because they're white is anything but that.

how people view you isn't something that;s really in your control anyway in a tangible sense

I want to know why people are seriously defending the cops.

Not just "you shouldn't kill them because it's a bad tactic" but "you shouldn't kill them".

Even if it's not in a revolutionary sense the police are in no way allies and we have no reason to defend them.

and it's not even pacifists, it's the people who call for chekas and gulags

It's Holla Forums, ex-Holla Forumsyps who are still spooked, and tankies. Business as usual.

Why? If you kill cops for the lulz, without any revolution in sight, they view you as a fucking terrorist.

If you kill cops during the defense of a revolutionary mass movement, they won't.

Are the police merely acting in accordance to their needs under a capitalist system? Sure, in a sense: they probably had alternatives at some point in their lives. The same can be said of the bourgeoisie though, and there is the understanding that their existing societal position must be overturned to liberate ourselves.

Are some police unworthy of facing violent force as a matter of individual character? Sure. In the larger struggle though, that distinction cannot be afforded. It must be up to those "upstanding" police members to recognize their role in the oppressive system and leave before it faces the aforementioned violent resistance. That resistance WILL and MUST happen, and the ensuing conflicts are not to be fought by the bourgeoisie on the streets: it will be fought by the police and armies. We wish to liberate them like all workers, but we cannot save them all if they act in violence against us first. This is their explicit role in the capitalist system, and we must not be afraid to defend ourselves.

The liberals, the majority of the populace, are going to view you as bad for killing police even if it's in defense of a revolutionary movement. They are liberals. They want the system to remain in place and as such are going to defend the people who keep the system up.

Holy fucking shit.

but to get support for a revolutionary mass movement you have to convince them that cops are bad anyway
that being said though, this shooting will probably do more bad than good politically

That's not what he's saying. He's saying the "don't kill cops you guys" regardless of revolutionary context is retarded. It's like saying "don't steal from the bourgeoisie!"

The liberals will view you as bad for killing a cop who is in the midst of raping your baby.

I love how copcucks seem to think that only anarchkiddies disagree with them.

Muh historical materialism. Please. Give me freedom or death.

I know, right? How dare those niggers fight back against police violence! What a bunch of filthy "idpolers", right? If only they'd ignored their resentment towards the police state and just read Marx instead, and then voted for Bernie, things would have turned out so much better.

Did you guys think Che and Fidel were winning the Cuban Revolution if they had some Anarchkiddie LARPERS telling them "no, you need to attack and shot those uninvolved village cops as well because they perpetuate Batista's reign?"

if you're going to try and appease the masses based on how they view you, why are you even a communist

normalfags hate communists

solidarity against totalitarians, comrade

This. I don't know how people can possibly think that conservatives are ever, ever going to support violence done against those who uphold the system.

If you hold a revolutionary movement and you kill a cop that is physically attacking your members, they view your movement as having been delegitimzed, not the cops. The only people who will view this as acceptable are people who already disagree with the system and are more okay with killing cops in the first place

^ comrade-tier tbh

tbf black people overwhelmingly didn't vote Bernie and would have made the difference if they did assuming the election would have just been rigged even more than it already was.

I like how you want to immediately want to play the racist card when I say that a fucking IdPol sniper doesn't help our movement a fucking bit.

Killing a person obviously can't be compared from stealing some cash from someone who doesn't need it. If you want to kill cops at random the logical conclusion of this thought would be to kill every non-communist at random. Almost everyone is a victim of their own stupidity by upholding a repressive system, cops have no monopoly over this. The death of an individual cop is no more useful to us than that of a taxi driver.

taxi drivers didn't kill any striking teachers recently

meant for

We know basically nothing about the shooter's motivations except that he was dissatisfied with BLM and was against the police violence against black people. Yet, shockingly, people like you are just dying to jump on the spin the media has put on it.

I want to remind my comrades here that people are literally so class cucked and state worshipping that if this officer had been shot they would have said it was totally unfair and wrong and OWS should never resort to violence.


How in the fuck do people just take what the police say at face value here?

I don't know, honestly. I can't tell if it's just an overwhelming amount of COINTEL/pol/ shitposting or if there are actually this many ignorant fucks on Holla Forums who are just uncritically accepting what the cops and media are saying about this whole thing.

BUT FOR BASICALLY EVERY OTHER ISSUE, COINCIDENTLALLY… then the media resumes its normal position as the capitalist disinfo/propaganda machine.

There actually is. If you are about to be unlawfully killed, you have the right to resist, in pretty much every law system.

Cops are just tools to protect private property. You change the law in a way that it only allows common ownership besides personal property, they will defend common property with the same vigilance.

That doesn't mean lots of cops are racist reactionary pigs. And of course, in a revolution, I would strongly advertisencourage violence since I'm not a defeatist. The guy in the picture is an asshole and surely deserves a beating.

Man, I wasn't even talking about just Holla Forums. But yeah, there's gotta be either a lot of shills or newfags with no class consciousness.

Neither do the overwhelming majority of cops, numb nuts.

It doesn't matter if you have the right to resist. To the liberal framework of society, you can not be in such a situation without having brought it upon yourself.

To the liberal mindset, cops are not private property defenders, they are doing nothing more than reacting to people who are doing something suspicious or criminal. Therefore, you are to comply with the police until you are let go. Your duty is to engage with the police in courts or by going through the process of changing the law by voting for representatives. If you get shot by cops illegally, the cops are still defended because they are still just doing their duty in an uncertain and dangerous environment.

You might legally get off the hook in court if you shoot a cop who's about to wrongfully kill you, but you are not viewed as legitimate for doing so psychologically nor is the cop delegitimzed for putting your life at risk.

You can not cast the deaths of police as a good thing, you can only make it into something that was an unfortunate happenstance.

You can't reason with these retards OP. They're hopeless.

the entire mexican police force covered up that live rounds had been used though

Hey guys grow up a little and just accept wage slavery and state violence….

just remove the uniform. :^)

You dont know even half of it. The dogmatic marxist leninist in some countries can be quite fanatic.

Wew lad


wew lad

Top kek. What next, liberals?

Explain to me how a community milita in anarcho-communism would not have the same right to do exactly that the same way cops have today.

I'm not a relativist, but that there is a rule of law is pretty much a given, unless there is revolutionary turmoil. Which would end at some point unless you are a Trozkist.

No. There are a million other reasons for people to shot a cop. And 900k of them do not perpetuate any sort of leftist agenda.

I'm feelin' "reactionaries"

please just stop posting


It's not enough to kill all cops. We must kill their friends and families as well. In fact, we must kill anyone who has any reservations about killing cops. And then kill everyone else just for good measure.


no, I think that was just a nihilist expressing his fantasy of total annihilation

The right of the police to detain you is not like your basic right given to every citizen like free speech or the right to defend his or hers property, you illiterate.

First one is a law, second one is a right. Laws are supposed to constitute the will of the community. Rights are supposed to defend ones individual freedom against the community.

Thanks for showing what anarchkiddies are really about.

Huh yeah and you're morally superior for having a fetish for authority


Shooting unarmed innocent people is probably incompatible with anarchism. Just a thought.

How do you seriously justify this? What kind of jelled tusk backflips do you have to do to actually believe this kind of thing? Yes there are "bad cops" but I've never seen a statistic that shows "most cops" or even "a lot of cops" are ignorantly racist or egregiously violent.

Most just have a strong sense of morality and want to defend the small plot of land they call home. They're reactionary because that's literally their job description- react to crime. When you see blacks committing crime at a grossly disproportionate rate compared to other ethnicities every day, you see these people who seem to have wildly swinging moods and behaviors, whom overreact and often violently, whom have an overinflated sense of ego and entitlement because your beloved liberal Jew media tells them every day they can do no wrong and everything is the fault of evil whites and "the po-po". How the fuck do you expect them to be? If they're not reactionary, they did. Others die. YOU most likely die.

You can sperg out about your idiotic anarcho-capitalism if you want but a police force of some kind is necessary to protect the defenseless from violence. Could they use reform? Yes. Are there cases of egregious abuses of power and violence? Yes. Are they rare? Yes. Are police necessary? I would say yes, but I'm open to other ideas about how you prevent chaos and murder from going unpunished that don't inevitably involve forming "local militias" i.e. KKK.

When you say "all cops deserve it!" you're really just parroting the classic "statistics are racist!". To imply that cops are just naturally racist with no cause or motivation or discernible reason is intellectually dishonest and I really expect better of you lefties. Cops don't "just hate brown skin" as the op said they are a product of their environment and they know that a black is far, far more likely to become violent because -gasp- they see it every. Fucking. Day.


That was not what we were talking about tho.



look up the history of the Iron Column fam

Oh wait, actually read all of it and you're just a Holla Forumstard. False alarm everyone.

Your whole post is bad, so I'm just going to isolate a couple points and hope someone else picks up the slack.

We're speaking on a broader level; groups over individuals. But since you're stuck on the individuals, here are some stats:

- Roughly 40% of police officers are domestic abusers, and abuse their families at nearly twice the rate of the national average. Cops have one of the highest rates of domestic violence of all careers. (Who would have thought people who get off on power, violence, and control would gravitate to a career that allows them paid access to that! And maybe it says a little about how far too many of them seek solutions in violence when it's clearly inappropriate). sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Police-domestic-violence-nearly-twice-average-rate-2536928.php, theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/09/police-officers-who-hit-their-wives-or-girlfriends/380329/, thefreethoughtproject.com/cops-beat-wives-girlfriends-double-national-rate-receive-promotions/

- It's legal and common to not hire eligible people to be cops because they are too smart. thefreethoughtproject.com/court-police-departments-refuse-hire-smart/, mintpressnews.com/can-someone-be-too-smart-to-be-a-cop/192106/

- The Blue Code of Silence. Maybe not all cops immediately appear to be bad cops to you, but most cops protect the "bad" ones anyway, so how can you say it's just a few bad apples? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_wall_of_silence, aele.org/loscode2000.html, news.uic.edu/police-corruption-enabled-by-blue-code-of-silence

Police are not required to protect people or prevent crime (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia, nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html?_r=0). The purpose of police is to catch the people who committed the crime and punish them.

There are countless studies concluding this punishment doesn't work for criminals, only create re-offenders.

Additionally, mass incarceration, which requires a huge police force, has further plunged people (particularly black and latino people) deeper into poverty and broken families, creating a greater need for crime to make money in economically atrophied neighbors and children without proper parental supervision or support to feel as if they belong/receive enough attention. They target communities of color because prison is a lucrative business, and they're minorities and a lot of people in the majority race just don't give a shit about them, making them defenseless when the government and busnessmen prey on them.

So if we were just to isolate the police force in its current state, they're still not protecting people or preventing crime.

I don't even have words for this one yet.

10/10 argument lads.

No shit. Nazis are human beings, An isis fighter is an human being, Assad is human being, so is Putin and so on.

Dehumanizing is propaganda, but so is humanization. The goal is to make you feel bad o you don't take action.

It doesn't matter who they are, what matters is what they do.






So as you guys seem to have completely missed my point in this OP, I made this video that hopefully explains it better.

And by explain it better, allows me to verbally shout at you all for being so dumb.

Yes you can dumbass

I agree with you op. This police bashing rhetoric is one of the reasons leftypol will never get anything done in the real world

It's not "the bourgeois", it's "the bourgeoisie"

Read Marx

Why not spread class consciousness among the police?

but it's the indirect violence that keeps the system going fam, the population massively outnumbers both the police and the army
read wolfi landstreicher

You can try, but unlike regular proles they get benefices from the system.


Police have no class consciousness, they're lumpenproles

Technically not, they're unroductive labor but they're still full part of the system.

Assuming the individual officer isn't corrupt and joined the force out of moral reasons (or at least a half-decent person) then I don't see why the officer can't be made aware of the role of the police in the system.

then you should be a fourierist or pacifist with the bourgeoisie too, or stop being spooked