kill whitey
I see no problem here
Has there been any shooting in the last few years that was not idpol related?
no, because sociopaths are always driven by an instict to belong somewhere.
"Here lies the origin of the late-modern form of tragedy: at the threshold where illusion is mistaken for reality, and identities are perceived as authentic forms of belonging. It is often accompanied by a desperate lack of irony, as humans respond to today’s state of permanent deterritorialization by enacting their craving for belonging through a chain of acts of murder, suicide, fanaticism, aggression, war."
Nice try, Holla Forums
Three guys took down twelve cops. They can be trans* autistic sex negative feminists for all I care, I'll be drinking to them tonight.
Well done sons of Chocolate Rambo, you are the heroes the proletariat needs.
The funny thing is that when Dorner killed a bunch of cops, Holla Forums praised him for "cleaning up" the force of corruption and so on.
They've been eating so much of their own trashcan. Maybe it's time to stop.
I see no problem with this
Dorner killed those who have wronged him.
These niggers just shoot at random cops.
They are gonna hang.
Don't see anything wrong with it, revolution now!
If they survive police custody, these people are going to get the fucking death penalty.
Why did they want to be taken alive?
Nah, for that happen people need to like the cops in the first place,but nobody likes pigs that much.
For the publicity I guess.
Look at twitter you stupid fuck, normie central, everyone is crying about peace and how cops shouldnt be killed lol.
Blm can now be framed as a violent movement and not a peaceful protest, millions of liberals just got redpilled today
I wonder what obumner would say/do saw these threads.
If he
why not just 'anarcucks'?
He didn't kill any white civilians, but he killed a bunch of cops. Actions are louder than words.
What people say online for show and what they really think are two very different things.
For example, I doubt when the frame of reference two years from now where a dozen such incidents were innocent black people are murdered by cops will be in a different light because "muh poor piggies :( "
Violence against violence actually solves things.
Pictures like this are going around the normiesphere.
Think outside of your lefttard bubble for once.
This isnt good for your side retards.
>A suspect who was killed by police after snipers shot 12 Dallas officers, five fatally, "wanted to kill white people, especially white officers," police chief David Brown said.
OP trusts what the cops say… why? Oh, because he's a cop lover. Fuck off classcuck.
Say it with me.
yeah because liberals have no stomach, they believe the bullshit about non violence, that doesn't mean they somehow all became pig lovers
Dude, they shot like 13 people and 11 of them were cops. It's safe to say they hate cops and wanted to kill them.
If it makes you feel any better, I'm an actual tumblr user and haven't seen anyone say one bad thing about cops being shot since last night or speak of them positively. But I'm also a long-time user so I've carved out my own space for myself and don't browse tags.
sound it out
Sure it's good.
things like that make suicide seem less scary
the normies outnumber you far left retards, how do you think nixon got elected in the fucking 60's?
Forgot shitposting flag
uh, but it's not safe to say that he wanted to mass shoot white people. which is OP the classcuck's allegation.
is this Holla Forums or a liberal trying to scare us? Trump will bring us acceleration. I'm not going to support him in any way, but he's not a threat to the left.
Shit, thought I was in a different thread. OP can fuck himself.
liberals being against violence doesn't mean they've been 'redpilled', put your cock away, they just love fences, that doesn't mean they're suddenly going to vote for trump.
this one made me lol pretty hard
You are not even trying
all it takes is more muslims shooting up gay clubs and niggers killing cops and trumps got this shit in the bag, the silent majority will flock to him in droves in order to bring order to america
keep believing that classcuck, your far right shit is just as obscure as leftism, neither of us will get what we want, hillary will be president.
You mean the confused gay Afgani shooter who shot up the club because of his ex-gay lover is a sign of Muslims taking over?
Second you have immersed yourself so much into the Holla Forums-koolaid that you don't realize how liberals think, all of these shootings are framed from the position of gun rights.
Nobody likes trump lmao
I don't think Holmes was.
Nobody here cares if Trump beats Clinton. Fuck them both.
Trump is getting fucked in the polls, even shillary is polling better.
I can feel your anger at reality i present to you that libtards love authority and you are just edgy hippie neckbeards, typical of the left.
All those riots and protests in the 60's got nixon elected, you retards.
Thats not what acceleration is.
It didn't really matter if it was idpol or not, this is going to increase the already bad tensions between the police and the working class.
All cop deaths are justified.
The problem is killing them for idpol reasons.
what a week lads
And as we all know, Nixon was such a popular president that did wonders for the image of the Right.
actually pol fucking loves Nixon, dude was redpilled as fuck about the jews and niggs, liked mexicans though for some raisen.
“Our negotiations broke down. We had an exchange of gunfire. We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot.”
lol what?
the mass shooters with the highest kill count in america are a muslim and a korean
yet another proof Holla Forums is wrong about idpol
Why would Holla Forums like someone that is so easily bribed by simple confections.
meaning whites suck even at mass shootings.
It can't be that hard to just keep someone isolated until they get too tired/dehydrated/hungry to go on or run out of they bullets and arrest them. Jesus. Also the civilians shot were accidents. The shooters were only after cops, so they wouldn't have even had reason to fear he'd go after innocents.
No, whites just go all out.
lol who cares, texas just killed a nig with a robot, thats some hardcore shit
he walked right into that one lmao
also mcveigh literally did nothing wrong
pol pls
yeah those daycare kids were just gonna grow up to be federal stormtroopers anyway
Can i say i just fucking loooooove cop cock
Like when a bunch of officers just no knock raid your ass and you sit there taking all those big blue cocks all at once
feels amazing
Like it or not, PoC make up a huge portion of the proletariat (in the West anyway) so idpol will be a powerful recruitment tool for the proletarian revolution. The trick is to synthesize race and class analysis and keep it in the forefront to keep it from being Holla Forums Nazi masturbation fantasy fuckery.
t. US administration
Why yes, that is in fact how conflicts go, and the point is that focusing on muh poor dead babbies is pure propaganda.
To consider the killing of innocents to be mere "collateral damage" is the ideology of ISIL jihadists and US Army drone operators.
No, it's the ideology of literally anyone who has to seriously consider the logistics and implications of any sort of violence, no matter where they land on the political spectrum. No shit it's terrible but the fact that it is an inevitable byproduct does not delegitimize conflict in the first place.
I live in the Pacific Northwest, so it's a little skewed, but every BLM march I've been to is like 50% white. It's nowhere near the "kill whitey"/black separatism that righties would have you believe.
You're right, the people in the states who are most likely to have nothing to lose but their chains are POCs. And if most likely white and male Holla Forums poster were to try to organize among them while only talking about class and not mentioning race, he'd be told to fuck off really damn quick.
Remember that even the Tsar's children were machine-gunned.
Isn't Donald Trump polling incredibly low compared to Hillary on almost every national poll save for shitty ass Rasmussen? Shit, the dude spent the last week stumping himself via whining about that star bullshit instead of going after Hillary for the e-mail shit. How the hell will he win this election barring some miracle?
It's like you think that they are incapable of recognizing their own situations.
Can't Swan Song the Johnson
Can't Uncle Tom the Johnson
Can't Caution the Johnson
No Shots On the Johnson
Micah 'Freeze Cracka' Johnson
Micah 'Pig Freaker' Johnson
Micah "Is that a bomb, son?" Johnson
its fucking july not November, the economy could collapse before this shit is all done.
Remember, the polls said brexit wouldn't win either.
He seems spooked to high hell.
Bretty gud tbh.
oh well
The economy is not teetering on the brink. It might tip into a recession as happens regularly with capitalism, but a collapse will require something catastrophic to happen. If that happens, who wins a presidential election will be the least of anyone's concerns.
Pure ideology
This has nothing to do with identitarian appeasement.
This is a local community slowly rising against an occupying force. Sure, it's shitty that it has to be bound up along racial lines, but if that is what black communities feel is necessary for their self-determination, at least for now, then so be it.
I don't think I'd consider him a reformer at this point.
What a noble people. I can't wait to live in peace and harmony with them in our future anarcho-communist utopia.
you ever talked to a Stalinist?
You simply cannot make this shit up
i would like to read a manifesto or anything from the people who have done it
You just did.
leftcom is a retard posting from his asylum bedroom
people of color is a stupid term, it implies white people are absent from color.
There is literally nothing wrong with going around calling people "pocks". pee-oh-cee takes to long to pronounce.
This is what these shithead LARPers are defending.
Gulags are required.
>yes, white man, it's the blacks who are out to get YOU personally
Fuck off anyone who is posting this shit or taking these Holla Forumsyp baiters seriously. The shooters had plenty of opportunity to slaughter white civilians and they didn't kill a single person. Taking this "kill all white people" shit at face value - assuming the shooter actually said it - is nothing more than sheltered white people being scared of black people.
Show solidarity and stop making white people look like ignorant assholes.
Can someone tell me why they're like this in America, Europe, Africa, and even China?
Surely it's everyone else's fault.
Blacks are racist everywhere they go.
It sure is something to see the 'white liberal' reaction that the 60s activists talked so much about.
Makes me wonder how the BPP got any support.
Unfortunately it's just "fuck the crackers".
Actions speak louder than words and the shooters didn't kill a single civilian and only injured one. If you really think that there's going to be a mass movement to attack white people, you're probably just a pussy ass cracker with latent racism.
Though maybe if you weren't being an ignorant asshole and showed solidarity you wouldn't have to worry about that.
Yep, he was a bullshit black nationalist. This is why IDpol is cancer and why we need actual left wing movements. Crazy fucker probably believed white people are ayylien demons or some shit.
Yes, but they don't get reported on.
That's the literal opposite of what a sociopath is.
hi Holla Forums
It shows a strong sentiment, anarkiddie.
I will be laughing when you get the back of your skull caved in by your "allies".
They see it as a racial conflict, accept it and make your own way.
I too will be laughing when your bald head gets caved in by niggers while they rape your Aryan wife :^)
Muh class conscious warrior
We live far away from the action.
I'm an actual prole, you see :^)
Wow, what a revelation.
Actually this is the sort of thing we're trying to stop. But you can go back to Holla Forums with DUR DUR NIGGRS DUR WHITE POWER.
He was a black nationalist. He stated he wanted to kill white cops.
Not necessarily a mass movement, but there will be racially motivated violence. It's pretty clear that black people view this almost exclusively in a racial dimension.
Literally Holla Forumsyp tier.
Literally Tumblr tier.
Showed solidarity how? I understand the anger and resentment in the black community, but being okay with people who blatantly want my destruction isn't solidarity.
Sure, if I kowtow to Farrakhanite fascists, maybe they won't kill me for looking like the people who fuck them over.
This is realpolitik, child.
They see it that way, not me. Therefore they must be neutralised the same as the bourgeoisie.
IDpol programming is working spectacularly.
Black nationalists and white nationalists are useful idiot lemmings.
you're not fooling anyone. >>>Holla Forums
You're not an ML, we are.
Is it crowded in your head?
We was kangz: the Facebook page.
There's more than one poster sick of you LARPing Redditors flooding this board.
hell yeah
m8, all I'm trying to say is that if you're going to just outright take some errant statements about "kill whitey" at face value when the actions of the shooters show that what they're saying is nothing more than shock rhetoric from marginalized and pissed off people, you're probably just a honky motherfucker who has cuckservative sentiments at the very least and is actually scared of reverse racism.
I obviously don't support any Nazi masturbation fantasy shit but I think it's naive as fuck to just jump to the conclusion that these people want >le anuddah shoah because they're shitposting about killing whitey. I'll believe that when there are black nationalist groups targeting white civilians or releasing manifestos or some shit. You know, like what the Dallas shooters had ample opportunity to do.
I'm not a Holla Forumsyp.
Black nationalists and black racists hate white people and want to slaughter us. How can you deny this?
There is no "proper ML conduct" in a pre-revolutionary Bourgeois state
It is strongly anti-marxist to deny the people righteous self-defense.
you fail to recognize Holla Forums's writing style
National liberation isn't supremacist.
Are you Holla Forums pretending to be Holla Forums pretending to be Holla Forums again? please stop it.
I don't know how you can excuse 'shock rhetoric'. If other marginalized and pissed off people say such things, is it excusable? If fascists talk about killing minorities and Jews or Islamists talk about killing kaffirs is it just a manifestation of a greater, legitimate butthurt? Or is it rather a reflection of their ideology?
I'm scared of minorities who see everything in a black/white dimension (figuratively and literally). The intense ethnocentrism among blacks is a huge problem.
It may happen. Racists on all sides are getting bolder. I'm sure this incident will inspire some white racists to carry out some kind of reprisal.
Why can't it be?
Oh I don't doubt that it's Holla Forums, but all the same there are plenty of people who continually get convinced by the right wing sentiments of Holla Forums on this board.
BLM already look like faggots and the poor bastard that got shot on the ground likely wasn't killed for his race. Blacks could literally be saints on Earth and people would still find an excuse to blame societal ills on them.
A racist idiot managed to kill some cops, and the cops that mean well are above the Mason-Dixon line.
See, the thing is, fascists were never a marginalized group of people who had been oppressed for hundreds of years systematically. It was literally a couple European nations who were butthurt that they couldn't take part in the imperialism game. It's not comparable to black people in the US or Muslims in the Mid East - and while I don't agree with the fundamentalist Muslims targeting any and all Westerners, I cannot deny that we shouldn't be surprised that's happening when they've been exploited by Western imperialism for the last fifty years or so.
Well, the more that white people don't represent and show solidarity, the more likely it is that tensions are just going to start flaring up between whites vs. blacks rather than the oppressed against the oppressors.
He wasnt affiliated with blm though
When I said fascists, I was speaking specifically about modern white nationalists etc. They tend to be proletarian and pretty alienated from the societies in which they live.
I agree. Same for black Americans. But I'm saying there exists a spooked portion of the community in both cases who are violent extremists who view things in simple terms.
I tend to agree, but we have to ask what is to be done about the more militant and racist factions in both communities.
This is why I'm worried about ethnocentrism in the black community and the cancer of black(and white) nationalism.
Blacks don't think Whites can be oppressed.
how am i triggered? I think that the poc is retarded so i am triggered?
nice logic/10
Well I'm glad we're at least able to get to a level of sane discussion. That seems like such a rare thing these days on Holla Forums
I won't deny that there are literal black fascist nationalists - the Farrakhan types - but my main point here is that I think we need to not be so quick to jump to interpreting these events as an act of black fascist nationalism against whitey. I think that there's still not enough information out there anyways to form a clear picture of what the shooters' political motivations were. An edgy statement about killing whitey isn't proof that they actually want to do that, and I certainly think their actions demonstrate this.
And I think this is important for curbing the actual black fascist minority that exists in the conversation. I think that solidarity will go a long way towards this by showing that white people aren't all ignorant fucks, but we'll have to see how this plays out in the coming days and months in any event.
Black nationalism is such a prevalent disease in modern American politics because for the US government, it was by and large the lesser of evils, because the black community used to have tremendous revolutionary potential. The rise of the Black Panthers in urban communities helped ease racial tensions among the working class, despite classcuck media insisting that they were ebul and want to kill all whites or whatever, but in the process they gave socialist and collectivist values a much more positive image. Naturally the FBI wouldn't let this go unpunished because durrhurr scary reds, so they killed it from the inside and left the black community aimless.
This feeds well into the status quo because it ensured that the black populace would keep voting Democrat out of apathy.
Revolution has come, time to take up the guns!
just a normal day here
i'm guessing if hillary just had right wing sympathies Holla Forums would ride her dick
Well, the shooter was clearly a black nationalist and the negotiators said the shooters wanted to kill white cops. Although you do have a point about them not just killing random white people.
I agree.
Exactly. The porkies & co have gone out of their way to stoke ethnic tensions and reduce class consciousness.
If anything, the intense racism blacks have faced is the cause of the very ethnocentrism I described. Black people (as well as everyone) need to move past this one dimensional view if we're going to have real change.
Holla Forumsyp sockpuppet, go home.
good goy
At least when the Nazi masturbation fantasy is over, we can have a class war I guess.
God I hate Idpol bullshit.
another cop shot near st louis
it won't stop happening
Why can't we kill niggers and bourgies at the same time tbqfhwyc
The time for class war is long past.
We lost in 1980. Now there is only liberalism, IDpol and far right bullshit.
It's over. Just wait for the nuclear war to wipe out this mistake called human civilization.
Black people are proles, too.
I'm not going to kill anyone if they don't attack me. In the meanwhile, if they're willing to fight the state, they're my allies.
Fuck off nazi faggot
Lumpens gonna lump
What a surprise
The lumpen'proletariat' are subhuman trash.
At least the porkies are sometimes productive and contribute to the arts etc.
It's true. Executives can contribute to the running of their firms and rich fucks often invest in libraries, theaters etc.
I'm saying this as an anti-capitalist.
Lumpen contribute with art and litterature that have a thousand times the value the tosh porkie give us.
fucking pleb lmao
Yeah but the projects they support within those institutions are aimed at "their own", ie. not poor people. I can't get excited about bourgie philanthropy, sorry.
(One of my favorite artists was a boug though, but probably a leftist. Pic related.)
Meh, I think both are valuable.
Although you've brought up the fact that for every rag graffiti artist and porky funded philharmonic, there are fifty degenerate rich kids and socially destructive turbofelons.
I sympathize with them on some level and understand how they ended up in the gutter, but I'm not too fond of someone whose ambition in life is to stab Kelvin for his WacArnold's money to buy dope and rims.
Meanwhile some porky kids become feel good hippies who realize how fucked things are and want to do nice things for the world.
This is often the case. Although it's more ideological (muh bootstraps) than necessarily more shit for rich faggots.
Have you actually checked twitter? This is completely false for twitter users over ~30 years old. People say stupid shit in the same twitter account that has their full name, pictures of their work place and pictures of their family.
This is why you're retarded.
Niggers should be euthanized. I think I'm done associating with the cancerous left.
Holla Forums pls we know the shooter was a classcuck, that doesn't mean he wasn't useful
also we all know that "kill whitey" social media screenshots are your false flag accounts
all me
No he fucking wasn't.
Not having read both volumes of Das Kapital and shitposting about it doesn't make him a classcuck.
Do you honestly think this man would hold ANY grudge against you or any other fair-minded white person? Do you honestly think he would praise some black porky who harms the working class like white liberals would?
When you retards confuse pride and self-determination with supremacy like Holla Forums wants you to is when you lose.
He killed PIGS as a retaliation to growing police violent against fellow proles, holy fucking shit.
growing police violence*
Soon Holla Forums will be siding with the Turks against Kurdish "Idpol"
It will be fun seeing niggers killing antifa in droves.
It will be reminiscent of that communist faggot that got aids in prison by niggers.
I welcome the hell that will follow.
do you guys usually lurk our board this much and are just manifesting it now or are you just this triggered by a few cops being shot?
Reconnaissance makes us strong.
Holla Forums is filled with low IQ dullards so we formed our own group ready for antifa scum and communist filth like you.
Based ironic tankie poster gets it. The reaction to this whole affair on Holla Forums is pretty disgusting. The board for a long time has had a naive amount of ideological bias against anything not grounded in pure orthodox Marxist materialist bullshit, but being this quick to believe the spin the media is putting on the shootings is pretty close to being racist.
Holla Forums WILL defend this
Why would we defend the product of neoliberal American society?
Ah, the classic escape hatch: when backed into an argument by lack of reasoning, pull a false claim out of your ass like a smoke bomb.
you're a fucking baby, who gives a shit if the message has been communicated? do you not realise that you are essentially being triggered by someone else's specific use of words?
Whem these niggers start attacking antifa for not supporting their nationalism I will smile with delight.
is Nazi left wing or right wing then
PoC means any ethnicity besides being white, it's an umbrella term used for minorities in the USA you dumbfuck.