State Wars

ITT we Americans will argue and compete through words and evidence which state is the best. You must argue from the defense/advocation of the state you either currently live in or plan to move to.

I will begin by saying that Alabama is clearly the best state since we have almost no racism and tons of interracial couples and yet we are not pozzed by SJW subversion. Everyone here has pride in their country and most of us are only an hour or two away from Nashville and Atlanta. Not to mention we have the best gun laws in the country second only to Texas.

Fuck you, 4chan faggot.

So the new board culture here is to wallow in stagnation and denigrate anyone that tries to spark a discussion?

CT or VA, only places with virginia-class nuclear submarines.

Biggest employers by state.

Come to Louisiana! We have more niggers per square foot than any other state, open carry guns without a license, legal public liquor, and the dirtiest cops in the nation.

Shut the fuck up nigger

Found the nigger. Shut the fuck up

Louisiana got the nigger post! Fuck yeah.

Its beautiful.

Texas is the best state. Ten gallon hates, violent patriotism, loose gun regulations, oil, barbecue, pride, no state income tax.

How the fuck does a university become the biggest employer in a state?
Walmart I can understand because there's a fuckton of them and they're huge ie need a lot of employees in them at any given time. But how can a handful of campuses compete with even a modest storefront in terms of people working in them?

I mean, just imagine packing all the employees at a given time from every starbucks in california Into the 10 UC campuses.

fucking cucks. Get the fuck out of here texas.

Mandatory anything makes people less receptive for it. Plus anyone who would willfully choose not to own a gun deserves to be natural selected out anyways.

Liberkiddies, get the fuck off my board.

You have to get a license in Texas to do anything. You can't even go fucking fishing without a license. Also, you have Austin. Fuck Austin. Also, you can't even buy liquor at Walmart in Texas. Fuck that.

In Louisiana I can open carry a gun without a license, walk into a CVS and buy a shopping cart full of liquor at any time of the day, 24/7/365, drink that liquor in public as I walk home - or take the bus/streetcar - and I can get married without having to sign a god damn state issued permit.

Texas sucks ass.

I'd say Kentucky because we have Rand Paul but he's only a pretty face on a state of scumbags. Is there a state or county within a state that respects American ideals and isn't governed like a rotten apple? I don't even care about the Ds or Rs at this point.

Look I ain't else when I fidn you got my but he has my torittos and I say the xristian youth are bad rappers with full of beats when they get home I have but hard touch get's it my dad then yells but she is all out for me and I say

so go we store in we get in but im to go bed when homo but she says his to me get
..j>>get boles

try me he sake me buk I"m wino he chi but si kelp on shelf ??dad>life

The best state is obviously Maine because it is the whitest state.

Maine? More like… Gayne amirite!

lmao! xDD

Statistically speaking California has more European Whites than Maine. Even though California is majority Hispanic white, simply because it has more people in general.


Yes, as opposed to black Hispanics, which are actually counted as their own thing. Basically California is majority Meztizo and not Mulatto


They're Hispanic white, which isn't white per se, it's its own category in the census data distinct from European Whites

Then stop saying "hispanic white". They aren't fucking white. "hispanic white" is a category made up by Marxist kikes. They aren't white.

They're Meztizos, which historically have been considered whiter than pure Amerindians. This shit predates Marxism

Nigger mexicans arent all one race the same way americans arent all one race. Some are black, some are white, some are mestizo, and many are a blend in between

The term Meztizos predates Marxism but the term "hispanic white" is a Marxist term. They use this term to lump in shitskins with census data to make whites look like they commit a lot of crime. The people who commit the crimes are "white hispanics" (shitskins).

Maine is over 90% "non-hispanic white" btw, as in actual white people.

Yeah, like tourists who visit Mexico, not the actual population. "hispanic white" isn't white, they are just brown people.

You're missing my point. There are only 1.3 million people in Maine. There are 40 million people in California. 45 percent of 40 million is still 18 million European Whites. California is whiter than Maine, as in true whites.

It's not about quantity, it's about quality, you dense fag. If I go to California, I'll run into shitskins on a regular day basis, if I go to Maine I probably never will, unless i'm in some rare situation. Do you understand what proportions are? Maine is whiter than California.

It's ironic you say this while showcasing how little you understand of proportions yourself.
I can have a town of 10 people, all whites, and proclaim it's 100 percent white. But it's still only 10 people. There are enough whites in California to completely fill several states and make them 100 percent white.

So? My point is that Maine is mostly white and California isn't. Again quantity vs quality. It's like i'm arguing with a 6 year old.

I'd rather live in a state that has 10 people who are all white than live in a state that has 10 billion people that are white, and also has 10 billion people who are brown. Get it?

That's fine. But I'm just saying, California is technically whiter than Maine. I don't get why you're being so defensive m8. I'm not even from California. But it's obvious you're from Maine

No, it's simply not. It has a shit ton of whites, but it also has a shit ton of shitskins. It's not whiter. Again, you don't understand proportions. Can you read graphs and statistical data?

Circular Logic works because Circular Logic works because…

Argue what's the best? Not Possile.
Argue what's the worst?

Learn fractions you tard.

PROPORTIONS you fucking retard.

Here, i'll use your logic. Say there is some hypothetical state that has 6 million whites, it also has 50 billion niggers. Is this state whiter than Maine because it has more whites?

That's exactly what I'm saying. Numbers > Your feelings

No one cares, California is still full of browns and browns reproduce at a break neck pace while whites have maybe 1 kid per family because population control is necessary in a world with this much tech and hardly any jobs.

you're either trolling or retarded. I'm done with this argument.

Maine has 0.07 percent the white population of California. 1.3/18.
Shove your fractions up your ass, retard

Logic is hard I know

You took your time there pardner.

fuck I meant 7 percent I pasted the wrong part of my answer pls no bully

average white man in that hell hole of a state

Isn't that guy from Seattle though?

NOTE: FEDERAL Vs STATES RIGHTS = USA CIVIL WAR, 150 YEARS AGO… it's been done, alright? Now, fuck off.


Swing from a tree alabama negro. Arizona has the best gun laws by far.

I suspect you didnt read the thread

what thread?