3 year old girl kidnapped by niggers

In Augusta, Maine…


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no hope of finding her whole then

RIP Lenore

According to the report, China is responsible

Good luck Lenore. May the angels be with you.

Baby shouldn't pay for the madness of their parents.

There are some real savage Somalian niggers around here. That's what I assume these ones are.

That poor kid…

niggers will rape her until she screams blood and then mutilate her with razors

Did the Jews put this on CNN?

Thank the Lutheran church for bringing 15k somalis into lewiston.

Sounds to me like they accidentally killed the kid and are trying to make a run for it.

Or, she will be raped by them and their pals.
Niggers are sickening

No, but I am getting multiple amber alerts on my phone

Only Black Lives Matter.

Everyone else is nothing.

What are niggers scared of most?

Looks like she'll be a dead girl



Cmon be serious

I meant a psysical entity

We Robots Now.

Dogs, especially big ones.


Is it selfish that I get really pissed the few times those amber things go off on my devices and that I can't switch them off?
I don't know the kid and I don't leave house, I should be able to opt out. Always seems to happen in middle of something and scares the shit out me when it rings.

I would like to speak to Mr. Dindu Nuffin.

I just need to ask him a few questions.

Get yourself a fucking huge Ovcharka then guys.
Niggers ain't going to do shit with a big dawg in the house, and if he is stuck in the house with the dog then you can legally shoot the nigger. problem fixed.

Yea man it scared the shit out of me too. I think it's good if it helps though.

>Gissentaner is described as having a slender build. Police say she occasionally cares for the child.

God damnit. And why don't they even say Fatima is a nigger under such a pressing situation? Are they that cucked?

She's most likely to already have reenacted a toddlercon doujin. Poor girl.



they've abused it too much in my area. They use it when some jew mother and father in middle of bitter divorce misses drop off by 5 mins and calls the cops just to be a cunt.
people don't even pay attention anymore.

THIS X1000

Never ever ever ever relax around blacks


sad news, brings tears in my eyes
I shouldnt come here I always get this

Cant imagine what could happen to the poor girl

Broke ass nigger right there.

Somalians pick sandnigger names, not retarded western ones.

I can. And it makes me rage at niggers.

Man's best friend.


ahahahah little coalburner burning the coal



I reckon when Trump gets his ass in the Whitehouse, there will be mass chimpouts across the western hemisphere.

That is when you need to strike.
It'll be too chaotic to manage otherwise.

Child Support, not even the return of the slavery put more fear in their hearths.

da KKK homie dat mufuggin white hood lookin like a ghost n shiiiiieeettt

Should have just shot this poor kid in the back of the head. At least she won't be suffering mentally and physically. I'm sure she's been raped and tortured. Thinking about it actually makes me sick.

What an idiot mother… but this is what the liberal poisoning does to your brain. You just become completely vulnerable and unable to keep in touch with your natural instincts.

The rope


Every fucking time. They envy and hate us, but they also secretly (and not so secretly) fetishize us. Even their fucking pedos run to this.

What?! You can't trust a kidnapper?! When did THAT start happening?!

Augusta PD: What in the dog-fucking hell, you guys?

Fucking hellfire, look at these fucks.

Job applications

I got the amber alert for this. I didn't expect to see a thread about it here.

That poor baby. I'm really not surprised anymore that she got kidnapped by a couple of niggers. Somalis are all over the place now. Saw a few when I went out recently and an old white lady gave them a death stare as they walked by her. No one trusts niggers here except the regressive left.


Are we going to war with China now too?

The girl is dead.

If dubs, then it's the white man.

Sounds like she's not going to be found alive. I hate to make it seem like there could be any good in it, but at least every time this happens it probably pushes thousands (or tens/hundreds of thousands, depending on the scope of media coverage) of people off the fence and onto our side.

Can you explain this for a non-burger? Is there some hideous system where they can force your electronics to show you unwanted messages, or is it more like a mass text message/email?

niggers don't kidnap, I'm sure the dad raped and killed his own daughter and blamed a nigger for it.

Fuck off, kike.



They will pull out all the stops for a missing child, like Joe Bauers in Idiocracy.

Eventually it will be like Idiocracy. Apparently they now just lojack your car if you miss payments instead of send the repo man.

You can disable amber and severe weather alerts in your phone's settings.

The only alerts you can't disable are the new presidential-level ones. This is the system that was used in New York city a few weeks ago when they were looking for the jihadist bomber.

dem holy rollin ghosts…

Lesson learned: don't leave your White toddler in the care of spics and niggers.

This could have been prevented if kids could have guns.

she's been found
unraped and un-niggered it seems

pressherald. com/2016/10/04/augusta-police-searching-for-possibly-missing-3-year-old-girl/

Read about this after my phone went off nonstop with amber alerts for like an hour at work. It actually sounds like the two people who kidnapped her were drug dealers who knew the parents - apparently they used to babysit a lot for the parents but are from out of state. Probably two more faces for LePage's notebook (he keeps a notebook of photos like baseball cards of the minorities who commit drug-related crimes in the state, one of the many reason the liberals hate him.)

Glad they found her OK, also looks like LePage is getting another pair of photos:

Really nice. Thank fuck.

Thank you for correcting the record

That doesn't mean what you seem to think it means.

White people that don't suffer from white guilt and other jewish shit.

That little girl is dead. I'm sorry to say it but i'm 99.99% sure.

Just seen this post so I retract my comment .

that big white cock


No one is thinking big enough it is obviously the ocean.

I remember my kikebook being lit up when libtards were outraged when LePage used the name D-Money to describe heroine dealers coming to Maine. This shit is golden. Praise kek.

Without fail
niggers and jews must be exterminated

Gets me everytime tbh faminqua


Going back to Africa

Big Guys on Planes

….rwds when Holla Forums?
Please meme faster.

Thanks for the good news.

Thank God for that. Here's hoping the girl is safe and sound and untraumatized.

All niggers must hang, unironically

There are niggers in Maine?

Dumb fucking niggers. How many niggers can rape her before she dies, 2 or 3? They can kidnap a 30-year-old like Sharon Gray and rape her hundreds of times. That's hundreds of niggers cured of AIDS. The needs of the many outweight the needs of the few, or the one.


I wonder if they cleaned up all the evidence of the medical emergency. Niggers gonna hafta explain: "We wuz jus' playin' a game wid her. Suck the venom outta the snake. No one coulda predicted she would choke."

only a nigger would randomly pick a country for its nickname. What's next?

God damn I hope a race war starts soon.


Checked. It already has technically, it's just our side does nothing about it.


*[background 'das rite's intensify]*

confirmed niggers can't pass the Turing Test


Praise user for bringing us this good news.

Before Holla Forums I would get high and wank to gore, thanks to Holla Forums getting me reconnected with my folk I am able to feel normal emotion again.


were the parents trash that allowed niggers near her or was it a snatch and grab? The answer to that determines how much I REEE.

regardless rahowa but if this lass was snatched my rage will not be contained.

Praise Kek! Without this news my day was ruined.

reread the comment
then google correct the board
then delete system 32
you're welcome

Wasted trips.
If you want to fap to animals theres already a board for you, faggot.

which of you did this? hahaha