What's your opinion on this Holla Forums??.
What's your opinion on this Holla Forums??.
Two consenting adults. Who the fuck cares? Move on.
Incest is illegal to stop people from raising armies.
yeah i'm pretty much the same way, but i wish they'd try and avoid pregnancy in the future. other than accidentally making a few retards, incest can be pretty hot.
I would agree but they're going to jail for doing nothing wrong.
Based as fuck
Fuck off
Exactly! Use condoms and fuck all you want. I don't give a shit.
People born from incest are too retard to form armies tbh
Moralfag as long as they're over 18 and consenting adults WHO GIVES A SHIT LET THEM DO WHATEVER THEY WANT.
Save the date
Thats exactly what i was saying, you retard.
its not proper m8
if you read the article, which i did way earlier on another website, you will see that the state of virgina is prosecuting the hell out of this - the dad is out on a one million dollar bond and the daughter is still in jail… this is exactly what happen when you tolerate the state inflicting morality laws on regular people…
In the State of Montana you can get life in prison for incest.
how fucked up was the kid?
I'd agree with you, if it weren't for the fucked up shit that happens with inbreeding
This is what happens, you let religious fundamentalist cucks, run the country
I'm not aware of any Christian fundies that think incest is ok. Amish maybe, but they are very fringe.
Why are anti-incest laws the only eugenics practice people are okay with? Retards and freaks who can barely wipe their own asses get to exercise their right to take a shit in the gene pool, but when it's family members fucking everyone seems to agree that it's a bad thing across the spectrum.
My point is the exact oposite. Because you have religious retards running the country, its these two are in jail. Because their wizard in the sky, said incest is an abomination.
Thats retarded.
Well… it is. Even just the Jews who only marry and breed with other Jews have genetic disorders. Also Amish, Pakis, etc. It's wrong on multiple levels regardless of who's "running the country."
The girl looks like a hapa
Guy probably knocked up a asian and then his own white/asian
Can't blame the guy tbh
If all of a sudden right this second a 8/10 girl walked up to my door and told me she's both my long lost biological daughter and wanted my dick, I'd definitely dick her down.
hi Destiny
It's wrong to fuck your kids because you're making humanity dumber.
But it makes sense that pedophiles and people who are already retarded don't understand eugenics.
The kid for one. You have any idea how many genetic diseases mudslimes and kikes have because of incest? Every other paki has some disability because of it.
It's about time you got over your mom making you go to church every sunday morning user. It's over, let go.
by that logic is wrong to fuck niggers too
Jews have been inbreeding for hundreds of years and they have pretty high IQs. They're also degenerate rats that can't even function in a society without subverting it, but that's another point.
Honestly this guy did the only thing he could. That's prime hapa pussy, what was he supposed to do, just let some other faggot take it?
Are you talking specifically about this case or do you just feel the need to try bait the pedos?
You said that all people who inbreed are retards that know nothing about eugenics. I proved you wrong.
I think you can get away three or four generations of inbreeding before you're essentially guaranteed a retarded baby tbh
I dunno, they're pretty retarded. All they know how to do is subvert and double down.
No, they don't. Next you'll tell me you believe niggers have huge dicks too because Moshe told you.
you know with the right amount of selective breeding, families members could have children with no consequence. It would make breeding super humans easier as it would eliminate variables
Ashkenazi jews have the highest average IQs, just admit it. Even far right white nationalists admit this fact.
sweet argument bro, there are more white clinical geniuses than there are jews period
*jack off
…which is what I just did btw
which one of you was this?
See any IQ study done within the past 100 years. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though. Let's say that it's all a bunch of bullshit, who's to say that they didn't lie about white IQ as well? Maybe it's around 80 but they say it's around 100. What about nigger IQ too? Maybe niggers are actually geniuses.
She's fuckin hot, who can blame him. Besides, she didn't grow up around him, so they're only related genetically. Idk what the big deal with incest is, I've never heard a good argument for making it illegal
Chads gana fuck, don't matter da hole.
I guess you never read the bible. Right after Sodom and Gomorrah was destroy, by God and Lots wife turning into a pillar salt. Lots two daughters got him drunk and he got them pregnant.
that's some fag on Holla Forums, that isn't evidence. Tell me why for hundreds of years, people on both the left and the right have been conducting IQ studies that always have the same results, plus or minus a few points?
She looks like some happa cunt. The guy obviously boned a asian girl. Fuck off with your pro-race mixing shit, fucking kike.
Fun fact; kikes inbreed so they promote inbreeding, so that they look less like retards. They are the true masters of fucking each other.
I agree that they don't look like retards, they do however look like deformed ugly freaks.
I think this user has it spot on.
Incest isn't universally illegal though. The guy was just shitposting and you agreed wholeheartedly with him.
i wouldn't breed with her, but id fuck the shit out of her for a day
nothing surprises me from that country, it's like china at this point.
I may not have money but at least where i live anything is fine unless you harm some other being.
You realize that psychology was created by jews, right? It's all Freudian nonsense. This isn't a scientific study. I'm guessing that this study was relevant at the time to try and disprove some political rhetoric.
You are ignoring a foundation that has already been established. You are arguing like a Marxist kike. If you want to make a claim that all IQ studies performed in the past are false, show me some evidence, not some psychological jewish shit. The burden of proof is on you.
holy shit you could not be any more obvious if you tried
I didn't even know incest was illegal. Is this really worse than two hairy men plowing each other in the anus?
I didn't say so, the studies in the past are the things that claimed this. You are trying to turn this around like I am just some guy claiming kikes are smart out of the blue. It's based on studies in the past.
It only is in certain regions. It's not universally illegal. Places like Pakistan promote incest and around half of the population is a product of incest.
Can't wait for his reply to this…
Testing my vpn
Kys pedo
Its two consenting adults dumbass.
Disgusting thugs abuse innocent people trying to live in peace.
Next in news, dog bites man.
Oh, you posted a picture of a little girl wearing clothes, prepare to be banned for "CP".
I'm testing my new vpn stfu
They shouldn't be put in jail. They should be restrained from eachother. Contact allowed, everything allowed but closeness to the point of physical touch. Idk how you'd find out when theyre too close, physical trackers or some shit.
all me tbh
Your doing Allah's wprk
They are consenting adults you fuck - you think they should be monitored 24/7? Christ, people piss me off!
is that you, god? are you shitting on us because of our actions?
How do you know?
HE told me
I just know.
any poster, posting midgets is wholesome
Kys vol
the reason they say incest is illegal is stupid.
if that's the case you might as well castrate every autistic and retarded male, Hysterectomy every woman over 30.
it should be illegal based on how fucking damaged and dangerous these people are. who's to say they won't sexually abuse their children? they already got incest down, how much further in depravity will they dive into? think of the children growing up in this environment. it's inherently abusive as fuck.
well historically this guy would have faced no punishment. there would be no proof to link him to his daughter that he gave away at a birth (Oedipus story comes to mind). at worst he would have had to pay a hefty fine, if not then be exiled from his village.
now if he was the mother and she was son, they would be burned alive. because, fucking a MILF is totally not good goy (even though those laws only existed to prevent sons from usurping their father's rule and retro-cucking him).
Can't really blame the guy. Should've just told the nurse they were second cousins.
all me
Praise be!
Which is hilarious when you realize the only way 5 billion people can descend from Adam and Eve is massive incest.
Finally someone gets it.
The idea of incest gives me a boner so it can't be wrong. That's all the argument I need.
I guess that settles that!
begone you pedo THOT
Surely! Good bye user.
Cute little girl but who wants to have sex without tits? They need to be at least 13-15 - guess that makes me a normalfag.
Victory is ours for us normies
why do you use nigger terminology? Do you want to be a nigger?
Bye to you too ! ;)
makes a hebe. The best kind of pedo tbh
No you're a hebephile.
Hebe is 10-14
Thanks very cute girl youre posting i like your taste.
you're a fucking idiot, 10 year olds are preteens.
Thanks she's my favourite. Sorry for bad englishstan.
Enough of this child shit leave already dick(s)
That's what hebephilia is attraction to preteens or early pubescent teens you're thinking of ephebophilia attraction to 15-19 year olds.
Np. Gtg. Good talking with you.
You too!
this thread is 10/10 tbh
Where the fuck are the mods when you need them
The rules changed newfag.
what for, TORpedo?
not a pedo you dick cheese faggot, looks like you are one for liking these posts
i like how they have to explicitly qualify her as his 'biological' daughter
why are you using TOR, if you're not a pedro?
all me tbh.
Leave now cuck.
Stfu Torpedo. And hey Torpedo.
stop comparing pedophilia to incest tbh
This tbh
Look at ne! I'm a TORpedo too. Aren´t i cool?
Well you are a torpedo.
Proof of being a pedo where?
Your harddrive tbh.
spelling error tbh
You are using TOR, dipshit! Why would you use TOR, if not for pedo stuff?
Kys pedo
you first, pedo
Using TOR doesnt make me a pedo instantly.
not samefagging you kike
remember, it all went back down to noah and his three sons as well. also, let's not talk about Lot and his daughters
why you use TOR then? to be edgy?
Surprisingly we're not samefagging. That's the even more convoluted part about our autism. We make it seem like we're samefagging but in reality we're just retards.
Its happening again.
Brace yourselves
(check those motherfucking trips)
This tbh. I'm just having fun, with you guys
How the fuck did they have kids?
Shameless self czech tbh
Can we not start posting these pedo pics please? this is a goddamn thread talking about incest and its completely fucking derailed. Leave please.
Its was a miracle of The Lord
JS is enabled tbh.
it has to or else you can't link responses
I know but I had it on the whole time. Well on startup and couldn't be bothered disabling it. I didn't want to download CP anyway. Well not today.
sorry… the three sons had wives. but, still, they're all cousin-fuckers, then
sorry… the three sons had wives. but, still, they're all cousin-fuckers, then
Samefag tbh.
still incest. Although i would fuck my cousins with no problems
nice double post fag. now leave in shame
do any of you, inbred fucks, watch Someordinary Gamers?
My god love that guy. Best readings not gonna lie.
do you happen to know which search engine he uses to browse the dank web?
must be candle or torch my dude, but i think its more of candle
thanks TOR Holla Forumsro. Been wanting to know for a while now. May the peace of Mutah, be upon you, Holla Forumsrother.
good - having children amongst closely related family members increases chance of genetic disorders and fixing that costs money. Sex is fine
No problem my guy, goodluck on the web
One generation's worth of incest doesn't lead to fucked up genetics. The problem with Hebrews having increased susceptibility to diseases other lineages don't is that they would only ever breed with other Hebrews from the village or general geographic area.
I just got a pomeranian.
Thread died down my dudes. Abandon.
Keep it alive
nope… though they make a good point… i thought js was supposed to be disabled by default on torbrowser. hmmm…
yeah, not sure how that happened
pretty sure the whole tribe of israel has been incested several times. Lot restarted the tribe with nothing but two daughters iirc after his wife got turned to a pillar of salt
almost didn't notice the difference tbh
We must leave IMMEDIATELY or we all will be killed
MMmmmmm they are so sexy i wanna fill them with my hot cum.
faggot pedo ban this cuck
Piss off normalfag.
Nobody violates the law on my watch, pedo
They look incredibly young.
42 and 20?
Looks like 24 and 12.
You will never stop me from putting my cock in them and cumming all over them.
dead thread
piss off and get some hot lovin' from a loli you pussy
its called wincest and its main virtue is hawt
lolis dont exist
lemme ask you this: is it still pedo if the child is dead? corollary: does it matter how fresh/old the kill is?
i think you're talking about necrophilia faggot
hey! that's too far!!! how is having sex with underage corpses homosexual
Got that layaway pussy
Nothing of value was lost
Just saying, but incest between father and daughter is nigh on harmless when compared to incest between brother and sister. Because of the genetic differences between them (due to the mother's DNA), it's pretty much okay. The reason brother/sister incest is bad is because it's basically the exact same genetic material mixing. As long as it's not generations of incest, and it's only once, father/daughter or son/mother is not going to produce an invalid.
dindu nuffin
didn't the catholics put in the first incest laws in order to break up the pagan euro tribal systems?
Fuck me, she's cute!
So when they both get found guilty of incest, the penalty can be between 10m and 182m (or said in another way, 1 to 15 years).
North Carolina forbids the act of incest between "Person that is grandparent or grandchild; parent or child or stepchild or adopted child; brother or sister of whole or half-blood; uncle aunt, nephew or niece." (aka pretty much fucking anything).
And that's just for the charge of incest, they're using other charges. If they had been arrested in Nevada/Montana/Idaho, that's up to LIFE. Had they stayed in Virginia, that's 1 to 10 years. But if they had moved to Rhode Island, they would have been fully legal in their relationship, the only thing Rhode Island forbids is actual legal marriage.
In New Jersey it would have been legal because she's over 18. I don't know why they didn't consider moving to Jersey or Rhode Island. Hell in Jersey they could have even gotten married.
C'est dégueulasse!
how exactly is that a legal issue? sure morally it's fucked up and biologically fucked up for the kid, but they're consenting adults so it shouldn't matter
Because idiots who don't know how incest works only cite the example of brothers and sisters who had children who ended up fucked up. Because the diversity of genes differs so much between parent-child, it can be safe(r) to have children.
Also just saying, but anyone who wants to quote da bibble, I'm just going to point out, in order to reach 8 billion people from only 2 means that a whole hell of a lot of inbreeding happened.
Jesus christ, the story is so hot. I hope this urns into a movie.
A real hero and a real human bean
This is the exact problem with the muslims. Watch this (((BBC))) documentary series.
I don't really want to, but thanks for offering. The problem with Muslims is more than just incest, it's the idea of a holy book which is considered absolute, immutable and without any form of interpretation involved. Literally you can't "explain" a passage of the Quran to a Muslim, because there is no "interpreting" the passage, to them that would be haraam, a "sin" punishable only by death. You may not distort the teachings of the prophet.
When you get that kind of fervor and solidarity behind an archaic idea, it's impossible to ever change it. There's no such thing as a 'moderate Muslim,' there's only a Muslim who knows to wait.
The girl on the left is smiling because she knows that like any other woman, she'll get promotions without ever seeing combat.
My problem with incest being illegal is that if you really get down to it it's pretty much an eugenics law. A law to prevent inbred tards from poisoning the gene pool
The point I'm trying to make is that if you're going to have legislation for eugenics-lite, then why not go all fucking out? Legalize abortion, kill off the retarded niggers. And likewise, if you want abortion to be illegal, then you outta make incest legal since it's clear you don't give a fuck
I'm sorry but your connecting thoughts are not compatible. Making abortion (killing unborn babies) out to be the same as allowing the birth of undesirable and invalids isn't the same. Likewise abortion is not 100% illegal, for example, if a woman's life and the life of the child would both be lost in childbirth, then the mother may get an abortion. She can choose NOT TO, but they'll make it very plain that "hey, your chance of survival is less than 20%…" Some people beat the odds, some people become a statistic, and some people think rationally and get the abortion.
But you can't deal in absolutes when it comes to semi-related issues.
I say the same thing about those who cite the bible as a reason to avoid incest
I'm not even aroused. That's beautiful.
…and? Why is this a problem?
Images of pre-developed girls in non-sexual situations is not CP yes?
This is an American story, the UK paper is only reporting on it.
Anti-incest law is all about state eugenics.
So it makes no sense without killing or sterilizing all the Jews, Niggers, Gypsies and other sub-humans/defectives.
Home Alone With Daddy
Abortion is literally eugenics. It's mothers being allowed to preemptively kill undesirable children. The only people who think otherwise are Holla Forums because their cognitive dissonance tells them abortion is wrong but Nazi eugenics is good
This is a form of eugenics. The laws are hypocritical on this issue. We don't ban people with shit genes (midgets for example) from having kids, but people who are related can't? The real reason it's illegal is because people think it's gross.
Its not eugenics, most of the white kids aborted aren't defective in any way, just shit mothers who would rather party than raise a child so she murders the kid.
I didn't scroll down past the post I replied to and we both happened to mention eugenics in our posts. Funny.
True. Only moralfags give a shit what consenting adults do. If the kid is fucked up it's not your business, and if it isnt it's still not your business.
Eugenics is not a personal choice, you fucking idiot, it's an arbitration decision. The forced castration of criminals. By your logic, because white women decide to abort, it means that they're forcibly removing their own progeny from the gene pool to make way for niggers, spics and muzzies. Who do not get abortions.
You can call it eugenics all you want, but this is not eugenics, this is making permanent decisions for what is a self-made problem that could be solved by giving a child a chance and giving them up for adoption.
Behavior is genetic to an extent. By aborting their kids, these women are self-terminating their irresponsible bloodlines. You should thank them for the quality control the provide to the race.
In my view it's these "moralfags" that are in fact the immoral ones. Kind of ironic.
guy in the middle is contemplating the meaning of life
Love Will Tear Us Apart
Here's a screengrab of the articles because OP is a lazy fat sack.
Wasn't there a TV show in the '70s called "All In the Family"?
daughter is fucking hot
yall tellin me yall wouldnt
fukin faggots!
There is completely unrelated couples that get blessings from God that look like this.
"Go ahead and run, it will only make your flesh taste sweeter."
I hope that kid is an assasin in mortal kombat
Fuck This Gay Earth
Beta fag cuck.
What is this, some bizarro world where there are no pussy passes?
You just want cheap sex right daddy…
Hispanics need to stop abusing African Americans.
Whites need to stop abusing Mexicans.
Long story short, the Jews don't want whites to discover the fact that Jews literally have genetic Vampirism because of their generational inbreeding, that allows their bodies to accept ANY donated Organs- which ties into their doctor ties.
In other words, the Jews literally are fucked up stitched frankenstein horrors who also capture white children to not only drain of blood and eat their pineal glands, but to also steal their organs and extend their lifespans like that episode of Invader Zim
I need factual evidence.
Is it really inbreeding if she's half asian?
yes, fucktard. It is
Q. What do you call a catgirl pregnant with your litter?
A. Daughter
Thanks. I just make that joke up, as I was taking a shit.
No, seriously.
It's posted multiple times on Holla Forums, you'll likely see it in Pizzagate threads- but basically, it's a result of them being supreme degenerated freaks with the following-
Also, they've entire websites dedicated to JUST Jewish Genetic disorders shared throughout their 'tribes'.
Pizzagate is an admixture of child trafficking/human trafficiking, CIA Plants for false flag operations and covert assassination ritual moloch/devil worshipping rights and torture that plays into this in addition to catering to 'chosen' elites eventual sexual degeneration due to practice of excessive hedonism, to bribe networks and the fuelling of the LGBT cult, which seeks to propagate itself by any means necessary and maintain it's under the surface darker lifestyle secrets as as a construct to actuall control and manipulate anything under it's demographic purposely outlawed for the benefit of the Jews to be opened into this structure and always ensured to be a ravening horde.
Basically, in almost ever imaginable degree, Jews literally have some truth if not, full truth in every story, insult or the like about them on a memetic cosmic reverberative scale.
Lizard people? Check.
Vampires? Literally inspired a chunk of the myth irregardless of spread cultural traditions romani and gypsy caravans and have a genetic disorder which makes them fully-comaptible Organ takers
Child Kidnappers/Bloodletters? Check
Inspiration for the image of Satan and the Devil in Church propaganda and imagery up till the modern day? Check.
Feels like a meek, easily predated tiny lizard? Check.
Cannibals, like lizards? Check.
Sees everything in Master/Slave mentality and operates around reducing those to the slave state, have rules to always lower those around them to be as nasty as they, so they may appear above it in function
They're literally the very extreme notion of what occurs if you were to take every reprehensible quality mankind could conceive of, and actually keep it in a eugenic structure to breed this eternally via religion, and persevere by parasiting itself on others, they can, by average mathematically be rounded up to be a living success in the practice of creating legitimate objective evil- nevermind the fact that due to how fucked they are- they are also the only thing on this planet utterly removed from nature- you see, animals actually have a thing where incest only occurs by accident, or when nearing extinction due to low numbers- otherwise, they instinctively ward away from these kinds of activities, at least in less restive environments most of the time.
$50 says the kid will end up browsing Holla Forums then get v& for making death threats.
I want to impregnate Lizard people too, Master Chaddles!
You really think papa waited till she was legal?
Who does? I mean, honestly? We didn't.
Wish we could do something to help them out, maybe get this case a ton of attention and bring it to the Supreme court.
How is the weather in Israel?
unfortunately, my dick is hard
Big deal, how do you think we ended up with Dysnomia?
I don't fucking understand… do they really have to waste a lawyer and judge's time with stupid shit like that… okay, her dad fucked her and had a baby with her, why did she go to jail in the first place? I'd understand the dad going to jail (not really because she consented and she's over 18), but her? why the fuck did the daughter go to jail?
also, I think they should've just aborted… I hope their kid is not retarded at least…
Incest is illegal. For men and for women. For fathers and for daughters. She went to jail because she broke the law.
perhaps, but why does such law even exist? it's retarded, don't you think?
that might be a good thing. look how often things are "interpreted" as another way. jews in law do that shit all the time.
perhaps the biggest black pill is that islam is anti jew.
It exists because continuation of incest leads to high chance of defects. Just look at the bloodhound, they got all sorts of problems due to the excessive amount of inbreeding that occurred with their type. It's effectively a protective measure.
I was just waiting for them to post something about them being separated for a long long time.
This is actually common and there must be a real genetic reason humans suffer from it - and as you know, all things that exist either exist as a side effect of a a positive trait or for simply being a positive trait. That's evolution.
Geneticists like me believe that we are sexually attracted to our own races for the good of our species, even ONE generation after of genetically distant populations intermingling leads to INSANE rates of birth defects and a naturally occurring rate of DE-HYBRIDIZATION - ie: the kids of muts have kids and you get kids that are genetically more similar to one race or another.
For example: My wife and her brother are swiss, french and Italian. Her brother has a red beard, is tall, and is as white as a sheet. She has long, blonde straight hair, pale blue eyes and is quite short.
There is literally ZERO Italian visibly in either one of them, and the northern french and Swiss genes took over. Their entire family is a bunch of pasta eating marios and these two look like they walked out of the cover of a viking fantasy novel.
There are less defects in incest if you're RACIALLY similar at a rate of about 50% - which is funny, because these two obviously are, his ex girlfriend is clearly Asian. I bet the kid comes out a fucking genius.
I should note that father was Swiss and french, mother was french and Italian. The Italian is basically completely gone.
Giant tits are fucking disgusting and huge tits are a sign of psudohormone overload and poor diet.
The hottest. fittest, most genetically superior women have wide hips and skinny waists, muscles and a thigh gap. Ie, look like this.
GTFO soyboy. If you're not having kids and furthering your race you literally have no purpose on this earth. Neck yourself and save us some time.
Degenerate scum. I wonder what physical or mental health problems the poor incest baby will have.
likely none, they come from 4 distinct genetic populations based on facial features alone - in fact may be actually better off due to her young age then 85% of children born today.
Part of our mandate currently is to encourage people to have children as early as possible and in private we wish more 16yo women were having kids with established men like was common in the 70's as they are by far the healthiest and longest living people we study.
You misguided fool
I decode genes for a living. What have you done for your species lately, idiot?
I dont owe my species shit. And Ill have you know I bioprospect antibiotics.
If this happened when they were older and they were cousins, siblings, aunt/nephew? Sure. But for all we know the guy probably raised the girl for the sole purpose of being his ultimate fucktoy.
Holla Forums truly has fallen.
They deserve each other. Yuck.
It would have to be a campaign started from a feminist twitter account and use a catchy hashtag. The focus would have to be on the poor innocent grill in jail and how unfair that is against all women everywhere. …if anyone cares enough to bother in the first place and already has access to an aged feminist account.
t. psy ops expert
they were separated for 20+ years. This is quite common with estranged fathers and daughters and we don't know why, other then it's probably a genetic throwback to times when tribes would bump into each other, since genetically similar species have stronger offspring. ie: don't fuck niggers if you're master race, simply.
Oh, a burger. How does it feel saving lives - but only when there's profit in it? When our technology is released we won't need most antibiotics, thankfully. We can write immunity to most known pathogens into mature adults in vivo.
You don't find people like me on halfchan. At least here there are still genuine peers now and then.
Fuck off christfag.
This normalfags GET OUT!!.
I believe in loving hand holding, gentle head pats, and consensual heterosexual sex in the missionary position with a legally married spouse for the sole purpose of reproduction.
Also note: Flags are back, too!
You have to go back normal scum you don't belong here.
Source on that manga/doujin?
lol: Normalfags are cucked. You think my wife doesn't have a girlfriend? You think we don't shitpost for fun? I might have a family and a career and be an oldfag - but I post here, come the fuck on, newfag. I'm old enough to remember "rapist rat", chans were life in university and WE MADE THIS culture, you just live here and enjoy it.
Shitposting is a way of life.
Indeed it is!
I'll let you in on a little secret: There's a reason we make fun of reddit and facebook and tumblr and why it's a meme - jaded oldboys like me, moot, aubry, kimdot and so many others realized living the way you want takes fucking MONEY: and once you have enough you can finally give the normies the middle finger and shitpost in peace with your friends and the redpilled as fuck girl who basically lives to please so she can escape the normy bullshit with you.
that being said these fucking idiots OP is posint about's biggest mistake was trying to project their happiness to the normal-fags and got caught by the JIDF bluebois to be made an example of why you should always bow to lord amerifat and his laws or face the wrath of your freedom taken away.
At least most states get to choose their own levels of sanity, they should have gtfo'd to somewhere less cucked and lived in peace.
Hey oldnigger why is kirt such a faggot now with all the sjw shit
I dunno, he might be doing it for more pussi by pretending to be a soyboy. He was pretty masculine but he does watch a lot of wrestling, lol
I'm sure he pretends to be progressive as fuck but deep down just wants to get high and fuck skinny chansluts like the rest of us.
Its an anonymous image board anyone can lie so therefore i don't believe you you're probably another one of those 4chan kiddies trying to raid us again.
If you're not a hikikomori a Neet some basement dwelling nerd who still lives with his parents an otaku or weeaboo or a socially awkward person who works a wage slave job like fast food or a gas station you don't belong here.
Sure, or I could just be bored on a Wednesday night and saw something worth posting about. We all say we don't want to think about work when we get home but we get into this shit because it's fascinating so we do it anyway. Unless you're flipping burgers because you haven't figured out how to work the system yet or you lost the intelligence lottery -> but I actually doubt that because you question me and post here.
See, this is what they want you to think it's a bit of D&C frendo and you believe it to the point where you spread their demoralizing shit for them. But the truth is actually the opposite. I AM a basement dwelling nerd, but it's my basement, and I bought my wallscrolls and gaming rig by putting my nerdy obessions to work for me - and I fucked chicks and found one who worships me by using the space between my ears to be attractive and successful. You think Elon had a "dry spell"? How about linus or gates or palmer? Do you think vrboy doesn't post here from VR either while his cosplaying dimepiece con-candy is swallowing his load for the 4th time that day? come the fuck on.
I think people have moved on with imageboards entirely.
like seriously: the guy literally built a headset because he was way too obsessed with sword art online and made billions of dollars.
He's founded a company that basically embodies 8pol's dreams with that money and goes to japan to shitpost IRL at hentai vr conventions.
Not even close, we just don't talk about it as much because it's where all the ebil nazis live.
bait to get you off your ass and do the same so we can die in peace knowing that the world isn't fucked by sexually frustrated fat lesbians with rainbow hair and an agenda? yes, then it's bait.
If you're able to pull 3DPD and are still somewhat nerdy and socially awkward you're a failed normalfag.
My penis is my own business, if you don't mind…
see and realize it's not as weird as you think. we're still socially awkward as fuck, we're just not losers anymore.
I know right.
I should add as well once you make it you don't have to care about being "socially acceptable" you go to fakku roofparties and chill with people like you and laugh at normalfags.
actually come to think of it #FreeKatie would do the trick and keep repeating "it's her body, her choice!"
Source pls
Momiji from Touhou.
this guy gets it. So get some influence and try to change it. I wish more gen z kids posted here, they might save us from this fucking waste of time morality police bullshit. Who the fuck cares - their very nature and genetics themselves decided they wanted them to fuck and enjoy it and a kid popped out - the entire reason we have a sex drive in the first place. The human race is doomed otherwise and japan is starting to show evidence of that with their birthrate. We're going to have a bunch of sandniggers and actual niggers running the place into the ground in 3 generations or less.
now you're getting the idea.
Old imageboard culture is dying for a reason.
Nerd culture should have never became mainstream that was a huge mistake.
you stop disseminating that degeneracy right now!!
that didn't work ;_;
it is cartoons, dude
Yeah but I'm not going to do anything. I have enough on my plate as it is. Just throwing instructions out there on the off chance someone wants to take up this noble cause. Which I highly doubt because it's autistic neet central up in here but whatever.
I dont think there is anything particularly wrong with incest as long as it has nothing to do with me. If people wanna fuck their family members, I don't care because it's not my business.
besides the chance of making a retard or downy kid (women over 35 have twice the chance and women over 40 have 3x that), there shouldn't be too much of an issue. and all you moral, religious assholes should think about how impossible it is that we are all descendents of adam and eve without even the tiniest bit of incest being involved logically.
Arguing about consistency with eugenics policies is useless, these people don't really give a shit about that, they're just cowards who use it as an excuse to make something illegal because of personal disgust
I know but it's still fun to see them get triggered when someone brings up that point
At what point is the line drawn though? When, in regard to eugenics, is incest damaging?
also i think it's hard enough to find normal 3dpd much less my own sister
Eh, not really, when that triggering comes across in the form of more bullshit arguments
When you question them on that, they'll fall back on "think of the children", and then when you push them on that, they'll try to justify it with some stat they pull out of their ass like "I bet 99% of all incest is rape", ignoring that parent/child is not the only kind of familial relationship
That just doesn't seem fun at all
In regard to eugenics, incest is always damaging
The point is that eugenics is considered abhorrent, and making this illegal is not only morally wrong by their very own standards, but entirely inconsistent with every other law
Not to mention, if they actually went all the way with it instead of taking these pussy half-measures, we would have actual eugenic procedures which would completely eliminate innocent people being put in jail under these blanket criminal laws
what makes it fun for me is knowing that scientifically I have the high ground with facts and statistics as my foundation and could always refute their points while they just have flimsy ad hominems
also in terms of eugenics, some traits tend to skip generations or don't affect multiple offspring (a mother has a family history of diabetes and the father has a family history of asthma but neither or one of their kids has any signs of having the same traits) and wouldn't necessarily carry over to the incest baby. birthing the "perfect " baby or as close to perfect as you can get, is just a huge game of chance. neither of my parents or their parents were athletes, in fact they're all fat or close to being fat, but I'm the only athletic person in the family. not everyone will be exactly like their family and they will essentially become the "odd ones out" in terms of the genetic lottery and be the closest one to being the perfect genetic being who must pass on their traits. stuff like eye and hair colour are predictable and why punnet squares are quite effective at predicting possible traits, but in terms of physical and mental traits, no one can predict things like that.
The problem with children born of incest isn't a higher chance that they'll inherit certain negative traits from the parents, it's base level genetic degradation that causes entirely new problems
Post your address, pedokike.
imagine my shock
He's just spamming it's not related to this thread
that wasn't my point but i get what you're saying. not every incest baby comes out fucked up. I'm sure there are plenty who came out perfectly fine except for maybe the fact that their parents are related will be forever the topic of ridicule for the kid. people fail to realize that making a healthy baby is like mixing the perfect ingredients for a cake, if even one thing is off, the cake is ruined but there are substitutes to help make it better.
Post your address, pedo sympathizer. I'll fucking bash your head in.
Yeah, not every incest baby comes out fucked up, but their genes still are far worse off regardless of if they outwardly show it or not, it's why every population and family that extensively practices it are a bunch of mongoloids, because their DNA has been watered down by every single generation even if only some of them had specific obvious defects
which is why it's impossible for us to all be descendents of adam and eve
Yes, and?
Dad reminds me of Kylo Ren.
just reiterating it for all my bible thumpers in the thread.
we don't have any concrete examples of societies built or destroyed from incest so we can't completely speculate how bad it would be. there would be some incest-borns (we'll call ibs for now) that would definitely be exactly how you described but there also be a new breed who comes forth that might genetically be superior in some ways (not saying we should try). If we could engineer a focus group consisting of all family members and created a super being, it would be kinda nice to know that we could create offspring many times stronger than ourselves in the future. people would be fucking their cousins and siblings at an alarming rate but because no one has specifically tested such a theory we may never know
You mention bible thumpers but then turn around and give me this spirit science-tier shit
And yes, there are examples of populations that engage in widespread incest that have objective general genetic problems, like communities of pakistani immigrants that are pretty insulated and therefore a great example, or royal families which produced incredibly fucked people, saying people are only guessing that inbreeding is bad is fucking retarded
Post your address I'll bash your heads in, pedoniggers.
when I say "superhuman" I mean they would have higher ceilings of physical and mental attributes such as the average IQ is 100 but in the future with ibs, the IQ could be a lot or a little higher. and the examples you gave of destroyed societies is the main reason I said what I did because those societies aren't dead nor are they large enough to fulfil my agenda (that sounds wrong but I'm not studying this shit so who cares). just because some of the first or second generation is fucked up doesn't mean the third, fourth or fifth generations will be. take Hiroshima and Nagasaki for example:the first and second generation of people after the bombings were fucked up but became normal through time, sure they didnt use incest to repopulate but the theory is still relatively the same. it takes time for genetics to change and with enough of it will make things better or worse, but you'll never know for sure until it is extensively studied
This was specifically the case with royal families, who practiced it to keep their bloodlines pure over several generations, not just one or two
There is no magic threshold after which banging nearly identical sets of genes into each other starts to produce better genes, just like watering down beer won't somehow make the drinks more alcoholic if you just do it enough
[Kobayashi Shounenmaru] Ubugoe Baby's First Cry (Kinshin Kanin Dokuhon Ch.7) [English] [SaHa]
can you name one real royal family that did such a thing? two rights don't make a left but three rights do
I know royal families in ancient egypt were known to do it a hell of a lot, specifically the ptolemaic dynasty and king tut's family
Though of course, any evidence of genetic disorders there is mostly related to vague DNA tests and really weird looking artistic depictions
There's also that one birth defect that was literally named after a royal family that was associated with it because so many of them had it
Not if the first right crashes you into a tree, trying to keep continuing through it will just make things worse
this argument with proverbs is actually the funniest shit I've seen in a while. You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take
I mean I guess if you shoot yourself instead of the target it doesn't count as a miss
if you remain in the well of thinking, you will never experience the vast world of knowledge
"Thought is just a mental experiment in reality" - user.
Ok, cool. Still no link to her instagram. Good job, losers.
I am not Montel Williams
Her insta is your_local_amateur. Nothing special, the article has most of the pics from there already
meant for
I'm a total moralfag and even I know that consensually impregnating your adult daughter is pretty neat-o.
not that I condone the actions of the "geneticist" but nihilism has been proven the philosophy of retards over a century ago.
life of chad is truly an interesting one
And thus society collapsed
It's nobody's business as long as they don't have kids (because inbred kids will cost us all).
Consenting adults etc.
The story would change if she was under the age of 10 tho, huh?
Yeah, that would change things.
Just consider it 'practise', tho?
Pleasure, perhaps? I don't know… just pondering all of these perplexities aloud.
pedophile fucker
You're a fucking idiot.
Because it helps white people survive when they are surrounded by genetic trash.
Don't believe all the bullshit they feed you. How have tribes of less than 40 survived for more than a thousand years?
Of course, intense inbreeding will cause problems but once in a while it's just not optimal, nothing else.
Wrong. In the Bible there is even a story from when 2 sisters got their dad drunk so he would impregnate them since they were far from civilization or something.
It's really common for that to happen between really long lost sons and mothers when the mother meets her son as an adult.
Like Obama and a Gorilla?
or Trump and a Orangoutan
Is this appropriate?
She looks Asian.
He looks like a high schooler who wears t-shirts with metal bands on them.
Incest is pretty hot
You guys should try it.
We have
It was really good
No regrets
At all
This makes me so pissed off, that they are going through this is disgusting, could we set up a gofundme for their trial?
They need support, I concur.
What a waste of good coffee
Just checked out her insta (one pic there links back to her old insta that has moar pics), and the OP pic is kind to her. She's still cute, but she got one of those faces where some days she's an 8 and some days she's a 2, 3 at best.
pics or it didn't happen