I have been looking into buy a new laptop, and all of the review websites are shilling for tiny ultra thin 13" laptops...

I have been looking into buy a new laptop, and all of the review websites are shilling for tiny ultra thin 13" laptops, and saying they are ideal for programmers, artists, etc. Why is this? I would think you would want a bigger screen to see all of your code or arts, so what is going on? Is it just macfag-wannabes? Or is there something I am missing.

i am not looking for consumer advice, so this doesn't belong in the sticky

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=rcoYAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA43&lpg=PA43&dq=martin luther books with wide margins&source=bl&ots=Iw9PQBy6xf&sig=sawbEvNsVwOI0lhp_UobEMo0J_c&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwigztK2y9jVAhVF74MKHVILAuoQ6AEIQDAF#v=onepage&q=martin luther books with wide margins&f=false

well gee that sure is a noggin boggler. never thought about it that way before.

But why 13" ones?

really makes one wonder

I'm taking about the $1000+ ones, like the xps, macbook, and others.

because it's what the factory in shenzen sent them and they're trying to make shekels

I personally find it hard to code in a laptop less than 15.6" add to that a dual monitor
the only answer to this is shekels.

smaller cheaper screens and a more portable size. if you want a laptop don't spend more then 50 on one used. if buying new don't go for a payment plan pay in cash and don't use any sort of rewards card.

13in is a good trade off for portability and usability. I have an 11.6in and it's too small. I had a 14in before. The next size I buy would be about 13in.

The way I see it, I'm using a 27in 4k and 2k monitor on my desktop, even if I get a 17in laptop it's going to suck working on a screen that much smaller. Might as well embrace the suck and get something portable too.

If all you have is a laptop, or you're just using it around the house, 15in+ is a much better choice. These sites recommending 13in are the ones that are assuming you're carrying it to college courses, coffee shops, etc.

Because advertisement.
They try to BS people with BS newspeak hype terms to make more shekels:

It's for limp-wristed (((maker))) faggots, who are so weak due to aids that they can't carry a 3kg laptop, not even in a backpack. I knew a faggot who bought a 11.6, because it was "compact". You couldn't see shit on it and it literally broke into two pieces about 3-4 months later. Been carrying multiple 15.6s in hand for years, no regrets at all. Just lift.

Lul I gud @ compoot

Ever heard of not being a US cuckold?

God says…
One_finger_salute glorious sess_me he_be_like one_small_step no_you_cant quite hi you_see_the_light I'm_on_a_roll I'm_thrilled zoot I_forgot vote envy comedy kick_back joking what_a_nightmare nope is_it_just_me_or crash_and_burn handyman funny na_na straighten_up resume these_cans_are_defective ordinarily mission_from_God white_trash I'll_get_right_on_it

They're trying to sell you shit that is cheaper for them to make, and they'll market you absolute shit and tell you its amazing, when its not. This is the same thing as the move from 4:3 to 16:9, the reason for that is that its cheaper to make a 16:9 monitor because it has less pixels.


Yeah it's called profit you fucking maroon. Nice deep insight there.

reminder that goat laptop thinkpad t420 is 16:9

it cannot be goat if 16:9
it's trash

That's retarded.
With a 16:9 monitor you can either put in landscape or portrait and actually exploit all the the pixels you got.
Imagine how much goes wasted when a programmer or photographer is working on a 4:3

Your retarded. The jews invented 16:9 in order to sell smaller screen advertised as bigger, and also to make us (goys) being just content consumers, not creators.

Ok show me how you put laptop in portrait.

4:3 is perfect for photography. For programming is ok too (but not perfect, 5:4 or 1:1 would be better), 16:9 in portrait is crap for programming as screen is too narrow to display longer lines of code, especially if other IDE elements were shown.

You're not supposed to write more than 80 char per row.

Laptops are a complete different matter, in fact, if you consider mobility, you should choose one with a 16:10 resolution

Who the fuck uses IDEs anyway?
What are you, some kind of pajeet that needs something else besides a text editor?

All part of the long meme that everything technology related needs to be as small, thin, light, and underpowered as possible. Less than 17" monitor? Into the trash it goes. Below 17" was subpar in the days of CRTs and 640x480 VGA adapters, it's subpar now.

The aspect ratios are sized to fit in a circle.
The closer it is to 1:1, the more area you get.
4:3 gives more area than 16:9.

nice pseudoscience bullshit, but eyes don't work that way faggot

Are you too retarded to realize your eyes can be turned within their socket?


Cyclops detected.

Get a MacBook Pro. macOS is kosher Unix AND you can run all your "professional" programs you need for work (office, Photoshop, etc.)

Anyone who disagrees with this poster is retarded. He is just stating that the rectangle inscribed in a circle with maximum area is a square. Feel free to provide a counterexample.

The sight field is too narrow to actually fully utilize a 4:3 monitor.
16:9 mimics better our biology

Paragraph width should not be too wide for optimal reading, this is why books seem to "waste" a lot of space with margins. The only thing a wider screen is good for is having two windows next to each other, but that's at the expense of vertical space.

come at me newfags. got two of these bad boys rotated portrait right in front of me right now. lol 16:9 faggots.

This is only really true for reading literature and shit. When it comes to programming you fill both of those margins with all kinds of supplementary shit. Project libraries, debugging tools, linters, etc.

What you said doesn't invalidate my point because the actual reading area (the code) is kept to a reasonable width, while the stuff on the edges is only focused on when not reading the code. cf. annotations in a technical paper.

I've got a 1440x900 Samshit one. The screen has some blurry vertical lines. IDK how to fix it.

I've got a thinkpad w520, pretty sure it's 1440x900. The screen is better than lots of laptops today.

But it does mean that wider screens have a use, and it's not just

This is one of the most retarded posts I've seen in a while.

2:1 is the true master race.

Nobody uses laptops anymore. Everyone is using tablets with little chicklet keyboards that you can attach to them.
Get with the program m8.

1920x1080 is vertically cropped, you fucking muppet. Sony were doing 1920x1440 CRTs for years before your "MUH FULLHD" bullshit.

Don't you mean 18:9

i have a 12.5 inch laptop and a 15.5 inch and screens up to 25 inch. none of them make any difference for programming. anyone who claims different is just a LARPing homo. if you're reading stuff on the internet about programming it's likely by a LARPer who only talks about programming and never does it anyway
that's over 5 years with 1 minute of shopping and $150 you stupid niggers

btw I'm saying lack of glossy screen is a feature. also now when getting anything the only other thing i look for is something without (((U)))EFI

What you're probably looking for are things like gaming laptops that are more akin to foldable workstations than anything else. It doesn't have to have any of that gamery aesthetics or marketing but the point is you're not looking at the right places. All business-class laptops nowadays are Macbook clones, which is shit because Macs are shit

If I wasn't busy masturbating to "cum_eating_cuckolds.mov" I would push your shit in.

13"/14" laptops are economy laptops. They're not as expensive as a 16"+ laptop but they're more efficient than a 11" notebook while having more RAM/Processing power (usually) at only $100-$250 markup compared to their cheaper notebook cousins, so they appeal to poorfags who want a "real laptop/system" but are unwilling to pour dollarydoos into it.

Real programmers and not hipster web designers should be using a desktop anyways.

As long as you're not an absolute madman and actually install windows on those shitty systems, linux won't have any issues with them.
Sometimes I close all my doors and windows, turn on AC, turn on the television and shitpost laid down on the couch.


yeah how else would you start up Eclipse without waiting 3 minutes for a poor laptop to get past the splash screen?

install teeworlds

i hate this fucking meme. post proof or kys

great now everyone in range can sniff my passwords.

The key isn't margins, or total aspect ratio, but column width. Even 16:9 portrait is still too wide for maximum readability of single-column text unless you're using a vertical script like some Asian languages can.

you mean teewars, user, right?

Also, what modern day-not one year warranty, then die 13-14'' "notebook" may i purchase to install loonix and kicad (about 1 thousand or less connections) (yes, i'm """graphical""" fag).

How do those fare for readability? Probably worse compared to horizontal scripts.

As says it's not because of the empty space, it's because good readability trumps filling in the entire paper space. And the reason some documents use a paper size that wide is so they can be bound/stapled or annotated without risking the actual content.

11" is too small
13" is just bearable while being portable and not wasting electricity
15" and up is awkwardly close, but not close enough to 19", might as well grab a cheap 23" and a cable at that point, lappy too heavy and shit due to battery
REMINDER: Lithium batteries are explosives and the government allows chinks to shove them into everything in order to make civilians into walking bombs.

A lion battery is an incendiary at best.


Best monitor I've ever used. So good for an extension monitor for my laptop. Reads docs fine.

Found the problem.

by having a larger column width you are minimizing the time it takes to move your eyes to the next line. of course a giant column width is also bad, because you might have trouble finding the beginning of the next line.

Why do you say that? I cant imagine any reason they would be unless you learned to read horizontal scripts first.
You'd just need to use a screen without an aspect ratio so wide you had to turn your head all the time, and the roles of horizontal and vertical scrolling would be reversed.
I dont think they'd be more or less readable unless they were shoved into text formatting designed for horizontal scripts.

it releases gasses and will blow up if there's no airholes in the enclosure.

Because its the perfect size and power trade-off. You should be plugged into an eGPU and a 27" GSYNC when you're at your station, of course.

Your trying to sell one aren't you?

If you're some mouthbreathing retard who only sees matching aspect ratios, sure. Most will however prefer if they have a bit of space on the sides so they can see their goddamn layers, histogram, masks, brushes etc

You're supposed to be able to use it in portrait mode with those things. It doesnt work by default on linux but there was a set of scripts somewhere that handles it.

Its called your loss, you cuck

Certainly, but not in the way I have it set up. That's just me being naughty, and it'll likely strain the mount to do that.

Also there are screen rotation scripts somewhere on the Arch wiki but I never use it in portrait because of sidebars and such. I told myself I'd learn to draw and it hasn't happened ;_;

Just a hunch. That's why I was asking about it in the first place.

Ok look, I'm not a master at Holla Forums I haven't used this board daily in a good amount of time. However I'm going to call you out on your bullshit. That "extra space" is for notes you dumb shit. Don't believe me? Fine, for example, when Martin Luther was teaching to his students at an forgot the name though iirc this is before he got kicked out of everywhere, sorry. university he made sure to get the books needed printed with wider margins so his students could write notes in them. I'm still reading about this so this might be a little off but the margins thing stuck out to me while I was reading it a few weeks ago.

tl;dr kys

Laptops can be plenty powerful enough if you get an expensive one. Mine has a SSD and loads in like 30 secs.

Hell I even found another book that supports my claim about Luther
Get your shit together my dude.
books.google.com/books?id=rcoYAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA43&lpg=PA43&dq=martin luther books with wide margins&source=bl&ots=Iw9PQBy6xf&sig=sawbEvNsVwOI0lhp_UobEMo0J_c&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwigztK2y9jVAhVF74MKHVILAuoQ6AEIQDAF#v=onepage&q=martin luther books with wide margins&f=false

No I got mine when someone chucked it out.

Fact 1: It is cheaper to produce 13" 16:9 screen than 15" 4:3, 1,5 times less vertical panel space, same width = more panels per wafer.
---------------------reddit spacing-----------------------
Fact 2: Notebooks with 15" 4:3 screens are the same width as 13" 16:9

Fact 3: 13" 16:9, 16:10 and 3:2 notebooks have good enough keyboard width, same as 66-key desktop compacts like HHKB

Fact 4: 12" 4:3 notebooks had cramped keyboards not everyone finds enjoyable. See: G4 powerbook, Thinkpad x40/x60

Fact 4: Manufacturers can produce and advertise their notebooks as more lightweight compared to older 4:3 models because of above facts

Fact 5: On desktop you are not strained in horizontal plane, uless you have one of those "computer desks" from early 2000's designed for shitty 17" CRTs with CD shelves on each side, therefore it is good to have multiple 4:3 monitors or a single a wide monitor, it can display more windows at the same time.

Fact 6: The vertical size of monitor is limited by user's posture and height. The top edge of monitor must be on the line of eyesight.

Fact 7: Jewish tv series and movies are 16:9 aspect ratio. This aspect was found more "immersive" for theatres compared to old 16mm film. This also applies to hueg home television sets with sole (as in one, uno, ein, not feet) purpose is to show jewish tv shows.

Fact 8: 14, 15 and 17 inch notebooks look crap and aesthetically unpleasing, they sometimes include a numpad (lol who the fuck uses it, like Ms. Burkins from accounting lol) and off-centered trackpad which combined makes their keyboard full trash for typing.

Fact 9: If they don't have a numpad, then enjoy your shitty bezels which are sometimes present on thinmeme 13" craptops to accomodate space for side ports too.

Fact 10: iPads and non-shit android tablets have 4:3 screens with size between 8-13 inches. Perfect for vertical PDF reading with accidental display of gui control elements and consuming jewish websites stuffed with ads

Fact 11: Some companies know their shit and offer 3:2 laptops which makes great trade-off between 4:3 and 16:9, but they charge more than usual chink craptop manufacturers do.

Fact 12: There is difference between 3 kg and 1,5 kg laptops, and there is difference between 1,5kg and 800g laptops too.

Fact 13: Volumetric size matters too. You can put more useful stuff in toyr backpack without wasting space on 50% bigger 10% more powerful notebook.