Tfw gender non-conformist
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Don't worry, the world will be normal again by the time your neck is on the chopping block.
I know school sucks, but you'll be able to spend all eternity in hell with the other faggots and kikes.
I agree, OP. You should be forced to go to a special school with all the other tranny faggots.
And by school I mean gas chamber.
im for the deep fakes of this cutie tbh
so you're into guys?
fuck outta here. Can't be a dude. Too petty
it looks like a fucking guy. It's okay to be gay bro, you want to jack each other off, lol it's just experimentation.
I want to force my penis into her virgin anus while she cries in pain.
dafuq? i hate japan now
How did you survive, I would have killed myself.
In fact, I recomend you do it right now.
dude, nobody in your hetero-normative school gives a fuck about the non-conformity of your dick, keep it in your pants for fucks sake
I am NOT a boy!
Are you trolling?
I'm a two-spirit so I swap back between male and female daily unless I force myself (with difficulty) not too. Just pick a side an stick with it. Probably easier to chose female if you're in the middle. I would have but my parents are huge zio-chirstfags.
Basically girls can act really masculine and get away with it as 'tomboys' but the reverse makes you automatically a faggot so it's better to switch teams (don't have to cut your dick off).