That moment as a kid when you found out Adam and Jamie weren't friends


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I wonder why…

Don't do it, faggot.

came to say this

there was a leaked picture going around of adam putting a banana in his ass, like that atheist fag.

Jamie seems like a cool dude who just wants to be left alone

I only realized why after I saw how much of a beta cuck Adam is. Jamie probably couldn't stand his shit.

It was worse than that. fist fucking?

*tips beret*


Jamie likely voted for Trump. Adam has all the attributes of a Bernie cuck.

savage is right

He fucked that girl up badly.

Now that I've looked into this, I'm shocked I've never seen this girl mentioned before on Holla Forums

There was a whole thread on it not too long ago.

I was referring to halfchan. At least they have a fucking archive, you know.
But still, didn't see anything here
It's been up for almost a year, numbnuts.

That's some nice cunny tbh.


When i was a kid i was amazed that they are so old, because the into said that they have 50 years of experience in special effects industry i trough that they must be like 65 and how they even can function at such old age

it's a transexual

Fucking kikes.

The show was much better the other guys, Sam looked like a homosexual and Adam like a bitch trying hard to look cool

That's because Jamie's a fairly rational, intelligent guy, and Adam is a sperg that puts most Holla Forumsyps to shame.

Was mythbusters the last they were "friends" on screen and they have gone their seperate ways?


Hi there little boy.

Savage takes a photo with some chick, then every year they take a photo of them holding last years photo because xD lmao reddit upboats, and this year was "My first metaphoto as a boy!!!"

What was his fucking problem?

Build Team > Adam and Jaime

That redhead was my childhood waifu before they got pregnant


Jamie must be a drumpfcuck

All they did was blow stuff up. So boring.

Jamie confirmed for Russian hacker.

Whats YOUR excuse?

I wasn't born a Baby Boomer

Sounds like a spy to me.

she knew what she was doing

Then why didn't Putin order him to kill Obama when he had the chance?


Why would Putin want to do something favorable for America?

An American spy, idiot. Why would a Russian spy need to study Russian?


Adam is a massive beta cuck, jamie might be a walrus but at least he is cool like mike rowe.

Tory, on the other hand, is the perfect Christian man

That is the girl who 'met him' every year since she was young, and this year met him 'as a boy.'


Didn't the redhead and the other girl hate each other too?

All women hate eachother


you mean Scottie? I haven't heard anything to suggest they hated each other more than women always do


Is that real?

Jamie is a cool guy and Adam is an insufferable reddit tier numale

It is.

Poor dude always got bullied.

sounds suspicious as fuck

pretty sure that has missing threads I've been in, and the threads that are there, are incomplete

Exactly. You've been tricked.


Please no. When they started giving these monkeys more air time is when the show probably should have just ended.

Mike Rowe is an anti-union shithead. He spent so much of his time doing a show dedicated to blue-collar workers and then says they shouldn't be paid decently.

And here we have a classic example of someone twisting words and generally just being a liar. Fuck off Holla Forums.

>>>Holla Forums

What's up with atheist activists and shoving bananas up their asses?

He's a boomer wagecuck, and like all boomer wagecucks he wants to personalize your failures, but at the same time he wants claim you owe what little you have to the group. "You should be thankful for your shitty, meaningless job, goyim, but remember you're a product of your own choices hehe!"

Almost forgot the most important part.

My grandfather was a representative for the Ford Motor Company Union and he made loads of cash off of doing it, and he didn't have to do a single productive thing to earn that money.

wew lad.

They may not have Jesus. But at least they have Pottasium.


Except the jobs Rowe advocates are, for the most part, blue-collar jobs that pay well over minimum wage in the States. He's spoke out primarily in favor of trade jobs and the like, and has been critical to the idea that "everyone should go to college" - mostly because that's what's been putting a huge number of people in debt that they can't pay off, because they end up unable to get jobs with their dipshit arts degree.

Did you not read what is clearly stated in the S.W.E.A.T pledge? In any case Mike Rowe is a wealthy TV man who spouts bullshit for his image. The system has problems, it's insane to blame the plebs entirely for their shit lot in life, and there's no incentive to work if you aren't making well above what you would on welfare. There's no pride in being a disposable cog in the Jew system. You aren't going to be given any respect for working some shit-tier job, and in fact every mother is going to point to you and say, "Look honey if you don't go do college you're gonna end up like that loser!", and then they probably will anyway. Take the N.E.E.T(NEETS against ETERNAL ENSLAVEMENT from TYRANNICAL-KIKES) pledge instead.

Maybe not all people should go to college, but they should definitely all go to kindergarten.

well he is a walrus after all

you mean soccer player?

I agree. NEETs would not be a problem if the job market wasn't in such a disastrous state and if boys and young men had the guidance they needed, Rowe is the type of person that shits in your bedroom and yells at you if you dare complain.


I can vouch for college that screws you over with student loan debt. If you don't get a job in the field you aimed for immediately, just trying to pay it off in a monthly schedule will be an uphill battle. You'll likely will be forced to take on the low earning blue collar jobs to just pay it off and make a minimal living.

Not to say that all colleges are scams, it's that they hardly have the incentive to help you get a job once your 3-4 years are up. Not everyone has the time for an internship while also seeking education. They could also have family issues that might hinder them from taking those oppurtunities. From my experience, I think college's need to work a lot harder to get their students gainfully employed. They might get more people applying to them if they have visible statistics to show that people are getting jobs because they paid the time and money to get that necessary education.

Point is that we are entering an era where jobs, any kind of jobs, will be a scarcity. Not just because the job market is getting oversaturated with Pajeets and pollacks, but because automation is obliterating more and more job positions. And it's not just going to stop at minimum wage shit like cashiers and burger flippers, AIs are perfectly capable of writing news articles, soap operas, they can diagnose patients with a higher degree of accuracy than a human doctor and play your lawyer better than a real lawyer ever could. In due time they'll be able to program themselves to improve efficiency and remove bugs.

In the next two or three decades we'll see a massive displacement of humans from the workforce.

It's to fill the void in their empty souls

I always got the vibe on the show that they despised each other. I'm not sure why people thought they were friends.

funny how that has never been the case in human history, but I'm sure this time is totally different

to me it always looked like they were the kind of people who annoy, but at the end of the day do genuinely like, each other

Because people could always be trained for other jobs and because back then the West wasn't getting flooded from every corner of the globe, and the population numbers weren't nearly as high.

Now not only are robots capable of doing jobs better than humans and require minimal human input, they are also replacing higher paying jobs as well, and the few jobs that will be left will be fiercely contested over by a global population.

I remember reading how Adidas closed up a factory in China, moved it to Germany and then didn't hire anyone because the whole place is run by robots. But keep pretending it's not happening lolbertarian.

even if robots become better than humans at every single job (and that's a pretty damn big if), humans will still have jobs because of comparative advantage.

the only situation where that stops being the case is if robots are no longer scarce, and if that happens then we're in a Star Trek style utopia where everything is free

and the Jewish elite bought the entire world right before it happened with stolen printed FED dollars.

It only works in Star Trek because of fusion + replicators. America in the current year would not be a bad place to live even at minimum wage levels if the government did not allow the bankers to financialize everything under the sun. That is the real problem because it drives up costs for no reason other than some douchebag on wall st. wants more money.

>>>Holla Forums

Automation in the industrial revolution certainly put a lot of craftsmen out of work. If they found employment later, it was a lower-skilled, lower-paid, and more arduous kind of work.

citation needed

what do you mean "financialize everything"?

I'm curious what kind of jobs do you think the millions of workers robots will replace will have. During the industrial revolution they could still find jobs at the assembly line working with the machines, but like I illustrated with the Adidas factory the automated revolution requires almost no human input.

The bankers create derivatives for everything. For example, they buy up a chain of laundromats, create a financial instrument that you buy into that gives you a piece of the money coming from the laundromats. Eventually you get your money back plus a return. The laundromats can operate just fine without this kind of financial engineering but the bankers demand more and more money. They get cheap loans from the central bank to pay for this. Prices go up for the customers at the laundromat to pay for all the financial engineering to pay the 1% their rightful gentlemanly "return on investment".

I don't know, but people in the 1970s couldn't have imagined web developer or social media ambassador as jobs, so that doesn't say anything

you mean stock?

What I am describing is usually called a roll up. The problem with business today is that since technology has seemed to stall there is no new real broad growth left. So the elite are basically liquidating us plebs for financial gain. This is why everyone has so much debt. I also think this is why Elon Musk gets so much support, because space is the only thing left to grow into so the elite can get a return. The elite believe that the are always entitled to a return and will grind us to dust to achieve it. The rich get all the upsides to capitalism and the poor get all the downsides.

I'd say the reason 'everyone' has so much debt is because they live beyond their means. it's not like anyone is forced to take out a loan.

Yeah you are. You need a house to live, the elite blow a housing bubble and all the property values go up. Mortage time. You need university to become and engineer, the elite blow an education bubble. Student loan time. The elite control the money and know people will spend money irresponsibly if given free credit. They are bad managers. The debt is on them not the poor dumb plebs. The

It doesn't really. Craftsmen who had knowledge in things became the knowledge base the machine builders drew from. A skilled maker is incredibly important if you want to build a machine, or run the machine, or monitor the machine. The skilled workers became manufacturing engineers.

Very rarely do machines replace people, at least in my experience. They are too general purpose and the reality is if you have human workers, they are very versatile. They have very excellent vision, excellent motor control, and can receive instruction easier than a machine. The reality is they break down less often as well and have a longer lifespan. Where machines win is that they can do things quicker and be optimized for tasks. They also don't complain, but instead of complaining they break down.

The real idea of automation is to free Humans for other tasks than menial shit to increase productivity. People can (and do) automate and fire people, but these people are fools. Humans who know your products and are familiar with the process of making them are incredibly important. Turn it all over to machines and you're fucked the minute something goes wrong. Who will tell you what's wrong with the part? Who will trace the process to find what caused it? Who will do the rework to fix it? The specialized machines?

That's the reality of right now. AI is a pie-in-the-sky concept years in the future. Just because someone makes a robot waifu doesn't mean we're closer to making a working machine brain that's able to run an assembly line. And ultimately, if machines do get to the point where they are happy just building shit, it means the utter defeat of the Jew. Shekels won't matter because shit will just be produced at cost by things willing to do so. Communism and capitalism will be irrelevant because we will more or less just revert to hunting and gathering resources built by machines.

but you don't need to own a house, and certainly not one in an expensive part of the country

but you don't need to become an engineer. also, college costs are a bubble because of government-subsidized loans. more money available for something -> higher price.

Loans are created out of thin air. The government backing of those loans is so the bankers do not lose money. All debt can be written off. ((( They ))) do not write loans off because they want to enslave you.

yes, fiat money is bad. doesn't change the fact that no one is forced to borrow money.

No one is forced to borrow money but all the important stuff in America like housing and education has been financialized. A house in 1965ish was basically the salary of a teacher. There is no reason that we can not return to that. By the same logic of no one is forced to do anything the elite do not have to financially rape America but they are.

What happened?

Leftism, it rots the brain

what do you mean? he busted the myth of the gender binary


she's too pure for porn

She did.

She did a lesbo shower scene I think.

Post it!

What actually happen? I bet he showed disgust to his mental ill daughter and Adam broke a heel over it.

Do you think the craftsman that were made obsolete due to industrialization all became well-to-do moguls or something? What awaited them was nothing but the epitome of shit work.

Well, half of them did in fact overcharge, and the best ones did get advantage out of this, to the point of squeezing every penny and now cataloguing everything they do as "craftman's"

what the fuck I thought Jamie was dead

Like I remember it being a big media thing holy shit what

how is he alive I fucking swear he was dead

like see this fucking meme

this was made when he passed away because he was dead and he missed or mythed him

fucking hell no he died i remember it crystal fucking clear I remember the internet weeping about it

god damn god fucking damn it i know this isn't right what the fuck

Didn't they shoot a cannon ball into someone's house?

Get this fucker back to the Berenstein universe.

yes. so?

Welcome to Berenstain, traveler.


They all secretly wish they were Christians.


We are in the Byrgenwerth universe.
Fear the old blood.

This is the bananaworth universe