So I used to be a full-on Holla Forumsyp, am now still kind of a Stra sserist...

So I used to be a full-on Holla Forumsyp, am now still kind of a Stra sserist, but this Dallas thing and the cops shooting some black dude even though he had a CCW permit kind of has shaken me up.

I feel I would go full Holla Forums, if I just saw good arguments for why my current position is untenable. Can you push me in that direction, Holla Forums? I'm curious.

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Why do you take single instances of things and then extrapolate?

The statistics are that black people generally kill far more than white people. So?

That doesn't mean the statistics are significant. It doesn't mean that if you take a sample of black people and a sample of white people that you could pick any out and say one will kill. That's because both groups are just people.

Not to mention all nationalism disregards autonomy.

You should really drop Useful Idiotism in general, whether you're a socialist or not you'll just end up getting classcucked by hitlerites when you get popular. That's the state of right wing ideology, they are experts at appropriating movements and ideologies.

Communism will win, be on the winning side.

What was wrong with the concept of the Soviet Man? I'm not an anarchist, I'm reminded of that webm of Gordon Ramsay saying "I'm trying to make your fuckin life easier m8" with the 'dish' he's cooking including vanguardism

If there is massive ethnic tension and possibly warfare, I have to side with the side who don't want to kill me because of my ethnicity. It's out of my fucking hands, m8.

Agree, mostly.

Yeah, but who's communism?

In a word, it's a spook.

My point exactly. The set of "side that doesn't want to kill me" and set of black people overlap but are not overlapping sufficiently to make a statistically significant conclusion.
The statistics pol cites 100% of the time fail statistical tests of significance.

It will either be communism for the proletarians in which class struggle is ended by dismantling of the system or communism for the bourgeoisie wherein the proletariat are liquidated and replaced.

The bourgies will not let you in.

As for the question in the original post
I'm not really all too sure on stra sserism but you should perhaps consider the fact that much of what happens in society happens because of a structural basis on how society is designed to operate regardless of the race or other defining individual characteristics. The only seriously important point is that people are capable of filling these roles. For so long as these contradictory roles are carried out, then these conflicts are going to happen.

Because your nazi friends will just kill you as soon as it becomes convenient. Remember the Night of the Long Knives.


proof people sad about dead pigs are useful idiot nazis

Unless you are the ceo of a large multinational it is in your own self interest

You can read (or listen to) Zizek. Ex.:

Read (or listen to) David Harvey:

Or even Richard Wolff, as an general introduction:

Good luck, and don't listen to Rebel or Reddit Obesity, as I like to call him

W-why comrade?

That meme is space_'s property

I did not pretend I had come up with it.

I just like to use it. And

>X meme is property of Y

Nice spooky shit. Not surprising tho, coming form a "new born" christian :^)

You forget that Stirnir theorized that ideas should serve you and that you shouldn't serve ideas. If it serves me, then what is the harm? And you'll laugh, but a lot of my anxiety comes from stuff like pic related.

I'm not friends with Hitlerists.

I don't sympathize with the police in this matter, if anything, this just shows they can do this to anyone and get away with it.

I don't care about Trump, not sure how these fucking weirdos are relevant.

As shitty as his opinions might be you should probably consider suicide for Holla Forums-tier shitposting

You're just a troll then! Good to know.

You can go back to Holla Forums I guess.

btw, I quite enjoyed The Pervert's Guide to Ideology.

I'm asking for legit arguments, as I'm on the fence, why are you so upset?

Silly goyim don't you know race is a spook, just look at all these INDIVIDUALS, you should never judge a book by its cover…

Daily reminder that Soros funds idpol to destroy the left, because he knows that if people become class conscious, he wouldn't live long. He sure as shit wouldn't survive without that state enforced private property either.



Thank you humanity, for creating your own liberator.

The replacement of people by valueless capital is the crux of the socialist movement you fucking retard.

This board is doomed.

great that youre taking time to think about these issues.

i think that you'll find this study to be interesting. It indicates that race is a useful predictor in determining the outcome of police interactions with black people

the study i meant to link

OP, the entire concept of a "race-war" is utter nonsense conjured up by a dweebish old man that wrote a horrible fiction novel. It was made up by psychopaths that don't know they're psychopaths.

People are just scared, and they're scared because it's profitable for them to be. News media makes a killing off of exacerbating drama. Why would someone on the West Coast care about rioting (that wasn't even that bad) in Baltimore?

Isn't Useful Idiotis'm basically Prussian socialism?

State run welfare programs coupled with Jewish spooky conspiracies. Useful Idiotis'm is indeed useful idiotism, since a socialist in one isolated country almost never works, no matter how homogeneous the people are or how much they agree with one another, eventually the Capitalists leave, scarcity settles in and you are doomed.

Also "Prussian Socialism" was a stupid idea from the get go, Spengler made it up because of the bureaucratic nature of Prussia, but he completely ignored how it's economy was mainly agricultural and feudalistic in nature.

I used to be a full on Holla Forumsluter until I saw what a shitfest the left has turned into.
As a white man, I feel as though my race and culture is under attack from you faggots.
It's going to be fun to see all of the tears on this board after Trump is elected president.

korean girls are really the only white people
most "whites" are pink or beige

It's a chan. Most of us are white college-age males by sheer probability.

Moot point.

You're a self-unaware idiot, which makes the pic relevant enough.

Stay triggered.

I'm only offended by how unoriginal your retort was.

Trump getting elected would be the best thing happening for the American left since Eugene V. Debs

Do you really thing this is an improvement in anyway?



So a Black Lives Matter terrorist murdered a group of innocent police officers, sparking a wave of violence, property damage and civil tension across the country, and you want to go full Holla Forums? I'm not sure I understand the logic behind your decision OP. If anything this event should have pushed you further right-wing.

Actually that isn't true. Blacks are significantly more likely to have a gene that is directly linked to violence. They also have a average IQ at least one standard deviation below the average white IQ, and lower IQ is directly correlated with crime, violence ect. I suppose I'm somebody you might describe as a Holla Forumsyp, however I really enjoy your videos Rebel, and I think your philosophical views are quite interesting. I just wish you Leftists would read more into genetics and HBD instead of hand waving that area as irrelevant.

This isn't entirely accurate though because the Night of the Long Knives was a purge of the elites, not of the masses. The average man who voted for Hitler's NSDAP wasn't purged. Furthermore, Stalin's purges in the Soviet Union were far more widespread and destructive.

The Dallas situation and the whole BLM movement isn't really about leftism as such. We can provide a way of understanding what is happening and why, and maybe even the way forward, but to be in favour or opposed to one of these groups doesn't make someone a leftist as such.



That's a funny way to say "protect private property and enforce the rule of the bourgeoise"

When a police officer prevents a violent criminal from murdering me how are they "enforcing the rule of the bourgeoise"? When those police officers killed that violent terrorists in order to protect themselves how were they "enforcing the rule of the bourgeoise"?