Why do white men fetishize asian women?
Why do white men fetishize asian women?
Ethan Watson
Jaxon Wood
we don't but asian girls are easy prey for white guys like white women are easy prey for shitskins
Angel Ortiz
we don't. they fetishize white males because they hate asian males and whites are the next closest thing.
Mason Hughes
because they are all leftists cucks
Jeremiah Hughes
Educate yourself.
Lincoln Price
Elijah Lopez
Who cares? It's a good analysis of weabooooooos and anime faggots.
Asher Rivera
They think asian women are easy, a fact often proved by the women themselves
How fitting that such a treatise on the dangers of race fetishism comes from a product of it
Dominic Murphy
Literally this.99% of asian men are /soy/ as fuck.
Nathan Lewis
Perhaps they want their daughters to be pretty.