So faggot OP from last thread didn't storytimed

So faggot OP from last thread didn't storytimed.
Here it is.
First five pages, grim, but not bad yet.

Other urls found in this thread: DC Comics Guide to Digitall - Ii Williams, Freddie E.pdf),

So I'm not an usual comic reader, but this art is lazy as shit, and what's up with those backgrounds?
Also, the shades are awful, depending on the comic I like dirty scratchy shadows or solid shadows but what the fuck is this?

Stopped reading at patsy

What pisses me the most is that this assholes obviously know how to draw but they choose not.
They have the anatomy, the lighting and the backgrounds but are lazy fucks.

If you think this is lazy then you haven't been here long. Hellcat "art" is an abomination. Lazy and crap. This is just lazy but bearable.

Look at that first panel, holy shit.
But depression doesn't causes anger.

Well, now to erase this shit.
I mean, it wasn't that bad, but with a little more effort could have been decent.

Still not the worst thing they did to She-Hulk

What's worse… this shit or making She-Hulk an empowered whore that fucks everyone?

Why can't they draw like this.
Maybe more solid cartoony colors to make it more easy if they want.

As I writefag I feel I'm being underestimated.

New York City 28 days later.

Is that brick wall a jpeg?

Sexual harrasment? I think you defended yourself pretty well.

Oh my fucking Christ, it really is just a fucking jpeg. I think I'm understanding your pain now. Someone it's worse when something that clearly had some effort put into it gets lazy than it is with something outright shit.

Thats a strawman if I've ever seen one.

For the same reason a bitch's salt makes me laugh.

Flo's a woman? What?

If you wanna make a psychoanalitic series about women's issues is fine for me.
Also, you know what, it seems to me that Mr. Tick has anger management issues, not his fucking fault.

And Mr. Tick died, I guess that Inhuman lady was in fact crazy and dangerous, so I hope they aknowledge that later… Yeah right.

Well, two issues, nothing fucking happens yet.

Why did they had to divide the last panel, IMO looks better all together, was to give the illusion that you worked harder?

Well, how much time is there left until Marvel artists begin using blurred stock photos as backgrounds.

They've done that shit for years though. Sometimes making everything in the background lazy drawn over photos.

So I'm picking up my sister.
When I come back I'm posting literally the first comic choosen at random from the page.

Perhaps it's just not my thing, but I never understood the appeal of She-Hulk beyond her being a lawyer. I mean the Hulk's origin of gamma radiation is already fucking weak, so a blood transfusion replicating the effects is even more retarded. Guess it's because i'm a sciencefag.

"I don't know if you've ever had a super gay office assistant before."

First with Hellcat now with this. What's with this push of non-threatening gay boys that support their strong lady main characters? It looks like a play for diversity but the dynamic of a kept man that demands no reciprocation or commitment has the outcome of making a character that is completely nonessential and easy to forget existed.

She-Hulk was the classic nerd who becomes a hot chick, in doing so finding the strength she needs to assert herself, both physically and metaphorically. Because she was able to cut loose she gave no shits about people judging her, but also by being a fundamentally decent human being she did what she could, inside and outside of superheroics, to help people.

All of these things are issues the current generation of arts-graduate writers can't identify with or understand.

Honestly this is worse… She-Hulk being a stretched out slut is harmless compared to this shit.

Fuck this.
They are making a comic book.
Comics are supposed to be entertainment.
Nothing in this was entertaining in the ==FUCKING SLIGHTEST!==
Do they never think about what they are writing?
This drawn-out piss-poor set-up to a medication commercial of a comicbook?
Do they not have editors who go:
Who is going to recommend this?
Who is going go:

I just love this progressive strong female character. Really speaks to me.

Well that didn't take long.

>Graphic novel writer and performance artist

Oh ho ho, so she's one of those people, and by those people, I mean she's one of those rich kids who went to prestigious boarding schools that cost $50,000 a year, then went on to get away with a B.A. in English, and then had the luxury to live the life of an "artist" while churning out shit novels with no visible means of support.

And of course, her bibliography reads like a pretentious hipster's artist statement.

This, the empowered slut was fine to be honest.

Nice body armor. What kind is it. I've never seen it before.

They fetishize gays. Its always been a thing with them.

So what's wrong about fetishizing gays.
Feminist are right, I do fap to hot women for my own pleasure, is this is how they get off what's wrong?

Didn't it turn out she's 40 or something?

Nothing wrong with fetishizing and getting off. The problem is they use this social justice lingo to justify it as helping minorities. When in reality they just want to jack off. I don't mind as long as they are honest with themselves.

He is a prop for the author to lean in on the "right side of history" in the safest and laziest way possible, without giving him an actual personality because that would take work. to do

The character will likely contribute little until he is damselled or fridged. #notyourfaggotsidekick :^)

I dunno. I hate the SJW cancer, but knowing She-Hulk I actually like this. The story it's telling is good, Jen dealing with the ramifications of the recent Civil War, but I also know they won't take it in the direction it should go.

Jen has generic movie PTSD from taking a missile to the tits and losing her cousin all in a very short amount of time, and feeling unsteady she's trying to suppress the Hulk side of her that for a long time made her feel strong and capable. She's not dealing with her anger at Danvers for fucking up, or Hawkeye for being party to a murder/suicide, she's trying to pretend nothing is wrong. That is rife material for when she completely loses her shit for a new and more violent incarnation of the She-Hulk similar to her first appearances.

The problem I see is that she won't do the - even if inappropriate socially - heroic thing. She should be on the edge, trying to live civilly, but filled with hate and loathing for the friends who betrayed her. She should go on a roaring rampage of gamma vengeance and curb stomp Danvers because no matter how powerful her space magic is she's got nothing on the rage of an unrestrained hulk. She should smash Hawkeye like the puny normal he is, and show everyone how badly they dun goofed when they callously took her friends and family from her without any real sign of contrition or regret.

And then, if I was writing it, have her arrested and brought up on charges. Make one of the best attorneys in the Marvel Universe plead her case before the courts, air out the dirty laundry, doubly humiliate her foes and prove why she's who she is.

It would be like a combination of World War Hulk and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

But we all know Marvel doesn't have that kind of stones anymore. They'll probably just fuck it up and make it about women going through life being afraid of straight men who abuse them, buoyed up by their platonic gay friends because being a ginormous mangina is the one true path for redemption or some shit.

even if she doesn't do this i would like some angry words to be had, the things Cap was saying about Carol in Civil War: the Oath comes to mind in what i would like to be said directly to her face by a pissed off She-hulk and Hawkeye probs could use a small(by hulk standards) slap and/or backhand along with several other characters.

I see why John Byrne's direction for Shulkie caught on and stayed influential for years, because this wannabe Alias approach makes ordinary Jen downright boring. Does anybody really want to see her mope around with angst and act like a poor man's Matt Murdock unironically? And Marvel thinks this might last longer than Soule's run?

I'm under the implication that She-hulk has been around for decades with experience and this type of depression was done already.

The hulk is a dumb only solves their problems by hitting them, with the rare exception.
Why would sjws want to depict a woman as a dumb only solves their problems by hitting them, with the rare exception?

Bruce Banner supposedly has a unique genetic condition which is why he became the hulk instead of getting radiation poisoning.

Really? I thought part of it was his whole multiple personality disorder due to his father abusing him.

They have, it was more lighthearted when they did it before.
I'm still anoyed they're calling she-hulk's book, hulk

oh he's gay and an assistant and the perfect gay security blanket for broken jen.

Fuck the left, its nothing but blindly stereotyping and blatant racism/sexistm with zero self awareness that that's what they are doing anymore. I miss the days when people cared about telling a good story instead of just using their art as a vehicle to push some ideological message.

The thing you have to understand about modern marvel comics is that they aren't for comics anymore. They're storyboards for when She Hulk gets a fucking netflix show. They just sell the comics to vet the stories and gauge how popular they will be. this scene in particular was broken up to indicate a slow pan from the rubble over to the phone leaving the episode on a high tension cliffhanger

Welcome to being marvels paid early access bitch for the mouses marvel media empire. If you like this story make sure to like it so marvel can make a season of shield revolve around it!

No matter how highly you rate this post, it's still an underrated post.

If thats the case then the show would suck judging by this writing and not the John Byrne stuff.

Speaking of The Oath. These two pages were great.

Not really. Compare these two episodes to Jessica Jones. These comics are dripping with that style of storytelling. That slow burn of slice of life drama with each episode having a teaser bit of jen hulking out, that builds up to the climax at the end of the season.

Normalfags would eat this shit up.

Is it wrong then that I liked the earlier episodes of Jessica Jones? The mystery aspect was ok.

First episode was actually amazing, but then it quickly went to shit.

I wouldn't say it was wrong, the show was an alright watch. The problem here is that instead of TV adapting for the comics, the comics are adapting themselves for TV.

The first episode was really great. But the biggest problem with the series was that it was spread too thin. It had too much bread and not enough butter too little was going on for 13 episodes, it should have been shortened to 6 episodes. The same problem with Daredevil, which the first 4 episodes were brilliant, but it comes to a screeching halt after Elektra is introduced. Its incidentally the same problem this comic has: too little going on.

While i'm glad someone brought this up and i think it can lead to an interesting story i feel like it would have been better stated by someone else. I know Cap is supposed to represent the people, but he is still a genetically augmented person far above what a normal person could ever be without intense training but i guess they need to set him up for a fall later.

Daredevil's problem is the Nolan problem. It's afraid to be a comic book adaptation.

Its from Uwe Boll's movie Rampage 2.

Absolutely no superhero is interesting because of the source of their powers. If that is what you focus on, I doubt you can enjoy any superheroes.

I think it's slightly interesting that Superman gets his powers from our yellow sun, but on the flipside that is also the least interesting thing about him and his powers, so…

CGI would be too expensive. Besides, her solo series don't last a year. Why expend resources on an IP that is only C list at best?

Second page, last panel:

I would read that. It would feel good to read someone smacking Captain Marvel for once and it might make a fine story for SheHulk

Look at Iron Fist or Jessica Jones or even Luke Cage. Cage and Fist have some good stories but they're not exactly hugely popular. Jessica even less so.

Has Miss Marvel ever actually stood up to Ms. Marvel, or called her out? For a supposed liberal she seems remarkably okay with all this Orwellian shit Carol's pulling.

And what about Squirrel Girl? We know she's yandere for Tony Stark's nuts, but I remember her cooling a little on the Registration Act when she helped arrest Spider-Woman 2 in front of her daughter.

So seriously, thanks to Tony Stark, did the fucking Green Goblin get the secret identities of every superhero and vigilante in America?

By Ms. Marvel do you mean Kamala? If so she did stand up to Carol when she instituted this Hitler Youth thing fro pre-crime and thought it was wrong. She called Carol out on this and Carol disowned her I think.


It would guarantee an apathetic meh.

You're right. Let's just hope that the next storyline is better and has more kickass fight scenes.

That panel choice…I can't unsee.

What's bad is a friend of mine and I got to talking and just using the tools that exist in the form of existing story line we conceived of a better comic to follow this up. And then we outlined a full story line to follow it up. And I wrote the script.

And we can't do a damn thing with it.

Post it faggot. I want to hate myself once I realize it will never be official.


I like it; I think that Carol's actions on page 9 don't fit very well, what with her holding back tears and all, but other than that it's alright.
I liked the part where she was thrown into the toilet far too much, and the reasons behind Jen hulking out made a lot of sense; I could see this turning into a "She-Hulk gone bad" sort of scenario where she just beats up a different hero every other issue because of something they've done to her or her friends in the past.

If in some Bizarro world where comics somehow gain quality but still have to work with the shitshow that was CWII, I'd say that Carol had too much bashing out of nowhere, considering that the blurb for Captain Marvel said something about her being incredibly popular; I'd say to add in a panel where there's Pro-Carol and Pro-Jen if I was an editor.
Thankfully I'm not, and I'd buy this hypothetical comic as is I think. You done did good kid.

If Marvel came up to you and asked you to take over writing Hulk, what direction would it go from here? I really wanna know.

Paying a bunch of people to speak to each other won't break the bank.

Piling on the massive expense of CGI for transformations & city destruction makes this pipe dream less lucrative for everyone involved.

Anyhow, I'll be amazed if this run lasts 7 issues.

My thesis is that while upper class folks with comfort like Carol, blue-collar and working class folks feel victimized by governance dictating to them. However, supers know better and feel attributed by Carol burning a lot of trust in her personal crusade for her own vision of the future.

Jennifer makes a play to take out Hawkeye, who talks her down by expressing his guilt for Banner's death, and they join forces to take out Maria Hill whom they decide is a complicit architect in the CWII. Meanwhile, Dancers is looking for allies and finds them few and far between; including Cap who refused again to hunt another superhero.

In the longer view Jen goes on her roaring rampage of revenge, almost murders Danvers in their curb stomp rematch, and is induced to turn herself in by Cap who takes her into custody. Because of his presence they can't Houdini Jen to short-term and she instead is taken to federal court where she uses the platform to sit SHEILD's dirty laundry. The illusion of good press is broken, Hill and Danvers are summoned by Senate hearings, and the shadow government embarassed.

Jennifer wine the moral victory, however, she goes to prison and becomes a jailhouse lawyer for the duration. If this story is WWHulk meets Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, the next story is Jennifer in OZ where she finds many criminals continue to suffer after they are put away because the system is about punishment instead of reform, and many aren't equipped to defend themselves.

All good until she has to juggle prison politics and a potential appeal while being targeted by enemies.

Wins the moral victory even, I'm on my tablet now.

Affronted even, damn, can't tell my ass from my elbow on this thing.

Goddammit that actually sounds great, I hate myself for asking, holy shit. That'd be an interesting as fuck development for Jen, why are we stuck with shitty writers who think we want to read about people sitting in cafes and drinking flat white expresso diet pepsi max flavored lattes talking about the most inconsequential fucking shit when we could go outside to any fucking starbucks and see the same thing in real life.

Fuck. At least let this be a "What-If" a decade or so down the line, if they even still do that. they killed off the watcher didn't they?

Watcher's dead and now Nick Fury is basically the forced replacement.

(Checked like a mother fucker!!)

Speaking of which, lets bring those fucking back! At least we can come up with interesting stories!


You know, "She-Hulk: Prison Lawyer" could be interesting IF done right. Last time a hero was in prison (Thing in F4 was interesting, tho not much developed), but i dont know if it would be interesting to the public on the long way

Don't forget about Ol' Man Frankie….

Did he make the third one already? I've been out of the loop for a while - last I heard was an interview he did with Josh Hadley over at 1201 Beyond about him qutting the business.

Is she really? That's interesting if it's true.
We already know Tony is to the Avenger what Scott is to the X-men, the one guy who believes he is gods greatest gift to mankind and to be the 'bad' guy for events like this. It's sad cause while i could never claim he was ever the best hero Iron Man got me into comics in the first place.

The diference between Iron Man and Rightclops is that Stark's dickishness has been amplified tenfold by movie influence, while Cyclops' has been due being always right in a sea of stupid fucks

No lets so they dont ruin him

Home now. Yay no more tablet.

The two things that I have noticed are one, scene use, and two a proportional exchange where the quality of a comic is directly and inversely equal to how hard Marvel is pushing it.

On the subject of scene use in standard literature you generally are writing a story in a fixed number of words, have a specific set of beats or motifs you need to hit, and things you want to say along the traditional plot track we all learned in school. Comics are the same, but they obscure that movement behind images to represent large blocks of descriptive text. So, one should ask themselves "what does this scene do to move the story along? What value does it give to the overall plot?"

Yes, you can have characters meet in a coffee shop or talk about inconsequential shit to establish a baseline. Spider-Man always worked because he's supposed to be just another dude. He's trying to go to school, or work, or help his Aunt, and other people are like "Oh man, did you hear about Fred, he's got a problem - Can you talk to him Pete?" It's mundane bullshit, but it juxtaposes the over the top Bwahahaha Green Goblin and a busload of preschoolers stuff.

Marvel has a real problem right now with nothing scenes and nothing issues in comics that are unresolved because their primary intent is to hook you. "Buy this stuff! Is something going on? You won't know if you don't buy it! Oh look, another flat conversation with tired pop culture references"

The other facet works like this: I am a huge fan of Moon Knight. I happened into one of his better arcs and was struck by how different this was from his most common comparison in Batman. Nobody likes Marc Specter, nobody wants Moon Knight around, he's doing good but he's so maligned that there's an element of nobility in that he doesn't give in to Khonshu and just start killing people. Yet, because his comic was getting popular, they pushed him into the post Civil War world. Onto the Avengers of all things. His storylines started to suffer expressly because he doesn't fit in. Then he got grabbed by Bendis who took the "multiple personalities" thing, radically moved Moon Knight to the other side of the country without reason, and started having him run around listening to voices in his head that took the form of Cap, Spidey, and Wolverine. It didn't make sense, it was out of character, and it just sucked, but HOLY BALLS was Marvel going to ram it down your throat and you were going to love it. MOON KNIGHT as a primary title!

It failed. Moon Knight was swept aside. And now it's been re-tooled again, by talent who cares about the subject matter, and Moon Knight is great. But if they tried to push him front and center again, the same cycle would happen. As folks have pointed out, Marvel is currently run by committee, and there's a disconnect between author, artist, and reader where the corporate bottom line has become very present. Decisions aren't being made for good story, good art, or even good fights, they're being made under this broad idea that if X worked with Y comic, then X will work everywhere, so lets repeat it until its unprofitable.

Has it really tho? Maybe I've been placing him on a higher pedestal and overlooking his faults because he was my first favorite and current favorite hero, but ever since CW1 all he seems to do is mess things up and have the others tell him that he's shit and for him to get worse and worse as time goes on.
I kind of agree about Cyclops to be honest, he sounds right but they want it to be a Wolverine story so he is supposed to be wrong which makes thing very confusing.

Squirrel Girl was never apart in Civil War or Julia Carpenter's arrest, since she was still with the Great Lakes crew. You're thinking of Arana.

Tony actually erased his own mind (or rather, rolled it back to his pre-CW characterization) to keep that info out of Osborn's hands.

In my opinion Tony Stark was supposed to be "right" in CW1 because Marvel took the retarded position that Superhero Registration was a good idea after decades of grooming people to believe that Mutant Registration was a bad idea. Then they doubled down with his increasingly autocratic actions as if to say "look at what Tony has to do to win, the other side must be bad guys" which doesn't hold water at all.

I think they're aware of the fuck up so Post CW1 they just treat Tony like a bitch because they think "People are mad at stark, if we beat on Stark they'll like it!" Not realizing that the core dispute isn't that Tony is a dick but that Tony goes virtually unpunished for his behavior just like Danvers and Hill are now. "It's totes okay guys, I wiped my own brain!" Yeah, you don't get to decide how you're sanctioned for fucking the world Tony. "I had the best intentions!" Sorry Maria, you ain't Nick Fury, and that shit don't fly. "No one else was equipped to deal with the job so I made my own decisions I thought were right" And we trusted you to use deliberation, Carol, instead of blind faith.

I dont know about you but I would never expect a man like Tony Star quiping like a teenager or screaming "AWESOME FACIAL HAIR BROS" if we judge the last 40 years

I never complete understood the anti side in the first CW. Yes, having your identity in a government folder can be bad if misused (funny enough now it's trendy to work for the gov and being them the ones who know about you, if we look the MCU and DCcU or even the comics). But the thing I remember about the pro side was "hey, you just register, the state allows your activities as legal, making all those detentions valid in court, you get a badge, a salary and if you are youmg training with the best superhero team so to avoid fuck ups like the one with the YW". That's a good deal.

Or at least I remember that way. I admit I havent read CW since at least 2010

On one hand i laughed a little cause Doc Strange is pretty damn cool, on the other you are right that was very odd and strange to hear from Tony.

When you registered you had to receive training on how to use your powers and you were given the option to become a government allowed superhero, with them obviously knowing your identity, and joining a trained team or not joining a team but still being 'on call' in case something happened or you were desperately needed.
Anti team wanted things to go as they were going before CW happened if my facts are straight.

The basic issue under Mutant Registration was an analog for Jewish populations under the Nazis. First they identify you, then they segregate, then its off to the camps. And, with mutants being innately what they are and misunderstood, it makes complete sense.

The Hero Registration act posited that due to the potential for heroes to fuck up they needed to be government regulated, which is reasonable. They should be trained and they should be supported. Unfortunately, then they went completely shitstorm with it:

If you don't register you go to super jail in a dimension that not only is solvent on your sanity but is intimately bad for you biologically.

You do not have the right to due process

You do not have the right to trial or jury by your peers.

And, because the prison in which you are held is not on Earth, you are not subject to human rights or protections. You will be held in an extra legal prison forever until you agree to serve the state or die of old age.

The basic argument that Registration represents a slippery slope isn't wrong, and it should be debated vigorously and publicly. It should not be left to the hands of a self-selected Illuminati. It should not be bullied through by Tony Stark - who falsified an attack on Washington DC to force the government's hand - and it should not be left in the hands of that same man with almost unilateral power to do what he wants when he wants.

That's why the Registration side was wrong and Marvel mishandled the ball hard.

The problem is that the Anti-Registration side wasn't better. Captain America didn't use his great speech craft, didn't appeal to the people, no assumption was made that anyone but super heroes could stand up to what was a legal problem. He just grunted "No, you move" and then surfed a Harrier out of the Helicarrier before going all "underground railroad" without plan or reason. The Anti-Reg just thought they could punch people until victory.

Admittedly that's what Cap realized and why Cap surrendered, but then Marvel completely screwed the pooch by having an author voice box chew Cap out because "You don't reality TV! You don't know 'Murica today!"

It bothered me that throughout this whole thing Steve and Tony never even tried to talk this out, just straight to the shield and repulsors, both sides had some good ideas and bad ideas not no it was muh side or no side.

So now we have CWII:

First we switch sides, ultraconservative Tony Stark is wrong and Danvers is right from the get go.

Danvers acquires an Inhuman - a member of a race with a stated goal of Inhuman supremacy who do not recognize humans as people - with the power to see the future. She doesn't question it. She doesn't study it. She never works with anyone else. She just knows - listens and believes - she is on the right side of history.

Tony Stark promptly turns around and kidnaps the kid and does experiments on him without asking because that's how you prove your point like an adult.

Carol uses the child, a young person who is not an adult and cannot make clear legally enforceable decisions, to enact a pre-crime initiative.

She proceeds to get one person (She Hulk) put in a coma, one killed (War Machine), suspend civil liberities, impose martial law using the model of an authoritarian who likes to beat up minorities, arrests people innocent of crimes on no evidence other than this kid's say-so, and best of all: creates a Hitler youth to arrest young people, lock them up extra-legally, and no one ever had a complaint who mattered because Danvers was both right and had ridiculous good PR. People were instead mad about Sam Wilson being a racist Captain America.

Furthermore, because everyone had a vision of something horrible, she tried to arrest a kid (Morales). When Tony said no, they fist fight it out until Tony Stark ends up in a Hollywood Coma despite the fact the thing the precog saw before he ascended to reality NEVER HAPPENED and Captain America was right there un-killed.

And then, she got rewarded with more power by President not-Trump

They almost had such a talk on Battleworld, but it was just retarded. Apparently Tony thinks because he's rich and smart that he's always right and never needs to check with anyone about anything despite being a former alcoholic with questionable decision making.

On the other side, Steve apparently thinks "Murica good" and because he's Captain America he is somehow innately 'Murica. He's always right, always good, and always has the best interests of America at heart.

The sad joke is that neither of them actually seems to represent what America is on paper. No one uses their reason, their speech, the power of law and the process of society to actually serve the people. They just do whatever and think that as long as they win they will be borne out as correct.

Don't forget that rounding it off we have being the one to give us this speech

In a world where supervillians infiltrate goverment agencies and private companies with no effort, that's a fucking death sentence. When Spidey took off his mask at a press conference, his aunt ended up getting shot. When Daredevil's old flame sold his real name for some drugs, DD's civilian life was demolished. There is no argument for making superheroes into glorified government agents that doesn't entail making them easy to pick off.

Besides, having your superheroes be goverment flunkies with a pension kills their appeal.

All these pages really do is infuriate me because it means someone, somewhere, deep inside Marvel, knows what's wrong. They know what they're doing and they're doing it anyway or can't stop themselves, because to admit they've gone wrong is to admit failure, and somehow the house of ideas cannot fail.

Also, keep in mind this is the same gov't that's been infiltrated by Mystique, Red Skull as 'Dell Rusk', Dire Wraiths, & many many others.

I lack of any kind of memory killed my interest in Marvel.

These are very good and honest point that nobody can argue against, the gov holding on to secret identities is a terrible idea, but the main problem being that even freelancer vigilantes try their hardiest they too fail and sometimes just as spectacularly and with just as disastrous results. I can't say either side was right as both sides had good points and ideas some of which realy should have been mixed and matched to make something better but no, we got the weakly told 'story' to get superheroes to fight against each other cause there was nothing else to do, only know they want to repeat it cause i guess they felt like it worked.

The thing is, at least in CW1 you had two opposite sides worth discussing with their pros and cons each.

In CW2 we have a dumb broad getting people killed because «muh authority» and people siding with her or against hair just for kicks. No two moral opposites, no two sides of the coin. Just «the right side of history» vs «you are wrong, because nu huh»

And then fucking Beast at the end «No, see Carol, Tony KNEW you were right because you are strong female power incarnate, but he opposed you and tried to kill you because».

God, I hated that series.

I don't think you realize how close this came to killing me. I knew my homie Tony was being shit on left and right sometimes for good reasons and other times cause he was the 'bad guy' but i never understood just how much of a shitty 'bad guy' he had become till CW2. First he let Rhodey use an outdated armor, and he knew about it none the less and then he 'knew' Carol was right but still went on doing what he was doing instead of saying something. Why didn't i see his villainous attitude and actions before? I feel as tricked as the Cap fans where when they found out he was Hydra the whole time.

I feel nothing yet i still scream in rage.

Shit, you're right, that was Spider-Girl.

Which one

Don't forget the Richard Nixon Skrull, and Red Skull having his own private entrance to the Pentagon.

So basically Tony Stark set up a position of unsupervised, unlimited power, and Norman Osborn took it? You know, this is why they killed Julius Caesar.

Spider-Girl was at the arrest where they arrested Arachne, in her own home, in front of her daughter.

Wasn't Spider-Woman 2 the one Peter copied his black costume from?

According to Mightygodking, there was a comic where they tried talking it out.

I think so

I heard Uwe Boll might've ended his career due to a change in the German tax law that prevents loopholes that he exploited for his movies to make money.

The way you describe it makes it sound like it wan't really under accountability rather some special group of heroes owned by the government.

OH LOOK! Is that a competently written comic in the middle of a Marvel shitshow? I wonder who the author could be? That's right, it's your pal and mine: CHRISTOS GAGE :D

Christos Gage is like the Easter Bunny of mainstream comics, leaving delicious chocolate secreted away in the desert wasteland of their normal output.

Is there other stuff of his you would recommend?

Well, in the middle of this latest fecesfest, we had a readable Spider-Man story that asked a lot of the questions we were all asking as the pre-crime system was being rolled out. He also wrote what seems to be an unsupervised Ultimates issue where Danvers has a whole building of lawyers and civil servants dedicated to making sure she can act on the pre-crime knowledge she's gaining, which is what would happen if they actually wanted to write speculative fiction instead of lecture us on racial profiling, so naturally the rest of the event ignores that issue entirely.

What I'd really recommend is his original series, Absolution. It's about a world were metahumans have been incorporated fully into the justice system, they're almost mundane, but it's not quite that cynical.

What makes his stuff worth reading, is the way he really seems to think things out. The end of his stories feel like him trying to follow a logical flow of events from the starting point. His stories aren't warped and illogical in service of a lecture on real life ethics, they're primarily stories.

That's not what I said - I said that the character didn't seem interesting outside of her career (although I can retract some of that as gave a nice argument on why), and that both Hulk origins are stupid bullshit.

Powers alone do not make a character interesting, but they can facilitate interest. I like reading origins that only require a minimal suspension of disbelief compared to someone becoming God through eating an overnuked hot pocket left in the microwave.


Just draw it faggot. Post on the web. Go viral.

… Honestly, I was reading this and going "Heh, Im actually okay with this. Slow boil, calm buildup drama a bit TV show-ish but hey, its different Ill take it."

And with that, it makes alot more sense. >.>;

Make it a comic book. BAM problem solved.

I can draw well, but I can't draw well enough for comics. Otherwise I would.

The problem is the authors stated goal to go as long as possible without having Jennifer Walters hulk out. So welcome to blue balls the comic series.

Then whats the point?

Arguably? Because they want to make "commentaries" on "women's issues" by using Jennifer's fear post Civil War as a "representation" of how feminists feel in the "oppressive male patriarchy"

I suggest this because Jen has the power to smash these problems many times over, but feels utterly powerless in the fact of the male gaze as represented by a sleazy slum lord. The only good "guy" so far is our platonic idealized gay friend.

That sounds stupid. The only good thing I can think of by having Jennifer not go hulk for a while is to have it build up and pay off with her going hulk and annihilating Carol Danvers for fucking up the superhero community and Hawkeye for killing her cousin. Then again that would require a good writer which she is not.

Which is why I wrote this.

You guys haven't read The DC Comics Guide to Digitally Drawing Comics ( DC Comics Guide to Digitall - Ii Williams, Freddie E.pdf), right?
It pretty much takes digital tools and shows how to use pre-made shit to speed up productivity as much as possible. And that's DC, who still has some [very small amount of] dignity, coming public with their digital trickery.
Now, consider we're talking about Marvel in the low quality of the industry today - especially after Greg Land showed that lazyness sells - and that Marvel is not shy about hiring the cheapest people possible.
It's no wonder that the people who still are dignified enough to draw backgrounds instead of using solid colors or other effect-like backgrounds are basically copy-pasting jpgs and applying some Photoshop filters. Remember the Iron Negress? Pretty much the author's copy-pasted 3d-renders of cell-shaded vehicles in the background to the point it still had the fucking aliasing lines.
In two years shit will be just like Manga - empty backgrounds, speed lines and shit like that - but it'll be worse because at least the weebshit has a weekly publication schedule and it's done with a small fraction of the budged that goes into making capeshit.

For that to happen american capes should start using again speed lines. Seriosly, these days most comics look like pose catalogs. They don't give me a sense of movement when characters fight or throw shit or whatever. It's just all static shit

They just use a template, not necessarily anyones fault. Its causing people to be lazy fucks

They all ready have a Jessica Jones series. Why saturate an over flooded Netflix market any further?

Like I said previously, 7 issues max.

This is duller than Soule's verbose run.


Wait do you mean his Daredevil run?

I believe so

Soule's hideous, boring, crapstastic, 12 issue She Hulk series where Jen was drawn with Goat Eyes.

Hurr Durr
Derp Derp Derp

Yeah, that how I'd imagine Down Syndrome Shulkie to sound, too.



Jesus christ. I'm surprised it lasted as long as 12 issues.

The resemblance is uncanny, user.

Wait, this had to be intentional, right?


This is anecdotal but there are plenty of #1 & #2 issues of this "Hulk" series up for grabs at my local store.

It'll be interesting to see how soon it's cancelled.


I'm beginning to see why Marvel's art has degenerated to fan levels, then Deviantart levels, and now to Calarts/Tumblr levels, and the writing has gone from "hack" to "Image" to "fanfic" to "blog".
It's not just Perlmutter being a cheap bastard and hiring shills and incompetents, although that is a part of the problem.
What we find ourselves in is a decadent age, like the arse-end of the Roman empire when they'd forgotten how to even make a phalanx to keep out the barbarian hordes.
Likewise Marvel can't manage to write a competent story or passable art, and has forgotten every trick of pacing, composition, anatomy, perspective, characterisation, and story structure that held up the House Of Ideas for 50 years. And people are turning to manga and European comics to get their fix.
It doesn't help that so many non-comic people are just waltzing in, thinking they already know everything they need, that there's no "trick" to comics, and wondering why the shopping and coffee drinking adventures of Potatohead Noodlearm Marysue, ripped straight from the author's blog, aren't selling.

This is the comics Kali Yuga, we're circling the drain.

OP here
New issue appeared gonna post, hope something happens now.

Gonna play Devil's advocate for a bit here, but this trend didn't started because they thought they were being original and never realized when it stopped being like that?
Also, CalArts still teaches to actually draw to pass, is just that these faggots are lazy and don't see comics as an art but as a way to make money.

OP here.
It's trash.


The sad truth of it almost makes me want to take up drinking.

So the cover is even lazier this town.

I remember when Issue #2 came out and I had the hopes that maybe we would aknowledge that Flo was fucking crazy and even if she isn't stable enough to be guilty of the results of her powers she should be locked up, for everyone and her own safety.
Should've known they would be use a strawman.

I wouldn't be mad because when talking about Hulk beings "Trigger" is actually correct but I don't think being stressed counts as a trigger.

I actually like that feminist books send by Flo are actually considered stalkerish and not endearing, also the hairnet thing made me chuckle.

Well, Hellcat, enjoy her cuz she's going and not coming back.

You have no idea, I like this cellphone call, really abridges the unnecessary dialogue.

No wait forget it, she's here…
This is gonna take forever isn't it?

Wasn't that dialogue going in circles?

Class A writing there folks.
God help me.

See I don't see why she was so worried about the cops mistreating here, they look nice enough.

Is it bad that I wan't to read a comic about the lives of the people living in this building, I mean, look at that ciberpunk cool stuff.

What do you mean? Look at all those flowers sent to her, and what about her family?

Yeah we got it, is not her fault she's like that, I understand, doesn't mean she isn't dangerous.

See, she already killed 3 people.
And 2 of them weren't even an asshole.

Is worse to die.
So nothing happens again.
Fuck me.

Can somebody explain me how this takes a month to write.
I'll believe that it takes a month to write and draw and ink all these three issues.
I'm an amateur writer and in my first 60 pages I already had dozens of deaths, 4 fights and yet still had more dialogue than action, and that took me 6 days.

But user… drawing is haaaaarrrrrrd.

Is it bad that I wan't to read a comic about the lives of the people living in this building, I mean, look at that ciberpunk cool stuff.

What do you mean? Look at all those flowers sent to her, and what about her family?

Yeah we got it, is not her fault she's like that, I understand, doesn't mean she isn't dangerous.

See, she already killed 3 people.
And 2 of them weren't even an asshole.

Fix your site Jim

Do they really think that?
Besides the writting I'm talking drawing lessons and a 20 minutes panel sized drawing looks better than what this faggots make.

now I hate this

Very much likely they do and will use it as an excuse. Particularly with a quirky little doodle showing how hard it is and how unmotivated they are.

She's gonna hulk out because the deadly shut-in will try to kill her at some point and it will be halfway heartbreaking somehow.

Damn this TV writing. Like, seriously. Why isnt this on the She-Hulk Netflix series instead of here?

Because they still don't have the live action rights.

… seriously.

I admit to be completely disconnected in that field. Care to share when, and why, Marvel lost those?

Some actress wanted to play She-Hulk back in the 90's, Marvel says yes promising a role in those old live action marvel tv shows. Blast to the fututre, the old hag is still pissed off she couldn't play She-Hulk and is holding the rights against Marvel's will.

… I would call bullshit but Trump is president so everything is possible.

All things are possible in this timeline.

If the rights dont just expire, because as you are saying they dont; does that mean, if she dies, her kids will inherit the rights?

If she has kids

Yeah, no. I can't believe a has-been actress can successfully hold Marvel from taking their rightful character. The most likely reason why is because despite the Hulk making his own live-action appearances on the MCU, the distribution rights are owned by Universal, which is why he hasn't made his own standalone appearance since 2009 and they limit the usage of any character affiliated with him like Abomination and the Leader, the latter whom hasn't been mentioned despite being set up as a threat for future movies. Hell, even Namor the Sub-Mariner is held under hostage by those same restrictions in spite of:
1) him being his own character rather part of the Hulk's supporting cast, because of the character's close relationship with Banner.
2) Universal never even making a movie with Namor to justify them holding the rights like what Fox did with Fant4stic. Last I heard, Namor had almost surely returned to Marvel, but it was highly uncertain (if he had, we would have heard some Atlantis references by now).

That is the most likely reason why She-Hulk can't make her own live-action appearance.

Can they just get the artist behind these to make some cool posters, or something? They're way better than what's inside.

This series sucks goat turds. Sale dropped from 80,000 to 30,000. Marvel can't even create a decent solo series for Shulkie.

Who in their right mind would even consider throwing money at another Alias knockoff that would require expensive CGI?

At least they got Hellcat looking good again. Its refreshing after the Kate Leth crap.

I never thought I'd see that.

At least Hellcat looks human again. I actually haven't read it, just looked at the thumbnails. I prefer to waste my limited time in this Earth in other ways.

Will she ever rip Hawkeye apart?

Underrated post

…Where's the capeshit? Where's the supervillains? Where's the shit getting punched? Where's the crime fighting?

This is literally just a Lifetime channel original movie, in comic format, with some zany shit in the background, and some added allusions to zany super heroics.

Damage Control showed how to do this shit and do it RIGHT.
Fuck, do these assholes even read comics? Do they not use any superheroes because they don't know who the characters are?

I'm just spitballing here, but what if we went digging around deviantart, pinterest, a few places like that and found a few extremely talented artists from like Korea who would work for peanuts and released essentially doujinshi versions of the comics with some really good stories for free and advertised it everywhere merely tracking download numbers so that after enough time, when the site built up a fairly large following the figures could be compared side-by-side to show how many readers Marvel *could* have if it wasn't stuffed with all this progressive horse shit.

You could do that but you would need to be able to handle coordinating that. The coordination seems like it would require a lot. That and how would you pay them for peanuts if the comic gets distributed freely rather than making profit from it? Do you pay the artist out of your own pocket. I don't mean to bash you, even though it sounds like it could work it would take a lot of work and dedication. Just not sure if you're up to that.

You release Issue 1 for free as a lure, then start a paytreon.

What's Damage Control?

That's it, I gotta storytime DC. Such a good series, what killed was the art going nuts in the last series, I never could work out who that was, he wasn't credited. I saw a Guy Gardner story, also uncredited, by the same artist…

No revenge on Carl or Clint from lowly non-cinematic peasants like Jen. A listers have MCU movies to star in, after all.