Where is the art? Where is the composition? Where is the joke?
Presenting a collection of low-energy memes from our retarded mixed-race cousin, Holla Forums.
Holla Forums OC
Other urls found in this thread:
For what purpose.
Hilarious Marxist comedy, of course.
Okay, I think the idea of Communist catgirls is funny, but their execution is shit.
What's whith the purple 'U' everywhere?
looks like faggot shit.
Why furfaggotry goes hand in hand with libshit ideologies?
I'm betting on so they could protect their degenerate values/muh porn.
if you stare at these for twelve hours you might catch a glimpse of their deep political undertones
If you look at their /leftykink/ thread ( >>>Holla Forums947015 / archive.fo
Don’t care.
I visited a stream every once in a while that made a habit of scrolling the first page of Holla Forums.
I was changed by the experience. I have never seen so many outright failures of humanity communicate together. It was halfway through their "OC" thread that I truly understood what a Holla Forumsack is, and took the last inch of redpill suppository I had been going through.
I don't want anyone to be killed in the coming chaos, but some many people need to die.
Found between hilarious responses to >>>Holla Forums948016 like pic related. It's an intelligent meme for intelligent memers about how Holla Forumsacks think capitalism magically creates commodities out of thin air.
Pic 3. Communism and Anarchism respectfully disagreeing. These fucking retards haven't even read something as basic as Orwell's "Homage to Catalonia", have they? I like the devious little creatures though, they're cute. Even invertebrates understand the importance of securing an existence for white larvae.
Trolling furfagdom for 12+ years taught me few things.
Or that my guesses are relatively accurate.
We had a dream that the bloodshed could be avoided by nature, but alas it was not to be. A nation that kills is own looses part of its soul, but it needs to happen somehow. If we could get them to start the race war we could be justified in winning it.
Use sage you fucking niggers.
This is so bad it make me want to lower the minimum wage.
It belongs in the trash and so does this thread.
Why? This thread is not pro >>>Holla Forums
Just wait until you see them blame capitalism for cuckolding and degenerate art.
We don’t give a shit about their degeneracy.
The only things they are capable of are subversion and destruction.
that does not make sense
The governments involvement in education and the arts created a massive influx of people WHO SHOULD NOT BE THERE!
The government manipulating the market destroyed art, not markets who place a value on GOOD ART!
at least half of them are literally shitskins can confirm
Checked digits.
Capitalism must be their bogeyman. It's obviously not perfect (can lead to market killing monopolies). That's why you have controls on it.
oh ffs
id like to see them argue how Bach, Beethoven and Orff were socialists I really do
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Man, deutsch/pol/ alone outproduced them both in quantity and quality of OC.
Truth is, Holla Forums is darker than Holla Forums.
Reported for promoting leftypol.
Remember when we hijacked their piggy?
It's such a huge sore spot for them that they unironically support any sperg who hates capitalism, including fedora-donning bum bands as seen in >>>Holla Forums931313
The Mighty Five were actually part of the Romantic Nationalist movement in Russia, iirc.
Vid related.
Oh yeah, we recently found out about their absolutely pathetic attempts at co-opting AfD-Chan.
Low energy doesn't even begin to describe it.
how pathetic. They didn't even get rid of the AFD logo in the hair.
So Holla Forums is a cargo cult?
How the fuck is the right most one not cultural marxism?
premium-grade doublethink
You're just now finding this out?
That Dank Memes webm never fails to make me cringe.
shitty i know but i speaks the truth i does
Because cultural marxism is "just a conspiracy theory" goy.
Color me shocked.
Come on now. Let's be real here.
You can't have Nationalism without race so this is shit.
Screencap didn't work, assembled one manually.
sorry lads im drunk and tired give me a break
working on speed here not artistic talent
It depicts some brand to make the rampant consumerism obvious.
I thought they were atheists :^)
Well, call me an old fuddy-duddy, but if the object of a person's affection has animal characteristics, I consider that person a furry. I mean where does it end? Does she just have ears and fangs or does she have little glands she can scent-mark things with? Does she shit in a litterbox? Does she have feline AIDS?
Nekomimi aren't furry, goon.
It may not magically create wealth but its the best system for allocating scarce resources really helps with not starving something most commies haven't given much thought to.
its cuteness
give a girl a cat ears head band and a fake tail and treat her like a kitten
its just cuteness roleplay only if they are cute, if a hambeast did this fetch the puke bucket
Commies generally don't have much experience with hardship or starvation until the glorious revolution introduces them to third world problems they never considered.
There are fetishes more revolting and degenerate than furry. Furry does attract a lot of those fetishes, but in and of itself it should be no worse than other queer fetishes. Furry is opposed because its adherents take it to the level that it becomes a lifestyle. If foot fags turned it into a community and ingrained it into their identity, I'd hate them just as much. Attributing a few cosplay items and tossing it into the furry bin is blatant tautological degradation..
Where did I defend furries? I don't want the furries to grow by feeding them more shit they can claim as their own.
I have problems debating socialists
mostly to do with the fact im drunk by the time im arguing with them
but apart from the odd shitskin they dont have a clue about suffering
danke AfD-chan
Sage isn't a downvote, newfriend.
Yes, dear.
Okay, so the Holla Forums thing is not supposed to be an actual hybrid but is, instead, some girl playing dress-up?
I'm allergic to cats, so I'll have to draw on my limited experience and guess that you don't roll them up in towels and bottlefeed them.
Better not click on the pics related, then.
I was wondering the same.
Most of these just stem from them knowing nothing about banking. If they knew how the banks worked, if they knew about usury, then they'd know that the reason capitalism has become the depraved, degenerate struggle for wealth at all costs is because of interest. In other words, the Jews.
They just don't know what we think. They just sort of assume we're fashy libertarians, I guess. Also, they kind of hilariously don't know anything about National Socialism,
Eternal reminder that they re-subbed anime with Marxist messages and tried to re-enter them into circulation without notification that anything had been changed.
Post yfw Holla Forums admits it can't stop thinking nasty racist thoughts
nah pet them, have them curl up in your lap, fake purr all that
no shitting in the litterbox roleplay unless you're degenerate
no idea tbh who knows how the commie mind operates
fist pics not so bad but the second pic would be a double chalker
The second one is so pretentious it is physically painful to watch.
I don't know.
Last one is right, capitalism does fuck over traditional art because it makes art into a commercial product that can have a target audience.
Now ask yourself, which is easier and gets you more shekels? Pandering to traditionalists and crafting a masterwork that truly represents natural beauty, or pandering to rich kikes and lefties and spray-painting "DIE CIS SCUM" on a toilet then pretending it means something only to auction it off to a rich subversive that will put it in his gallery to be appreciated by less rich useful idiots?
Socialism/Communism would have a similar effect, because all art would be controlled by the state.
its worse when you can make out 80% of what they're saying by ear
even the subs are spelled wrong, further reinforcing the theory leftypol is full of kikes, mudshits and niggers who cant even spreken ze english very well
Pick one.
These people are so pathetic.
gommie logic
Holla Forums is also a place for them to sound smart to each other. You'd only go there if you are already into socialism circlejerking.
Holla Forums, many people just come here for uncensored discussion. If they want neo nazi roleplay they go to stormfront.
Guess that doesn't address your point exactly. I think the main disagreement is the definition of "capitalism". They think capitalism will always devolve into corruption, therefore all capitalism is bad, which is a huge fallacy. Socialism can become corrupt too. It's really all about corruption, not the basic political system.
Yep, every leftard i've spoken to seems to think that any society where things can be owned = capitalism.
I've seen leftists call Venezuela "state capitalism" because people have private property.
Yep. It usually starts there. I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, but, yeah, they usually don't know what they're talking about enough to have an interesting discussion, anyway.
Damn straight we do.
Technically it's where you can own a business, so that's not completely wrong, but again it's the definition of words and the purity spiral. It's like someone calls something fascist. They have no clue what it means, what it was intended to be, it's just an insult for any politics/person they dislike and probably stems from parental issues.
I come here because this is the only thing thats entertaining anymore, also I have no friends
Do tell what sort of valuable information you could learn in your autistic mind?
These are fucking cancerous content, we know that Holla Forums is filled degenerates, autists and impotent faggots.
Or are you collecting pictures into your dank 9fag meme folder, lolberg folders and furfaggotry.
Besides you reek of Reddit you humongous faggot
fuck off, cuckchanner/Redditor/both
These people are beyond saving
They are idiots; what do you expect?
I was just going to caps lock, then I decided to red text but forgot to remove my preexisting text
you have been excused.
TRS plz go and stay go…