There I just killed every antagonist in DBZ with two moves.

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Cell, Frieza and Buu all can regenerate themselves you stupid newfag.

He almost died from being cut in half the first time. He did die the second time.

shit taste spic detected

Gohan stopped Cell's destructo disk with his hands. The disk doesn't mean shit if you're weak as fuck or if the author decides that it won't work for reasons. Having said that, Goku got shit by a blaster in the Resurrection F movie, so it does show that weak attacks will work if your opponent isn't expecting it. Solar Flare won't work if they just power up and blast the disk away with their aura until they can see again.

Not a chance, shortstuff


You know they can be killed by bullets right?

Goku in his first appearance in DB, deflected bullets. They can injure Z fighters slightly but no more.

If they arent aware people are firing at them they get dead just like anyone else.
This has been show over and over by the anime since the first DB.

This shit even gets adressed again in super
I unironically enjoy super

True, but any Z fighter worth their salt is prepared enough to deflect a bullet at any time. Remember, Goku was not familiar with firearms when Bulma first shot him. He still held them off regardless. Only a sleeping or throroughly distracted Z fighter would succumb to a gun's round.

Don't be afraid to admit it. Super is fine fan-service, far better than GT ever was.


18 is best girl.
Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: you can't.

This man is right


She has a good chance of being in Dragon Ball Fighter Z. Arcsys has a reputation for making female characters that play strangely.

That is unless this game isn't filled just by DBZ characters.

I could easily see her or Bulma fitting into the cast by having them piloting a mech like Pilaf's, Officer Black's, a hollowed-out Dr. Wheelo, or maybe even a Potemkin or Justice-shaped mech (since the game is made by the Guilty Gear devs)

Kind of bigger suits than Potemkin don't you think? They'd be very hard to fit on the screen outside of a super (well unless you go KI Aganos route). Chi chi's dad might be kind of cool.

But I'd like Launch and master Roshi the most. This entire roster could have dragon installs lol.

they could just scale them down to be more like an Iron Man or Varia suit

Frieza didn't have regen, he just had crazy good durability and could survive in space.

Goku got shot plenty of times without expecting it in DB and they just bounced off him.

Nope his tail was regenerated.
He can regenerate when he changes form.
Frieza's tail regenerates when he transforms from his third form to his final form, with the end that was cut of by Krillin's Destructo Disk growing back to its normal length.

krillen won

krillifcucks actually believe this

He cheated on Bulma and she left him.

Does this make him or Vegeta the cuck?

He never spread his seed, I'd say that makes him the cuck.

He along with Tien never had children.

Krillin gave up because he knew he was so far outclassed by all the other fighters the only way he'd truly win was to get literally the hottest female in the entire series (he managed to do this twice, actually) and he even defied the odds and impregnated a villain.

Krillin won the whole game tbh.

Tien wasn't really playing the game - and he even managed to Kikoho-fuck Cell when he should have been completely outclassed, so kudos to him.

Yamcha is a fucking cuck who got the Sayan Chad to steal his bitch from under his nose.

Pretty sure he never cheated on her. Stop thinking TeamFourShit dubs are canon.

shut up and post pics of 18