Taxation is theft.
Taxation is theft
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So are wages.
Indeed, private property is theft.
Don't reply to Reddit Obesity, user.
No such thing. All things that can be seized are made of natural resources which are collectively owned.
I am sorry but all the money that you are using are being issued by the tyrannical central gobermentTM; the taxes are merely the payment for usage of said money.
I agree, but you're a lolbertarian so would you kindly fuck off
yeah lets just change the word tax to fee
propertarians love fees
No shit. Anarchists & lolbergtardians may hate eachother but they've been saying this shit for years. The best case scenario would be a socialist society based on free association where people are free to work and receive society's support for their contributed labor, but at the same time, they have the option to opt-out of this system in which case they will also agree to lose society's support. That only makes sense; a society of parasites cannot sustain itself.
Reminder that just because fundamentally personal property is a spook doesn't mean it's a bad idea. If the end result of your labor is up for grabs by anyone then they can take your shit at any time, who they hell wants a society of thieves? Unless you're a capitalist, of course.
I didn't agree to that shit and that money isn't theirs.
I agree that personal allocations are a good idea. But the allocations should be based on need and not tied to labor, except for perhaps luxury items.
It literally is. If you don't agree you can move out.
Only a deluded upper-middle class Ayncrap could concieve of such nonsense.
The thing is people bossing people around don't like being themselves bossed. Solipcism at its finest.
Yes. We support theft.
We support killing our enemies and stealing from them.
What u gon do about it?
All Property is Mine.
taxation today is just cosmetic since the state can through monetary policy and other means always just depreciate your purchasing power by debasing the paper currency
also the surplus-value theory has various means which employers can extract more labour for less compensation
they are not mutually exclusive
taxation is theft but so are wages, interest and rent.