What terminal fonts are you currently using ? I've been using Terminus for a while but I'm looking to switch to something else around it's size. Sadly most of the other bitmap fonts are either small than it or too big.
InputMonoNarrow Thin
There is objectively no font better than Terminus.
Fira Code Mono.
Does it work well with zsh?
I don't use zsh, just regular bash.
I tried zsh and fish a while back, and it's too much of a monolith of configuration and options, with the defaults being less-than-optimal.
zsh is better AND easier than bash unless you use faggot frameworks.
fish is a bad joke.
SGI screen is also good (and less wide).
I wasn't aware that using ZSH broke compatibility with other programs. I like fancy bells and whistles, but I'd prefer to stay on a standard, as shit as it is. It just means less shit and broken thing I have to debug.
If you're on linux you need bash anyway for system scrips which specify bash exclusively so there's no point in in moving to zsh and last time I checked zsh wasn't a gift from gods or some shit, just another shell.
Din (or relative because the Third Reich knew their fonts)
Share Tech Mono
Perfect DOS VGA 437 (ANSI NFO art)
Envy Code R (As used on Ghostbin)
Source Code Pro (As used in Watchdogs vidya game)
Letter Standard Gothic (or relative)
Kredit Back (or relative)
OCR A Extended
Terminus TTF (when you know there are other options than bitmap fonts)
You can never go wrong with Courier on screen or in print.
Or the usual ones that come up in this type of discussion: Inconsolata, Consolata, Fira Code Mono, etc.
Alpine doesn't need bash.
Zsh has some really cool features over bash. Option completion, better history and zkbd.
As a scripting shell (don't, be sh compatible, or at least ash), it has the interesting concept of not expanding variables that aren't quoted (since the entire expansion think is just a poor hack to get arrays).
Not that guy but how do I determine if my scripts are dependent on bash ? I basiclally learned bash from imageboards and forums.
run shellcheck on them. it'll tell you if they're compatible on posix, bash, or ksh. You can't reliably use the shebang line because some distros have /usr/bin/sh symlinked to something that isn't posix sh, like bash.
That lower case r is terrible
Adolf dubs checked
Agreed on the r. I'm not a fan of the O or 0 either. Normally the letter O is rounder than the numeral 0, which is reversed with mononoki. The extra slash was originally used on the letter not the number, which adds to the confusion.
Brown teabag
White sugar
White milk
Clear water
...but my tea is GRAY? Da FUG??!**
im fucking triggered
6x13, the white man's font
Hack: sourcefoundry.org
It's a great font; Jesus fucking Christ the website is a goddamn mess, though.
Is it free for personal use? If yes post link to download please.
I use liberation mono
All I ever do is
what's wrong with fish nigger
urxvt defaults
XTerm*font: -*-liberation mono-medium-r-normal--17-120-100-100-m-0-iso10646-1
It's cute, small and very readable for its size.
In my HiDPI laptop, where scaled bitmaps just look like shit, I use Iosevka.
Whatever has unicode support
protip, there's only like 5
Honestly I used hack and likes it but I started using monospace again because I don't really want to bother setting up fonts all the time and having that transitionary uncomfortable state bettween switching fonts.
useable ttf available to download
Download form is broken. Required checkbox cannot be ticked to initiate download.
Hack page code from:
to allow download button to work
Somebody is butthurt because fish is took all the good stuff from zsh with good defaults and no bloat.
But since it is not POSIX complaint, into the trash it goes.
Go Mono. I realize Golang is cancer, but that font is glorious.
It's a fucking shell. mksh is 10 times smaller. 10/10, you got me.
Interactive shell you moron. Unless you only use the shell to run scripts then you are a moron for caring about bloat compared to the features you get.
Plan 9 fonts as well. Also by B&H.