Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB?

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB?
What's bad about it? It's meant to run on ATMs and medical devices so it's lightweight by nature, there is no Metro or microcuck apps installed, updates only come once every couple years and metro calculator app is replaced with windows classic calculator program. Cortana doesn't even exist in the OS files.

After disabling 99% of Windows services and deleting the system files of some off my SSD completely it's a VERY lean OS, much better than the Windows 7 Enterprise that I used previously and leaner on RAM as well. 3GB on C once install is finished

What's not to love?

Other urls found in this thread:

What's this shilling?
I think you may find yourself more comfortable at >>>/g/


Enjoy your AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl

You are mixing things up: those devices run Windows 10 IoT edition, not Enterprise.

i refuse to have any device implanted into my body that is not running Gentoo GNU/Linux or OpenBSD.

Or TempleOS*

You are mistaken.

deleted :^)

Windows IoT edition is rebranded Enterprise LTSB, no extra changes other than the logo and license.
I got the LTSB edition because some drivers are hard-coded to not install on Windows IoT edition so in practice it becomes like GNU where you have to hit your head against the wall to get shit to work

we're not talking about OS X here user

sage and hidden

deleted :^)

YOU can't stop it. YOU can't block the tracking.

This is why I refuse to get health insurance or a bank account


there's no escape, user


Pick one and only fucking one.

There are linux installs giving you all those features you would need at 230MB's of RAM. Even giving you the eyecandy that is like windows 10. Fuck off windowsfag.

Windows runs at similar memory usage on idle. I think you're confusing disk space for RAM

I don't think you understood me. You are LOADING those 230MB's of ram from disc .ISO to run a fully fledged operating system. You can't even do that in windows.

bait thread

sure they're a full operating system technically but the install size is going to go up dramatically if you install anything not included by default

The only issues are that some new cpu's won't run on it until the next LTSB/Server version of windows is released in 2019. Another is that some programs might not work on it, there was some issue with GeForce drivers not recognizing the older version of it last year.

Other then that, not much else. It's actually was Win10 Enterprise should have been. In fact reading sysadmin forums, most IT shops are deploying it inspite of the scaremongering tactics by MS to make companies use regular Enterprise.

The company I admin for insists on using enterprise over LTSB because they're stupid

They'll quickly change their mind after the next features update breaks their shit. That's the main complaint I've read from IT, there are too many feature updates that break things and LTSB is the only version that offers the update cycle they want.


"3GB on C" was a reference to the space it takes up on the C drive, not ram usage.

Considering it's bloated history, windows 10 is actually shocking good at stuffing itself into tiny amounts of ram if it needs to, due to the whole "let's turn our desktop OS into a tablet OS for everyone whether they like it or not" thing they have going on. Booting on 192mb of ram

In reality, to be truly function win10 needs at least 1gb, and will typically sit at 2-2.5gb at idle if it has the space, but will shrink if it needs to.
Multitasking on windows 7 with all the updates, will struggle with low memory when limited to 4gb.

Unix based systems are just as retarded. See pic.

Is it possible to install normal AMD GPU drivers on this OS? On windows server editions you can't.

yeah ive been running win10 that i customized heavily on the low level, its really good

It violates the user's four essential software freedoms.

Should be able to as it identifies as windows enterprise and not Windows server. The only issue will be of the drivers were made for a newer version Windows 10. As mentioned by GeForce had problems because it was made for the 2016 version of Windows while the previous version of ltsb was from 2015. I've yet to hear of any new incompatibility issues at the moment.

user takes one event and consider the whole thing bad.

wew I'm glad that I'm out of ms os and non-free/libre shit.

OP should GTFO

So you just screencapped an unsourced post and took it as fact?

LTSB sounds interesting, but is there a chance some vidya will require some function that is not there?

Both of your assertions are incorrect.
Unix based systems are not bad, they are flawed. There are a multitude of reason that they are flawed.
It should not be threatening to admit this.

Don't be willfully dense. The post is just a succinct summary of events.
This is the source, which is easily found via a search:

Did you by any chance edit the .dll that allows connections to Microcuck servers to be made even when explicitly blocked in hosts?

Should work fine. I'm running Enterprise LTSB 2016 here.

muh gaymen

all my vidya work so far

Do they still allow you to simply enter a product key to activate Enterprise, and if so, where would such a key come from?
I've been given a company laptop with W10 preinstalled and I refuse to use it until I can follow that Windows 10 debloat/security guide from however many months ago. I could just install W7, but if I can just enter a simple product key and be done with it, that'd be best.

Which dll?

You can activate with a legitimate key or use kmspico. There's also a way to create a fake kms server to fool windows into activating.


I would recommend Windows Toolkit (download from mydigitallife) over product keys.

bump, don't forget to replace your explorer.exe and all the Windows metro bullcrap with the Windows Black Box port (Jewgle it), it works on Win 10 x64 and consume 1/20 of the RAM explorer and its brethren used to consume while being 5 quintillion times more functional. For maximum independence get explorer++ and delete explorer.exe off your system entirely.

it can be riced just like with openbox



>Windows isn't 100% shit, that's why it is 100% shit.

Why do people do this? Why not just install gnu/linux? You obviously know how to burn an iso to a disk and install it, so don't say it's too hard, and don't say
because there is no way they are compatible with that cut down piece of shit, and if you are only playing old games that don't need no fancy Api's n sheeit, then why not just use windows 7? How fucking autistic are you?

other than compatibility, is there any reason NOT to dump everything into one directory? Why split /bin and /sbin?

You have to recompile your heart monitor and your body heats up to 150 degrees.

wtf I love windows now

LTSB gets monthly security updates for 10 years. It just doesn't get feature updates.

Don't know or care because I'm never going to use windows again tbh