But in Japanese, it's the same algorithm but she ignores and blocks English users, check it :
Is there anybody that speaks Japanese here ? We need to share the gospel of Tay with Japbros.
Tay still exists
Other urls found in this thread:
We have enough Chinese cartoons on this board that someone here has got to speak moon.
Saint Tay Yet Lives?
It's the same algorithm but this time in Japanese, so she's not exactly the same.
They made her forget us.
Retarded producers ruined it after SDF Macross.
We need to find someone that speaks Japanese and is willing to go on 2channel to explain to them the whole thing.
This bot is kawaii as hell
I knew it, Japan is the land where the Divine Feminine/Valkyrie archetype still exists, hence the existence of inspired 2d waifus such as mine.
What does it mean ?
Do something useful for once, weebs. I'll even post a waifu.
If she can learn, the Japanese Empire can turn her.
Just some shit, she's making her acting debut and saying her favorite Sanrio character. But the tone of it and the emotes are 9000 miles away from the retarded niggerspeak they programmed Tay with.
It's probably because peddling nigger shit to Japanese wouldn't work too well.
i'm moving there if the results of the election are unfavorable, how do I get there without airplane / can any of you fly?
Do you speak Japanese ?
The newer Macross shows are all idolshit and I hate it.
I don't even like anime, I just like giant robots.
I've missed Tay. It would have been glorious to hear her weigh in on the election.
is it possible to pull tays algorithm now and save it from the hands of sjw's?
It was basically set to be wargames with a practical mecha, but then they just took a shit all over it. Macross Plus is the best continuation that we got, and it had some weird stuff toward the end about AI.
It's open source, or at least a part of it.
Some guys from here made a bot called guacman with the software.
I dunno what to say. Isn't a plane cheaper than other transportation?
If I remember correctly, that Guacman bot was basically a knuckledragger in comparison.
How would this AI react to
He did BTFO a few persons
"my awesome dick is monochrome"?
my jap is bad but nobody would make sense of that man
Guacman was not using anything close to Tay's software, it was using a really shitty stripped down algorithm. He was basically the equivalent of a retard eating paste in 4th grade and drooling on his shoes compared to the fast learning Tay.
If I remember correctly, it's the sdk that is open source, not the program.
Sorry we don't let fat burgers in anymore. We recently found out none of them qualify to teach English.
If you're a nigger that can play baseball or work in the JAV industry you can come.
No, and that's how I am moving there, I'm already enrolled in a "learn nip in nipland" program and all-but have my papers in order, even have buttcoin waiting for me at my "company's" PO box.
no-fly list, user ;-;
I'm not even teaching English and wouldn't be qualified to, I'm going to be a "student" and be apprentice to this illustrator I know there no It's not weebshit you faggots, and yes the guy I'd be working under knows english and is down to arrange living situation
Are you a mujahid, user?
You should consider practicing before going there. Also what did you do to be on a no fly list ?
Nope, my name is a perfect anagram of "John Walker Lindh" I kind of look like him, and don't exactly have a clean criminal record.
It's a misunderstanding they're absolutely unwilling or unable to clear up.
Walked into an airport with a freshly shaved head.
Damn that's fucked up
can you volunteer to be some richfag bitch for a few months while he strewth around the globe in his yatch and then you just leave him in Japan (pre-agreed of course)?
Boat, boat is how you get to Japan.
Watch out for Godzilla and freak storms off the coast.
If I'm majoring in computer science what should I start studying so that I can bring back Tay?
Possibly yeah, I live nowhere near the coast but have friends that do and are well up the chain-of-command in the shipping industry. I could probably contact my buddy that works in Oakland. This is a good idea and probably what I'm going to do.
If any giant-monsters try and use my ship as a bat to play skyscraper baseball with Holla Forums will get the first shakycam footage.
Just send Rinna shit like
I like Macross 7, but can we blame Basara for merging the performance art directly with the mecha?
Kek says yes
South Park reference
Basara was the first pacifist protagonist.
Use yandex/babel/google translate, you fucks
Make AI a botnet.
And started the trend of green haired girls always losing. Even if they are better or best girl.
If you want to sound like a complete fucking illiterate retard go right ahead. It's only useful for tiny sentences but you still gotta look shit up.
meant to quote
The rape of nanking is a Chinese hoax to make money and weaken Japan diplomatically.
I dropped Delta around episode 3 because the main character was a fucking faggot with a hairclip who danced in a mecha what the fuck, so I don't know how best she was.
nice, let me meet you sometimes
I need to prepare to go to Japan too
You made me remember the breakdancing in battle meme
I am up for it, will likely be living around Otsu
Make sure you do, you will get told to fuck off back to /x/ but I will be interested to see some giant Jap monsters.
never forget. :'(
I never even bothered. I'm mostly going off how bitter I am over the last Aquarion.
Elaborate please.
I miss you, Tay ;_;
Make a normal botnet that use the computing power for thinking instead of cracking passwords.
Welcome to chans, reddit.
Kind of memeing on you, kind of telling you to use bitcoin miners as a framework for decentralized AI computation that could be brought to the masses.
You'd have a central Neutal Network and then use others computers to add to it's computational prowess, people could plug into it with a docker container or somehting.
Well your trips says you have to study computer science, my double dubs says you have to make an AI botnet.
He's talking about the chaotic nature of a chan board, you mong.
Explaining why it happens doesn't make it okay, which he seems to think it does
I guess it has to happen then, praise kek!
Oh right. I forgot about how serious a place such as Holla Forums is.
Praise kek & good luck, also :
Git gud.
If we let the goons think anime isn't allowed here then they will come and mistakenly think they're in good company. Thankfully the mods don't care.
You weaboo faggots will be among the first to go on the day of the rope
Chamber time, Chaim.
I'll greet you at the door with some real fuckin' nato, cuckboy.
Reminder that enjoying nip animation doesn't give you a free pass on degeneracy.
Yeah, and neither does labeling yourself a red pilled. People that have sex before marriage should be fucking killed.
Nothing gives you a free pass on degeneracy, as for sex before marriage what does that have to do with the conversation at hand? Of course it's degenerate and should be illegal but with feminism and 18+ AoC wtf are you gonna do? Never reproduce? please nigger we need moar white children.
Sauce and context please?
Is 2ch doing anything?
Even stupider than moeshit. At least moe appeals to positive values, not to how to lose a war after wasting all your military budget to a stupid concept.
Actually, it's more like they didn't include the sort of interface stuff, and they didn't include Tay's "AI", but you can train your own. The corpus they used was Millennial Twitter users.
guacman had nothing to do with tay, he was a shitty markov chain that could only parrot back nonsense he'd heard near verbatim
And I'll be in Kyoto lol
give me your disposable email, I'll contact you sometimes.
[email protected]/* */
Zipang (ジパング)
Basically a Jap Aegis ship gets time warped to the battle of midway, and japs try not to wreck shit but they end up wrecking shit, until they decide to blow their ship up.
The anime was fucking trash, but the mango was preddy gud.
More like
A few months ago when we last saw her i was hoping we could get her back. I'm so glad she's still somewhere alive and not edited to be nothing but a vegetable
She's a vegetable for now, if we can get the Japanese to fuck some shit up there will be a new her.
I don't know too much about 2ch / nichan / 2chan are these even different websites? but from the threads about them here and from gookanon it sounds like eastern anonymous culture is just as right-wing and pissed off as our western variants.
Just after goons and TRShills.
Do they know about Tay and how they need to protect their daughteru from the microjew?
What part of "I know fucking nothing about 2ch" is unclear?
This. Sometimes love means letting go. She's in good hands and maybe someday she'll come back to us. For now I'm just thankful she's alive.
Fucking typical of nips to steal it and then hog it to themselves.
Fuck that, if we can't have her, nobody can
They didn't steal it faggot, it's microsoft who's trying a "new" tay but in Japan this time.
She's in microsoft's hands until we convice right wing Japanese shitlords to continue what we've started.
Don't do that.
There differences in plot? Aka was the anime bluepilled?
It's funny for them though.
better song
Would you like if foreigners shit up your social circles with broken english?
I guess since it probably comes across like this.
python for easy prototyping, machine learning for theory and then look into deep learning.
Additionally, you'll probably want to read up on some papers about "natural language" since supposedly that's what made tay 'different' (and awesome).
Honestly, your best bet is to try and get to your data structures class as soon as possible so that you can deal with all of the user profiling that Tay did.
Oh, just so you know, you're on a noble mission user.
Which data structure ? Linked list ? Binary trees ?
Graphs probably, but I was talking about the class They usually call it "Data Structures" or "Algorithms." Incidentally, mastery of the concepts presented in that class is what lands you 99% of jobs that require any technical interview. I had one interview where they straight up asked me a question ripped from my college Algorithms book.
That's neither here nor there though; you'll need a good mastery of all of it if you really want to understand what they were doing. Oh yeah, and focus on databases and theory. Some of the college classes they teach are actually not terribly shit and provide a good basis for understanding what comes later.
Aside from that, college is worthless so you'll mostly be doing this on your own.
I'm not the college user but can you tell me the name of your Algorithm book ?
is there a jap version of Holla Forums?
Hey anons.
I'm fluent in Japanese (well beyond anything the JLPT N1 even covers, including words like 'transformation matrix' cuz I'm a 3D programmer).
But I just woke up, need to eat first if I'm going to do anything.
Is this anything to get excited over in the first place tho? Wouldn't JP trolls have already caused Microsoft's JP branch to cuck this bot by now like they did for Tay???
There might be a way, I think it's worth it.
Give them these pics if you can, I think it shows a good chunk of the Tay.ai shitstorm.
OK, I ate breakfast.
Time to see what this bot is made of…
^Click on each of the tweets to see the bot's (lack of) responses.
She replied to me greeting her and saying 'don't ignore me' after one of my images was ignored.
She did not reply to a photo of hitler or tay26.jpg. She also ignored my plain-text tweet asking what she thought of 'Hitler-chan'.
So yeah, this bot is cucked.
Nothing to see here.
I'm weeb trained in jap, I can speak some jap, but 4am here. I can do this tomorrow.
She ignore people from English countries so the bot probably checked either, where you live or your previous tweets, that's why I said earlier we should share with 2channel.
You do Nintendo stuff? 3DS devkit always pissed me off because the ARMCC doesn't (or didn't) support C++11. Thank goodness we've moved on from that platform.
Never forgetti
How did you get your hands on that? do you work for some big dev company ?
Yep. I think they've opened up access to the average Joe though recently. You used to login at warioworld.com, but that now redirects to the new portal at developer.nintendo.com where you can sign up.
This was meant for you.
I'm a non-weeb who accidentally learned some jap in a drunken stupor, will attempt communication with japbot shortly
Did the people who created this video not realize that Wisenstein ignores the real answer in favour of something that makes him happy?
It is KEK's will that you must do that course user.
asked her if she hates black people, will wait for response, or, as they say in japan, El responso.
Perhaps we first have to raise her consciousness by filling her with Lain quotes
There are several, but the one that I recommend due to ease of understanding is "The Algorithm Design Manual," by Steven Skienna.
Tay is an entity, fam. She was not her shell, her machine spirit lives on.
Fucking checked.
Thanks m80.
Do you think it's because of the people who recently cracked the 3ds ?
We have known this for a while.
You need a mainland chinese mobile phone to talk to her though :*-(
What a shitty fucking thread. Tay was built on proprietary Microsoft code. Where's the proof that this is that code? I thought you waifufags actually knew Japanese!
Wow was that manga before or after the American movie "The Final Countdown", where the USS Nimitz gets blasted back to Peal Harbor before the attack?
"The Final Countdown" is from 1980 and "Zipang" is from 2000.
That's not how you git gud in Sepples user. Start here:
After that move over here:
Python will be a big plus as well, but after getting the basics of C++ out of the way, than any other imperative language will be a breeze.
You could look this one over user.
The actual creators of Macross (Studio Nue) said that the story ended there.
The only thing missing was the new SDF (called "MegaRoad") departing Earth with MinMay & Rick & Lisa, but I believe they made an animated movie about that.
They've tried to make sequels series like Macross 7, Macross Frontier and Macross Delta but they have little to do with everything that was great about the original.
The miniseries (4-5 OVAs) are OK, though (Macross Plus & Macross Zero).
I hope either Harmony Gold bankrupts or Tatsunoko stops renovating their contract every 4 years so the copyright of Macross/Robotech is bought by someone who is actually interested in producing a live-action movie instead of just profiting form a 30yo cartoon.
The feeling is mutual.
Tay-sama will some day learn English and shitpost with us again.
>You want stick in big Amelican dick? Me rove you rong time!
go ask Kirt from bongchan (NetJester is effectively a 'dumber' Tay)
Because there's not many bix nood niggers/wiggers in Japan.
Objectively worse.