Are Pigs Kino?

Spoiler: They Are.

May I have some kino, brother?


they're so like us




Pigs are the best.

Pigs aren't anything like inbred britons.

Jim is so cute

did someone say pig thread?

I'd fuck that pig. Someone post those couple of images where her box body doesn't look so bad.

Did you know pigs pass the mirror test before dindus?

How the mighty has fallen :'(

Chimps too ;)


pigs are objectively better than dogs
they even taste better


how will shitskins ever recover

Holla Forums pls. Seal is based af.


Trully w*man are the jews of the genders

please post more pigs



jews and mudslimes don't like them so they must be kino.

THIS goes in all fields!




fuck anarchishit



post it

You saved that silly picture a swell.

post what?

I sure did. It's adorable.

Very qt, saved too

This is a Jim-approved thread.

Fuck off, you flesheating meatcuck filth. This is what you pay for.

nice dubs

Vegan butthurt faggot detected, still getting gains? :^)

what did she mean by this?

No, I don't want that! ;_; Poor piggo…

Pigs can be kino but they also enjoy kino.

I should get a pig to watch movies with.

was this kino?

That's debatable. The first one certainly was.

Is this a meme?


you're a pig guy

That'll do, for me.

That's problematic.

lol nice way of saying non white

It's worse than that. It's not all "non-westeners" or non-whites, it's just Africans.

Netflix and wallow?

why he looks so sad?

Pretty sure that Arabs have a hard time with it too. Actual Arabs not the lighter ones in the Levant.

Netflix is shit.

Reminder that Jews Muslims and leftypol all hate cute piggos

pure coincidence, I'm sure

Reddipol hates pigs?
Are communists not allowed to eat bacon or own them as pets or something?

they hate pigs

When you're a social misfit and genetic rejection it's only natural to hate the police for protecting society from your parasitic behavior.


How does Holla Forums feel about p'orcs?

Okja isn't out yet.

Makes me sad that I'll never have a pigfriend.


reddipol is Holla Forums you newfag


it's already happened. the fact that reddipol is so desperate to try to subvert it is proof enough.


The original leftypol fags all got pushed out by the Tranny BO for being problematic




top lel, It's almost like you don't understand the free market

fixed that for you

checked and saved

The free market dictates that kikes will get to hoard all the shekels while pigs are tortured. Fuck the (((free market))).

(((Schlomo pls)))

Kikes love the free market, slave away goy an you might one day be apart of the tribe. They're using their nepotism to suck up wealth while everyone else has to compete with each other. This is the ideal society for parasites to thrive.

He's right. The free market led to the oligopoly we have now.

Fuck off, semite.