Hey Dysnomia, why don't you just fucking admit that these new rules have made things worse rather than better?
CP is still getting posted every day, your userbase has dropped another 100, and now anons are even more antagonistic than they were before.
Be a man for once…admit that you made a mistake, and put things back the way they were. And for fuck's sake get control of your mods!
Hey Dysnomia, why don't you just fucking admit that these new rules have made things worse rather than better?
Other urls found in this thread:
reported bh
he will never do any of that, because he is a faggot cuck to Yogaig.
Is there a new thread limit?
I haven't seen anything lately
This morning the hole board was full of Masha pictures and mods were asleep,literally.
Dude what we need is simple, delete the illegal shit and dont have blind hours with no mods, its that simple, i dont know why we cant implement this basic shit
were they lewds?
You can freaking find videos on pornhub and xvideos from time to time and with a freaking google search you can see 4000 pictures, its more mainstream than gore videos at this point
Still bad for the site to have cp up fron an hour or so
Dysnomia is so great. I remember in 2016 when he temporarily banned me because I came onto here and started saying that 4chan was better than Holla Forums.
Some of his underling mods were fighting with me too.
But I always appreciated Dysnomia, for he is not a diamond in the rough, but a shining warm star in the dark cold recesses of space.
Apparently it is not as simple as you make it out to be.
First, ask yourself what kind of person would want to be a vol here. (Keep in mind that the only working mod tool you get is deletion.) Then try to find 12 of them. If you do manage to find 12 of them, then you can attempt the really hard part: getting them to consistently and accurately do their job. If you somehow miraculously are able to do that remember one more thing…Dysnomia changes the rules more often than he changes his underwear.
Honestly, no capable mod would ever want to mod for Dysnomia, and incapable mods can not be reasonably expected to keep up with the BO's autistic tendencies to fuck with the rules and settings all the time.
So it is far from "simple" user. It is so intractably complex as to be unsustainable.
I have modded at high volume websites before, and even with tools that work and a staff that is on the ball, nothing about it is ever "simple".
Thus proving you correct.
He is a floating warm turd in the dark cold water of a portable toilet.
That Siberian Mouse set was pretty good tbh.
But that April set is always disgusting tbqh, she had a fucking pacifier.
I never understood the attraction to her, tbh.
She has the nastiest roastie pussy.
It looks like it belongs on a 60 yo hooker.
I'm not here to be proven correct. I go on imageboards because years ago I was pushed away from namefag sites in one way or another, and also because I find imageboards fun. I can relate to guys a lot easier on them.
The whole thing was just playful fun, Dysnomia was one of the more merciful admins I dealt with if you count my time on forums years ago.
Imageboards are fun and if you go into them expecting them to be garbage then their negative content doesn't really matter.
That is true. But if you are on one that isn't garbage until a shitstain autist becomes BO and turns the place into his own personal Poo Street, it is a much different story.
I told you they would, why did you vote on them if you don't like them?
I loathe Dysnomia, and these rules. But I actually disagree with you. Now they have been set they should not be changed for the promised six months. Rapidly changing rules and enforcement is a large component of the recent problem.
The problem with the rules is that they were made from votes composed of LARPing, samefagging mods, samefagging users, Goons who just want to see Holla Forums die, and were between three choices, one of which combined something almost no one wanted (allow everything) with something most people were neutral or positive about (allow pedos)
The election was rigged, so we ended up with bad ruled. Part of this could have been fixed by instead asking: Allow pedos: yes or no. Allow flooding: yes or no. Allow commercial spam: yes or no.
The reason the mods didn't do this is because they wanted the outcome they got. But changing the rules again immediately isn't the answer. A few simple steps will fix this.
1: Fire Dysnomia
2: Jim, stop jamming pig dicks into mod assholes.
3: Make fair referendums as described above. Don't mix issues.
4: Allow the voting page to stay up for a full week.
5: Mods are forbidden from voting.
The source of your problems is you can't get rid of pedos. The vote was rigged against them anyway because the only option for keeping pedos also allowed spam. I get your thinking, remove pedos, remove any real reason to post cp, but it's never gonna work. If you knew it wasn't gonna work, why did you try anyway?
Agreed. Personally, I'm starting to think they only held the "vote" because now they get to throw it in our faces every time we complain about the rampant bullshit. Idk, I just hope they realize this isn't gonna fly before Holla Forums actually dies.
Because the pedos manipulated the fucking vote, you stupid fuck. Did you expect this vote to be fair or are you that fucking retarded?
That's exactly the reason they held the vote.
Yes, the pedos manipulated the vote until it came out "disallow pedos"
It didn't matter if we intervened or not. The vote was biased from the start but there's nothing wrong with 'winning' by a land slide. Do you think the pedos didn't vote? Did you vote? Are you pretending to be stupid? Go back to your first post and tell me I'm wrong.
You're wrong. You're saying pedos voting is what caused the present pedo-hostile rule set.
And you know this for a fact? How do you know this because it's not hard to samefag a thread and it's especially not hard to manipulate an already biased poll. You even said in your first post that
Once again are you pretending to be stupid?
They manipulated it to disallow themselves?… that doesn't sound right to me unless its some next level trolling.
Nigger anyone can get on tor and have 000000 id. At least I think that's the point he's making
How can you be this dumb and still breathe?
Item 1: There's no reason for pedos to vote anti-pedo
Item 2: The results were anti-pedo
Therefore if the pedos manipulated the poll more than the anti-pedos they did so against their own interests.
Manipulating the the results of an already bias poll is not hard at all. By disallowing themselves we/they make it seem like 'we were keeping the 4chan cancer out' but in reality I, a pedo have been making 4chan threads relentlessly along with meta threads.
Now everyone thinks we're needed. A little planning goes a long way.
See above.
You said it yourself. I don't know why you're trying to convince me otherwise.
Omlet and I wanted to settle on something and stick with it, so we allowed a community vote, and this is the way it is now. Next time we do a vote we can make the rules section have a lot more choice.
I'm not sure if Tor votes were counted and I know for a fact that Omlet only counted votes from users that had a post history on Holla Forums, not just (1) board wide (aka VPN spoofs)
You think we don't already know that? We do, its not against the rules. If you want to attempt to turn this place into 4chan and blame us that's your own thing, you're only making it worse for everyone else.
Why would I vote via Tor? I'm only using Tor services because one of your nigger volunteers will ban my VPN IP.
Well no shit that's fucking trivial. If you want to samefag put a little more effort.
Yet I still get banned for it, go figure.
You can't stop me that's why you're telling me "go for it." It is obvious you have no control over the users, don't pretend anymore.
So you rigged the vote, and asked your userbase which is full of trolls what they wanted? I'm not buying it, you clearly just want to get rid of pedos. Like I said, I understand your logic, but in practice, this board is dying. 95% of pph is spam, or meta threads like this filled with people trying to get you to stop. If you want to kill the board, then there's nothing we can do about it, but the problem would be solved overnight by just letting pedos do their thing.
He spammed last night without complication
The problem I was referring to was the current state of Holla Forums. The cp problem is solved by having at least one mod active at all times. That's easier said than done, but banning people for just saying "I'm pedo" isn't gonna solve anything, especially not with things like vpns and tor
reported for greentxt banned phrase
reported for linking a post with the banned phrase in it
At least the fact that he's still spamming CP proves he's either not a goon, or is a goon whose objectives aren't against pedos but are against Holla Forums
Reported for linking to a post linking to a post with the banned phrase
We have enough vols to cover the whole day yet CP spam is still a problem. What we need are dedicated volunteers who aren't fucking retards and know what they're doing instead of the bunch of retards we have now.
I don't know why you'd do that in the first place. Fair enough the rules say "No pedos" but a fucking thought crime shouldn't be bannable. What the fuck is this? 1984?
Midget threads were primarily created by Ox himself and the CP spam was, you guessed it right created by him too. I have every fucking right to conflate these two because it's relevant and factual.
He's a pedo goon.
no shit idiot, this spam all started because the mod utilities were changed.
Thats the only thing we need, no less no more
And no this isn't a ploy to get a volunteer spot on this shit hole of a board. Why would I want to be a volunteer when I know what's to come? I'm not that fucking lonely I need to power trip on Holla Forums.
Literally no one thought that you pathetic faggot
I'm not sure you know that definition of that word.
No, you allowed a vote. A 24 hour vote only of people who bothered to venture into the sticky thread, which most people don't do because of their reputation as being the threads where you attention whore and the CP spammers post their worst. Besides, most anons don't even show up once a day any more. So you didn't hold a community vote, you held a very limited sub-community vote. Plus everything that and said about the options is correct. They were not genuine options from the get-go. "Get rid of pedos" for example. That isn't a real option, and it never was. Getting rid of any type of poster is not an option.
So you and Omlet wanted to settle on something and stick with it, which is great. But the only thing your vote succeeded in doing was alienating more users. Everything your "community" voted against is still here, that hasn't changed! The only thing that has changed is the rampant over-reaching deletions and banning by your quasi-trained monkey vols.
And now instead of calling it off and going back to the way things were you want to have another vote? Because in your mind if you do it again it won't be rigged from the outset, it won't be manipulated by anons multi-voting, and it will make a difference in the content because through some voting magic you will be bestowed suddenly with the power to control what gets posted here and what doesn't, is that it?
Look, Dys…all you can do is delete. You can make rules via voting or make them via decree, it doesn't fucking matter because rules don't control what gets posted. You are trying to use a screwdriver to pound nails with this approach. Make the rules reflect the reality, and quit trying to be all things to all people. Global rule 1 violations get deleted, posters of those get range banned. Everything else is allowed. Let the whiners whine. Let the shitposters shitpost. It will be ugly, sure. But it is ugly now. And if you do this at least some fun will return to the board.
Honestly, have you really had any fun here since the vote?
This is your board. If YOU aren't having any fun with it the way it is, then just change it back to how it was when you were having fun with it. It isn't Omlet's board. It is yours. You let him influence you and now you aren't having any fun with your own board. It was nice of you to humor him, that is cool, but it didn't work out the way you had hoped. So don't double down on a mistake by holding another vote on things that you can't even control. Put it back to how it was when you were having fun, and leave it there.
Go to the rules page, you can look through the archvies and count the votes yourself. You'll even notice that I didn't vote for the way it is right now.
The alternative was proxy voting
Agreed, but that's what they've been doing.
The problem getting vols 24/7 is there is no incentive for them to be reliable about their schedule.
So in other words a lot of people didn't vote are mad that they didn't vote?
Sucks to suck, maybe people will realize their vote matters next time.
Paid mods… you say?
egg boy only counted the votes he wanted to count, there is no alternative
egg boy is mad hes not Holla Forums's admin but thankfully dys is a cuck so he can still run the board as if he was BO
I'll vote to pay a mod, as long as it's Ox
Hey dipshit. Why are you still posting here and shitting up the nerve center with Holla Forums's aids infested corpse? Move on already Faggot
Why dont we just go back to the dogma as less interference as possible?
And make a rule that MODSS posts will be autoperma ban
How does this sound?
I absolutely refuse to change anything back to the way it was before Jan 2019 unless a LOT of people really wan to revote, and right now the only people that are really bitching is you who is just going to say "XDD told u he'd change it in a week". It really sucks to be you though.
you are a part of his fidget spinner.
:^) no
I demand a fair revote. Precisely six months after the original. And I demand it include a referendum to demod you.
Again, the vote was rigged against pedos. As far as your vote is concerned, unless you voted for the one option that kept pedos (and spam), that means nothing. Idk why you're so hung up on the vote anyway, you're faced with a problem, and the solution is simple. If you cave and let non cp spamming pedos do their thing, the only thing you have left to deal with is cp. If you remain stubborn and keep banning people just for being pedos, they're gonna continue driving the board into the ground until everyone else leaves. Right now you have two separate problems - the backlash from banning pedos, and cp spam. One is simple to fix, and the other only has one real solution - have at least one mod on at all times. Seems pretty cut and dry to me as to what you should do.
No, not really, that isn't the point. They decide what gets deleted. Sure you can spam and throw a fit but we'll delete it, you can't stop that.
Faggot the Sticky was clearly labeled as the vote thread and it stayed up for 3 days. Not to mention all of Holla Forums was making mention of it in the other threads. If you want pizza go to the dark web pedofag
I did, and I honored the vote even though I lost it.
reported for telling people where to get cp
still butthurt someone cracked your trip, faggot?
Just look at the spicy doggo assfuck that tub of garbage in the back, it was called maria Rosa Lilia lira galera
Okay, but that doesn't address what I was saying. You keep bringing up the vote as evidence this is what we all wanted, but if you actually look at the board, the number of people happy with the current rules are vastly outnumbered. You have the power to fix things, I just wish you'd use it. People are gonna shit on you regardless of what you do, but if you keep trying to alienate such a huge part of your userbase, this place really will die
The only logical thing to do is do the opposite of what's logical.
t. dysnomia
Those people should have voted. If they want to re-host a vote before next year I suggest they all gather into a thread together and discuss among themselves.
Year check? Can I get a year check please?
-grabs him by the throat- back teh fuck off!?!?
back off, choffer
Reported for ban evasion.
Also I am a pedo.
Also in recent news Wells Fargo received a slap on the wrist for committing identity theft on a massive scale. Any group the size of their board of directors responsible for that scale an attack against the economy should all go to a maximum security prison until they died under RICO laws. Instead they'll be shuffled a few levels down the Old Boy's Club hierarchy, not for committing the crime but for being caught.
Oh never mind, I see what you are saying…no changes until 2019. It wasn't clear what you were saying.
You are assuming that Holla Forums will be around that long as is. I am not so confident as you about that.
t. pedo
true but how many anons actually liked it like that?
if its truly enough then I might.
t. TorPedo fag
It isn't their board, it is yours. If only one person is having fun on your board, it damn well ought to be you, don't you think?
Who's to say I'm not? All this complaining is giving me Loosh.
basically, they don't have enough computers
Oh fug
I don't think you're having fun tbqh.
If you really want to be democratic about it, then hold another vote, only this time, leave it up for like a week, and give us the option to vote on each issue. Personally, I didn't vote because it was clearly rigged against pedos, because the only option to let pedos stay was also a vote to keep spam. nobody wants spam, so anybody who doesn't care about pedos but does care about spam is gonna pick an option that gets rid of pedos. If you hold a legitimate vote instead of a clearly slanted one, and people still vote to get rid of pedos, it won't seem so hollow when you hold it up as evidence that this is what we wanted.
Maybe you are, maybe you aren't, I can't say. But my point is that you shouldn't put what anons want over what you want any more than you should be putting what Omlet wants ahead of what you want. It is YOUR board, and you should do whatever you have the most fun with and let everybody else fend for themselves. Anons' fun is not your responsibility. What they like shouldn't be the main reason you do something to the board. It is not their board, it is yours. Let them complain. Let them bitch. As long as this board has your name on it, it should be primarily for your enjoyment, not primarily for anyone else's. If others want to hang out while you have a good time, great. If not…oh well.
I'm going to samefag the vote again. Feel free to not count my votes, that is if you can identify them.
God forbid I post a sticky!
i'll sticky it tbh
I will say that the last time that I specifically remember you having fun was at least a year ago when you were turning the IDs on and off and laughing at how anons' brains were exploding. Now, I don't find that funny myself, but you clearly did. That is the last time I can specifically remember you having fun here.
Thanks hex. I always could rely on you.
i only say that because a lot of anons are complaining that it wasn't up for very long. if you leave little to no room for complaint about the vote, you legitimize it. right now, what you have is a vote that looks illegitimate, and nobody takes you seriously when you keep holding it up as evidence that we are the ones responsible for this.
We need to get rid of these pedos tbh. I fucking hate pedos.
Personally i stopped putting any effort into this site since the faggot mods usually delete threads that have actual discussion instead of retarded meme rambling.
lol internet
Don't lie. You never put effort in.
This tbh I saw his post history.
Is this some meme that I missed out on, or is it just polniggers seeing people under 30 and thinking it's CP? I've been on imageboards since 2005 or 2006 and I've seen CP in an actual post maybe 1 or 2 times, which is the consequence you'd expect when people with free will are allowed to post whatever they want on a public place anonymously. Perhaps your kind would find reddit or some cancerous forum a better place. Why do you even care if CP is posted? It only matters for administration purposes. If you want to comply to law and not have your website taken down, you need to remove CP and other illegal content. It's absolutely not your concern. Are you some cucked faggot who's scared the police are gonna come raid your house because you so happened to visit the same website that some nigger posted CP on? Would you actually put up with that bullshit in court? I don't like seeing goatse and traps every 5 minutes but I don't claim the world is ending because of it.
People usually say "mods mods mods" so they can justify why they're in the thread in the first place.
Bullshit. mods mods mods is nothing more or less than shitposting and/or bumping a thread whilst pretending not to
Nah, i was going to put effort into a thread about constitutions when it got hotpocketed. Also thanks for letting me know you save people’s post history. This is my last post on this site.
You're just adding to my initial point.
Sad that you couldn't handle the banter here. Maybe reddit is the place for you.
Normalfags out.
oh, hey Snax
Normalfag ex-redditors must go back. Get out!!
I've been thinking lately about how much things have changed in my life over the past few months, and as much as I have wanted to help the board you may have done me a major favor. I was already sorta on the right track, but I spent almost all my time moderating Holla Forums. If I was still moderating Holla Forums I wouldn't have gotten a job, and if I hadn't gotten a job I wouldn't have had such a great night last night at the movie night I went to. So thanks for that.
and now carry on with pedo vs anti-pedo thread
Shut the fuck up Hex.
no u
fug :-DDD
with friends?
Yeah. I got invited by a friend from church, and I went because I was hoping the girl I liked would be there. She was. I told her the news about the job, and she was really excited for me. We spent almost the entire night together.
Bring back the midgets tbh.
I thought all the midgets were at Summer Camp?
you are mom
Save the White Race, hex!.
You know Happy Valley is a place in PA right?
Working on it tbh. I'll get one of these cute white Mormon girls. I'm hoping it's her. There are other options, but there's something about this girl. I don't start work for a couple more weeks. I want to ask her out right now, but I think I should probably wait until after I get my first paycheck.
proof of what?
How are those chans still up?
my threads are always the best threads
what kind of job?
Just a part time warehouse job.
Professional masturbater
better than nothing I guess. But what happened to the programming tbh?
They're legitimately run by LEA.
If I'm a professional, I'm sure not getting paid like it. Maybe I need to ask myself for a raise.
No one wants someone that hasn't ever worked a job in their entire life. I'm just doing this job to put it on my resume
Or they'd rather higher Pajeets instead
Why are you online on the Sabbath? That is a SIN! You'll never become a god of your own planet this way!
Yeah there's that too. h1b needs to be dismantled and pajeets sent back to their designated shitting streets.
It's not Sunday in Utah tbh. And even if it were, being online isn't a violation of the sabbath day. Although you are correct in that it isn't the most holy thing I could be doing.
proof you talked to a real girl for more than a minute
does the left hand count?
Of course I don't have proof of that, but it shouldn't be that hard to believe. I talk to real girls every day. She wasn't even the only girl I talked to last night for more than a minute. Today I hung out with the sister missionaries for an hour and talked about the Bible. Tomorrow I'll go to church and talk to all kinds of girls, the missionaries told me that I need to meet some girl that's apparently somewhat new to the ward. So I'll go and introduce myself. They showed me a picture, and she's pretty cute. Dunno how I didn't see her last week.
Impossible. As a pedo I'm scared of women my own age.
I'm 98% sure that post is ironic
It's pretty easy with Mormon girls tbh. The ones I have met are so nice that even if you are a total sperg you should be able to talk to them.
I'm a pedo.
Do we still get banned for saying we're pedos?
We will know soon
I just checked the logs and yep ypu still get banned for saying you're a pedo.
tbh that's pretty stupid. I'm only banning pictures.
I guess even with the ruleset there isn't consistency even among mods.
remedy: An autist who gives 24 hour bans to people posting cp. Has absolutely no clue what he's doing.
Way: Permbans anyone. Trying to be that hotpocket but in reality he's just a retarded gook avatarfag who didn't know what he was getting into when he applied.
mailman/Crosswalk/PassRequest/NTSB: Probably the most competent one out of these retard volunteers.
JimmyRustles: Your tripcode goes into the Name field not the subjectfield, you fucking retard.
emerakul: Terminally retarded. No other words can describe him.
xski: Vol account was deleted (?)
Oooh do me next!
Attention whore. Creator and sole maintainer of his own ED article. Ghostposts in to praise himself from multiple IPs. Plays Overwatch.
You forgot Omlet
dysnomia: The one and only tard wrangler. Need I say more?
Omlet: Had some good times and had some bad times. Respect for shoving things up your ass but you're still a faggot, a 'respectable' faggot.
It wasn't reddit, FAGGOT. It was namefag sites like forums, youtube, etc.
Keeping the board how it is will continue driving anons away. How much longer can you afford the userbase to diminish? We hit single digit pph again this week, and it looks like we'll dip down into the 700's for UIDs this coming week.
Shitcan all this emotional bullshit for 2 seconds. Math doesn't lie. Things were stabilizing statistically before these new "rules" went into effect. Now they are steadily dropping again. Plot it out on a graph. See for yourself. OP is right when he said that this idea has made things worse, and the math proves it. If it doesn't plateau, Holla Forums won't make it six months, let alone a year. If it does plateau, will it do so soon enough to have 100 anons still lurking?
That's even worse. Forums lol, fucking normalfag central. Youtube lol, wtf.
Ohh look, CP in the catalog again. These new rules are great!!! Not.
Really appreciate all the concern the pedo's have for the quality of Holla Forums. Please, keep complaining about it.
T. oldfag laughing at you every fucking thread while you piss in the ocean of piss and pine for lemonade
What don't you get about that faggot
Yeah, I'm not proud of it at all.
I think the rules are fine the way they are right now but I want to know if anyone wants me to revert the board settings back to the way they were before? Let it be known
(10/25 pages, 750 bump limit, no ID, no thread limit, user post deletion, early 404, etc and or any combination of on/off of those settings)
Holla Forums needs only 2 rules and they only need apply directly to hotpockets, on pain of castration or worse
1 delete asap all kiddy pics. ban repeat posters
2 delete asap spam aimed at sliding the catalog or derailing a thread. ban bots and repeat offenders
give Holla Forums back to the userbase before there is no longer a Holla Forums nor a userbase to clinch the deal
This is pretty much exactly the way it's set up, minus the part where derails are an offense (you can't really remove a derail on Holla Forums without removing a whole thread)
she is special
bring HW back tbh
dubs command
Listen to the mormon. He knows best.
anons pls
Why did you inbred faggots, deleted the Nicole thread?
I deleted it so I could make a new thread. Nicole threads are against the rules.
only real women allowed
you can't be serious right now? Are you?
that is so transphobic. Back to Reddit, i guess
hex is an idea. I am every user on Holla Forums tbh
so much this.
We are legiun!
expoct us
get a handle on the more trigger happy vols and be patient. you're good so far
100% absolute serious. Nicole threads are cancerous reposts and have always been removed.
Go post them on Holla Forums or something.
not true and (you) now it, fag
No, KNOW for a fact it's true because I remove them, and have been doing so for 2 years.
Yes, mock my spelling, you cunt. Because thats the only thing you can do. Smear me.
there's some confusion here because i switched ips this and this are one fag.
Dysnomia is destroying the pedos. All hail, Dysnomia.
Dysnomia is destroying Holla Forums. Its almost he is working with 4cucks, to drive anons from here to their site.
Unless I'm thinking of someone else, the individual you're referencing wouldn't have the time to moderate here, much less lurk, what with his electronic-music weebfag-in-Japan lifestyle.
Polite sage for off-topic.
You are an idea?
Looks to me like you are a tripfagging pseudo-Christian attention whore. This board could use less of that idea, tbh.
B-but there was a vote! It's therefore what we want! Definitely not rigged vote trumps all other evidence
God dammit stop lying to me, Holla Forums! Ain't no fuckin' CP around here.
Anime lolicon != CP
Bring on the real CP, then we'll talk.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Volunteers don't have access to the settings page
Reported for requesting CP and possibly being a pedo.
That's dysnomia you fucking retard.
Prove it, faggot.
Look at IDs you faggot.
REAL CP is still being posted on Holla Forums every single day.
You don't see it because it has almost always been deleted in the fashion it always should have been…quickly. There was an exception the other morning, but it has been an exception.
The fact that you haven't seen something does not mean it doesn't exist, user.
That shouldn't surprise anyone. He has never lived up to any promise he has made to the anons.
His biggest problem is how easily manipulated he is. Ron, Jim, Omlet, anons, he gets played like a freaking accordian because he is so afraid of disappointing people that he can be led around by anyone who cares to do it. I lost a lot of respect for Omlet due to this whole bullshit vote thing. He knew perfectly well that Dysnomia didn't want to do it, but he talked him into doing it anyway. And now that it has turned into a total buttfucking, he is leaving Dysnomia to take the heat for it. That is bullshit IMO.
Dysnomia should put the rules where he wants them and tell everyone else to go get fucked. He won't though, because he hasn't got any spine at all. If he did, he would have told Jim and Ron to fuck off ages ago.
There are no "## Board Owner" posts ITT. IDs don't mean diddly shit. There was only one post by the "## Board Volunteer".
If you don't like the rules
This is definitely bait.
It's interesting going back and seeing what was deleted. If we assume he only deleted his own posts, that means the majority of anons shilling for him were actually just him. It's really sad, everything everyone says about him keeps turning out to be true.
It's also pretty likely he deleted everything cause of guy makes a good point, and dysfag did indeed say that. Perhaps he thought that by deleting his own comments, he'd make the thread look smaller than it actually is
Welcome to Holla Forums.
I didn't used to believe any of it either.
I used to defend him.
"Give him the benefit of the doubt", I would say.
Anymore if you showed me legit pics of him taking Jim's cock in his ass I would not be surprised.
If you don't like an user's post
Well shit, you got me there! rules revoked.
I can't tell if this is bait or not.
An edgy rule breaker. Fight the system!! Perfect for the cucks at half chan. Don't forget your mask, faggot.
Nvm it's not bait.
I'd guess it is, but it looks like the thread limit is gone as there are now 6 pages? Quick, someone say you're a pedo and see if you get banned
I'm a pedo.
I'd like to have sexual intercourse with a pre pubescent child. Sexual intercourse including but not limited to oral, vaginal and anal intercourse.
Little girls are extremely attractive and I wouldn't mind ejaculating on a little girl's face or flat chest tbh.
Most of the anons in here complaining are fucking dirty pedo's. Dysolove should just cull the lot.
Normal anons want you gone.
Reported forever
Y mad
Three pedos and 75 VPNs
It's safe to come out brothers.
Are we allowed to spam gooks though.
Post more pictures similar to this one
Guess what, SJW? This board is not about what you want. It is not your board. It is Dysnomia's board and he makes the rules not you or your puritanical friends. If you had any brains whatsoever, you would know that it doesn't matter what the rules are anyway. The only way to stop pedos from posting CP here is to pull the plug on the whole board. I am sure if that were to happen though, you would find a way to bitch about it loudly enough for everyone to hear.
t. pedo
uh huh.
Why'd you delete >>7743903
Ah then your got changed to you're
Well color me purple and call me Jennifer, that was unexpected.
Props to Dysnomia for following through on his word.
my spelling too. fucking jinxed me
Precisely. I can vouch for cbad45's testimony; in addition to the Masha shit, there was an earlier flood with only 1-2 CP images per thread, effectively bumping each thread on the board in turn.
Just so you know I'm not full of shit, those of you who saw it can back me up on this, it featured a grade-school-aged blonde girl and an adult male. It was up for a surprisingly long time tbhfam.
I'll believe it when despite a CP shitstorm or two pedos are still allowed to post three weeks from now.
this reveals already that the active userbase is tiny. the 900 figure in stats is waaay off
Dys just lurches from one extreme to the other and now the pedos are back. the past few days confirmed that vols can stifle them if given clear enough instructions, then he enables their return on the pretext of a user-outreach-poll thingy about settings
the pedos are few. stand up to them ffs. they will envermin somewhere.else as soon as it's an easier target than Holla Forums
it would help if Dys had some decent vols, btw. has he never feared that he may be as dull-minded as them?
He is not so dull minded as to attempt to turn the word "vermin" into a verb.
Not a single one ever left, you retard.
it's called a neologism. brighter minds look for meaning before form
No, more creative minds look for meaning before form. Brighter minds and more creative minds are not necessarily one and the same. Brighter minds communicate more effectively by using words that are most accurate and readily understood by the majority of their audience. They don't just make shit up.
Creative minds make shit up, including a fancy word to describe it when they are making shit up so that it doesn't sound as retarded as "making shit up".
thus spake a dullard
what irks you is that i describe pedos as vermin. the rest is just writhing on the scaffold
would you mind allowing other topics than paedophilia? this is a meta thread
How the fuck do you know what irks me? Are you a mind reader? No, I thought not.
If you had an ounce of literacy in your brain you would have already read that I agreed with your anti-pedo position. I agree that they are vermin. That opinion does not irk me in the least. What irks me is that you do such a horrible job of masquerading as literate and intelligent. It is embarrassing, even by Holla Forums standards.
So you are wrong. Not about pedos, but about me and about yourself.