Obviously Pence did very well tonight. Trump has got to stick to the issues in the next two debates. What would you like to see him hammer her on, Holla Forums? Also post Jeb! Memes for old time's sake.
I want him to stick to the issues but also destroy Clinton
Didn't mean to sage
Only compared to his opponent. Anti-Assad stance will drive us into world war 3. He even said that Russia invaded Georgia and committed aggression there for fuck sake. All russian presses are about it, and Trump statement that russians don't respect Hillary and Obama, and that's terrible.
Pence will subvert Trump into war, and that's not a joke matter.
All he has to do is make people like him. Absolutely no one likes Clinton or wants to vote for her. All of her votes come from the constant smear job the media puts on Trump. All he has to do is make people like him.
Oh absolutely. He's got to be himself in that regard.
He hasn't subverted Trump into anything before. Pence did well enough.
He should just attack Hillary and deflect anything accusation she throws with a point about her. Anything she can say about Trump, he can say no, and then hurl the same attack back at her and it will stick since it will be based on facts.
You're correct that it's no joking matter. Most Americans don't want war with Russia. I agree with your concern, user.
Pence did extremely well in the debate. If anything happened to Donald I'd be alright with him being president. Kaine is a fucking lunatic low test faggot cuck.
2% Jeb! Is one of my favorite Moonman tracks!
Did anyone actually watch? Like, anyone other than you people?
The general public I can tell you definitely does not care in the slightest. And I don't care in the slightest either.
Also, Trump better dominate in the next debate now that he knows what to expect. I'll be pretty upset if he's lukewarm again.
Did anyone else get an email survey about the debate and what Trump should do in the next one? I can probably link it if you guys are interested.
I love this election.
From the art of the comeback.
Also, yes, I did get the email survey as well. Told him to mention Soros in it, which he did for the first time at a rally the other day. Hope he brings him up in the debate
Apparently all you faggots missed the obvious GG scenario.
I have to work in 4hours but after that I'll be working on a video all day. Probably all weekend because I suck at editing; however, I'm still less dumb then you are for missing it.
Cant believe it flew over all of your heads. No one in the live threads even mentioned it when it happened right in front of them.
Git fucking ready. Git fucking hype. This garbage is over. I got liberal tier propaganda in the works. Even they can't ignore the simplicity.
Kaine nuked himself in the Clinton Orbit. It's over. Done. Been fun.
Pence killed it, and he set it all up; amazing performance. Kaine looked petulant in juxtaposition to such stoicism.
Just watched it, here's some notes:
Overall it went pretty damn well. The moderation was fair. The optics heavily favored Wojack. Kaine looked desperate in his constant attacks and paranoid about Russia. Pence didn't cuck or pander to muds or other victim groups.
Too bad none of the pleb whites watched, but it definitely won over some of the more autistic wonkish whites.
IDK man, i think its hard to define when Trump should defend himself / attack.
But I would say, if Clinton tries to attack him on a topic which she is weak on, he needs to ignore her attack, and simply attack her.
I see it like she's a frail wimp in most areas, and he is jacked beyond all belief in most. Trump spending too much time defending himself against a limp wristed cunt seems like weakness.
He doesn't need to worry about her throwing punches, b/c if he responds on topic about her weaknesses, it will destroy her.
Lastly, Question:
Every time they pull out the Trump called Mexicans rapists line…
Why the fuck doesn't anyone ever respond: Well you know 60-80% of all women crossing illegally are raped.
Is there a reason why I never see anyone make this point? Have you guys already played this one out and realized it can be attacked too easily?
I truly don't understand. that comment would render like 50% of her attack power useless. But what ever.
Have some Jeb
Some hate facts are just too big of a redpill for the masses, unfortunately.
I hope they did at least 1 focus group of independent voters, and their reactions to that stat.
I know normies are weak and deserve extermination please god I'm praying for a nuke war , but if you could get that stat across without rustling too many independent jimmies, it would sink her ship.
Remember, N = 777 should be a good sample.
I don't mean we can't eventually start exposing them to the hardcore stats, but we've got to ease them into it.
This last year has seen wonderful progress on that front, the Overton window shifting as far as it has, but the redpill is still a harsh one to swallow.
There's plenty of data to lead them to the truth, they're just slow at processing it all.
Honestly, Pence was incredible. He probably has enough competence to run as his own man. Trump was fucking spot on when he chose him as VP
Hillary probably chose Kaine because he's a beta faggot and she didn't want to be outstaged. She is a vagina so she is going to have a harder time looking authoritative with a charismatic, strong-willed male VP. She chose Kaine so she could look good in comparison standing next to him
I don't understand. I know I might be the Oracle from popping this many pills…
But how is saying that Illegals raping women along the route, too big of a red pill?
I think a focus group is a good idea, regardless. One should always assume that the population cannot handle something. One should see for themselves, with a large sample group.
Fair enough, I might be behind the times, as fast as things are shifting now.
The leftists would probably respond with
All he would need to do. I'm guessing here.
Craft a perfect line as a response. Then poll 111 independent voters from 7 swing states, and ask them what they think of the statistic / the response.
If greater than 1/5 - 1/4 of them is upset. Don't say it. Only independents are important.
Like what?
I don't really know much about how focus groups work, though.
If it was doable, it would bolster the anti-immigrant and pro-wall arguments.
I'm a little annoyed how the mods won't let us criticise Trump but I guess with all the shills lately, it's a bit necessary. Maybe after the election, oh well.
Idk man, something like - The Good folks from Mexico, who enter our Country Legally, are not bringing crime, but those criminals who cross illegally, are raping 60- up to 80% of the women crossing with them.
I fully expect to hate Trump once he is elected.
I really feel like he won't live up to his promises and he won't begin clearing out the Commie filth from the Government.
Who knows tho, if he does, I will give him info present.
Meta comments can be very memorable and effective. Trump should be pointing out how Hillary's fake smile appears every time she's confronted with her own corruption.
Checked, and that's a pretty reasonable response.
I'm 25% potato nigger and raised Catholic. Catholics who support Roe v. Wade must be fantastic at mental gymnastics, so much so it's fucking Olympic.
the reason that "criticism of Trump isn't allowed" is because it's an obviously exploitable area and it's completely pointless. There is absolutely nothing to be gained from not voting, and you lose absolutely nothing by doing it. Erego, it only makes sense to vote. Now since you're voting, Trump is who you're going to vote for, because he's obviously the far superior option, especially for nationalists. Everyone knows Hillary is the walking definition of a kike puppet, even the normalfags (even though they don't know to describe it that way).
Any and all of Trump's flaws don't matter before the election because of these things. We won't know how wonderful/horrible he will be as "the nationalist president" until he's elected and been in office for a while, and there's no point in trying to shit on him before then because he's obviously the better choice and we'll vote for him regardless.
People can worry about criticizing him once the election is over, especially since when his critics on here are asked "so what is your point, I shouldn't vote Trump? I shouldn't vote at all?" they have no fucking reasonable response except "don't do anything, wait for the right time and then rise up" aka "wait for hitler."
Criticism doesn't mean you won't vote for him. If anything normalfags like to hear at least at face value that someone's fans are not completely blind to his faults. The person in question doesn't even have to have flaws and you don't need to list them if any, but saying the most banal thing "I like him, but don't agree with him about everything" makes it easier for them to digest anything positive you say after that. Acting like the libtard media and telling them that they HAVE to vote Hillary disgusts a lot of normal people.
Seriously, Tump needs a full night's rest and to take some debating tips from Pence. Pence was on-message, sharp and alert. Tump needs less off-topic rambling and prepare ahead of time now that he knows what kind of shit Hillary and the network will try to pull. He has to remember he's there to show he's calmer, nicer, more thoughtful and more prepared than the caricature the media portrays. But that doesn't mean he can't bring a few zingers wth him to highlight Hillary's hypocrisy.
My fucking autocorrect
This was the only thing I groaned about.
I was actually impressed that everything he said about immigration was directly what Trump said in the Arizona speech.
Why the he'll won't either trump or pence defend themselves against >muh wage gap and sexism accusations?
They're so easy to debate and they don't do it.
There is an enormous list of stuff Clinton has said/done that is racist and sexist and they don't say anything.
Clinton starting the birther thing being one.
Clinton gave trump so much ammo and he didn't take any of it.
Pence performed great though.
I hope Trump really studies the second amendment and firearm statistics so he can smash her on that shit though. He really needs to.
Keep telling yourself that.
Nigger, the general public in the United States wants to see the establishment at he end of a rope.
I usually don't do this, but let's face it youre probably new, or newish. you saw a can't stunp the trump video and found Holla Forums. Now the reason why most people are dismissive of criticism of trump is because it has been going on simce september of last year. The same lines "oy vey don't vote" "oy bey trumps a jew" most regular posters are just sick of having the same conversationa dozen times
not really, trumps biggest redeeming quality is that he's a billionaire who speaks like a regular guy. If he sounds like a generic politician he loses that
I support it because minorities
Because it's bait. They want to get soundbites that they can stream on MSM and convince normies that you're a sexist.
In Prez like T:
Made my sides leave this terranial plane.
My favorite part is the MSM angle
It's a really silly position that's been used because they don't know how to frame it as a loss.
Probably not many people. But neocon twitter liked it a lot, hopefully that ends actually moving some.
Fuck that was so good
Kaine somehow managed to be creepier than Biden
also, cuckservative msm is spinning it as a Pence 2020 win rather than a victory for the Trump 2016 ticket
I found out that Kaine is rather camp, possibly a closet homosexual, but rather like Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile Pence is very collected and pays attention, he lets people talk themselves into graves, rather than trying to forcefully talk over them for control. He did a weird f-f-fail stutter, but whatever. Kaine is a stupid angry man who wears headscarves #culturalappropriation #diversity.
You have no idea m8
must have been odd debating a clone of you're wife. Maybe that's why Kaine was giving Pence fuck me eyes all night.
It's cuckchan alright.
I would say that he said that merely to disarm Kaine..,
Notice how Kaine stumbled pretty bad after he made that comment, Kaine was 100% expecting him to side with Russia/Putin and the struggle made him look insincere.
I wouldn't really worry about small shit like that, it's more about debate tactics than actual policy considerations. Even if they were wanting war, I'd rather see war with Russia than 30 million illegal immigrants getting amnesty and half a million refugees showing up on our doorstep.
Over sixty million people watched, nearly a seventh of the country.
I can't believe that idiot actually drank his own kool-aid
That is basically one of the foundations of the Trump campaign.
Hillary can't even stand up to throw toxic stuff at him becouse here comes Trump with a jackhammer at her knees.
The supremacy of Pence proves Trump's good judgement.
Pence played him like a damn fiddle.
How many of those were international viewers? I heard this vp debate broke records for international viewers, but didn't hear any numbers.
I'd vote for him in 2024.