Reminder that white men are demonic hellbeasts who don't have sex with women but instead shit on their chests and call it 'sex'.
Reminder that white men are demonic hellbeasts who don't have sex with women but instead shit on their chests and call...
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those are callled niggers
Nah. Blacks don't pee on womens' faces that they 'allegedly' found attractive. I don't pee on things I value, but I guess chimps (white guys) prefer to
those are callled niggers>>7748478
i think you're mistaken, negro
OP's kind of right tbh. Every time I hear white men talking about sex it's involving them doing a whole bunch of nasty shit to the woman that does not in any way involve penetration.
what did he mean by this?
My bad. I should know niggers don't have the mental capacity, to use a VPN.
girl here, that white guy is much more attractive looking and I'm not even rayciss
A femanon? On my Holla Forums?
Trannies are not girls
Probably because you grew up around other whites and you find thinner lips to be more attractive.
That said, I know you are just trying to fit in. So why don't you consider working for my company?
We pay $100/hr for girls to step on insects.
t. dgenerate nigger
Beauty isn't brainwashing, even babbies know it when they see it.
i see we have a MAGA girl here
Wow grandpa, that meme is super dead. Don't you want to update it to something not kike-infected?
100% faggot degenerates.
Women actualyl don't care about race, they only care about status. If a woman chooses a white guy over an asian guy, it is because she beleives she will gain more status from being with the white guy.
Women also look at more than just facial features. I've broken it down for you.
"Beauty" is a racist social construct, sweetie.
You sound like a cunt tbh
There is nothing wrong with feeling a sense of beauty from what you see.
Why do you care? I wasn't addressing you.
Aw, poor micropenis drumpf virgin. It's okay, you're secret's safe with me, sweetie. ;^)))
larping has a coalburner whore just makes you look like a coal burner whore tranny-kun
Weird how the guy on the left look like me
nobody cares tripfag
You cared enough to reply
what are you from facebook? seriously tho nobody cares, faggot.
You still do
You really think I'm waiting in a single thread for you to respond? Did you just come back from the clinic?
All of our schedules last at least 2-3 hours. The entire point of a clipstore is to yield a lot of videos. Nice try though.
crash porn is for faggots tbh
Speak english Julio.
Some where in the world there is someone willing to pay for two to three hours of bug stomping.
That is some bizarre fuckery right there. This fetish makes furfags look classy. Well, whatever, if it pays who am I to judge.
I make a profit so i'll be alright user
., afrikanz you on emergency medical coding , they simply give you giant penis and wait for you to mend your skin , stop acting like bad female women care about males , they do not , they simply build a sex ride be they alive or not and abandon anything not as fun at the time being as masturbating alone in private , and you people ' afrikanz ' etc are safer being uncoded from skin damage at moroco where jumanji is a live event ,.
Reminder to ignore to nigger threads
Fuck off demon man
The guy on the left is white…
You're talking about jews.
Negroes don't like proper sex with women, they prefer to rape them in the ass and set them on fire.
Can someone translate this for me?
you nig
no u nig
Reminder: February is National Nigger Month….
pissing the head of a waifu means you love her more than your own body organs.
Requesting ban on underage nigger as only a nigger that was underage would say this dumb fucking shit when R. Kelly is out there.
19 little niggers
Exactly my thought, if he don't know who R kelly is, he'es clearly underage.
Reminds me of Don "No Soul" Simmons.
I prefer the women do the shiting and in my mouth.
Damn, that is a good analysis.
The white guy had a nose job and looks like a faggot for that matter.
I really like how he balances a gift.
Women prefer men with nose jobs