Anybody want some nudes? Current gf
Anybody want some nudes? Current gf
I would like to see some of her booty, please!
I don't want to see "her" benis.
Thank You
Is she AJJ LMAU?
Nudes are for edgelords. I'm a mature sophisticated, user. You guys could learn a thing or two from me, if you really want to be they type of user Holla Forums deserves.
That's a dude
Thanks for delivering, OP…
Way too much makeup. Post some more though.
Potential CP. Reported.
reported for false reporting
It's a precaution. The mods can decide.
OP is a faggot and won't deliver anyways.
You were saying?
wtf is this horrid shit im looking at?
her face cleans up nice at least
Her pussy is fucking tight too, she was a virgin when we met
where do you live, fallout 4?
Shes 18
In an old rv i rent out
Damn, makeup is deceptive.
How? Where do you live, moldovia? you cant legally rent a building with a falling in roof in america.
ignoring the fact that she has fucking goblin teeth
I would make her wear makeup all the time. How fucking horrid.
Also, why do you live in a fucking RV?
i lived in an rv for years - shit was cash - heap rent and if you dont like the neighborinos you just drive away… but my shit was way better than op's… no duck tape anywhere…
But then your shitbox breaks down and you're homeless
And you take a dump in the same room you sleep in.
Nah i just go to my parents restroom tbh
Really that place is just a place to fuck/vidya w/o disruption
No wonder, tbh, famalam