
Btw Sup ellen

Other urls found in this thread:


What kind of backwards shithole are you living in?

This jewess creeps me out


That other Jew that anons kept posting wasn't this creepy. I think this one doesn't have running water or at least doesn't use it.

That's waterist!

PissBoy go eat dog shit.

Imretarded gr8

I seen your tits⚡⚡


Why is it that you never try to look hot while you're whoring for attention?

You posted a pic….duh!!

yeah how are people sposed to fap with that shit

Too lazy sry

Sexy babe - love you.

aren't you like making money now? Sounds like poor self esteem to me. You are still a lolita girl.

Yeah tho I'm shit and on me period
You mean the fashion or?

Hey Lilith what are your thoughts on the memo?

Sexy all the way around.

lolita girls always think they are shit, pull up the petticoats and you see the cutting scars

Oh tenk, you mean z pedonigger prohibition n confinement? Well idk I think that their shitposts made 8 b edgy (4 b nukes even slightly cunnyfagy threads) yeah now they can still circlejerk on younglove but it's kinda fun when they spam siberian mouse memes here


Yeah in my opinion they tend to act like weaboo Stacy s.
They loose their shit if any lolita girl acts sexual cause 'they don't want the fashion to be sexualized' while insisting that the name has nothing to do with the book and that the japs just thought it was a cute word 0w0. Meanwhile what is lolicon or even jap porn featuring Lolitas (if any white girl did that there d a witch hunt). Also the cattyness I've seen girls taking creepshots on meet ups just so they can talk shit about the outfit on cgl


Anymore boobies pics?

Hey Roz, your mouth looks damn good in so do just this for me: another photo but with rounder mouth, looking into camera. Thanks!


You look like fiona from shameless. Are you a practicing jew? Do you intend to have children with a Jew?

Ohhhhh tenkkk ya so much

I'm Russian federation police.

Yes! Hot. Kissable. Do even rounder!

Have you ever thought about LARPing as a woman? With enough work, you would probably be good at it.

shoop . fake thread

Come on, I'm edging desperately here. Only you can end it!

Rozelli is a nice girl tbh.


Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, cummies!

Ohhhhh tenkkk ya 💗

So, how's your life going? Happy, sad, middle?

Would you meet up with an user and poop in his hands then let him gouge your eyes out with his shit stained fingers and eat your eyeballs?

hi sweetheart always enjoy this your work

Does she ever post her back acne? Or videos of her popping cysts? Thats my favorite.

hello cutey

By that do you mean spam actual Siberian Mouse sets because that's what I've been seeing.

Give me a good picture to jack off to

I mean this

Can we see your bloody pussy?


Omg rly??

Since it's me day of z month I'm more sensitive hungry and lazy than usual

Mouse Love




She's greek, right? It's not that hard to guess.

Oh that's cool too I guess. Yeah pedos are having a bad time.

Meh they'll be fine

post a bloody pussy shot
also pedos can fuck off

most places that arent cuckmerica, fag


stay classy, Holla Forums
nice digits though

it's a kike with a stupid face
i don't get it, at least go back to boxxy, she was kinda cute after she put on three pounds of makeup


plz stawp

It's because most of the people she attracts eat curry. They have a culture that worships literal shit.


I wonder if I'm the only one who came to that pic. :)
To me it's more erotic than nudes. Hoping to see more like it in the future.

Hey Roz do you like having orbiters think of you when they're cumming?

Ohhhhh tenkkk sure if it pleases ya



What you do to your knee?

It does, very much.
Do one more, very round with closed eyes!
Please :)

Bicycle accident



I nominate this poster for Mod/vol/BO
do I hear a second

Post a closer pic of that scar if you will m'lady.

Bumping for RozzzZZZZzzzZZZZzzzzzzZZZZzzz
See you when you wake up


What do you think of this band?

Hey roz, please do the same pose for the pussy shot but hold /squeeze your pussy like a hamburger, pics rel

Tbh I'd hit it.


Ohhhhh tenkkk

Bumping for more pics.

u guys like my thread



Also mods please don't delete this entire waifu thread, just clean the CP in case it gets in here. Thanks.

t. cp spammer

She's mildly attractive, but there's just something so "off" about her. I can't tell what it is. Then again, I always did think the basket case from breakfast club was a real qt.


I want Roz in the pose.
Bump for fap thread.

Her fuckholes look pretty atrocious

user…that insult was lovely.

I see cleaning supplies yet your house is filthy. Can you not fail as woman any harder?

Stop attacking my waifu. All you do is hurt.
*hugs Rozelli*

This ugly cunt is Holla Forums's log meme


Online soon profiles.myfreecams.com/Rozelli

and yet they still get jobs in porn.

hey you do scrub up well, you've got that "autist girl next door look" that will get a bunch of lonely neets.

I hope you do more mouth stuff

Please don't bring that stale old red dildo, it's offputting tbh

Why? I don't have many alternatives

sharpies are always popular lol

Harro Bernd

Eyyyyyyyyy tenk

Oh like?

Lel they ain't


KLS: kissy, licky, sucky
The usual

Is that banana dildo soft or hard btw?

show anus

Fake and gay.

show liver

On now




You dumb fuck i said hold it like a hamburger while doing the same pose in the second pic from this


Girl on our left is absolutely impregnatable, and I would willingly oblige.



Was hoping for some nazi themed rape porn from her.

Will settle for bleaching her shit stained butthole.



Rozelli you go girl.

Roz do a cock kissing face!

fuck off, retard

Ehy always the expression like in these pictures

She looks alright when she isn't making that face.

*Why always


Guys they just described me a Prozac and two Xanax a day wat do?


Stream more, you whore.




Plz ;¬;

I give you attention… you give me kissy face.


kill yourself shitzelli

Rozelli has a big vagina.

Oh ;~;

Rozelli I'm just trolling, you are sweet.

I want to fuck you violently

when is next broadcast mama?

What type of trauma did you had as a child Roy?



Rozelli do you fap to hros pron? i do

Meh I used to lowkey be into dogos lowkey

I can mash my hard hairy nipple on the keyboard and come up with a better reply, you melted jizz-candle fuckstick twatwaffle. Go use a live piranha as a fleshlight. You were supposed to be a stain on the sheets, but now you're a stain on society. It's sheeple like you who blindly suck the jizz from their misinformation cock.

Stop hurting my Rozelli, you copy-pastin' jackass!
*pats Rozelli on head*

Rozelli, Rozelli give me the lewdiolis.

so you are depressed and can't sleep due to anxiety? Xanax is pretty sweet stuff.

Personally I'm a fan of the opiates though.

Rozelli will bite your nut's.

I'm not anxious at all just depressed lazy and gluttonous. I can't even sell z tabs cause my mom forces em on me . Here is the second xan for today should I swallow or hide it?

put it in pussy

swallow of course

Rozelli throw that shit in the trash.

can u crush and snort those tabs?



You are 18? Dude, imagine how gross you're going to look at 36

I kno ;~;

don't worry, you'll find a betabuck to pay for you and little jamalios

Oh !_!



You actually look cute. See how easy it is to not make those weird faces and look normal?

My dick is expanding and getting hard. It's all sensitive and throbbing. What do?

also rozelli do this and look really serious

My dick might explode if you do that, I'll need to get it put back together like a jigsaw


Are you still lurking Rozelli?
I need you to help me cum.

When you were a girl did you lust after older men?

What is the best way to get a 9-12 year old gf?

She's a jewess and therefore not human.

Also she's on heavy psychiatric drugs.

Ask the Mods [wink wink]

Wait I kni

Who are you referring to?

What the fuck man.


Is it true greek girls like anal?

Dooode I really like them titties