I realize that I'm wasting my life and livelihood, sitting on the computer letting life flash by me...

I realize that I'm wasting my life and livelihood, sitting on the computer letting life flash by me. I slam the lid of my laptop shut. I think, "Now what?" There's nothing.

That image is why I became neet. Just relax, get comfy, get a nice blanket and just keep refreshing the catalog.

Is there something specific you want out of life? Think about it, and determine what it is you want for your future. After you have decided, start by setting some easily attainable goals that will put you on the path to success. As you complete these goals, start aiming higher. There will be some failures, and some really tough defeats but I know that if you just keep pushing forward you can accomplish the thing which you want to accomplish.

Listen to Hex: he knows all about failing at life.

I also know a little about success. By success I mean what it takes to climb back up out of this pit of misery that we have all ended up in. Let me tell you a little bit about my goals, and what I'm doing to accomplish them. My main goal above all other goals is to get married. To achieve that goal I had to meet girls worth marrying, and get a job. Meeting girls worth marrying was obviously the hardest part, but I got lucky that some sister missionaries came to my door and showed me they still exist. This was the start of my journey almost 1 year ago.

By joining the church I've been able to meet plenty of nice girls. Next step was getting a job, that proved to be a lot harder than I thought since I had no previous work experience. I decided just a few days ago to take a warehouse job. While I work this warehouse job I'll tweak my resume to list them as my employer, and start applying for other jobs again.

Last night I went to a movie night where. The girl I'm interested in came. She was extremely happy for me that I got a job, and we spent almost the entire night together. Next step is to ask her on a date as soon as I have some money.

So if I can accomplish this much from the pit of failure that I was in, this user can accomplish his goals as well.

you will work your ass off your whole life; (she will wait until you have something to take). She will take everything you have and kick you to the curb, having found someone younger and dumber to fuck her stretched out skank holes.

good luck, you'll need it.

t. MGTOW male feminist


You guys are the cat ladies of men except instead of cats you will have body pillows, fleshlights and onaholes.

All the while autistically screeching about how sex robots are coming to replace women some day in the very near future

MGTOW are faggots tbh


Hey guys I'm trying to write out a life goal for myself and it's kind of hard to do that with the (1) in my peripheral vision that corresponds to MGTOW bickering.

You have more awareness than most people out there.
Now go for a run!

My advice is that you look into the future, by interviewing some guys in their 50's and 60's. They will tell you how it feels to waste 30 years of your life trying to be normal. :D

You sound upset that this may happen. Do you have to support the chad leftover women or something? Why are you so upset that guys don't want used up goods?

Go be fat in some other thread, please. I'm trying to write here and you're being very distracting.

Because somehow you're supposed to be happy with a girl who's face has been cummed on by untold numbers of men

what are you writing, user?

I meant this post.

A life goal for myself. It's all big and beautiful and stuff.

I'm just trying to tell you that dreams don't last, because they don't correspond to reality. You think that your dream is real, go ask someone that is 10 years into a marriage and see what reality is like.

…take care buddy sorry for the pain.

I responded to the wrong post and they took away the delete button, sorry pal.

How long has it taken you to write wat little you have?

Honestly though, you don't need to chase after women to make something of yourself. Instead, you should forsee accomplishing a goal that you envision yourself doing. Wanting women is fine, but in my opinion, that is something that is lower priority. Once you become successful, women will start to flock to you. The whole gist of MGTOW is to make something of yourself that doesn't involve women.

If your only goal in life is to chase women, then this is the reason why you're here in the first place. You have to make real accomplishments before you start to attract women.

I told you, your bickering is distracting me and my train of thought. I have a hard enough time formulating my thoughts in complete silence without constant flashing and hostile emotion.

Because women want to be taken care of. Even the sweetest girl grows up and changes. When you bring a kitten home, eventually the house will be over run with cats, and someone has to pay for that. When something beyond your control happens in life, the bills keep coming. Money will become the deal breaker.

don't worry about it, enjoy you dream, all young birds have to learn to fly.

You're on some next level shit user. If i copy and write back what you say will that also appear in my voice and break your silence?

Don't you understand? Not all women are bad! They just didn't realize that they were actually good church women until they hit age 40, started getting ignored by almost all men in general, and got told by chad to fuck off when she tried to fuck him. Marry up, pal, or you're a male feminist loser!

The longer you spend away from a computer, and the more you do outside, the more reasons you will discover to stay away from computers.
I spent almost a year away from computers, beside checking my email as my only form of long distance communication between once a day and every few weeks.
It was the best time of my adult life.
Find outdoor pursuits and passions.
More recently, I only had a small tablet for email for 3 years, and used computers only a few times a week for specific tasks.

It's like they think we give a shit about being called this or something.

Most people have an addictive mind. People who get stuck on the computer have that. They are kinda the same as people get get suck on sticking their dick in many holes. In a seance, It all kinda boils down to addictive nature.

(implying the prime goal of every male isn't to procreate) Here's a goal: to be accepted by members of a community unconditionally, on account of my skill and despite my unorthodoxy. In my experience you don't have to be particularly skilled to be perceived as such by laymen, and said laymen are more likely to accept your cockamamie opinions because they see you as an authoritative source, so the delimiting factor here is putting myself in the community in the first place. Tough chance of that happening if you think about the entirety of your relation with a person before you even attempt to introduce yourself to them. So in order to achieve the goal of being accepted thus not live in misery, one has to not be autistic. So how do I do that?

Not sure if you replied to the wrong post, but I completely agree with you.

The thing is, they don't need us men for that anymore, especially when they have the government to pay for them to do nothing. The government has become their collective sugar daddy. It's the reason why men are the net tax-payers, and women benefit the most from taxes.
I think this explains why so many men are left alone, and why there are so many broken families. Everyone's been left with no purpose or role, and all of us are the aftermath of this problem.

Yeah, it's pretty sad that they're still projecting this hard. Makes you wonder if they really are this fucking retarded, especially when a "male feminist" means a man who supports feminism.

How about a male woman?

It's kinda getting boring now trying to trigger them. All they do is repeat the same things over and over with nothing new. As time go's on we keep coming out with new content to try to get a rise out of them but i fear they wont challenge us anymore.

I like to counter with "These guys are defending women so much they have become what they fuck". kinda like you are what you eat.

ingles es dificil, ¿no?


All young sheep have to learn to fly.

Sheep don't fly idiot…

you need to die

you do know that to know and acknowledge the female psyche is to know that 3DPD are hypergamous mercenaries that are incapable of romantic love, and will only ever be able to see you as a tool to be used for her ends, and the second you are no longer useful to her, she will want you gone, to make way for the next male she can use.

I don't care what you think

hypergamy is a universal among all genetic populations, and economic classes. If a 3DPD that wasn't hypergamous would be at an extreme disadvantage to the 3DPD that were hypergamous, thus hypergamy becomes prominent within all females, because it is such a useful instinct.

There is no NAWALT. If you can still want anything to do with 3DPD after learning they are biologically incapable of seeing you as anything other then a used toaster oven, good for you, I hope you use this knowledge to manipulate 3DPD to your benefit, but when speaking of this knowledge be precise and to the point, don't try to sugarcoat it, and misdirect with Shrek speak talking layers 'ad shit.

Yes i know that, most accomplished men know this. Only youngfags and idiots dismiss this. But we are going to replace them in about 30 years so who cares.

with what, in 30 years you'll be dead too.

why are you using my post, dickhead?


I told you cocksuckers that this wasn't the MGTOW thread. Make your own and fuck off there.

Not in 30 years, I'm not a sickfag like most people today, I take no pills.

start here

Trips posts an interesting arguement… totally absurdist crap, but interesting.