OC General Thread

As the thread title says, just post your creations in this thread and let's see where that takes us.

This is not a request thread=

Other urls found in this thread:


Woah there young lady you should be ashamed of that pottymouth

well, I guess I should post PTC here…

She looks cute.


Are these two related?


But they're from the same guy right?


So they're from two different guys?


Two totally different ideas?

Ok, I felt into that one.
Here's new pages.

Hi, Bendis

Why is this allowed? It's great that you wanna show off your horseshit, but there's artboards for that. And if your response to that is to tell me they're dead it's because posting your shit OCs is a terrible thread idea to begin with, that doesn't mean you can then just litter your nonsense wherever you want.

Wow, and thought I was being funny with the OP pic.

Oh well, you can sit there and complain. I'll just continue working on what will be one of the best comics in the world!

But user what else will I gently stroke my nipples to?

We had arguments for this already, Beyonder allows them or are your going to sperg until the name is changed.

Haven't made a name for it yet.
Its for a webcomic

I sincerely doubt it'll be even noteworthy.

Looks like that pink/purple haired vampire girl from that one cartoon the autistic drawthread spammer keeps pushing.

Keep practicing

How can people draw such curvy lines on a tablet? I draw shaky-ass ones.

How can i ever get better at anatomy if i cant even make a fucking line?!

Change your settings.

This guy again.

Have a main source where to read all of them?

I struggle with this as well. Outside of using a touchscreen, the solution is to be patient and don't rush it. If you do, all it's going to cause is just frustration (Which has caused me to drop the stylus on a few days as well).

Outside of that, just practice about 15-30 minutes every day. Eventually it will be come naturally.

I advocate the opposite approach.
Going to slow leads to shaky lines, Making fast strokes, while dirty, gets you the curves you need. You just have to learn how to control your hand or somethin', because at first, you'll over and under shoot your lines


Why not

1.because its just a concept sketch
2.tired of practicing, so im going to make something for a change

I've been developing this character for 7-8 years. Also some drawings are older…pls no bully.

Looks pretty cool. Dig the style of the first and fourth picture.

Damn, user. These are really good!


First and Fourth should've been something like cover ideas while others are mostly sketches and concepts. Afterall he is support character, major one at most, rarely main character

I'm getting some kind of a Thorgal vibe from the last pic. It's pretty interesting.

Holy shit

Sorry, I'm writting so much shit right now because of how many plots I have, the plus side is that whenever I get a block in one I can just change to other.
Also learning to draw.

I don't have enough artwork I'm confident with showing at the moment (still developing my style but I'm very busy with too many other things to concentrate at the moment) though I do have a setting, story and characters.

Setting is mostly in a large, poverty-stricken near-future city state(Ragsal) plagued by civil unrest, with an impotent government, private police forces and gangs effectively dividing the city into fiefdoms.

What caused the collapse of their society was the arrival of the Star of Denelfren - a Logistic Support Craft fleeing a battle half the galaxy away. They were under attack and heavily damaged, so in desperation they made a blind foldspace shunt which took them into the system where my world is set.

The Star got caught in the gravity pull of the world, and was stuck in a collision course with Ragsal. The Denelfrenti engineers did what they could to reduce their speed and limit the impact, but they still touched down in the city causing widespread destruction, though much of the Star remained intact.

Story takes places decades after the impact, with the city mostly rebuilt and the Denelfrenti themselves having emerged from the Star to mingle with the city of Ragsal.
The Star cannot be repaired so they are stuck in Ragsal, lending what expertise they could to the rebuilding process and forbidden from leaving by the Ragsal government.

The story follows some of the Denelfrenti themselves, who are trying to forge a new life among the Rags, facing discrimination, institutionalized employment limitations and a populace blaming them for all their (sometimes literally) ills.

The Star of Denelfren, as a Logistics Support Craft, was carrying thousands of Denelfren 1st GenMod Infantry; a mercenary unit from the recently unified world of Denelfren.
Genetically modified from conception to be supersoldiers, they are one of the premier exports from their homeworld now that the wars for which they were created have been won.

Many of the Denelfrenti are now cyborgs, being reduced to brains with full body prosthesis (combination of a flesh-eating virus plus experimental spoils from an earlier contract).
Also, since they are now *very* far away from their former lives and with no chance of recovery, they don't really want to be soldiers any more.
They'd prefer as normal a life as is possible under current circumstances.

Story follows one such Denelfrenti (given the slur "headcases" by the Rags), KZ-407 "Kasniy" as he goes through life and his relationships with locals, former squadmates, and even greater changes to be wrought on Ragsal.

How's that sounding, so far?

That's one hell of a mouthful

Yeah, but how good a mouthful?

Damn, that's pretty awesome stuff. I especially like the first and last pics.

Thank you. What do you think of the character himself?

Drawings are nice, you got the talent. What's the story behind it?

The world itself is based on sword and sorcery shit with people being able to posses an inherent ability to control one or (very rarely) two magical elements (to a certain degree)
Ethan Syrus was born and grew up in a wartorn land of the continent the story takes place in. In this land there are certain stones scattered everywhere that turn people to madness. This was left by the previous mageking since during his reign he knew how to make them inert and harmless but after he died, the knowledge was lost and the land poisoned the people. Many were affected by this which contributed to the instability of the region.

He is a son to a father hunter and a mother merchant.
His mother was suffering from paranoia (caused by stones) and later ended up killing his father in one of her breakdowns. Because he had his mother eyes, people thought he would succumb to madness and locked him up and branded him with a glowing rune/tattoo just in case he runs.
Ethan was not affected by the madness and was able to escape captivity using connections (his father was famous to locals). However he didn't know how to remove the brand so he spent his early life hunting and living in the wilds and being hunted by locals due to his brand.
When the story kicks in:
Main characters take a risky shortcut home through the wartorn lands. They meet up with Ethan and he helps them navigate (they are ignorant of the whole madness and branding people thing) through the land. He uses this chance to escape and go far north.
During the story:
He is now far up North living a simple life as a local hunter. In his spare time he is learning from the few new friends he's got how to reconnect with civilization, alongside many other things like reading and writing. Later in the story he actually goes back to war-torn lands to find out whatever he can about what causes the madness.
TLDR: Son of hunter being hunted his whole childhood/early teens; He escapes North but later comes back.

- Introverted like his mother
- calculated and perseverant like his father.
- has extreme trust issues due to his backstory (and introversion)
- doesn't complain much about anything (he is grateful for having a bed and a roof)
- but then again he never really shows much signs of happiness on his face
- he usually looks drained and tired (due to his survival habits).
- adores eating rabbits. Hunters in his homeland believe that you get some traits from whatever animals you eat. He ate rabbits because he thought it could keep him cautious and fast and also because he knew how to hunt them. Rabbit soup is his favourite food.
- he is fire+wind element

He is a support/side character in the story but is very close with protagonist because he lives under his roof. He is the capable type that steps in when others fail epicly and gets shit done. He never gets some major role when it comes to storytelling importance because when Ethan enters the story he has already pretty much developed as a person. Not many new things happen to him and when they do, they don't change him. Ethan is still Ethan, son of Dorian and Sarah.

Not bad, a lot of fantasy stories follow similar themes, you just have to make sure the writing is good.

Well that's my biggest problem. English is not my native language and there are also not many english books around the place I live. Also I went to art school, not writing school…most of this story was made as a base for drawing practice. I plan to buy a lot of english books so I can learn and maybe practice.

In the meantime, why not write the story in your native tongue and translate it later, or are you already doing that?

I planned from the start for the story to be in English. It sounds very weird and out of place since I tied some english accents to regions and characters depending on their location in the story

When it's on my native language*


Why yes this is my content, pirated. 5th issue is completed and will be available on Comixology here within a few weeks. Feel free to shred it with your criticism.

Anymore writefags learning to draw or did you find your drawfag?

People seem too like the 1st and 4th pics most of all. I think that style could work for one of those story's with accompanying paintings like The Sandman: The Dream Hunters.

Keep the progress up.



I never really studied art, but I can draw to a certain extent.
Much better on paper than with a stylus and tablet though, so is there anything to be said for drawing on paper before scanning it in and touching it up, digitally?

Main trick is going to be movement and contorted figures, as amongst other things the main character is a bboy.

Amazing isn't it?


At this rate you'll be loomis under a year.

Or generally better than the majority on Holla Forums


The industry needs to burn

Hot brown muscle girl OC comin' through.

Well it's pretty decent work here, I can say. Boobs are really fucking big though. Work on those proportions, bud.

At least you have a light grasp of anatomy

yeah been tryin that, I'll try and post the updated version in a bit.

Hey I gotta at least give you props for posting in the first place. Even if it's not great, it's an idea you had and wanted to show off. Just keep at it. One day I hope to be able to show off my sketches as well.

some sketches i did lately

Where did you learm your muscle anatomy?
Also, if you guys can draw so well then why don't you work on a comic on your free time, maybe a page a week or something.

i googled "muscles"

You wouldn't happen to be a fan of Cyber Six would you user?

Anatomically correct, how lewd

Shit meant fifth pic.

no idea what cyber six is

Reminds me of Barlowe more than anything.

Man, I really liked that second drawing, any chance you work profesionally.

Are you death or is still learning.

im just a kid, so no, still learnin

Still here, but learning is slow due to real life.


was that an attempt to make fun of me bud?

They look great! How do you get your scans to look so clean?

No, called two guys and it got messed up.

I'm still here, sorry for bad quality today but I don't have my 4K cam so using tablet.

You closed your left eye didn't you.

I'm glad, many people give up so easily because it takes patience.

I don't care if you're 12 and don't know what is this, you go get a job kid, just keep away from DC, go to MARVEL and make everyone feel inferior.
It doesn't even matter if you don't know what to write, whatever you can come up with can't be anything worse than whatever they're making now.

So you're a writefag, what are you writting?

they're not scans, just made a brush that resembles the tools i usually use traditionally

ey, im not a literal kid man, but ill try my best nevertheless. ive got a couple of ideas already, thinking about starting a small webcomic thing.

You and me, both.

Trouble I have is drawing with the tablet is a real bastard :/

Well, I'm a writefag if you need help.

Well, I do actually write and I'm at least learning to draw.

add me on discord vran#1088 if you wanna talk art n stuff

Didn't we have a Holla Forums discord before?

no clue

I think a thread was made for it before then it got shitposted to hell and back before anything could be done.

Whoops, scratch that - replied to the wrong post :/

I am also a writefag but drawcurious. Already got my story, just need to do it visual justice.

Mine is


If you're more mad of an emoticon instead of the animu OP pic then you have skewed priorities.

There's only so much shitposting a single person can do.

not really the place for it, i know, but these are some of my sketches from today

What's with his head?

dunno, whats wrong with it?

Every time I see a thread I'm tempted to contribute and ruin the entire thread.

Regarding OCs in theory and in practice, most people just design a look of them. It's not until you put them in a story, where they have to make choices, are they really a character.

The core difference between most people's internet fag OCs and a real character: A character is in their personality and not their hair color.

I guess its the thing on the back of his head looks like a handle. Just seems odd to me. The other stuff looks great though.

Is that a problem?

Not hard fam.

I do have a scanner, so i may just make with the scanning at some point.
In the meantime I'll keep developing the style.

I don't know whether this counts as OC, but I'd like to finish it ASAP and post it here on Holla Forums despite the thread where it was requested already disappeared a while ago.

Is that the mom from Gumball?

Dang, I forgot to enable the spoiler. Can a mod please edit the post, please?

Yes, the very same. Someone requested a pic of her, I agreed … and then I did nothing for weeks, because real life was more important.

Technically the nipples are not visible, so it's fine unspoilered.

It shows a pussy tho

If this was on cuckchan it would've been deleted immediately.

Such wit 10/10

you would also be permanently banned for being a straight male. But what's the need of bringing it all up?



I try, and I admit I have a long ways to go. The worst part are the boobs, how they hell can they be so hard to draw.

ah I see now. It looked so angular so thats what threw me off.

ye, my bad

I came here to say that picture looks cool as fuck.


are reaction images OC?

Depends really, whatcha got?

Have you created an entire history of an alien race to justify drawing lizard people?



just a bunch of exosquad reaction pics with filenames

I'd like to start by saying I'm not very confident in my skills as an artist. I don't put in the time or effort needed to really get good. But for a while now, I've been practicing designs for a character I've wanted to use in a passion project for a long time. I have a whole sheet of different face designs I was working on. This one is the most recent and the one that I adore the most.

I'm open to changes in many aspects of it. This is just the design phase for the character after all. The general idea is to make them a sort of beastman type character that looks almost alien like to the average human.

Sorry if the photo is flipped or sideways. Don't know why my phone does that.

Better than me


solid design, hope you dont mind me putting my spin on it

Hmmm, I kinda like it. Though makes him look much older now. It's still really flattering for you to make something like this.

ah, sorry man, my brain's not workin properly. knew he was more feminine but went with this approach anyway. my b

It's not bad at all. Goes against my ideal look, sure, but still nice. I want to give him a slightly feminine to offset his actual personality that's like that of a wild child raised by wolves.

Not bad

i know

Well the only OC I made throughout the year is simply about two roommates, one is American and the other is a Russian immigrant. Yet I need something to go somewhere so any feedback is welcomed.

Maybe the Russian could uproot all the American's house plants to implement a 5-year plan for growing beetroot.

Is this about all the bees are dying? Add some bees too. Compare the types of bees and add human-powered bees for cuddling.

For a five year plan, it could be a long journey living out their differences. Heck I was originally thinking the Russian being a woman.


alright, fair warning it's not topest tier















I usually use number 5 of these































and that's all I got
sorry if some of them seem like shit

It was supposed to be "human-sized" but I guess I was too tired to can write good.

Is cuckchan leaking again?

Blame Holla Forums and a faggot mod that keeps banning people that are trying to oppose this shit.

mods don't seem to like em
sorry pal

Really when did you post them, here?

Yesterday when he shat the thread by dumping an assload of pictures with many duplicates like a retarded spammer

Just call up any episode of exosquad, take random screenshots whenever anyone's talking, and you'll get roughly the same.

They were not "reaction pics", they were just a shitload of screenshots.

It shouldn't be difficult just to add some images


That's one flat head.

most yeah
I bothered to do some editing on like 2 and there was like 2 webms in there

its muh style. just kiddin, made it while extremely tired, didnt even notice that man.

Going through commissions I'd left behind first, but I want to have this done by the end of March. Kind of a pitch for a webcomic idea- just a short 12 pages to get used to the idea, get some interest and criticism, and use that to then launch a longer ongoing version. Thumbnails are sketched.

Because someone's bound to ask- they're niggers because I went "you know, don't really think I have any dark-skinned characters" when planning their current designs

Make sure you can draw them without the hair in their face. I've seen a lot of assholes who use the hair to hide the way they can't draw a symmetrical face.

Good point, I'd literally not even considered that. Here, quickly sketched.

What the hell is the thing on the right?

there was only one dupe

'''gaze upon my works oh ye mighty and despair

is this ren and stimpy?
is bjork gonna start dancing through the thread?

Hugo's long lost sister

I'm very new to drawing so tell me how shit my OC is and how to get better, please. Her name is Prasina.

Also sorry for no tablet

No need for tablets. I use tablets only for clean up work.

You're OC is shitty for two reasons

1. You're crap at figure
2. You're crap at research

Go out sometime with a sketchbook, to a bar, a public event, or something, take a seat and draw people. Focus on getting the gesture of the person your drawing, not the outline. Remember everything is shape. Time yourself. Start off with 30 seconds - 1 minute, and when you're time is up you stop. The goal is to get you to see like an artist. After doing several 30 seconds - 1 minute drawings, then you can expand to 5, 10, and 30 minute drawings. Eventually you'll improve.

As for research, google lizards, reptiles or whatever your OC is. Look at as many of them as you can to get a better idea of what you're working with.

I agree with this guy. Gotta have some references if you're essentially making an anthropomorphized animal or animal like alien thing. Right now it just looks like a lazy Chupacabra girl.

Do you draw porn?

Seconding this, especially the gesture drawing part which is to research extensively. It's an important concept that is not trivial to grasp and use. Look up Vilppu or Hampton's approach/explanation.

Ooooh boy, that looks nice.

awfully bold of you to say that after givin her an anime nose

but ye, he should also work on his anatomy, form, structure, yada yada, etc. he's obviously new to drawing and art in general

Nice man.

Thanks will use.

Sweet, keep going user.


Don't forget >>>/art/ too

AND >>>/ani/ !

Is >>>/draw/ a thing?

Holy shit it is. What about >>>/pencil/


I wonder…

Holy shit

Its nothing!

Don't you mean >>>/nothing/ ?

Oh snap

Don't you mean

What the hell happens in /snap/?


Two of my characters I doodled at work today.

I chibified them because the kids I work with wanted to see them tiny. I guess they shrunk and Jake's having a giggle about it.

Yeah, im just not liking your style.

Cute, I guess

How disappointing

Hey magic user, you still around?

And there's nothing.

Whatever happened t the unicorn user?

I'm neither, but I'm trying

Keep practicing

What reference are you using?

He came out smugger than I wanted him to

That isn't a bad thing.

Its pretty smug already

He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us

He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us He Will Not Divide Us

I have always thought about starting to write fag or practice drawing for fun I might start soon, you gotta be the change you want in the world, Also thought of making a Holla Forums podcast maybe using other anons to shoot the shit about comics and cartoons but the latter always seemed a little whorish.

Here's an update to the character. Now I've drawn her in a superhero outfit, trying to mix up a hula outfit and the typical spandex of super heros and I think I made them work well together. Comments and critiques?

Update update, forgot to shade the legs right.

Reminds me of Korra for some reason. Looks pretty great fam. Would it look good with a flower headdress on her? I know some hula dancers do that so I guess its an option if you want to try. Love the detail on the muscles.

Looks alright in a saturday morning cartoon way. Maybe replace the necklace with shells and add tribal designs on the chest area?

I just realized maybe you can incorporate some tattoos in there if you want.

Much sexier!

I actually thought about that and I really should have added that, I'll be sure to post that in the update.

anyway I can get away from that Saturday morning cartoon feel? also, any tips on where I can find a good database for how Polynesian tattoos work?


can you give me tips where I can find a good database for Polynesian tattoos?

(((Google)))? Or Bing if you don't wanna sell your soul.

Holy shit nice.

>not using searx.me/
Newfags gonna newfag.


I think the best place to look may be an online library. That is if you want more authentic ones. Some advice I want to give you is that for Polynesian tattoos each islands have their own distinct designs. I had difficulty finding pdfs online but here's a few pics that might help.


Very Megaman-ish. I like it!


I see a little Kill La Kill in there

One month too late, Nicole is almost done. Is the user who requested it still here? Which version do you like the most? Do you have any suggestions for this image before I close it?