What do sober people do for fun?

What do sober people do for fun?


Go to church and watch Grey's Anatomy

Yes, and church activities.

is greys anatomy against mormon ideology?

You shouldn't watch anything on the electric jew

I play eroge and don't masturbate

smoke, drink coffee, take prescription anti anxiety medication, play board games, cards, read novels

kill themselves

They got me with the vivitrol jew and i've heard that it blocks alcohol too

Oh hai hex. The next time a mormon comes to my door i'll mention you in some vain, statistically improbable attempt at meeting you IRL for rape

More like completely impossible. If a Mormon comes to your door it won't be me too old to serve a mission, and they won't know who hex is.

i kill drifters and keep their thumbs as trophies. i dispose of the rest of their bodies in various different ways.

couldn't have gotten away with it for so long if i was drunk all the time, might've slipped up and talked about it or something.

Well maybe i'll tell them about some heretic on this evil website representing them amidst a sea of degenerates. Their collective prayers against you will cause the neural faith implant one of them hit you with (probably in some form of public transportation) to explode or at least release some form of corrosive substance into your skull.

Check mate, nigger.

I'm doing a pretty good job of representing them tbh. I'm imperfect, but so is everyone which is why repentance exists.


Stay sober tbh

Not be pathetic losers. Sobriety isn't for you m8.

please go to thread >>7744664

Sobriety is a myth

Go to church and then come to Holla Forums to cling to their earthly and sinful ways, denying God what is rightfully his.
Right Hex?

please go to hell






I go to bed earlier because I have nothing else to do.

Unkle Jim?