It’s like ATLA

I was wondering why I liked this show. Now I think I know why.

both animes are shit tbh

yeah, he ripped off almost everything
there's one character whose hair is a touhou girl's hair or some shit

But neither one is an anime. Just maybe anime style.

what is anime?

Cartoons from Japan.

what is anime?

what's wrong with American cartoons?

goon animation

pic related

Ohhh, American cartoons are male dominated. So you're taking a stand against the patriarchy?

Steven is clearly gender fluid. You Cissy shitrag!

What show is it?

Anime thread…I guess. What are you guys watching?

I never got into RBWY. That animation was just a little too rough for me to get into.

Give me "Loud House" every time tbh

Anime is japanese for cartoon, therefore both are anime.

Only a pure weeaboo would know of such things

Just saying but that image could have instead of mentioning how "undeveloped" Yang and Toph were mentioned instead how they were ill advantaged due to their disabilities (Yang because of her severed arm, Toph because she's a psychopath).

Thanks Dave. Ficking weeaboo.


It looks really good now.

A Tad Little Aubergine?

If you looked at the OP pic you’d know. Avatar The Last Airbender.

I'm sorry. I don't have high spectrum autism like you.