Hi, I'm iDubbbz, I tried this yesterday, but had no time in the end.
I need an AMA style section for an upcoming video. Just AMA away. I'll be adding in bits to the video, if you want any kind of e-fame DM me on twitter and I'll try and sort something out for the credits.
Ayden Brown
is rthis you?
Christopher Smith
i dont belive you. take another pic with your right hand's pinky in your mouth. or with a timestamp that looks less shopped.
Joseph Jones
Parker Diaz
did you touch joji's benis?
John King
Here's one, did joji quit youtube?
Leo Garcia
checked but i have no idea who that is faglords
Joseph Anderson
checked, also
Joseph Moore
Hey you're that faggot that says 'im gay' that my brother likes to see ronnie rotten vines of.
Lincoln Moore
tits or gtfo
Elijah Myers
Eli Russell
Brandon Campbell
How many times do you shit your pants daily?
And why do you plan on ruining Holla Forums by normalizing it for the publicon a Tuesday? Why geez why..?
PS: i fucking love your shit bro
Benjamin Rodriguez
FAKE picture
Jaxon Bennett
Jordan Myers
Thomas Lopez
He's kinda gay. so he'd put me situations where I had no choice but to touch it.
He quit making YT videos that are based around his alter ego stuff. Not sure if he quit doing pink guy music though.
Yeah, my viewers are fucking cancer.
I won't ruin 8ch. I needed a "quiet" ama for a video, the only fags who know about it are the ones who use this site.
Eli Morgan
based ian, what are your goals for the future? And do you want to collaborate with our company called ohni.io. We will make you a crypto millionairre. If you work with us.
If yes, join our telegram on our website ohni.io
Wyatt Cooper
Do you write scripts for your videos before recording, improv them on the go, or do sort of a half and half? Futo
Mason Allen
Charles Baker
Sick photoshop, faggot. I bet you're the same user who pretended to be I Reddit Everything back in December.
Jose Powell
What's your opinion on the end of Filthy Frank as a fan and your opinion as a friend?
How're the squirrels holding up?
Do you want something from germany? I can ship it to you
Eli Martin
Do you think our society is evolving or devolving?
Where do you get your news from?
Would you like to change your video style to something more edgy or more classy?
Blake Johnson
If you think back what events do you think formed your personality the most
Carson Adams
Hey edorbs haha Big fan LOL
Jaxon Nguyen
Kayden Hill
OP is has been YouTuber….lmao
Owen Morris
qwalitie poost
Liam Ross
posting in a epic bread
Ayden Phillips
I will be back to answer the remaining questions later on.
Mason Bailey
What do you think about niggers?
Colton Butler
What's it like having the world's smallest penis?
Also, you're a fag lol.
Daniel Fisher
what do you think of pig balls?
Jackson Richardson
what's the most disgusting thing you've done for clicks?
Carter Rivera
What do you think of horse pussy and hows its superior to human pussy?
Eli Martinez
WTF is actually wrong with you? Did you ever get a real diagnosis or are you still seeing that homeless man that claims he's a doctor?
Jack Peterson
Also, how many times have you been fucked by Filthy Frank? I've always imagine you as a pretty strong power bottom.
Connor Cook
I'm 90% certain our ancestors that domesticated horses bred them to have killer asses too.
Easton Hughes
Did Max in a dress ever turn you on?
Brody Fisher
I'm honestly very happy that you're around making your show. I have some faggot family members that I didn't know who are completely retarded, until they told me that they watch your vids. Thanks to you, we have an understanding of what's wrong with them and how to treat them. Keep it up, you're doing God's work as an e-celeb, autist wrangler.
Xavier Taylor
This is cuckchan level shit.
Lincoln Morris
We're already on 8ball, it's not like we're that clever in the first place.