Am I becoming an alcoholic Holla Forums?
Tfw I spent every night of the last week drunk
Yes user. All shitposting aside AA helps. It helped me. Sober 2 years now. Cold turkey is the only way. Good luck brother.
(saging cause all you'll get here is shitty advice from lowlife degenerates)
Yes BlackHawk, you have been an alcoholic for at least 10 years now.
That, and your addiction to online Bummie Cummies, you great forklift faggot.
man up and get some help, alchoholism is no joke
were you blackout drunk? you have a long ways to go if not
No. I calculated my BAC averaged over each night, and it was ~0.16% so pretty buzzed, but I was coherent enough to play vidya.
you aren't an alcoholic then, don't listen to these anons trying to blackpill you on alcohol
I've been drunk every night/day since the 1980's.
Get on my level.
Not really an acoholic, but easily on the road to becoming one. Took me about a year before i got to the point of being truly drunk 24/7 for weeks at a time.
If you really need to get high, stick with weed. "its a plant bro!!!" faggotry aside, alcohol is a lot worse than weed. Not even mentioning shit like DUI's, people that talk about muh dumb stoners are talking out the ass. Dumb shit people do while high does'nt come close to the downright retardation you see from drunks.
Also do your best to ignore faggots like this. "im a bigger alcoholic than you" is playing a game of retard jousting.
my felelings
Yes, closing your eyes and plugging your ears and going "LALALALALALALALALALALALALALA…I CAN'T HEAR YOU…LALALALALALALALA!!!" will make me cease to exist. *eyeroll* Didn't anyone ever teach you about denial, user?
drinking is for subhumans you should do powders
Your brain on the the brewed jew, everyone.
Distilled Jew, thank you very much.
Brew is for Chads.
What’s it like to be drunk? I don’t drink beer so idk do you get dizzy or something
What's it like to get drunk, you ask?
Ask a glass of water.
Welcome to the club faggot. Stay on this path and you wont have a license, family, job, front teeth or standards in about a year.
I want off this ride
I asked but it said nothing so I guess it’s not so bad. I learned a lot from it so I drank it
I'm getting bad. My life has been stressful and I get little peace, and alcohol helps so much. I drink myself to sleep almost every night.
I didn't see it as a red flag when I started keeping a stealth bottle of whiskey when I'm driving somewhere. I didn't see it as a red flag when I fell in a pitch-black bathroom in the middle of the night, not even realizing I was awake. But I had my first realization of a red flag. I drank at work, my boss noticed. He's cool and said do not let that get found out by HR, but he said I reeked of alcohol, and I was visibly drunk.
I've never felt so ashamed and scared for my future as I did then. Fucking wake-up call.
If you drink enough at the correct rate, you get a rush of euphoria before the general muddiness of drunkenness sets in. It's not as good as the euphoria you get from opioids, but booze is obviously easier to obtain for most people. And more socially acceptable.
I've never drank at work yet but I have shown up to work a couple of times still drunk from the night before.
You are a fucking retard like everyone else, that is what i really like about alk.
I really liked being drunk made no difference what i would say but it made it a huge piece more enjoyable.
It doesn't sound like you are chemically addicted, but you likely have poor impulses control. You shouldn't be drinking every night. I would also recommend going cold turkey. Regardless of if you meet the medical definition yet, it's a problem. If going cold turkey is easy you can try drinking socially on weekends again. Alcohol really isn't that fun though. It's primarily an escape mechanism, so at best it keeps you from fixing your shit. Stick with stuff that won't kill you if you meed an escape.
Listen to Dr user… he obviously knows what [he's] talking about.