I'll start.
ITT: We post gross shit people put on sandwiches
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Not enough high fructose corn syrup for you undeveloped amercian palette?
mayonaise is disgusting and looks like semen and anybody that eats it secretly desires to eat semen
Dijon mustard is fucking great on a burger.
I weep for the Yuropoor, whose only knowledge of burgers comes from shitty McDonald's burgers. There is nothing quite like a real thickburger made with a 1/2 pound of angus beef.
Further proof that Australians are eternal shitposters. Their two most internationally famous foods, Vegemite and Fosters, are terrible. I don't even think Australians drink Fosters themselves; they just export it out of spite.
Fosters is ok if you put a dash of Tabasco and squeeze a lime into it. Vegemite has no redemption. I believe it is 90% Koala shit, 10% Abbo back sweat.
What? There are heaps of quality burgers, home made, deli burgers etc etc. Not all burgers are yank trash in europe.
Mustard is one of the most popular condiments in the states, op just has terrible taste.
What? I don't know how that would make it better. Then again, I don't drink beer too often. I've never really gone beyond bourbon and coke, straight bourbon/rum/any hard alcohol that's not Vodka, White Russians, and Old Fashions.
And that's why Americans with taste prefer Miracle Whip
The Tabasco adds a spicy kick and the lime makes a nice tangy flavor. A straight pilsner like Fosters is horrible on its own. You have to add flavor.
Fosters is a lager, pleb.
That is why you don't like it.
Amerifags don't like anything but piss pils, and even then only if they froo-froo it up with citrus and shit.
Not saying Fosters is good, just saying you are not one to judge if you don't even know what it is.
Fuck off you gay faggot. That stuff is great.
Sandwiches eat people…
Get the country style version of GP…. then mix with duke's mayonnaise.
Niggers prefer miracle whip. Mayonnaise is preferred by whites because it is savory and tastes good. Niggers like sugar and other artificial shit added to their meal. Just like how they prefer menthol cigarettes.
The secrets in the sauce
the upper half of that shit looks like a nigger trying to suck his own dick
This, OP is trash that probably dunks his sandwich in ranch dressing.
he sucking his daughter ass on live on youtube
he sucking his daughter ass on live on youtube
pls see my thread
Drugs are bad, M'kay?