Is she the new queen of Holla Forums?
Is she the new queen of Holla Forums?
regressives out pls
leftwing rightwing SJWs are the worst
/television/ is the board for blacked attention whores.
Uh, no
I would say yes but I would add to the mix @abitofbrittUS, she is her roommate, and anti-SJW specialised in anti-fat activism and traditional families.
I have no idea who any of the whores itt are
should I consider myself lucky?
you should consider yourself a regressive sjw
REEEEE kill yourselves and your blacked sluts
I bet you love BaldPatchOnHead
No other choice really.
She DIT NOT racemix.
Stop spreading lies user.
she's queen, case closed
Ok ;)
More beautiful than ever in her new video
Literally who?
just some mudshark
Some coalburner
Elections aren't until the new year. Go shill your literal who elsewhere. Maybe /television/ to see if lord autist is around.
fuck you and that whore, Barbara doesn't need any cucked elections to be our one and only queen
She clearly does, 1. Because that's how Holla Forums's queen is decided and 2. Because literally, who?
she's the queen, end of story if you don't like it you can fuck yourself with a cactus
All the memes won't change how the system works. Feel free to make your own dead board to whine about it, tho.
More like Barbara 2qt4me, amrite?
she's queen of Holla Forums and you will have to deal with it
Sure thing, honey.
who's that skank you keep posting anyway
Aw, look at you trying.
no seriously, i see you posting her anywhere but i have no clue who she is
is it even a she?
It doesn't matter. If she is then you should constantly make threads about her and post her in every other thread.
If she isn't then you should constantly make threads about her and post her in every other thread until she is.
Either way it's the same. Godspeed.
w-what is "Terrorize My Ass"?
Sorry, we have actual proof Barbara is a nigger fucking SJW, with Jenny we just have hearsay. Barbara is queen.
Just because you're a bull prepping cuckold doesn't mean everyone is. Kill your waifu, her bull and yourself.
She DID NOT sleep with that nigger (who is homosexual by the way).
Not only did she sleep with him she asked for patreon money for doing so to protect her from the evil nazis who were giving her ptsd on twitter. You better donate if you don't want to be literally Hitler.
His dick up her uterus was homosexual
In your fucking dreams, you are just a bunch of cucks who fantasize on zoophiles. Don't you have a friend that you consider as a friend?
Well it is the exact same relation between Barbara and the pickaniny, THERE WAS NEVER SOMETHING SEXUAL IN NATURE.
t. Youtuber and insider.
Literal who, fuck yourself