Wat do? I am so sick of this constant fucking banging sound on my walls, should I call the cops and report them or just ignore it? They are both white so I feel kind of bad, if they were niggers I wouldn't hesitate to report them.
Domestic Violence
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the bitch probably deserves it, just for being a bitch regardless if it's the girl or the guy
Put a note on the door.
"Dear neighbor: Next time I hear you fighting I will call the cops. Deal with your problems like rational adults or you will be treated like irrational children. Signed, A Neighbor"
just mind your business, op… if the noise really annoys you find a creative way to address that, but dont use the state as a weapon against a fellow white man…
She's a very cute blonde and very petite. I have never talked to her but she strikes me as being kind of bratty just by the way she walks. The guy is like 10 years or more older than her and seems like a sperg. All of these things that I am saying are just assumptions though, I've never actually met the people.
Wait until she's home alone and try to rape her.
like what?
It's hard to tell when she's home alone. The guy is literally always there, I think he has a home office or something.
There used to be a couple downstairs that would always get into fights in the middle of the night, they were super young, I'm talking obviously under 20 maybe late teens at best. Hell, I remember once the girl knocked on my door crying asking to use the phone and I let her but it was awkward as fuck. She was essentially crying to her mom to please let her go home and that if she didn't she would try to move in with some randoms across the street who "might rape her" but "she didn't have anywhere else to go" since they got into a big fight her bf left her last night. Second time she tried that shit I just pretended I wasn't home, fuck that. I wasn't going to let a crying maybe underaged girl sit around in my apt again.
Rape both
I hear you man, I have been living in apartments for over a decade. I fucking hate it but I can't afford to buy a house.
Mobile home? Terry Davis does it and he is a man of God.
do that
This one time I heard scratching sounds outside my wall. I went to the door and opened to see what was up, it was some fat nigger girl scraping a rock on the wall because she thought her drug dealer was ripping her off. Turns out the drug dealer was living half way across the country to get away from this bitch. After I opened the door, this crazed nigger walked up to me and started swinging. I threw her back and she started knocking on my door over and over again. I ended up having to call the cops.
Same here my dude, I guess I was sort of lucky since the last time I saw her was in a cop car after having a mental breakdown. You could always complain to the landlord or something, I did that when one of my neighbors had a shitty yappy dog. I don't know what happened to it but within a few days after I complained it was gone.
Terry Davis lives with his parents.
Are you stuck in 2015/2016 user? Terry assaulted his parents and no longer lives with them.
He lives with his sister now. But that's not the point. He used to live out of his van in the holy land, Nevada.
Classic passive-aggressive response expected of soyboys. I bet OP will do this and feel like he achieved something.
If the police get called it's the guy who will be arrested.
No. I don't really keep tabs on Terry but he was definitely living with his parents last year (2017).
Yeah, a long fucking time ago.
You should report it.
why, because they are white?
This. You have to assert dominance over the normalcattle - it's the only thing they understand.
No, just late last year into the beginning of this year.
I thought the guy was talking about when Terry drove off into the desert back in the 90's or whenever it was. Okay fine, he lived in a van recently. So what?
don't be a fucking white knight, and mind your own business
Kick them out of your apartment complex you idiot. I do this all the damn time, just give them a notice first.
Do you know what apartment complexes are? People rent apartments, they don't own them. The people who rent can't just say "hey lets ban these people". The property is owned by a landlord, you fucking retard.
If your to much of a pleb to not own where you live you deserve the crap in your life.
clearly the op doesn't own the complex
you're still the idiot here
can't tell if trolling or retarded
call the cops and tell them you heard someone being murdered, they will bust down their door and fuck them up
they are a white couple though
i lived with a bratty bitch for like two years and she would occasionally go psycho on me and start screaming and breaking shit and trying to attack me
it sucks because there's nothing you can really do but wait for them to calm down and then try to coax them out because if you call the cops or try to kick them out you'll get fucked by the long arm of the law since you're a man
one night in particular she was extra-batshit-crazy and i waited it out and the next morning her mom was texting her about how she should bruise herself and go to the cops if i try to kick her out which luckily she decided not to do
shit's fucked. once you let them in you're pretty much at their mercy. i was lucky no neighbors called the cops because if the cops came while she was all worked up she probably would have tried to fuck me over
if it really bothers you leaving a note is probably the best choice. i would only call the cops as a last resort because women are often the abusers in these cases and it will be the innocent guy who gets fucked over, stupid as he may be to be in that situation with that bitch. chances are they will break up on their own after a little while.
How do you know this? You didn't take this evidence to authorities?
Fuck bro, you're a spineless faggot.
This is really pathetic and said to read.
Cucked America. When a man has to tippy-toe about throwing a crazy bitch out on the side walk.
Glad I don't live there. I would be in jail already.
No way I am putting up with this. The bitch would be pushed out and her shit thrown out after her.
so because it was read by you and said by someone, you think it's pathetic?
why start a legal battle if i can just kick her out?
i wanted her gone, not to hire a lawyer and spend thousands of dollars to sue her lol
What is this story you're spinning? You couldn't kick her out, you could kick her out, you spent two years doing this shit, and then you tell OP to write a faggy little note. You're all over the place.
I disagree. They are new tenants, and young, maybe first time renters who do not realize that sound carries so well. A note keeps it anonymous so that there is no awkwardness or embarrassment, and keeps it between neighbors in order to give the couple the benefit of the doubt. Wording it so sternly is also a good idea because they should harbor no illusions about OP's intentions. It also lets other neighbors passing by who see the note on the door know that they live in a place where people care about the environment of the place and are willing to get involved with keeping it nice. That encourages them to do the same, and to speak up when they see shit going on that shouldn't be.
And calling the cops is not something that you should hesitate to do if it happens again after that. Who cares who goes to jail, the guy or the girl, or whether they are white or not. This isn't about social justice it is about you being able to get to sleep in your own fucking apartment. That isn't passive aggressive, user. It is being a good neighbor while defending your own rights.
I hope when i move out into my own place I don't have to deal with shit like this.
Go up there and beat her into submission, then double penetrate her with the guy.
In self defense, obviously.
Literally you. Notes are for queers.
i couldn't kick her out while she was throwing her fit because if i called the cops i would probably get fucked
i kicked her out the next day after she tried to attack me
lol i saw a pregnant bitch get kicked in the stomach. she was a cunt who hit the dude at least 6-7 times in the face first close fisted. im pretty sure shes 17-20ish and working on her 4th mixed child. wanted by the police so shes been bleeding out instead of going to the hospital. noisy ass nigger people.
In college I lived with in a house with 3 couples one of which would beat his gf every Friday and Saturday night like clockwork.
We'd see her the next day with bruises and busted lips but said nothing because did not want to get involved and she never really asked for help.
Started talking to her slowly had her open up. Never about the abuse just life and goals and other things.
A few times she got drunk when he wasn't around and we ended up sexing. She liked me to be rough and then wanted to be cuddled afterwards was kinda funny.
Eventually left the house and did not keep in contact.
Was a good deal for me, have fond memories of the sex.
Isn´t that what wives are for? Beatings?
You must live in a really shitty apartment complex then, I suggest doing the irrational thing and raping the girl, but then again if I were in your situation that's what I would do, I'm a big guy but maybe things are different for you, if that's the case then swat the fuckers.
spy more
They're for making children, beatings are only second.
Basically this.
yeah 4 beeting dat pussy haha
Keep banging on the door until the guy opens it, hit his face with a hammer then punch the girl to the ground and crush her skull with your boot. Take a shit on the kitchen sink and leave.
Love pissing off wagecucks and those who don't even own their car.
yes, do leave a steaming pile of dna at the scene of a grisly double homicide…
Holla Forums is so pervasive here that OP has an actual itch to say things like that to fit in. And they say this place isn't dead
This nigger thinks owning a car is impressive.
Bitches are very good at putting on a show for maximum sympathy. When I was married and had tiffs with my wife, she would scream like I was cutting her head off.
Call the cops, user. If they have to show up enough times, your neighbors will probably stfu.
you know what made dogs better? when we domesticated them
Let her have it. These are the worst kind of girls.
im sure its just them having sex user, i know you're such a virgin you dont understand. but usually people like to make loud noises when doing so.
Soyboys will never understand how a real man should approach situations like this, and life in general.
speak softly and carry a big stick.
Blast Throbbing Gristle or Big Black at them every time they get loud.
i experienced this before.. throughout my whole childhood/youth i would hear/see my parents yell scream hit and such it never stopped until i hit around 19~20 years old.
anyway just contact the landlord about this. also nice racism ya dick.
why even live?
where do you think we are nigger?
people who are always violent and dicks to others are usually shitheads,there are plenty of these shitheads on this planet and they all think they are special.
the type of faggot to start a fight with you over looking at them or their wive or car or beer and probably tattooed bart simpson on themselves smoking a joint with a guitar string and a pen. real mensa candidates. along with 13 which is also his iq score.
believe me there are more fucked up people that the average chan autie in this world.
this will be met with hurr de fuck you saying about mah wife ya faggot when he knocks on your door later.
you only end up being an emotional tampon to a man and woman who had a a coathanger abortion with her dad and a guy who father would beat him with a giant stick whenever he said crap at dinner. that's if things go well and you become friends. the worst thing would be you getting in a fight and getting arrested or institutionalized in the loopy farm for basically nothing.
they are probably gangstalkers sadly, they target chanposters alot so if you posted something on Holla Forums the people in command didn't like they probably told the local professional dick parade to be dicks to you to elicit a response.
they'll probably talk about you being a neet despite spending half the week doing nothing themselves or some similar game such as filirting with each other when they know you don't have a gf. really cartoony shit and someone pays them for the privilege.
Has anyone ever actually produced evidence that this happens? Because it sounds schizophrenic to be perfectly honest.
Its probably best to leave it be. Do not be a whiteknight because even if you call the cops on him, she will probably be crawling back to his junk on the first opportunity she has…
If it was just the guy then I'd say approach him casually and joke about the noise. Since it's a cunt, you'll have to use the full weight of the law to stop it. Start by complaining to the apartment management user. You're probably not the only one affected btw.
>lalalla i never read OP : The post