Halp i am dying

What the fuck? I didn't feel anything extremely painful. Should i see a doctor or something?

you have AIDS

Say thank you Pepe
AIDS now more Israel pumped

Also I am a pedo.

Also the is-aught problem is easily bypassed if one simply takes the view that only practical philosophy is useful by definition, and therefore to not ignore philosophies that are impractical is a waste of time.

Not unless it persists for a week or two. When it is brownish red is when you need to worry. You probably just have a tear in your rectum and can't feel it because it's too far up your butt where you don't have alot of pain receptors.

Is bloody poop a meme or are tons of anons just getting ebola?

Assuming you are being serious, it could just be an ulcer, it happens if you put too much stress on your body.

Depending on how bright red it is, it's possible you have a tear inside your rectum or a hemorrhoid, or worse, you have an anal fissure. If it still hurts in a day or two, go see a doctor. If not, it might not be anything.

I hope you get arrested and are burned alive.


Curious, what does brownish red indicate?

Magic is dangerous.

early symptoms of ebola

What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Lesbian Space Hitler Warp 10 Lizard People Nipple Salad
The following is a randomly generated number between 0-999999: 251417

Could be hemorrhoids. It's painful for me, but I make it worse cause I got into the habit of itching my asshole when I'm in bed, and that makes it worse af. When it first started happening though, it didn't hurt and freaked me the fuck out. Just so you know it may keep happening. Try to keep the cocks out for a week or two. If you don't, eventually it'll hurt so bad you'll have no choice

Do you clean your fingernails every morning? Poo likes it under there.

Ofc, I'm careful about that shit and it's been like this for years. I don't wanna eat poop, that's gross. I think I'm finally through it, cause the last time I had a lot of pain, it was almost impossible to poop, and I didn't touch my asshole at all, and it lasted for nearly 3 weeks. It was awful, but it's been a month and a half, and I've maybe itched it once since then


Intestinal bleeding, probable cancerous tumor.
You gonna get kill.

Sounds like you have pools of blood in your stomach. If you are unsure the best way to check is to take a think rope or sting, stick it down your throat into your stomach. If it comes up with blood on it, then you have pools of blood in your stomach. You dont need to go to the doctor, just be proactive and be organized.

helpful and informative