Does this video actually exist or is patrickfag trolling?
Does this video actually exist or is patrickfag trolling?
tbh I've seen worse shit than what he's describing on shady Tor sites. I'm not a complete sick fuck so I usually NOPE the fuck out whenever I see even thumbnails of this shit but I would not at all be surprised if that video was out there
its like i sadi. The world is a big place, and some people are into fucked up shit.
How does anyone find anything on Tor? When a site doesn't turn out to be a dead link it's a clearnet-tier "here's some thumbnails you've already seen, now pay us money!"
It used to be a lot easier to find sick shit back then. I just recently hopped in Tor again for the first time since like 2011 and it's a hell of a lot tamer today. The feds v&'d everything
You don't know how to Tor yet. Lurk more.
It is harder to find now, but it is by no means gone. It is just very carefully protected from the Feds, which is why using Tor is much different than it used to be when you used it before. Good boards are still plentiful, but there are no links to them published anywhere. No links are publicly shared. They are privately shared between trusted anons. You have to get to know anons and they have to get to know you. Your next question is "How can that happen in a totally anonymous environment?" It is actually pretty simple, and if you pay attention and lurk like you are supposed to you will pick it up fairly quickly if you have half a brain. If not, you are out of luck.
The DD video is far worse tbh
Obviously not. That manner of writing, where the extremeness of the act keeps escalating as the sentence goes on is very telling of it being made up on the spot. Reminds me a lot of The Aristocrats joke.