
checked Alex's website, looks like it's gone. Did (((they))) get to him?

Other urls found in this thread:

No mention of it on his twitter. Like it never even happened

Is he even still alive?



Anyone else think it's weird that maus presented cats killing mice as a bad thing, when in real life that's the most useful thing cats do?

Goyim, don't you dare question it! 6 million, goyim! 6 million!

Literally pests. They killed all the cats and now the rats have taken over

''Before someone gets political, i’ll just copy paste the artist response
Since I’ve inadvertently triggered some overly-sensitive Americans with this one (which was inevitable I suppose) allow me a moment to address some things:
1. I’m British. It makes no difference to me which of those two prats you elected. So don’t accuse me of being butthurt, I get more butthurt over local MP elections in North Yorkshire.
2. He’s loud. That is the extent of my commentary here. Not that choosing him was a good or bad idea, he is just a very noisy bloke and the rest of us in the world can hear him. And to demonstrate this in true cartoon fashion, Rosianna tries to escape Earth and can still hear that walking caricature yelling.
3. Rosianna is French. She wouldn’t have voted for either candidate.
4. I reserve the right to make these comics about whatever I want. Not every week is going to be a sex or suicide joke, that would get repetitive quickly. They vary in subject matter, tone and offensiveness. So if you are one of the few who are offended by my choice of something barely political over your weekly dose of rude rabbit comics, good. Glad I could offend someone with it.''



The Jews being mice was a play on what the Nazis called them. The same with the Poles being pigs. The previous version of the comic had them be mice in universe.


weird. I recognize that bottom right panel, that one stayed in the book. and it always stood out to me. The art was different, I remember wishing the whole book was done like that.

I prefer 10 times the SJW in comparisson to weeaboos ( who even run this board) I am glad it is diying since I cant discuss anything here before some Otaku or some Alt-right dumbass shits on me. So I barely post anymore, much less make any threads.

Seriously, since late last year cartoon discussion is almost dead, and comic bashing is the only thing Holla Forums related nowadays that is still posted.

If you don't think this place has anything to offer you then feel free to leave, from what you just said I think that would make everyone happier, yourself included.

I feel like I've seen this joke a dozen times.

Dogs are better

Doing gods work

What do you mean no mention in his twitter?
He must have deleted it but he basically said that he didn't want to offend anyone and that people that could "hire" him could've been put off by the nazi joke.

Actually, addendum.
I also remember he wanted to make a 9/11 joke.
I remember that because I was surprised when he made the nazi joke instead, I did check the trump comic again and it said "favorite fascist dictator" instead.

I think the man is getting cold feet over what he can and can't insult.
Wish he would join Holla Forums like Ben Garrison did, the nazi comic was ten times funnier than the Trump one.

I found the tweet.

What a pussy

And yet another webcomic is removed from the list.
I can't stand fags that say they don't mind offending people and then turn right around and say they need to take shit down because it's offensive.

eh, i don't blame him.
Most would do the same in his position. It's about making a point versus trying to increase chances of employment in the future.

What I want is for him to not apologise

the best response in such cases of controversy is "who am I offending, the nazis?"

I didn't know you posted on Holla Forums dude.

This is why you make your webcomic under an assumed name and pray the SJWs aren't able to ferret you out.







I can empathize in some small way. I maintain numerous online personas simply because I fear what might happen if I ever try to go pro or at the very least, leverage my skills for money.

The comics industry, entertainment industry, and normalfags in general are all hyper sensitive to this sort of shit. It's the era of blacklists, journos running smear campaigns, and twitter witchhunts.

Remember what happened to that one Occulus Rift guy who donated to Trump and said shitposting was the new political campaigning? They stalked his every move for weeks and incessantly reported on it.

All the more reason why I want there to be some kind of subculture network where people can still get paid for doing shit without having to worry about liberal faggots deciding it's their right to excommunicate you from the society they've ruined.

I miss this show so much.
Too bad everyone except Drew either faded into obscurity or had their lives JUSTed.

If it's a ruined society why the fuck would anybody care if they're excommunicated from it?
I know I find it impossible to give a shit anymore when some offhand comment I make causes someone to go "uch ermagerd truggurring uch I can't even uch uch ugh sodginy".
At this point pretty much the only thing you can do is laugh it off and seek out people who don't get offended every time you dare utter the wrong syllable at the wrong microsecond and microtrigger someone with your microagression.

That's not even true though.
This is the tipping point, the era of change.
This is when the table is turned, if you stay on the wrong side you'll be remember as the meek faggot that was too scared to provoke, while staying on the good side will have you reminded as one of the guys that actually pushed the new ideology that "Fuck your feelings I can laugh at whatever I want".
Really, Alex should come on Holla Forums hell maybe even Holla Forums and post all the comics he want insulting everyone he wants.
Maybe he won't make money off of us but at least he will be free to express his ideas however he desires.

Well he's clearly too worried about offending (((someone))) and ruining future business ventures despite being nothing above average in the humor or art departments.
I wish more webcomic artists and writers embraced the freedom of their medium and just shit all over everything they truly hate without worrying about squandering some tiny glimmer of a shitty job opportunity that probably won't amount to anything.
I don't even care if they'd agree with my opinions or not, just make that shit funny and god damn the consequences from overly sensitive politics shitters.

and thats where you lost him. your ideology of "do whatever you want for free" clashes with your other ideology of "fuck communism, everything should be capitalism!"

you can't have both Holla Forums, if you force capitalism on people, they won't have time to make the entertainment that you enjoy because they will need to work to survive, unless you give them money for it.

just being realist here.

Under communism he'd still essentially be doing it for free while sponsoring a state mandated mindset.
Don't try and turn this into a porky vs. muh proletariat shitfest Holla Forumsyp.
This is simply a matter of someone having the balls to make whatever comics they want, and clearly Alex is more concerned about offending people than making something funny (which pretty much requires offending someone at this point).

then don't complain about he not doing it for free to please you.

also not a Holla Forumstard. just spewing some logic here. if you don't like him bending over for the jew, maybe throw a few donations his way.

yes, how awful of he to be concerned with his economical well being and not wanting to end up a dirty hobo because no one hires him.

read my earlier post because you clearly didn't pay attention to it.

I'm not complaining about him not pleasing muh opinions, I'm complaining about him saying he's all good to fuck with people regardless of offensiveness, and then immediately turning around and recanting this claim because he's a blatant hypocrite.
Also, he clearly doesn't depend on this comic for a living, so any claims of him worrying about ending up a hobo is a shitty excuse for having these double standards.

he does not depend on the comic, but maybe he depends on the job that he could get from the person that's looking at them.

yes you are. you never know when you will be in a bad economic situation and have to swallow your pride in order to survive.

No I'm fucking not, he's made comics before that I didn't entirely agree with, but they were still funny.
He's not "swallowing his pride" either.
He's caving because of pressure from whiny bitches that didn't like him making Trump and Holohoax jokes.
He's a hypocritical little bitch.

and then the retards say lefty and pol aren't two sides of the same coin. you are the hypocrite john.

You clearly disagree with me and are angry about it.
Explain to me how he isn't a hypocrite.
I'm not going to resort to insults like you already have either.
I want to know how you can possibly defend his shitty hypocrisy.


So you have no explanation.
He very clearly contradicted himself as evidenced by and
You are vehemently defending this man and insulting me simply because I made an observation of this hypocrisy.
I'm not telling you to stop reading his comic or whatever, I'm calling him out for being a blatant hypocrite.
I'm sorry that this disturbs you so much that you got so defensive over it, but I', not going to be quiet about it just because you feel like slinging shit because one of your liked webcomics is being called out.

i gave you a possible explanation and you chose to ignore it and twist the meaning of the words to "pretend" like it didn't matter and i was wrong

Neither of those posts have anything to do with what you're saying they do.

what if he needs a job that depends on a positive look from the guy who's looking at his bunny comic? thats what the 6924 post says.

and the other post is you getting angry without considering possibilities.

Then he shouldn't have decided to base his bunny comic on offensive, strange, and often sexual material if he was gunning for the family friendly sector of the entertainment business.
Also, I'm not angry, I'm just curious and a little befuddled as to why you're defending his hypocrisy.
The evidence is right there that he contradicted himself after all.

you're purposefully being an idiot now. what if he was economically stable back then and he thought it would last forever, and now he isn't? this is the same thing i said in the earlier post that you replied to angrily, maybe take your borderline personality disorder googles off

You're not answering my questions, user.
You're dancing around the issues with hypothetical situations and insults about my mental status instead of directly addressing his hypocrisy.
Methinks you really like his comic, and anybody saying anything negative about Alex really gets under your skin.
I will reiterate that I don't care if you like his comic, that's all well and good.
I will also ask again why you are trying to deny his blatant hypocrisy.

its so cute when Holla Forumstards pretend to be in this "highly intellectually and morally superior" position.

i'd like to believe he has a good reason to go back on his words before going full hitler on him. but you don't really know any other position do you? its either normal or full hitler all the time.

So now you're accusing me of being a nazi larper.
You still haven't explained your defense of a blatant hypocrite, and you're not helping your own position by insulting me. I can only assume you have no actual rebuttals whatsoever based on this stream of insults you've thrown at me.
Good night user, I hope you learn to argue your points like an adult instead of acting like a child and calling anyone who disagrees with you a doodoo-headed boogeyman.

you're not a larper. just a Holla Forums retard. and as i said, i hope he has a legitimately good reason for taking down the jew comic.


Patrician taste, dear user.

The weird thing is, his comic can be as gross and raunchy and tasteless, but if he does anything that falls into the "wrongthink" category (like Nazi jokes) then he gets labeled a nazi, treated like a nazi, and forced to deal with every overhyped commie piece of shit who thinks they are ideologically superior to nazis.. by enacting violence and underhanded tactics that make Nazis look downright civil in comparison.

I'm more surprised he didn't get this much shit for the illegal immigrants comic. Or maybe I missed that fiasco.

It is kinda stupid to make a webcomic entrenched in off-color humor and not expect to get shit on for either taking a joke too far or for not taking it far enough. Especially if you hope to make a living doing something else but fear rejection because someone doesn't like what comes up when they Google you.

It's also stupid to expect a struggling artist to impale themselves on the proverbial sword for an ideal that's pretty worthless compared to trying to eek out a living.

Last time I checked, Ben Garrison is doing fine.
He's doing what he likes, he is selling prints, trinkets and whatnot, he's getting interviews etc etc.
I mean, if Alex prefers to be both poor and censored that's his prerogative, I'm just saying that instead of hoping for (((someone))) to give him a job maybe he should do what he feels like doing and hope he will make it, worse case scenario he will still be poor but at least he'll be free to do whatever he wants.
Also don't call Holla Forums into this you retard, we don't need to shit up the thread just because you got banned there.

Don't blame him, that ain't worth getting hounded by crazies for the rest of your life.

it's already out there though nig, these people are going to use your shit against you either way. It's better to stand by your work than take it down. Once it's out there, it's out there.

I hope you like your dystopian future where you're afraid to have independent thoughts lest you get shot for wrongthink .

More like you don't want to upset certain (((people))) who are very influential in the (((entertainment industry))).

well, alex and ben are not the same person

"hope" doesn't put food in the table. you can't eat out of good intentions. its amazing how easy you think life is just because you have it for granted thanks to mommy and daddy feeding and clothing you.

Then run for office, drawing bad comics ain't gonna prevent that. It's easy, the Democrats are a fucking shambles and mostly nonexistent at the local level.

Oh so instead deleting your own work in the "hopes" that you won't offend a non-existing (((job giver)) is better, yes?
Maybe you should try and look through your own reasoning, so you can understand how stupid you sound.

If anything, less people will want to hire him now, if anyone was paying attention to him they saw how much an hypocrite he was.
You can't go insult one side and saying "lol I don't care, I do what I want, I'm glad I can insult people" and then insult the other side but instead of having the same attitude you lower your tail between your legs like the dog you are and apologize while deleting your own work.
And if anything, that shows how "violent" and "unreasonable" the SJWs really are.
He left the Trump comic up because that the conservatives won't really care, if they don't appreciate their work they won't give a fuck, meanwhile he deleted the nazi comic because HE KNOWS that he will be attacked for it, maybe even doxed.

So just to make it clear: with us he has a hope.
With them? He's fucked, 100%.
Now I wonder… is it better to "hope" there will be food on the table or is it better to get no food at all for sure?

boy aren't you a self-absorbed little shit.


ravioli ravioli you're jumping to conclusions because you have borderline personality disorderoli

read the thread retard, the argument has been made.

back to Holla Forums with you right-wing tumblr

sounds like you got the libtards triggered

what a horrible thread

Is Alex currently making cash with his comics?
Is Ben Garrison?

See, your "arguments" don't have facts to back them up.
You keep saying that with us he will be "poor" while I give you an example of someone who was poor and now (his very words) has his business booming, he is happy and he is making money out of what he loves to do.

So again… where is your argument?
Or better, where are your facts?

Alex sold himself out for a grand total of… nothing.
Not a cent.
Nobody was paying him anything to delete that comic.
Hell I doubt anyone even threatened, he kept the thing up for half a day, did anyone but his close fans even see it?
He doesn't have a job related to his comics.
He sold himself out to please a crowd that don't care about him or anything he does in the first place.
Remember Anita?
Remember when she suggested for all the idiots that followed her to play that dumb game, Sister Superstar or what the hell was called?
Remember how literally nobody ever played the damn thing?
Maybe not literally, I'll admit it… there was that one single guy, I remember the thread on Holla Forums.
That's because their side don't actually give a fuck about videogame, about movies, about comics or any of that shit.
Need more proof?
Oh look… Ghostbuster, the remake!
All female cast!
And it was a complete failure.
Again, where was the SJW crowd?
They wanted all those changes, the girl power, the diversity… but they didn't actually bought the ticket?
Wow, doesn't that tell you something?

Alex sold out to nobody, to a non-existing crowd, to a side that don't actually care about anything he does, they only care about him not saying the wrong things.
Meanwhile the evil nazis buy videogames, they buy comics, they watch movies, they enjoy trinkets and so on so forth.
I wonder I wonder… which side would actually benefit Alex's wallet more?

pic related is the mental issue you have

again, for like the 4th time, i already made my "argument" pretty clear, you refuse to look at it because you have pic related. you refuse to come to a middle ground in any topic that is ever argued against you, and thats how i know you're from rightwing tumblr AKA Holla Forums

How much money did Alex made from deleting his own comic?



That's all I'm hearing right now.

What the fuck happened?
Also, what the fuck happened to Truth Seeker?

Retards chanting the Holla Forums boogeyman over and over to derail the thread and thinking that insulting someone equals to presenting an argument.

my argument was already made earlier. you keep refusing to scroll up and read it.
you haven't posted any either, except for a long rant about things you're still butthurt about.

everything argued here has been based on assumption, you assume he jumped boat because he's not appealing to you anymore and you're crying about it, i assume something more logical, that he needs a job badly because rosianna isn't making him any money, but that getting said job could depend on the person who's looking at his comic. man's gotta do what he's gotta do to survive. he's not going to wait for your "hope" to feed him, what if he needs the money now?

you have a mental issue, get it fixed before we can argue further.

How much money did Ghostbuster make?
Is the current comic industry that so much loves diversity booming or collapsing?
Did the "community manager" retarded that made this pic make things better of worse for the game?
Is Dobson making mad cash from pandering to the SJW crowd?
Answer me that.
Prove me wrong.
Prove me that there is one succesful product that pandered to SJWs and is now popular.
Is Adventure Time popular now?
Is Steven Universe getting more popular?
Rick and Morty?
Come on, give me something, something that isn't about to be cancelled, something that Holla Forums itself don't complain about costantly.

You're delusional buddy.
And I'm done discussing with you.
You know why?
Because I don't need to protect Holla Forums from your garbage, Holla Forums is more than capable to handle itself to keep your filth at bay.
Get the last word if you want, you already dug up a pretty deep grave, might as well let you go a couple meters further down.
Oh but feel free to answer any of the questions above, now is your chance to "prove me wrong" without me responding ever again ( ° ʖ °)

too obvious

He didn't need two pages to make the classic "Hitler shocked by gas bill" joke
What a fag

I wonder if these people realize you need to be 18+ to post here?

dont need to be older than 12 to know that Holla Forums shits up every board all the time.

hell, the only reason Holla Forums is 3rd in the rank is because Holla Forums itself goes there to shitpost.

Hey Holla Forums

Then why the hell would they go anywhere else if they're content with their shitting grounds. Plus, they've been busy with the whole Shia Stream to even both with anything else. You're full of shit and fuck off to whatever hell hole you came from.

Holla Forums IS every other board. If you think you're visiting some lefty liberal progressive site that is unfortunately besieged by wrongthinking neo-nazis, you are sorely mistaken.

/a/ is the worst enemy of Holla Forums but /a/ and Holla Forums go hand by hand.


still have your head up your ass eh? you should eat more fiber, that'd make it easier for it to slide out.

not really, the only thing /a/ does to Holla Forums is shit it up with jojo.

haha, epic animemes my fellow channer


Oh shit its the Powergirl Autist again!

I read Maus back when I was bluepilled. I enjoyed it, but there was some proto-redpill in the back of my head that kept forcing me to notice just what an evil cunt the dad was. He treated everyone in his life like shit, and he was extra-jewy when it came to money. I wrote it off as his time in the camps had made him squirrely, but now I'm not so sure.

Right here


Well shucks. Jealous much Rosianna?

I also thought it was weird that mice were used for the analogy of Jews, I always thought to myself when I was young "Won't they be glad they're exterminating mice?"

The yellow bunny is a reoccurring character that is seen sort of like a rival to Rosianna with them screwing each other over in different strips.

Christ you're such a loser.


The artist was aware of that.

It was a play on the Nazi propaganda.

Really? Why do you fags act like you asked probing questions when those were addressed in the book?

so he hasn't reuploaded it yet?

the strip before it, the trump one, still says on the description that he will upload a nazi one next, and then the next one is the cigar one.

Go back to 4cuck, the holocaust is lie.

That explains a lot. But seriously archive the link next time.

Have you checked pirate bay?

Hey Holla Forums

huh? why would i check thepiratebay?

That image spelt Pharaoh wrongly.



Yes he's not really one of ourguys so I don't give a shit about the british fag frankly.

There are a bunch of comic discussions, don't be a dickhead.
Now, the real problem is waifu/porn threads and /a/, or at least Holla Forums and goons pretending to be /a/, shitposting anime here.

Must be a Rosianna fan.

Huh, all the fathers evidence for his experience happens to be missing. What a pure coincidence.

It's not like the ancient Egyptians were specific about the English spelling. I'm sure we're pronouncing it wrong too.

Maus is pretty self-aware, the first chapter of Part 2 is even about the author doubting and deconstructing the book's aesthetic as he's struggling with his own issues.

A real man wears pink underwear with confidence and pride.

need more of Rosianna's fat ass.

somethng something i want to fuck that rabbit


I don't know whether to laugh or puke.


Are you saying you wouldn't polyjuice into your crush?

On one hand, it is selling out.
On the other, it's not like these comics are anything more than cheap entertainment to begin with.
Was he really trying to stand up for free speech in the first place or was it just a dumb joke all along?

I'm disappointed they didn't have fat lesbian sex in the bathroom right there.

Hey Holla Forums


hey reddit


Seems like he was trying to act all cocky and cool but then fell to peer pressure.



Last panel should have her turning into Santa.

I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up, but has anyone else noticed that a lot of material created by SJWs and whatever-category-it-is-that-this-author-falls-into are simply mean spirited?

They don't even have some sort of ironical humor to it all, or anything close to a punchline. It's just them being being dicks, and they point to it saying it is humor.

That or it's the entire world being dicks to them.

I don't follow.


Much better.



so he never uploaded the gas bill one again? guess i was being way too hopeful. he caved in. what a hypocrite

Why did Alex move from Belgium to England? Wouldn't he have better chances moving on to the comic industry if he remained in the land of raunchy comics.

Clearly a matter of demand. An occasionally raunchy comic about a fat slut bunny is barely going to raise an eyebrow of a perfidious Belge, but show it to an Englishman and he'll pop his monocle right off.

But us Brits are used to comics about overweight promiscuous women.

Seriously though have no idea why he move from a paradise like Belgium to a shitty country like here. And in fucking Sheffield of all places!

Clearly they couldn't stand a place where everyone who isn't a Walloon is Flemish. I mean, a man's dignity can't handle that.

Like they care.

Or eating him

Well obviously, but occasionally a Belge is born with a measure of self-awareness and thus seeks to flee the land.


