Google and Extinct search engines

Was Google a datamining NSA tool when it first started?

also, what happened to the other search engines of that time? what made Google succeed despite joining late in the 90's?

Other urls found in this thread:

Google certainly received funds from (((someone))). their search results weren't very good even back in the early 00s til their competition shutdown.

Only OGs will remember pic related

Will the cucking stop one day ?

I used to use this thing called Clusty/Vivisimo a lot. Wonder what ever happened to that one, they were really on to something with clustered search results.

In the future

hope you have some time on your hands these are pretty long reads

should answer your questions though


bonzi buddy natively in linux when? i know some managed to get it to run in wine but it just sin't the same

Thanks, these look promising

How about Webcrawler, Dogpile, and Hotbot? In yon olden tymes, we would move from search engine to search engine when each one got cluttered with irrelevant bullshit and garbage results.

There were many many search engines that arose after the original from CM University.
Altavista was the standard by which others were judged, then along came Google that was stunningly fast in comparison. The rest is history.
Search engines weren't needed initially as you could remember the sites, or path traversed to get to the page you wanted.

Remember when we used to code meta search engines that would simultaneously search multiple search engines? Then someone would bring out a website with such features a few weeks later. Good times!

The non-search engine browsing (known as web surfing) still has its uses in finding some unindexed gems online OP.

Yeah, I used Webring quite a bit to check out new stuff, and scanned everyone's link pages on their sites for interesting sites. Even the fake websites I made (well, they're real, but tongue in cheek) almost ten years ago have link pages to relevant sites.

Other search engines were dogshit, you'd know this if you werent so underage

Not always. All of them were good at first, until they indexed enough bullshit to become useless.


If you looked up 'word' it would give results about 'sword', that's how shit they were.

t. 40yo neckbeard playing on a site for underaged

t. underage kiddy playing on a site not for the underaged

Pleb, this was the best search engine.


So true user.

A 'word' search turning up 'sword' was initially quite adequate tbh.

Search engines grew out of a need to keep abreast of the rapid expansion of the web, which wasn't possible with Indexing directories (the reason Yahoo's one page of links came into being) and manual link submission.
The crawler program looked for links and content to compile a searchable database. The speed and specificity of returned results was an advantage Google won, and still maintain today - hence so little change in their homepage from then till now.

A decent synopsis of the time line OP is found in the following:

No it wasn't you underage faggot

Even google returning it's mass of results was adequate - since at the time a comprehensive results list was what most desired (!you, obviously). It was easy to filter out results visually, but as time progressed the expanse of results returned meant more emphasis was needed on quality of results (ranking, filtering, etc).

because I was using Archie and Veronica search engines before the web existed? Sure lad, that growth on your top lip isn't even a proper moustache yet.

No. Just no.

Porn was something that was written with characters in ASCII images user.
Years later it was considered advanced when clicking on a link launched a viewing program to see a bitmap.

Memories... too much to handle

Is there a working version of him?


Google had a much better search algorithm than everyone else. At the time, the common way to display search results was to simply match queries to websites with the correct keywords. So you'd have websites that would just have some hidden (or not) section filled with a bunch of irrelevant keywords so that they'd show up in random queries unrelated to the content, which is why search results were often so retarded. Google came up with the idea to use a recursive algorithm that ranks websites based on how popular/important they are, which is based on how many other big/popular websites link to them. This was by far a superior method for finding relevant search results, and by the time everyone else figured out how they were doing it, Google had already become the top search engine.

Underage kids roleplaying as overaged.

t. 40yo Underage roleplaying kid roleplaying as overaged.

Fucking this. I started using Google in late 1999 and it was just incredible compared to it's competition.

That said, they really do suck balls now. I've been using Bing for the past 3 years and it does a better job than Google ever did.

You still needed multiple engines back then. That's where Dogpile came in - it would aggregate results from all the major search engines.

No one really had a perfect database yet, but Google had a better algorithm.

Remember Web Ferret? I used to like this thing. Too bad it's dead now (hasn't been updated for the past ten years I think). Is there something similar where you could just query any website, and create profile for different type of content, which would use different search engines?

I know this thing was a massive virus, but as a retarded kid who gave the family computer AIDS for free music and porn, this was a pretty fun toy program.

Google was funded by (((them)))


Search for In-Q-Tel

Fuck off rabbi

Holla Forums, no-one likes you. You never contribute to any technological discussion. You probably use Windows 10. All you do is hide in the browser or SJW threads and spit out aged, unsourced, brain-dead replies with an average of five words apiece. When called out on polluting the board with your undiluted shit, you select one of about three stock replies which everyone has heard a million times already.

If I wanted your 15-year-old edgelord spew, I would go to Holla Forums. This is Holla Forums. Please fuck off.

You lack any self-awareness, don't you?

is not exactly post of the year candidate either.
Aside from calling out the Holla Forums bogeyman, do you have anything to contribute to this thread?

Unfortunately Holla Forums is literally retarded and can't understand that they're not welcome here. All we can do is report every post that looks like Holla Forums and hope the BO gets the hint.

Fuck off to GamerGate or something.

microsoft and yahoo or whatever the fuck searches existed at the time were filled with aids and cancer (such as ads all over your face) and IIRC they had retarded tiny text and other problems with their results pages. google probably had ads as the first 1 or 2 results then real content, or ads on the side, can't remember, but it was easy to ignore them unlike the other cancer engines. now days google is basically useless and just filters the fuck out of everything. no matter what you type you get some news about Justin Beiber, Adele, or Trump

You can hate google for a lot of reasons. That's not one of them.

fuck off, nigger


Google was just a search field and a logo, all the others were packed with bloat.

Yahoo is still popular somehow, Bing is better than Google but people don't use it because of anti-ms shilling from communists and google has the advantage of being the default on most phones.

Same here.


Apart from privacy reasons (where it is still better than google), it is the best search engine there is. Also, they do not censor porns.

prove your sincerity ms shills


search engines? I used them sometimes, I remember ata vista and ask jeeves, then I used yahoo, and then google, now I duck shit over tor

but back to what, I would type random words in the url followed by dot com, and I would visit every website on the side of a product or flashed on a tv advertisement

search engines? I used them sometimes, I remember alta vista and ask jeeves, then I used yahoo, and then google, now I duck shit over tor

but back to what, I would type random words in the url followed by dot com, and I would visit every website on the side of a product or flashed on a tv advertisement

search engines? I used them sometimes, I remember alta vista and ask jeeves, then I used yahoo, and then google, now I duck shit over tor

but back to what, I would type random words in the url followed by dot com, and I would visit every website on the side of a product or flashed on a tv advertisement

appeal to emotion & ad hominem
ad hominem & poisoning the well
Base rate fallacy & appeal to probability
Ad hominem, association fallacy, appeal to ridicule, appeal to spite, authority bias, inductive fallacy and most of all: red herring and psychologist's fallacy.
definist fallacy, BULVERISM, tone policing, traitorous critic fallacy and finally, argumentum ad populum.

The list of fallacies committed is longer than your actual post.
You want a source or can you search your browser yourself, mr. technigger ?
Or should I just call you agent Schlomo?

sage for ot

Too white male.

No Webcrawler? No Dogpile (not that I ever used it)? I guess there's too much shit to index, and no one but a company funded by Soros and Pals can shoulder the cost of such a massive undertaking. Of course, the reason why it's all so expensive is a similar issue in the first place... It costs ISPs less than half for the data they buy to resell to their subscribers now, than it did ten years ago, yet you pay more for Internet access today than you did ten years ago.

The only true way to explore cyberspace.


Only old school tech aware fags know this one. It was supposed to be the search engine killer.

It's bretty good.

Nice try FBI-san. I ain't clickin that shit.

shit I clicked it, I thought it was asians, not a little girl lol