More Holywood Actors tell us to vote for Hillary



Other urls found in this thread:

Should be apart of botmod's autoban script.



You want me to write a fucking essay for you? 75 characters is a stupid rule anyway

my question, why do they keep hiring actors to give testamony, their entire job is to lie, to be insincere, to put on a persona. Nothing they say can ever be taken as truth because they make a living out of being someone else.

Are you in middle school or some shit?
The inability to write out at the very least 75 characters to constitute an OP is a severe sign of some form of autism, probably ADHD.
If you were here back before it was a rule, you'd know exactly fucking why we have it.

This is simply a poorly executed CtR slide.
Fucking communicate with each other you dumb fucks.

Anybody who wants to watch this shit, copy and past the link

OP is a faggot


Thank you for correcting the record

How do you feel that your co-worker is stupid enough to make the exact same thread?

There's a reason why we only care about Anime and not about Hollyjew.



Kill yourself


Look at my post again, you gigantic faggot. Look who I was replying to. Look at the fact that this shitty thread was posted twice.

First day on the job, Chaim?

Thank you for Correcting the Record!

I can go all day tards

I appreciate the effort you take in correcting the record!

We won't stop, faggot. Hilary better start paying you OT shekels.

Holy shit they have tons of videos with individual actors cucking out

They pay you less when you give up.

Fuck you caught me, I suppose the intuition of the average Holla Forumsack was too much for me.

Away to shill HQ I go.


must be a mod

Fuck off, CTR

These were all uploaded today. Hollywood are out and proud sjw marxist in these videos.

Good find, OP.

PeopIe need to see this.

What happened to the GET?

Hate to break it to you. OP is probably a CTR or SA shill.

Can any of you explain why you think OP is a shill?

I'm not entirely sure, but that exact same post was made here and it was just OP samefagging.

wtf I'm voting for Hillary now

remember to scroll to the end of the video to not give it views.

disliking actually contributes to the popularity but its going to be trending by the kikes at google anyways, so dislike and DONT FORGET TO COMMENT.

Two threads made within 3 minutes of each other? Check.
7575757575757575757575757575757575757575757? Check.
Calling anons paranoid about shills when there is existing proof of shills? Check.
Admitting to being a shill after being blown the fuck out? Check.

Yeah. OP wrote out the "75char75char" shit a bunch of times, like a faggot. A Holla Forumsack called him out on it, and he got defensive. (>>7744358)
He reeks of outsider, because he doesn't know that the 75 character rules was put forth for a valid reason. Also, this thread reminds me of threads on cuckchan right before the exodus. Most fullchan Holla Forumsacks post well thought-out, quality threads, not quick baiting shit like this. Also, two threads with the same writign style were made for this video.

meant for

The video has just been uploaded, and shit usually gets posted here before someone else. Probably just a coincidence.

People have been doing this since the rule was put in place.

You sound paranoid to me tbh

Where is this?

We here at Holla Forums do not believe in "coincidence".
I'm not going to finish the rest of your shitpost.


fuck off, you piece of shit

Ever heard of giving someone the benefit of the doubt?

wtf I'm a shill now


Please, just fuck off back to wherever you came from. You've been found out, you lost, your thread is shit. Thanks for correcting the record.


Have you asked yourself why CTR would alert Holla Forums to a pro hillary JewWood video before it gets bumped to jewtubes front page?

None of them seem very intelligent. Where is James Woods and his 180 IQ?

Who's the chick with the fetal alcohol syndrome in your pic, OP?

Because it's a celebrity trash opinion video that isn't even viral (see: news) and it slides actual threads off the catalog.

You've lost your credibility.

does anybody care what these privilledge

Sliding what exactly? Most threads at the bottom of the catalog barely have over 50 posts in them.

This makes it better how?

I thought it was the Nostalgia Chick.

All of the videos need to be voted down.

No shit. And looking at the numbers, it never will be (other than people passing it around to laugh at it).

What is it with FAS women using their pussies to get in good with autistic nerds, anyway?
Also, I thought these were supposed to be celebrities.

Fucking this.

Did you guys look at all the degeneracy in the related vids sections?

Whoever's running the DOTR ledger, add any of these who aren't already on there.

Yup, we need to crush this shit into the dust so hard that they consider cancelling their gay campaign all together.


Typical schmaltzy bullshit as was expected. Only knew who about 10% of them even were anyway.

Opinions contained within duly discarded.

looks like wellick's wife from mr robot?

I just noticed everyone's sageing. Why?


Don't know

Embed is cancer. For most people (those that don't run things like uMatrix), it'll mean their browser makes a request to Google, which help them track where you go.

I care about my nationality

(dem digits, tho)

I think I just figured it out.

i was itching for some more youtube comments to redpill

Who is this sanctimonious cunt? She was in the youtube Vote IRL hillary video as well

this is like the b-list of actors, i can't even recognize half of them

(they're))) really pulling out all the stops watch?v=6mNz-PpEX4E

Reminder Holla Forums absolutely BTFO this one as well, why not make it a twofer

Good thing you posted a pic, because that description applies to all of them.

Whoever she is, she looks butch-shading-to-lipstick-lesbian as hell.

I didn't know that watching the fear and desperation spread amongst leftists would be so enjoyable.

that's the third one i've seen

You know you can split the vote for these idiots if you convince them to vote for Boiney Sandahs. The more split the democrat vote is the easier it is to lower Hillary's chances.

Don't you mean Jill Stein? I think most of Bernies voters went to her after Shillary called them NEET losers

post a webm, faggot OP. not giving YT any traffic.

Looks like I will have to fuck the sense back into Emma Stone. Wish me lube.

She is a lesbian. She has a cooking channel or some shit, and the shtick is that she gets drunk as fuck while doing it.

Oh look, there's (((Blossom))) and that (((drunk cooking dyke))).

Time to bring back the blacklist.

Hannah Hart, (((drunk cooking dyke.)))

They at least could have thrown in one token conservative. Every fucking issue is leftwing

Why are liberals so obsessed with climate change? What do they gain with this?

75 fucking characters is not an essay, kill yourself you waste of skin. You're not better than the average nigger.


They are so scared that they're pushing this shit out as fast as they can even if all you can see is Mace Dindu's eyes and teeth


Charming. I hope she blows out her liver while doing a live show.


they get more speaking gigs because of it.

Virtue signaling. Think about how the average liberal douche bag rides around in a prius. The stereotypes about them are all true. Environmentalism is full of feelgood bullshit even those these limousine liberals ride around in their polluting private jets and limousines and modified sports cars that cannot pass a single test but they get a pass because they are Mr./Mrs. Famous

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thats not even original.

British chef Keith Floyd was doing that in the 80s and was actually quite funny and charming.

Then some fucking amerilard rugmunching cunt rips off his concept.

(((Kate Hudson)))
(((David Schwimmer)))
(((Julianna Margulies)))
(((Jonah Hill)))
(((Harvey Keitel)))
(((Olivia Wilde)))
(((Megan Boone)))


Trump parody of this bullshit


how many old, jewish dicks do you think she sucked before the age of 14?

fucking newfags I swear

holy hell she got fat

it is not a selfless act for a minority to say they care about minorities

this dumbass took a private jet to receive a reward for fighting climate change. that one flight had a bigger carbon footprint than my entire footprint for the year.

virtue signaling
helps the rich get richer
distracts the goyim with pointless bullshit (including distracting from real environmental issues)
moves the world towards a global economy

Was about to post this too. Here's a webm of it.



I realised that I do not give a single shit about any of these people or their paranoid delusions for that matter

Reminder that actors PRETEND for a living.

Reminder that America has near fanatical celebrity worship and will do whatever they're told by these paid actors.


thats just california and the nogs in the big cities.

..yikes I don't believe in reptilians, but if the conspiracy cucks were ever right THAT one be one.

If people were that influenced by celebs then we'd being seeing every girl with black dudes and campaigning about global warming.

it even has mythological credence. Norse dwarves would turn into dragons when their evil was found out.

Maybe I got ahead of myself, but it's bad where I'm atCA

I recognized a few names myself. I am ashamed.

oh I've heard the names before but I don't know who they are or what they've been in because I haven't watched a movie since Star Wars Ep3.

virtually this shit should have tons of views, cause of the movie stars but it seems the people are becoming more redpilled.


Back in the good old days, actors were treated like clowns and merchants like parasites. That was when society was great.

How much (((money))) did they have to get all these people on? They must have really dipped into the Clinton campaign fund for that.

I remember these guys had another one with the Marvel actors on, it obviously didn't work.
They must have some serious shit on Downey Jr to get him to do that, this guy is a conservative and Mel Gibson's best pal for fuck's sake. He is at least a quarter Chosen though, so you never know.

they just blackmailed them I bet. there's skeletons in every actor's closet courtesy of their producers because fear makes for a good leash.

Must have something on him from his drug days, that's my bet.

"The issues that, like, affect us, a bunch of young and attractive, wealthy actors and pop stars are like, totally the issues that you guys are worried about. So like, register to vote or whatever.

After all, there are no poor people in Beverly Hills and Echo Park, and we are all liberals. So why don't you just vote like us, like, i don't get it…"

Hillary - 2016

all they care about is kike dollars. This is absolute faggot horseshit.

Pulpy emotional kikewash

What's wrong with her teeth?


As if Democrats haven't fucked them up enough

Did RDJ actually outright say 'Don't vote for Trump'?

I mean, I won't discount the possibility that RDJ is far less conservative than previously believed, and is actually a card carrying Hillary supporter. But something I heard was that he was tricked. A few of the actors who participated in that video thought that it was going to be far less partisan than it ended up being. They thought they were just going to tell people to vote and were surprised to find the finished product telling people not to vote for Trump.

Yep, showing Kathy Griffin, bald-headed crazy dyke, a bean-waifu who can't be bothered to speak the language, a bald fag in a suit talking about gun control all really make me want to vote for Hillary.

These have to be the most out of touch people on the planet, even Hillary is more in touch with the youth, even if it only comes from Pepe being tweeted at her at all hours of the day.

Also it's pretty sad that the most masculine guy in the entire ad is Sam Jackson

Thanks, but this is what OP should have done, in addition to linking to the YouTube video.

For the people who have a hard time hearing, a complete transcription follows without any corrections:

who you wanna love.

>[Unintelligible] waves the flag like everybody else in unity. We take the jobs that… People assume [I?] don't exist. And somehow we're taking these** jobs from people

* My Spanish is rusty.
** Some of the guest stars didn't always speak clear English, so there may be minor mistakes my the transcription.
*** See vid related.

John Leguizamo should hate the fact that his only memorable roles were as a demon clown and a tranny

Sometimes I wish I hadn't taken the red pill.

I lasted a little over a minute. I watched too much

And Luigi

Oh yeah, forgot he's one of the reasons Nintendo may never make another live action videogayme movie

they are ending their careers in order to get hillary elected

the kikes are scared


Let's say you're a Hollywood actor and you care about your career. Is supporting the most hated woman (I dare say) in Northern America such a great move? There are going to be a lot of people who say
That's assuming there aren't greater forces at play.

Wealth transfer. Penalties and indulgences would be introduced under a carbon tax scheme that would either be trifling or with fancy jewish accounting non-existent for the elite but the plebians would pay out the ass for it.

I really doubt this will affect their careers at all.

All of this will most likely be forgotten about for four years

all Trump supporters will boycott them

this will end their careers

the only way to win is to not play

stay neutral

Yeah, that's not going to happen

Downvote this shit!

samuel l jackson "be a revolutionary and vote for the establishment"
kathy griffin "vote for a woman"
john leguizamo "stop dividing us you racist bigot"
jonah hill "wont somebody plz think of traytray"

Hey celebs, nobody cares what you think. Stick to dancing on stage like the good monkeys you are.

Right? When has any conservative "boycott" ever worked against any Hollywood figure?

1) Don't the movement conservatives already abstain from Hollywood, thus they no longer possess any consumer leverage?

2) Are conservatives really disciplined enough to stage such a mass coordination of strangers? These are people who think that laborers who don't eschew collective bargaining and engage with employers as atoms must be lazy.

3) The moment Hollywood produces a movie that's conservative friendly like American Sniper and The Blind Side, they'll flock to see it. Even if involves producers and distributors and marketers and talent and crew who've done liberal themed films before and will certainly do them again, these conservatives will love to throw money at Hollywood so long as once every two to three years some movie comes out that temporarily champions

>Protagonists vs. Nazis 82: Hitler Resurrection

We are totally owning the comment section. SJWs on suicide-watch.


Even jewtube nobodies get more views for playing video games & talking about nothing than actual movie/tv celebrities shilling for Clinton.

Entertainers sure ain't what they used to be.

Securing the existence of our people and a future for the white race.
Except for that deplorable quarter of it, right?
Someone called you a poopyhead on Twitter. Time to make a national issue of it, right? But not all of those women Bill raped, that's not "bullying".
It doesn't matter if you're white or brown, Trump will deport illegals on an equal opportunity basis. Do you have something to say about that, totally legal ctizen of the United States?
Hahahaha! Oh wait, you were serious. Let me laugh even harder. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
By which you mean illegal immigration. In that you want more of it. Prove me wrong.
We've given Clinton a chance for thirty fucking years. How about you give Trump a chance?
I do too. Do your feelings matter more than mine because you were in some Hollykike production nobody cares about? Probably, but are you going to admit it?
If I talked to the parents of people who were killed by niggers, would I be allowed to demand they be outlawed?
In that case, Hillary Clinton is a hilariously ironic choice.
If your kids are killed by cops, you're probably a bad parent anyways.
Except all of the spics that wave the Mexican flag, of course. They still use the American flag, though. Everyone needs toilet paper, right?
If they didn't want them, they wouldn't come here in the first place.
I live in BC. People used to come from all over Canada and even the United States to get a summer job in the orchards.

Now they're all filled by spics and sand niggers. The only reason the job is shit is because so many of you are willing to take it.
Somewhere between the Twin Towers and Nice.
Holla Forums. We shoah because we care.
That's why I'd vote for Trump, bby ;)
Says the people who support Hillary, the most establishment candidate in years.
Kind of loses some of the effect when you've just finished shilling for Shillary.
Do you think I care? You can blow your brains out for all I care, this is probably the first and last time I'll even hear from most of you.

Fuck this video.


That's because, as you pointed out, anyone can be an entertainer now. We are longer reliant on record or movie companies to produce visual and audio entertainment, and thus the power of these celebrities"is reduced to the tiny circle of parasites who feed on them.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Oh lawdie, how awkward can they get when reaching the indifferent youth.

I hereby announce that I will fight any and all of you faggots to the death to secure this woman as the carrier of my future children.

Illegal immigration is righteous to the max! Don't be a total bummer and vote for Trump. Be a gnardog and vote Hillary. She's X-TREEEEME!!!

If you don't have an opinion don't make a thread. This is basic stuff, we need standards in society.

they should've used softer lighting on these fucks.

I can barely name any of these people. I know Leo, De Niro and Fez from That 70's show. That's it.

I actually recognize a couple more but still…these fuckers are nobody to me.

Not even with a borrowed cock

this is why they're losing

Maybe you should fuck off back to cuck/pol/


From left to right:

Samuel L Jackson to South Africa, that would be awesome.

Jesus these people are bad


Compile boycott lists.

notice they waited for the first debate to make sure it wasn't a route..

go after the di caprio video and his "carbon footprint" from his private jet, yachts, and constant whoring.

I'd watch it.

I think he'd also learn a valuable life lesson.

fite meshe doesn't look full white tbh

Yeah, that'll put butts in seats.

You know what happens if you aren't liberal or ZOG in (((Hollywood))). A lot of them probably don't even believe it themselves. The others are trained monkeys reading off their master's script.

dammit you need a phone # to make a new google account

The biggest culprit tbh.
Just look at the /k/ type and their cuckservatism.

Is that Sinéad?
All Taigs look the same its hard to tell.

Let it begin. Don't care. I just won't have children with her.

The LAST life lesson. I'd love to see him try and fit in.
>"Aw HELL naw!



you piece of race-mixing filth…go join your black brothers…

Perhaps they are trying to tell the public how much of the election is being rigged against Trump by (((special interests))) who tell actors what to say?


It says something that they can't even get anybody famous for these ads. They needed twenty people and every one of them is a has-been or never-was.

Pretty sure they're parodying that kikewood ad where they hand Ruffalo the sign

There is hope

Is it just me or does he look really really fucking weird, almost uncanny valley (especially on the right).


This seems the biggest problem.

Conservatives largely aren't seen as much of a market because they're already not consuming much of the drivel that is put out.

The best way to combat Hollywood is to create competition or support what competition already exists. When you do that you show it is profitable to pander to your group and so more groups will seek to do so.

Also, Hollywood as a whole is of course not a single entity and anyone who pretends it is is just an idiot.

Well I watched video twice, I couldn't spot a single person who doesn't know what cock tastes like.

Sure; we'll gas you and your kike offspring together




Citizen reminder: inaction is conspiracy. Report counter-behavior to a Civil Protection team immediately.

If you line them up, you'll see it was by agency/studio.
You didn't see…matt damon, affleck, jennifer lawrence, sandra bullock, george clooney, and a few other big ones you'd suspect bc their agents told them not to.
tl;dr- they don't decide, their jew agents decide for them and they listen.

here u faget

That's Arin "egoraptor" Hansom's wife. Here's her without makeup.

who the fuck is this bitch btw?

Should have said who was in the video.


I think this video needs another edit just like the first one did.
Just saying…

they quotes hillary in the video?


Samuel L Nigger with le revolutionary fedora

Why? Fresh dogshit is still dogshit



Stephanie Corneliussen, just looked it up and the fuckin bitch is danish and not even an american citizen, what the fuck bullshit is this?



I don't get it.

Nice work

missed opportunity tbh

Fuck off back to cuckchan/reddit

Hi CTR. For future reference 000000 means tor user.

I usually only browse Holla Forums and /k/ and have never seen a 000000 ID on there, guess that means I'm a paid shill
So I don't tarnish my valuable anonymous identity, here's a link to something on the Clinton scandals I made, not exhaustive, obviously.

Get out

I don't like the users, but it's an okay image-hosting website.

Why the fuck would you need an image hosting website when you can upload images here?

Because images don't stay up forever here, can't organize them into albums, also my goal was to educate a few normies by publishing that album not to preach to the choir on Holla Forums which is generally pro-Trump.

this one gives you blowjob eyes at the end lel

Cast list please

Someone tally up the number of biological children these people have, especially the women, it tends to be quite damning of the life style they are selling.

I have mistaken this slut with Emma Watson for some reason. Now i feel stupid.

No, this is what she looks like without make-up

I think South Park argued it best when they said that, for all their flaws, at least E-celebs are popular on their own merits and not just because a bunch of marketing and advertising people have built them up and told you 'this is who you should be liking'

They didn't learn from the last time. This will only piss people off and likely gives more votes to Trump.

It's much simpler than any of this

If Trump loses, Trump supporters would probably be occupied with bigger problems than a bunch of silly actors who told people not to vote for him

If Trump wins, Trump supporters probably wouldn't have the energy to boycott a bunch of silly actors who have already got egg on their face by virtue of being completely and utterly wrong


He gave up on his "pipe dreams" for a ugly woman. Also she left him started dating another guy, but Arin got her back "buy writing her a letter every day for a entire year".

Shut up fez

I am glad they made a list of faggots who will never see a dollar from me or my loved ones ever. Thanks Jews for your ongoing support in my boycott of all these poz'd.

Has anyone ever compiled a list?

I'm really disappointed in De Niro and Norton. Yes, they are Hollywood good goys, but I wouldn't expect them to participate in that bullshit.

De Niro's from New York and he's a quarter Italian. Both groups are generally staunch Democrat.

Norton's a faggot.

Fuck, that was amazing. Just tweeted it and I recommend you do the same if you have some Holla Forumslacks in your circle.

based mods

I'm really disappointed in De Niro and Norton, they are by far two of my all time favorite Hollywood good goys.

Olivia Wilde is still hotter than hell, fucking commie bitch.

De Niro is Jewish

He goes at the same Synagogue as me.

I knew Samuel L. Jackson sniffed all kinds of drugs, but what the heck?

Also what's up with asking fucking hollywood actors about their political opinion? It's like asking a pornstar after brutal gangbang and bukkake rapefest about their opinion on feminism.

They've been adored and worshiped for so long that they begin to believe they deserve it.

Because listening to people who pretend to be someone else and say things they don't believe for their job is the best way to get the truth?

That was a movie

He used to be a Black Panther


he married a nigger and created several hellspawn


reminds me of

I don't even know who most of these people are.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.

lol, you beat me to it

they are paid to by elites that use climate change projects as slush funds

Dude, these people are LITERALLY professional script readers.

So few based actors nowadays.

Everyone just want's more of those precious sheckels.

I think the really hilarious part is that most black people think that the jews are going to give them America after the white people are all gone.


or the mezitos, latinos, amerindians, muslims, etc…

It's sad really, how often people fall for (((Chosen))) tricks just because of the *PROMISE* of free shit.

I wonder how many of them are just doing it because you have to play ball in (((Hollywood))) opposed to legitimately being lefties.

Hollywood sterility, tallied up for your pleasure

Kathy griffin 0
Emma stone 0
Anna Akana 0
Karla Souza 0
rose McGowan 0
Hannah Hart 0
Yvonne Orji ~0
Eva Longoria 0
Martina Garcia 0
Riki Lindhome 0
Lisa Schwartz 0
Stephanie Corneliussen 0
Minka Kelly 0
Ana Claudia Talancón 0
Megan Boone 1
Kelly Oxford 1
Elisabeth Röhm 1
Julianna Margulies 1
Anne Hathaway 1
Mayim Bialik 2
Diane Ladd 2
Alyssa Milano 2
Laura Dern 2
Michelle Monaghan 2
Julia Roberts 3
Average  0.72

Brandon Armstrong 0
Aasif Mandvi 0
Leonardo Dicaprio 0
Jonah Hill 0
Wilmer Valderrama 0
Dean Winters 0
Zach Braff 0
Rami Malek 0
Lamorne Morris 0
Milo Ventimiglia 0
Melvin Gregg 0
moby 0
Édgar Ramírez 0
Johnny Galecki 0
Jonathan Bennett 0
León Krauze 0
Josh Peck 0
Samuel l Jackson 1
David Schwimmer 1
John Slattery 1
Ed Norton 1
Josh Gad 2
Tony Goldwyn 2
Ken Jeong 2
Bobby Cannavale 2
Dermot Mulroney 3
Steve Howey 3
Stanley Tucci 3
John Leguizamo 3
Harvey Keitel 3
Martin Sheen 4
Donald Faison 6
Luis Guzman 7
Average 1.33

bella thorne 18 0
kendall jenner 20 0
zendaya 20 0
lauren elizabeth 22 0
Josh Hutcherson 23 0
Beanie Feldstein 23 0
miranda cosgrove 23 0
Emily Osment 24 0
ricky dillon 24 0
rajiv dhall 24 0
spencer boldman 24 0
Sarah Hyland 25 0
ben schnetzer 25 0
Diego Boneta 25 0
Eiza González Reyna 26 0

Jon Cozart 24 0
Jack Baran 0
jenn mcallister 20 0
alexa losey 21 0
Cat Valdes 27 0
cody ko ~0
alyx weiss ~0
chris reinacher ~0
gary baseman 0
Gustavo Santaolalla 3

This is the future they sell us.

fuckin O'Reilly, you shittin' me?

fuck sakes

Thats the one that rustled me a bit too tbh

The potato nigger needs work.

You fucker.

I didn't need another reason to hate this talentless fat sack of shit hack. I don't know why anyone likes this fuck because his only role ever in any movie is to be that obnoxious and hateable fat fuck and I despise seeing his name on anything. Yeah I hate Rogan and that other high guy a lot too, but Jonah Hill is the absolute cream on the top of the shittiest actors list. Fuck that guy.

Wow, Jew-pimped skanks don't like Trump.

Gee, I hate Trump, now.

Is that an actual campaign poster?

De Niro is a coke using, nigger fucker. Only goes for ape gash.

Norton is a cuck. Probably a dick suck as well.

Wilde is a retarded liberal. The worst of the fucking worst. Total Jew slave.

What a waste of trips

How should I know?
I found it here on Holla Forums, and this place is full of people that should really have gone into advertising or campaign management…

Josh Peck, no

Just looked it up. I still don't know if it's official, but Junior gave it his blessing.
>twitter com/donaldjtrumpjr/status/775454948322480129

spammed it up fam

jus a random sampling/smattering to use. Anyone here see Death Race? Bitch is basically shillary.


Why does the media act like celebrity political opinions matter? Just because they've acted in movies/tv doesn't mean they have a good grasp on politics.
looks like they mass "corrected the record"
in the comment section

I made it halfway through, now I want to punch kittens.

Because they, along with sport stars and other famous people are the the aristocracy of our age.

Actors are just professional liars. What do they care about? Shekels, and Shlomo Shekelgruberbergstein has one cousin in the federal reserve who can print them, another cousin in banking who can distribute them, a third cousin in the stock market who can burn off bad investments, a fourth cousin in law to ensure that justice is never pursued, and a final cousin in Hollywood and the Media to justify the system they've created to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else.

Fuck, they're so disgusting and naiive.
'Get out and vote for Puppet A or Puppet B
you stupid, poor goys.'
While we all go back to our gated communities
and furiously virtue-signal about muh diversity
and tranny rights for washrooms.

And they'll fucking get away with it because nobody on our side will complain about it to the studios.

If these were Trump supporters, they'd have people calling for boycotts of their movies and Jews calling studios to drop them.


If the oceans rise, their beachfront properties will be underwater.

EVERY fucking time.

He fought to get it back. Well of COURSE he did. He must have a fetish for Lovecraft monsters or something.

Speaking from personal experience, there's nothing sadder than a sperg in love. We tend to give it to those who are shit-tier at best because we know there's no way in fuck we're getting the top-shelf pussy unless we're one of the lucky few who can actually make autism work for him. Except this faggot had to be making SOME money before he flushed it down the toilet over an uglier version of Yoko Ono, so I don't even know anymore. Maybe she's got oral skills that put your average thai hookerboy to shame or something.
>inb4 it turns out she IS a thai ladyboy

Is The Man in the High Castle (book & tv series) actually any good?

I suggest we spam this when he inevitably announces that he's getting divorced

The book was good but feels extremely unfinished. It reads like it's the second book in a trilogy. Left me with blue balls.

Maybe I'm just being dense, but how does this say go vote for hillary?


All these celebrities and they forgot the most important one.

Where is Ja Rule? Could somebody please find Ja Rule, get hold of this motherfucker so I can make sense of all of this? Where is Ja?

Ja Rule did a few years in prison. I haven't heard anything from him in years. I don't think he's relevant anymore.

He's having his shit pushed in at H Block


Ghostbusters 1984
Ivan Reitman 3
Dan Aykroyd 3
Sigourney Weaver 1
Harold Ramis 3
Bill Murray 6
Rick Moranis 2
total children 18

Ghostbusters 2016
Paul Feig 0
Melissa McCarthy 2
Kristen Wiig 0
Kate McKinnon 0
Leslie Jones 0
Chris Hemsworth 3
total children 5

You missed out Ernie Hudson and Annie Potts from Ghostbusters 1984. (Presuming you're just using main characters' actors & actresses?) Ernie has 4 children and Annie has 3, bringing the total up to 25.

Yes, just the main cast and crew.

The break down is even worse when you gender it.


dat raciss mang



Does anyone know the name of the numb cunt on the far right who felt she just had to be there all by herself?

What are these pipe dreams you speak of?

To be fair if we're talking about Ghostbusters original when it was made it would be

Ivan Reitman 2
Dan Aykroyd 0
Sigourney Weaver 0
Harold Ramis 1
Bill Murray 1
Rick Moranis ? (He was married in 1986 so let's say his children were born after that)
Ernie Hudson 1
Annie Potts 1

total children 6